University of Richmond UR Scholarship Repository Music Department Concert Programs Music 10-25-1989 Capriole: Music of Claudio Monteverdi Department of Music, University of Richmond Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarship.richmond.edu/all-music-programs Part of the Music Performance Commons Recommended Citation Department of Music, University of Richmond, "Capriole: Music of Claudio Monteverdi" (1989). Music Department Concert Programs. 872. https://scholarship.richmond.edu/all-music-programs/872 This Program is brought to you for free and open access by the Music at UR Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Music Department Concert Programs by an authorized administrator of UR Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND CAPRIOLE MUSIC OF CLAUDIO MONTEVERDI (1567-1643) NORTH COURT RECITAL HALL OCTOBER 25, 1989 8:15 P.M. Department ofMusic University ofRichmond, V,rgtnia 23173 • (804) 289-8277 CAPRIOLE MUSIC OF CLAUDIO MONTEVERDI (1567-1643) NORTH COURT RECITAL HALL OCTOBER 25, 1989 8:15 P.M. Music of Claudio Monteverdi Ecco Mormorar l'onde Ecco mormorar I' onde The brook murmurs E tremolar le fronde and the leaves A I' aura mattutina and the young trees tremble e gli' arborselli. at the morning breeze. E sovra i verdi rami And above the green branches Cantar i vagh'augelli soavemente the pretty birds sing sweetly E rider l'Oriente. and the East smiles. Ecco gia l'alba appare Lo dawn appears already E si specchia nel mare and is reflected in the sea E rasserena il cielo and the sky is clear & calm E imperla il dolce gielo and adorns the sweet with pearls E gl' alti monti indora. and gilds the high mountains. 0 bella e vagha aurora! 0 beautiful charming dawn! L' aura e tua messagiera e tu de I' aura The breeze is your messenger, Ch'ogn'arso cor ristaura. and you tell of the breeze that restores every burnt heart. 0 come sei gentile 0 come sei gentile, caro augellino! How pretty you are, sweet little bird! 0 come e 'I mio stato amoroso al tuo simile. 0 how like yours is my state of love. Io prigion; tu prigion. I am a prisoner; you are a prisoner. Tu canti; io canto. You sing; I sing. Tu canti per colei che t'ha legato, You sing for her who bound you, Et io canto per lei. And I sing for her as well. Ma in questo e differente But here lies the difference La mia sorte dolente: in my mournful state: Che giova pur a te I'esser canoro Your sweet voice is your fortune, Vivi cantando et io cantando moro. and you singing live, while I singing die. Perche t'en fuggi Perche t'en fuggi, o Fillide? Why do you flee, o Phyllis? Deh. Fillide ascoltami 0 Phyllis, hear me E quei bell'occhi voltami. and turn your fair eyes towards me. Gia belva non son io For I am not a ferocious beast, Ne serpe squallido: Nor a murky serpent: Aminta son io, se ben son magro I am Amintas, even though I am pale e pallido. and thin. Queste mie calde lagrime These my hot tears Cheda quest'occhi ogn'hor si veggon piovere that stream from my eyes unceasingly Han forza di commovere have the power to move ogni piu duro cor, the hardest of hearts, spietato e rigido; the most pitiless and unbending; Ma'l tuo non, gia ch'e piu d'un ghiaccio frigido. But not yours, for it is colder than ice. --------~-------~--·----~ -----~~ ----------------- Mentre spargendo indarno a l'aura While vainly scattering pianti e lamenti, groans and laments to the wind, indarno il cor distruggesi vainly my heart destroys itself. Filli piu ratta fuggesi Phyllis most swiftly takes flight Ne i sospir che dal cor and neither the sighs from the heart si dolenti escono, so painfully wrung, non voci o prieghi nor cries nor prayers I pie fugaci arrestano. can stay her fleeing feet. Non partir ritrosetta Non partir ritrosetta Don't go away, capricious one, troppo lieve e incostante. so lighthearted & inconstant. Senti me, non fuggir, aspetta! Listen to me, don't flee, wait! Odi il pregar del tuo fedel amante. Hear the prayer of your faithful lover. Tu non senti i lamenti. You do not listen to my laments. Ah, tu fuggi! Io rimango. Ah, you flee! I alone remain. Ah, tu ridi e io piango. Ah, you laugh and I weep. L'alma vola disciolta; The soul flies free; teco parte ii mio core. My heart leaves with you. Ferma ii pie, non fuggir, ascoltal Stop, don't flee, listen! Toma a gioir almen d'un che si more. At least return to enjoy seeing me die. Tu non miri i martiri. You don't see my sufferings. Tu non odi, ah! Io ti chiamo. You don't hear, alas! I am calling you. Tu mi sprezzi, ah! Io ti bramo. You despise me, alas! I long for you. Tu crude! piu mi offendi Cruel one, the more you flee quanto piu sei fugace. the more you wound me. Gia dal sen l'alma fugge; attendi! Already my spirit is departing. Wait! Se il mio languir a te cotanto piace If my languishing is so pleasing to you. Ononridi. don't laugh. Tu mi sprezzi, ah! Io t'adoro. Alas, you despise me! I adore you. Tu mi lasci, ah, e io moro. Alas, you are leaving me and I shall die. Eccomi pronta Eccomi pronta ai baci! Here I am ready to be kissed! Badami, Ergasto mio, Kiss me, Ergasto , but kiss me so ma bacia in guisa that your biting teeth do not leave che coi denti mordaci behind any marks on my face, nota non resta nel mio vol to incisa so that noone may point at me perche altri non m'additi in essa poi and trace from them legga le mie vergogne e i baci tuoi. your kisses and my shame. Ahi! tu mordi e non baci! Oh you are biting and not kissing! Tu mi segnasti, ahi! You have marked me! Poss'io morir se piu ti bacio mai! May I die before I ever kiss you again! Al lume delle stelle Al lume delle stelle Tirsi sott'un alloro Under a laurel by the light of the stars Si dolea lagrimando in questi accenti: Thrysis complained , crying : O celesti facelle di lei ch'amo e adoro 0 heavenly lights you resemble the rassomigliate voi gli occhi lucenti. bright eyes of she who I love and adore. Luci care e serene Beloved, bright eyes sento gli affanni, ohime, sento le pene! I feel the pangs, alas, I feel the pains! Luci serene e liete Bright happy eyes sento le fiamme lor mentre splendete. I feel the flames whenever you shine. Intermission Alie danze Alie danze, alle gioie, ai diletti To the dance, to joy, to the delights Che c' infiam mano ii cor d •Amore that inflame the heart with love Al Soave conforto de petti. To the sweet comfort of the breast Alie danze, alle gioie, ai diletti. To the dance, to joy, to the delights! Alie gemme, alle perle, a bei fiori To the pearls, gems & beautiful flowers Che v'adornino ii crin e'l seno which adorn the hair and breast a bei fregi di mille colori. with lines of a thousand colors. Alie gemme, alle perle, a bei fiori. To the pearls, gems & beautiful flowers! Alie tazze, ai cristalli, alle argenti, To the cup, crystal, & silver Che v'invitano a trar la sete which invite us to quench our thirst A bei pomi di minio ridenti. with beautiful red apples Alie tazze, ai cristalli, alle argenti. To the cup, crystal, & silver! Bel Pastor "Bel Pastor dal cui bel guardo "Fair shepherd whose ardent glances have set spira foco ond'io tutt'ardo, m'ami tu?" my heart on fire, do you love me?" "Si, cor mio" -"Com'io desio?" "Yes my heart" - "As I wish it?" "Si, cor mio"- "Dimmi quanto". "Yes my heart." -" Tell me how much." "Tanto, tanto"-"Quanto?" "So much"-"How much?" "O tanto, tanto"-"Come che?" "Overy much". -''How do you love me?" "Come te, Pastorella tutta bella." "Just as you are, beautiful shepherdess." "Questi vezzi, e questo dire ''These playful words can hardly non fan pago ii mio desire. appease my longing. Se tu m •ami, o mio bel foco, If you love me, my fair fire, dimmi ancor, ma fuor di gioco. Tell me again but not in jest. Come che?"... "Come te, .... " How do you love me?"... "As you are, ... " "Vie piu lieta udito havrei "I would be happier if I heard you say: t' amo par de gl' occhi miei." I love you as much as my eyes." "Come rei del mio cordoglio "I will not love my eyes, since they are questi lumi amar non voglio; guilty of my pain; di mirar non satii ancora for they can never feast enough on the sight of la belta che se m 'accora." your beauty which afflicts me." "Come che?"Come te, Pastorella ... " "How do you love me?" "As you are ... " "Fa sentirmi altre parole se pur vuoi "Let me hear other words if you wish ch'io mi console. M'ami tu? to comfort me. Do you love me?" "Si cor mio""Come la vita?" "Yes, my heart" -"As life itself?" "No ch'afflitto e sbigottito d'odio e sdegno "No, for I am unhappy & troubled by scorn & non d' Amore fatt' albergo di dolore disdain, not by Love per due luci, anzi due stelle troppo crude, but by two eyes, nay two stars, too cruel , troppo belle.
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