U6-U8 Practice Activities

U6-U8 Practice Activities

SESSION 14 (continued) ACTIVITIES EMPHASIS/COACHING POINTS C. With players in a legs spread wide & 7KLVLVDQH\HKDQGDQGEDOOVHQVH VWDQGLQJSRVLWLRQDVNWKHPWKURZWKH DFWLYLW\$WWLPHVWKHEDOOPD\JRRXW ball over the head to the other hand. of their sight. If they still catch it, Upon catching, the ball is returned WKDW¶VEDOOVHQVH back overhead to the other hand. Games (10-15 minutes) $ +DYHDOOSOD\HUVRQWKHLUNQHHVLQD $ 2EVHUYHKRZVRPHRIWKHSOD\HUVDUH circle. Two balls should be thrown PRUHVXFFHVVIXODWWKLVWKDQWKH\DUH between players with successful DWVRPHRIWKHJURXQGJDPHV FDWFKHVEHLQJWDOOLHG$VHFRQG WLPHOLPLWIRUDZRUOGUHFRUGFRXOG KHOSVWLPXODWHH[FLWHPHQW % 7KLVUHTXLUHVDSDUWLFLSDQWDQGD B. Creative players really enjoy these VFRUHNHHSHU$WDJLYHQVLJQDOWKH NLQGVRIDFWLYLWLHV2WKHUVPRDQDORW SDUWLFLSDQWSOD\VWKHEDOOIURPKLV DQGFRPSODLQ hands to any body part and back to his hands. No body part can be used WZLFHLQVXFFHVVLRQ$IWHUVHFRQGV switch roles. Final game (10-15 minutes) $ +DYHDOOSOD\HUVPRYHDURXQGLQKDOI $ $OWKRXJKWKLVLVDODUJHJURXSDFWLYLW\ WKH¿HOGHLWKHUGULEEOLQJWKHEDOOZLWK WKLVLVDYHU\LQGLYLGXDOH[HUFLVH their feet or throwing it in the air. Observe to see which of the players When coach calls a body part, the ball FDQDGDSWWRWKHGHPDQGVDQG is controlled with that body part called succeed. touching the ball. 33 USYouthSoccer.org 6(66,21_%DODQFH ACTIVITIES EMPHASIS/COACHING POINTS Organizing Activity $ +DYHSOD\HUVPRYHDURXQGLQWKH $ %HVXUHWRSUDLVHFUHDWLYHHIIRUWV SHQDOW\ER[ ZLWKQREDOO $VNWKHP WRDFWDVVPDOODVWKH\FDQEHRUDV big or as thin or as tall or as wide or as heavy or as light. B. Direct players to run in place as fast B. Here we are looking for body control as they can, then as slow as they can. DQGIRRWKDQGVSHHG 'RWKHVDPHZLWKERXQFLQJLQSODFHRU ZLWKKDQGPRYHPHQW C. Have kneeling players raise one hand, C. Observe those who can successfully WKHQRQHDUPWKHQRQHIRRWOHJHWF shift their center of gravity and those Keep switching to different body parts. struggling with their balance. Individual activities (10-15 minutes) Emphasis - Balance $ (DFKSOD\HUKDVDEDOODWKLVIHHW2Q $ 8VHKDQGVDQGHOERZVDVWKH a given signal players touch the ball FRQ¿GHQFHEXLOGHUV,W¶VWKHIRRW with their hands as often as they can WRXFKHVWKDWUHTXLUHEDODQFH LQVHFRQGV6DPHDFWLYLW\ZLWK elbows, then with feet. B. With the ball between their feet, have % (PSKDVLVLVRQORZHUERG\FRQWURODQG SOD\HUVSOD\LWEDFNDQGIRUWKIURP TXLFNIRRWZRUN IRRWWRIRRW8VHVHFRQGLQWHUYDOV DVWLPHOLPLWVIRUFRXQWRIWRXFKHV C. Holding the ball with both hands, & 6ZLWFKLQJZHLJKWIURPIRRWWRIRRW have players hop on one foot then UHTXLUHVVWUHQJWKDQGFRRUGLQDWLRQ WKHRWKHU'RWKHVDPHDFWLYLW\ZLWK with balance as the end result. players holding the ball as low as SRVVLEOHWKHQEHKLQGWKHP 34 USYouthSoccer.org U-10 SESSION 15 (continued) ACTIVITIES EMPHASIS/COACHING POINTS Games (10-15 minutes) $ :LWKDEDOOLQERWKKDQGVKDYHD $ 0DWFKXSVWURQJHUSOD\HUVZLWK SDLURISOD\HUV³FKLFNHQ¿JKW´WU\LQJ stronger players. Try this with players to knock each other off balance by balancing on one foot. KLWWLQJRQHDQRWKHU¶VEDOO % ,QDQ³HOHSKDQWZDON´SRVLWLRQ EHQWDW B. This is a fun activity where the the waist, knees stiff, hands clasped, FRDFKPXVWKDYHDOORIWKHSOD\HUV DQGDUPVKDQJLQJGRZQ KDYHSDLUV PRYLQJ8VHDVHFRQGWLPHFRXQW RISOD\HUVPRYHDURXQGLQWKHFHQWHU DQGKDYHWKHPWHOO\RXWKHQXPEHU circle knocking the ball back and forth of successful passes. Rest assured, ZLWKWKHLU³WUXQN´ FODVSHGKDQGV WR WKH\¶OOH[DJJHUDWH each other. Final game (10-15 minutes) $ +DYHWZRWHDPVJRLQJIRUHDFKRWKHU¶V $ 6RPHOLWWOHRQHVGRQ¶WKDYHHQRXJK JRDOLQD³&UDE6RFFHU*DPH´7KH VWDPLQDWRSOD\WKLVPRUHWKDQ crab position is hands behind the back VHFRQGVDWDWLPH7KDW¶VRND\SOD\ on the ground, belly up, and knees VL[WHHQVHFRQGSHULRGV bent. Throw in a second ball if it gets boring. 35 USYouthSoccer.org 6(66,21_$OO6NLOOV ACTIVITIES EMPHASIS/COACHING POINTS Organizing Activity $ +DYHSOD\HUVGULEEOHLQDQGRXWRI $ $VNSOD\HUVWRPRYHDWYDULRXVVSHHGV HDFKRWKHULQDFRQ¿QHGDUHD8VH DQGLQGLIIHUHQWGLUHFWLRQV'RQ¶WOHW FRQHVWRGHVLJQDWHDQDUHD[ WKHPUXQLQDFLUFOH \GV9DU\WKH¿HOGVL]HEDVHGRQ QXPEHUV B. Continue the activity. On occasion stop % 6WUHVVEDODQFHDQGPXVFXODU WKHSOD\HUVDQGGHPRQVWUDWHDSRVH GHYHORSPHQWLQWKHSRVHV\RXFKRRVH \RXZRXOGOLNHWKHPWRFRS\HJRQH foot on ball, sit and spin on your ball, stand on one foot with your hands out. & $VVHPEOHDOOSOD\HUVZLWKWKHLUEDOO & 7KLVLVVLPSO\WRJHWWKHPODXJKLQJ LQKDQG2QFRDFK¶VFRPPDQGWKH\ DQGLQDJUHDWPRRGIRUWUDLQLQJ should all throw their ball in the air and duck. Chase any ball, dribble and repeat. ' 3ODFHDOOEDOOVLQDQDUHDE\WKHFRDFK ' 6WUHVVGULEEOLQJTXLFNO\DQGUHDFWLQJ Coach kicks balls in different directions WRWKHSURSHUEDOOZKHQWKHLUQDPHLV WR\GVDZD\(DFKNLFNVKRXOG called. EHDFFRPSDQLHGZLWKDSOD\HU¶VQDPH That player should chase down that EDOODQGTXLFNO\GULEEOHLWEDFNWR coach. Individual activities Emphasis - All Skills $ $VNSOD\HUVWRUROOWKHLUEDOODZD\ $ ,QWKLVDFWLYLW\ERG\FRQWUROLVEHLQJ chase it, and control it with whatever developed while the feet are being VRFFHUERG\SDUWLVDSSURSULDWH$IWHU used to control a ball. WKH\¶YHVKRZQFRDFKDIHZVKRZ WKHPDIHZHJERWWRPRIWKHIRRW inside, outside, etc. 36 USYouthSoccer.org SESSION 16 (continued) ACTIVITIES EMPHASIS/COACHING POINTS % $VNSOD\HUVWRWRVVWKHLURZQEDOOLQ %7KLVLPSURYHVIRRWH\HFRRUGLQDWLRQ WKHDLUDQGDWWHPSWWREULQJLWXQGHU DQGDOVRZLOOLPSURYHEDOOFRQWURORYHU control without using hands. WLPH & 6KRZSOD\HUVKRZVHUYHDLUEDOOV C. This activity introduces the concept and ground balls to each other. This of working with a partner and will LVGLI¿FXOWDW¿UVWEXWWKLVVNLOOZLOO eventually lead to group cooperation. GHYHORSRYHUWLPH Game $ 6HWXSDVPDOO¿HOGZLWKVPDOOJRDOV $ *DPHVRIWKLVQDWXUHDUHIXQUHOHYDQW QRJRDONHHSHUV 7HDPVPXVWKDYH DQGSURYLGHPD[LPXPFRQWDFWZLWK GLIIHUHQWFRORUHGVKLUWV3OD\YIRU the ball. DERXWDPLQXWHDQGWKHQDOWHUQDWH another group of 2 v. 2. Keep rotating SOD\HUVHYHU\PLQXWHRUVR Final game $ 0DUNRXWDQDUHD[\GV'LYLGH $ <RXZRQ¶WVHHPXFKWHDPZRUNEXW SOD\HUVLQWRWZRJURXSV WZRFRORUV WKDW¶V¿QHIRUQRZ DQGSOD\³NHHSDZD\´ QRJRDOV % $GGJRDOVDQGDOORZWKHNLGVWRSOD\ % 'RQ¶WFRDFKQRZ/HWWKHPSOD\ 37 USYouthSoccer.org 6(66,21_(\HIRRWFRRUGLQDWLRQ ACTIVITIES EMPHASIS/COACHING POINTS Organizing activity (10-15 minutes) $ +DYHSOD\HUVZLWKIHHWWRJHWKHUMXPS $ 2EVHUYHWKHFRRUGLQDWLRQH[KLELWHGE\ forward, backward or sideways to the the players. QXPEHURIMXPSVFDOOHGE\WKHFRDFK % :LWKWKHVDPHLGHDFRDFKFDOOVRXWD % (QFRXUDJHSOD\HUVWRH[WHQGWKHLU QXPEHURIVNLSV QRWOHVVWKDQ¿YH bodies and reach greater distances. 6HHKRZIDUDSOD\HUFDQWUDYHOZLWK VRPDQ\VNLSV C. Create an obstacle course out of & :LWKRUZLWKRXWDEDOOWKHPRUH anything you have available. Tell physical or athletic types will do well. SOD\HUVWKH\PXVWJRRYHUDURXQGRU They should be praised and the others XQGHUDQ\WKLQJWKH\¿QG)LUVWRQWKHLU PXVWEHHQFRXUDJHG RZQWKHQWKHVDPHFRXUVHVDPH conditions with their ball. Individual activities (10-15 minutes) Emphasis - Eye-Foot Coordination $ $VNSOD\HUVWRSOD\WKHLUEDOOIURPIRRW $ 6HHZKLFKSOD\HUVDUHZLOOLQJWR WRKDQGDQGIURPWKLJKWRKDQG)RU ULVNDOLWWOHIDLOXUH,W¶VJRRGIRUWKH DJUHDWHUFKDOOHQJHDVNWKHPWRWU\ spirit. Have players try these skills foot to thigh to hand. The one who ZKLOHVWDQGLQJVWLOODQGZKLOHPRYLQJ does this successfully will really have a around. VHQVHRIDFKLHYHPHQW B. In a large area each player sends his % 2EVHUYHH\HIRRWFRRUGLQDWLRQZLWK ball in the air with either hand or foot. HPSKDVLVRQIRRWVSHHGWRWKHEDOO The objective is to recover the ball with the feet in less than four bounces and dribble to the starting position. C. Have each player play his ball on the & (QFRXUDJHSOD\HUVWRSODQDKHDG ground with his hands. Before the ball 2EVHUYHKRZVRPHRIWKHWKLQNHUV VWRSVKHPXVWGRDIRUZDUGUROOMXPS sort this out. over his ball and let it pass between his feet. 38 USYouthSoccer.org SESSION 17 (continued) ACTIVITIES EMPHASIS/COACHING POINTS Games (10-15 minutes) $ :LWKWKUHHWRIRXUSOD\HUVSHUWHDP $ 2EVHUYHWKHVWURNHXVHGE\WKH VHWXSFRQHV\DUGVDZD\IURPHDFK SOD\HUVLQWKLVDFFXUDF\DFWLYLW\6RPH WHDP7KHFKDOOHQJHLVIRUHDFKWHDP will kick, not push the ball. PHPEHUWRSOD\DEDOOZLWKKLVIHHW WRDFRQH7KHWHDPZLWKWKHWKUHH WHDPEDOOVFORVHVWWRWKHFRQHVZLQV B. Have pairs of players stand around the % 7KLVHQFRXUDJHVVSHHGRIIWKHPDUN FRDFK(DFKSDLUKDVRQHEDOO&RDFK DQGH\HIRRWRUVRFFHUERG\ QR points to a pair. They give their ball to KDQGV WRXFK$FWLYHSOD\HUVOLNHWKLV coach who serves it on the ground or kind of activity. in the air. The partners chase it with WKH¿UVWRQHWRWRXFKWKHEDOOZLQQLQJ WKHSRLQWV3OD\WKHEHVWIRXURXWRI ¿YHVHUYHV Final game (10-15 minutes) $ &RPELQHWKHLGHDVLQ6PDOO*URXS $ 7KLVLVDWRWDOWHDPHIIRUWDQGDQ $DQG%(DFKWHDPPHPEHU DFWLYLW\LQZKLFKVRPHYHU\QRQ strikes a dead ball, a rolling ball, a athletic children can get lucky and be bouncing ball and a hand held ball to KHURHV+DYHWHDPVWU\WRLPSURYH HVWDEOLVKHGWDUJHWV.HHSWHDPVFRUHV their score at a future session. 39 USYouthSoccer.org 6(66,21_6WULNLQJ ACTIVITIES EMPHASIS/COACHING POINTS Organizing Activity $ $VNSOD\HUVWRGULEEOHLQDQGRXWRI $ 7KLVH[HUFLVHZLOOZRUNRQGULEEOLQJ HDFKRWKHULQDGH¿QHGDUHD&RDFK skill and will help develop body control FDOOVRXW³VWRS´DQG³JR´ involved in stopping the ball. B. Have players continue dribbling in a GH¿QHGDUHD&RDFKFDOOVRXWDFRORU % 7KLVFDXVHVSOD\HUVWRPDNHDGHFLVLRQ RIDQ\SOD\HU¶VVKLUW$WWKLVWLPHDOO under pressure and act instantly. SOD\HUVVKRXOGORRNIRUDQGPRYHWRD Instead of a color, you could call SOD\HUZLWKWKDWFRORUVKLUW7KH\PXVW SOD\HUVQDPHV WRXFKWKDWSOD\HU¶VEDOO C. In pairs, ask players to balance a & $PRQJRWKHUWKLQJVWKLVVWUHVVHV ball between their foreheads while cooperation between players. standing face to face. ' $VNSOD\HUVWRWDSGDQFHZLWKWKHEDOO ' (PSKDVL]HWDSSLQJDWGLIIHUHQW They should alternate tapping the VSHHGV 6ORZVORZHUIDVWIDVWHU

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