THE OFFICIAL MIfrEP APPRECIATIONSOCIETY ,l i I I ww 6€ L(g) Drawingby SteveWhitworth ISSUE1O Tt-tEorFlclAl THB OTFICIAL IJRIAHHEEP APPRECIATIONSOClETY P.C.BOX268 TELFORD SHROPSHIRE TF2 6XA APPRECTAt'tOi{SOCTETY EI,IGLAND URIAHHEEP'S OFFICIAL WORLD WIDE FAId CLUB - ADMINISTEFEDBY DAVIDQWEN & ALANHARTLEY Hi a.gainand welcome to issue10, As i,vego to pressHeep are in the middleof theirtour of Canadaand the USAtogether withWishbone Ash, Blue Oyster Cult andNazareth as we reportedin the lastissue. Many of our membersin North Americahave used lhe eoncertdates serviceGf the societyto obtainthe dates when they were eonfirrnedbut for ihe rest o{ the membersthe sohedule is listedbelow. 5th f,lov,Comodoor Ballroom. Vancouver B.C' Canada' GthNov, Ccmodoor Ballroom, Vancouvei'B.C' Canada. 7th Nov,Biverside Coliseum, Kamloops B.C. Canada" 9th Nov,Max Beli Centi-e, Calgary AB. Canada' 1OthNov, Convention Centre, Edmonlon AB. Canada. 11thNov, Titan Place, Saskatoon SASK. Canada. 12thNov, Convention Centre, Winnipeg MAN. Canada. 13ihSiov, Target Centre, Minneapolis MN' USA. 14thNov, Mamorial Hall, Kansas City KS. USA 16thNov, Convention Centre, Stevens Point Wl' l',S4. "!7th Nov,Piere's. Fort Wayne lD. USA" .1Bth Nov, Pllanwood House, Butfalo, N.Y. USA. 19thNov, RPM Warehouse, Torontc ONT' Canada. 20thNov. Lulu's, Kitchener QNT. Canada' 22ndNov, Batielle Hall, Columbus OH. USA" 24thNov, Boomers, Martinsburg W.V. USA' 26thNov, Westbury Musie Fair, Westbury N'Y" USA. 27thNov, Valley Forge Music Fair, Devon PA. USA. 29thNov, Palmer Auditorium, Davenpcrt lL' USA. 30thtiov, Coronade Theatre, Rockford lL. UAS. '1st Dec,Club Eastbrook, Grand Rapids Ml. USA' 2ndOec, The Anerican Theatre, St LouisMO. USA 3rd Dec,Rosemont Horizon, Rosemont lL. USA 4thDec, The Palaceof AlburnHills, Alburn Hills Ml. USA. with this issueto ensurethai it's out for As we've gone to press in early November "Total Christmas,there are no iive reportsfrom our membersof the NorthAmerican Recall"tour but we hopeto bringyou some in the nextissue so youfolks on the otherside of the Atlantic, let us know how it was for you. Pleasesend any press reports of the concefis also. The tour of Germany and Austria during Decemberis exactly as it was reportedin the last issue,the other bandson the bill are Girlschool,Wshbone Ash, Blue oyster cult and Molly Hatchet.Heep are scheduledto be on stage between10pm and 11pm and for the new memberswho have joined since the last issue, the dates are as follows:- 8th Dec,Stadthalle, Offenbach, Germany. 9th Dec,Stadthalle, Fuerth, Germany. 1OthDec, Haldenberghalle, Goepingen, Germany. 11thDec, Eissporthalle, Halle, former East Germany. 12thDec, Phillipshalle, Dusseldorf, Germany. 14thDec, Wikinghalle, Flensburg, Germany. 1sthDec, Musichall, Hannover, Germany. 17thDec, Hessenhalle, Alsfeld, Germany. 18th Dec, Eberthalle,Ludwigshafen, Germany. 'l 19thDec, Terminal , Munchen,Germany. 20th Dec, KurhlleOberlaa, Vienna, Austria. Enjoy the shows and once again, send us your reportslrom the concertsJor the next tssue. overseaspost it's a differentstory. We use the printedpaper air mail serviceas it's the cheapestbut now, on this serviceand the small packet airmail service,the post Office Also followingon from the last issue,we've had a letter concerningthe compilation albumsfeature. Kevin Penberthyof Englandwrote "The in and encloseda photo copy of the sleeveof BestOf Uriah Heep" ST 3392from Thailand.This was the one feaiuredin 3 the first part of the articlein issue8 that we didn'l have a sleevephoto for. Kevinsays he was offered the album many years ago, he didn't buy it but the seller gave him a he's sentto us. lt's not reallya good enoughquality copy to photocopyof the sleevewhich "Live reproducein the magazinebut the sleeveis made up of photosfrom the 73" album we think.....it'shard totell. catologuenumbers there are no oataloguesto refer back to. Some may think that the bandiould know, Mick in particular,but this is not the case,they didn't havemuch say in what was releasedin what countryand some members,through their collections,will be more informedthan Mick on world wide single releases.But, if a singleslisting is what's wantedthen with your help we'll attemptit. Pleasesend in your collectionlist and trom these,together with our ovvnknowledge and any info we can get from those involvedwith the band]we will try to compilea masterlisting for publicationin the magazine...orrather David will as he drew the short straw on this one! This list will only be as good as the informationthat's availableto us so we are relyingon you to help us out here. "Baby Theres only one new CD releaseto report for this issue. lt's David Byron's Face Killer" which has been issuedin Germanyon the BMG label, cat number74321 154812' informed. THE LANSDOWNETAPES . MEMBERS'REVIEWS ElinaAaltonen, Holland. "The LansdowneTapes" cD is brilliant, I'm very pleased with it. The insert is very informativeand the picturesare great. TonyMason, England. KevinJulie, Canada. "What's the guitar. Within My Hearl" -unbelievablethat this song showshis talent on "Here never made it onto an album, David is at his best. I also like Am l" which is very "Celebrate". Hensley,"Magic Lantern" and The quality of this releaseis excellentand soundsgood in mYcar everyday. LouisRentroP, Holland. I got the CD today and eventhough I haven'tlistened to it so manytimes it soundsgreat. It's something l've been waiting for since I already have all Heep's records. What happenedto Mick'sfingers when Spice becameUriah Heep?The guitar solos soundso much better. I'm surprisedhow good the songs are from this period even if I don't like "Magic some of the jazz parts,for examplein Lantern'.Now that I haveThe Lansdowne Tapes and Rarities From The Bronze Age, I'm looking forward to more releaseslike these. Jari Nousiainen,Finland. I've been waiting for The LansdowneTapes a long time but it was worth the wait. lt's magicto hear David'swonderful voice again on songsthat l've neverheard before. BarbaraUllrich, Germany. To receiveThe LansdowneTapes after so much anticipationonly servedto add urgency to my critical considerationof it. The sleeve notes and photos are outstanding,a real tribuie to Rob Corich and everyoneinvolved. This CD (no matterwhat the self-absorbed pressmay say) is an invaluableaddition to the now rich archiveof early Heepmaterial. lt also chroniclesthe musicaleinergence of a seminalheavy rock band admirably.I hope that the momentumfor producingunreleased material of this kind will continue. "Here sound and in the clear expressivevocals. lt also boastsa better outro. Am l" - a beautiful, typically Hensleyesqueballad come Heep rocker! There is a high lyrical "here standardbut The Gods like chorus, am I give me love" may have countedagainst "Magic the trackfor use by Heep. Lantern"- with its Very EavyVery Umblestyle intro and of Wake Up at the start of the jazz sequence,I want to like this song. Howeverthe hints "Why" franticdrumming renders it a bit to loose. - a more atmosphericrendering that the powerfuland expressiveByron vocal, though with a harderedge. B side version.Another "Astranaza" Excellentinstrumentation, especially guitar wah wahs and solo break' - begins in a Zeppelinesqueway. Though the drumming is again too busy. lt's quite "What's eJfectivereally but whatthe heckis Astranaza? WithinMy Heart" - a lovelyballad shows Ken's vocalsto best effect. Makesme yearn for a Heep unplugedset. My which "What only problemwith this is its protractedending. ShouldBe Done" - a morereflective version than the album. Great vocals and piano intro but other almost melancholy "Lucy especiallythe drummingcould be tighter. Blues" - so closeto the instrumentation, "l albumversion to be as excellenthere as there. want You Babe" - rathertoo jumpy.The excellent vocals seerR to leave the instrumentationlar behind especiallythe busy "Celebrate" drummingagain. - an untidypiece with nice interludes.For exampleByron's an initialreaction and I could end up lovingthe songsI find quirkyat the momentgiven a monthor two. DavidBartle, England. What an insightinto Heep'spast. lt goes a longway to makingmy collectioncomplete' lt's a little rougfrround the edges, but the seeds of greatnessare sproutingout all over the Dlace. LannisEthridge, USA. "Hear "Born My favoritetrack is Am l" followedby ln A Trunk" but over all the whole CD isiantastic.The powerof David'svoice, Ken'sharmonies and Mick'sguitar is great. Mick was reallywell aheadof his time, don't you agree? MarkOwens, England to be a fine and nostalgicmomento of what Spice/Heepwere | {indThe LansdowneTapes 'tinny' in their early years. I also feel that the recordingsalthough a bit capture all about "Simon the early 70's feel and do the band justice. My favouritelracks are The Bullet "what's Freak", ,,Magic Lantern" and within My Heart". Although the tracks were archivedfor so long,they are part of Heep'shistory and I believeit is only right that they be releasedto let everyonehear the originalsound. The CD is well packagedand is a very goodcollectors item indeed. lan Maclaren, Scotland. The LansdowneTapes is great! I especiallylike the Spicetracks. I really like their style I see the influencethat Ken Hensleyhad on the band.The compilerstates in the and can "Schoolgirl" notesthat exc€ptfor the lead break,the track didn't translatewell to tape, I disagree!lt's a brilliantsong and I can see how it would have been a scorcherlive but it alsoworks well in the studio.lt's one of my favouritetracks from the CD' Joe Doran,USA. 'man, When I first heardabout The LansdowneTapes I thought they'rereally scraping the bottomof the barrelwith this one'. But the releasedoes haveseveral redeeming features, most notably the excellent singing of David Byron, he definitely validatesthe Spice materialwhich is otherwisehindered by mediocremusicianship and songwriting.Overall the CD is pretty good but I think I'd ratherseen a re issue of Byron'sRough Diamond or BabyFace Killer. GaryBrines, USA. 'Every "music David Byrononce sang in a latier project, Inch Of The Way', don'tfit with "Born the change of the times", In A trunk" was good for 1969 but is lost in 1993.
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