(No Model.) E. HILL, METHOD OF GOVERNING THE MOVEMENTS OF PISTONS IN STEAMENGINEs. No. 446,183, Patented Feb. 10, 1891. Zey. Z % O 2SSSSSSNS The nošRIs Peters co, PHoTo-Litho. washington, D., c. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. E BEN E ZER HILL OF SOUTH NORWALK, CONNECTICUT. METHOD OF GOVERNING THE MOVEMENTS OF PSTONS IN STEAM-ENGINES, SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 446,188, dated February 10, 1891. Application filed October 31, 1887, Serial No. 253,806, (No model.) To all whom it navy concern. locity during the first part of the stroke Beit known that I, EBENEZER HILL, of South greater than the average of the entire stroke, Norwalk, in the county of Fairfield and State and then reduce the velocity of the said parts 55 of Connecticut, have invented a new Improve below that average during the last part of the 5 ment in the Method of Governing the Move stroke. ments of Pistons in Steam-Engines; and I The means which I prefer to use for the - do hereby declare the following, when taken government of the stroke is what is com in connection with accompanying drawings monly called a “cataract-cylinder,’ and it is and the letters of reference marked thereon, in direct connection with the piston, through to be a full, clear, and exact description of the which the valve for the admission and ex same, and which said drawings constitute haust of steam from the steam-cylinder is part of this specification, and represent, in controlled; but before particularly describing Figure 1, a sectional side view of a steam the cataract-cylinder I will generally describe pump embodying the invention; Fig. 2, a de a pump embodying the invention, as illus tached longitudinal Section of the cataract trated in Fig. 1. - cylinder enlarged; Figs. 3 and 4, modifica A represents the steam-cylinder, and B the tions in the cataract-cylinder. pump-cylinder, both of common construction, This invention relates to an improvement arranged in the same axial line, with a single in governing the movement of pistons in piston-rod C, which acquires its movement steam-engines, more particularly appplicable through the piston D in the cylinder A. to direct-acting engines, such as employed in E is the steam-chest of the cylinder A, in connection with steam-pumps, but applicable which is represented a common slide-valve F. to other engines. G represents a lever, which is hung by one 75 In illustrating liny invention I show it as end indirectly to the piston-rod, as at H, but 25 applied to a steam-pump. If in such a pump so that that point of connection will move the piston begins its stroke under a full head with the piston-rod C. The other end of the of steam, all the moving parts will start at a lever G is hung by a link I to the valve-rod J. speed greatly above the average speed, then of the valve F, the fulcrum of the lever G being if during the stroke the steam be cut off between its two ends, and as here represented, the expanding steam will exercise its power produced by a link K. Under this arrange to complete the stroke, but in so doing will ment it will be observed that as the piston be aided by the inertia of the said moving moves in one direction-say from left to parts. The value of inertia in thus aiding in right-the movement of the valve F will be the movement of the piston has heretofore in the opposite direction, and so that as the 35 been recognized; but in all governing devices piston advances the inlet-port will be closed the aim has been to maintain uniform speed, and the valve continue its movement in the and the inertia has been acquired by great opposite direction until the piston reaches weight of parts. - the opposite end of the cylinder, when the Inertia depends on two factors: first, the port on that side of the cylinder will be ad weight of the moving parts, and, second, the opened and admit steam to move the piston velocity of the said moving parts. It is evi in the opposite direction, So that so far as the dent, therefore, that the higher the velocity action of the lever G and the valve-rod J are the greater the inertia. concerned the movement of the valve would 95 The object of my invention is to utilize the be continuous throughout the stroke of the 45 force of inertia to a greater extent than can piston, but in opposite directions. be done under the usual method of governing L represents a smaller Steam-cylinder, which the movement of a steam-piston wherein a is parallel with the cylinder A, and as here uniform speed of the moving parts is aimed represented is upon the steam-chest E. This ICO at; and the invention consists, principally, in cylinder L is provided with the usual steam 50 automatically governing throughout the whole chest M and common slide-valve, as repre stroke the admission of steam to the piston sented, N indicating the steam-valve rod of and so as to impart to the moving parts a ve the cylinder L. 446,188 O represents the piston-rod of the cylinder must pass to the retreating side of the piston TL, and P represents a lever, one end of which as the piston advances, and that the velocity. is hung at a stationary point, say as at R, with which the piston can thus travel through upon the pump-cylinder. The other end of the the cylinder depends upon the rapidity with lever P is hung to the piston-rod O by a link which the fluid can escape from the advanc S, and the link K connects the lever G with ing to the retreating side of the piston. The the lever P. It will be apparent that if the valve on the advancing side of the piston will piston of the cylinder L travels also from left be closed because of the pressure of the fluid 75 to right its action will be to open the valve C against it; but as the piston reverses at the O of the cylinder A-that is, will cause the respective ends of the cylinder the action of valve F of the cylinder A to move in the di the fluid upon the then advancing side of the rection of the piston of its own cylinder. piston is to move the valves in the opposite T represents a cataract-cylinder to govern direction, open the valve upon the retreating the movement of the piston in the cylinder L. side, and close the valve upon the then ad The valve-rod N of the cylinder is repre vancing side. The length of the two con sented as actuated by a lever U, one end in nected valves is such that the valve will come connection with the valve-rod, the other end against its end of the cylinder, so that at the connected to the piston-rod C by a link V, extreme position of the cylinder both valves the fulcrum W of the lever being between its will be open to allow a passage through the two points of connection, and as shown. piston from one side to the other, and so that A cataract-cylinder provided with a passage as the piston starts to advance fluid from the leading from one side of the piston to the op advancing side may readily pass through the posite side, designed to produce a uniform valve to the opposite side until the piston speed of piston, with a throttling-valve be shall have moved so far that the valve is free 25 tween, is a common and well-known expedi to automatically close under the action of the ent, and are what are commonly termed fluid. “isochronous’ engines. The piston of the cataract-cylinder starts What I deem as the best construction of under the action of the steam-piston in con 95 cataract-cylinder, whereby the object of my nection there with, and as it starts it meets invention will be attained, I illustrate in Fig. the resistance of the fluid on the advancing 2. The piston a is arranged to travel back side, which accordingly tends to retard the and forth in the cylinder in the usual man advancing movement of the steam-piston. ner for steam-pistons, and it is fixed to the The plug if permits at first but a slight escape IOO pistol-rod O of the cylinder I, so that the of the fluid through the piston; but as the piston of the cataract-cylinder Tand of the cyl piston advances it passes onto the contract inder L are in positive connection. Through ing surface of the plug, consequently increas the piston a valve is arranged, consisting of ing the area of the passage through the pis two valves b d on opposite sides of the piston, ton and permitting a greater or more rapid lout connected through the piston, and so that escape of the fluid from the advancing side I o5 when one valve is upon its seat on one side of the piston through the piston to the re of the piston the valve upon the opposite treating side, and this increase of flow of the side will be opened, as represented, and vice fluid permits a more rapid movement of the Versa.
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