71412019 lobbyist.oico.on.ca/Pages/Public/PublicSearch/OrganizationPreview.aspx English I Fr.lncais Office of the Integrity Commissioner LOBBYI$TS R*OISTRATISII :l;t : -1I! if !*l.ti In-house Organization Lobbyist Registration Active Registration fi f r,l';:*l:l.t f,i:.ii iili,lliijl1 Profile lnfurmation Lobbvjl Nulb-e1 R:gj't,.li-o1..|o: " . o1.1625 oL.1 6?5-401 6080301 /700 Initial Filing Date i*"-_" _' 2016/0$/r)3 i Last Arnendment Date i 201 9t05/3 1 t.. Senior Officer Fil'lN.g':.. vjadle Lasl. Inftial faf-r,e Josipa G i i Petrunic Name of your Organization , Canadian Urban Transit Research ancl Innovation C<;nsortiunr (CUTRIC) Language r.9l English :..' Franqais Business Address of Senior officer Street Number and Name Strcet, Suite 1B0l "..1.tnn'1. Prov-/_St1_t-e Postal Code/Zip :"'-----'**-.'...*-" Toronto ()ilt6rio t"45E 1W7 Email Phone l" c,oynl? Canada Cunent ln.house Lobbyists lobbyist.oico.on.calPages/Public/PublicSearch/OrganizationPreview.aspx 1t5 71412019 lobbyist.oico.on.ca/Pages/Public/Publicsearch/OrganizationPreview.aspx List each ernployee rvhose duties include lobbying, including the senior officer if applicable. Nonre Title Forrner ptrblrc offices hehl NATIONAL OPERATIOI.JS KilstrtlaMlakaf .,^.,..-"::.,:^-_:,"."_.""^ N.rnesttheabovc; MANAGER AND PRO]LCT LEAD RESEARCH AND NATTONAL Anatlit3 Jamr N'ne of the above; R&D pRoGRAf\4 t!.tAhrAGER Genevieve Gittins COMMUNICATIONS LIAISON Norrc' ol the above: .losipa Petruioic EXECUIIVE DIRECTOR & CEO None o( the above; HYDROGEhI FUEL CELI BUs parvatf y pirrai ;[Sir$yj:f,3'il1i1'" No*e ot rhe above; OFFICER LEAD- tLECTRIC BUS PROGRAT\4 Abhishek Raj & RISEARCH AND PRO]ECT Nr:ne o1 the above; DIVItOPN/EN1 OFFICER I\4EMEERSHIP SUCCESS Adriana.Shu-Yin OFFICER & CONTRACTS None ol the above; ADMINISTRATQR RESEARCH FELLO\,V AND (atlrerine Gossclin QUEBEC PROJECTS N{)ne of the above; DEVELOPN,lENT OFFICER STRATEGY Anaissia Franca LTfi*:X None of the above; REsEARCHER AND NATIONAI yiltian Zhao PROJECTS nEVEtOpl\1ENT Nnne nI the above; OFFICER Lana Snndcrson SENIOR COORDINAJOR llcne of the above; Former In-house Lobbyists List each former in-house lobbyist. (lf you are creatir']g a ne\a/, lnitial Registration, this question does not apply). : Name iril",;'; -*ri J 1 I Garret Duffy Organization lnformation Briefly describe the organization's business or activities. The Canadian Urban Transit Research & Innovation Consortitim is a menrber-based organization of r.rniversities, br'ts nranufacturers, electric utilities, and local authorities that funds research in urban transit research. As part of our funding efforts, we lobby rnembers of provincial and federa govenrments for budgetary allocations. Brie{ly describe the organization's membership or classes of rnenrbership, and list the names o{ the officers or directors of the organization. We are a not-for-profit fee-paying nternbership based research consortium. Currently our 'l 10 members are: 2getthere ABB Group Advanced Technology Emissions Solutions (ATES) Association du transport Urbain du Qu6bec (ATUQ) ATCO Electric Ballard Power Systems Inc. BC Hydro BC Transit Belleville Transit Bonrbardier Transportation Brampton Transit Brens North America Brock University Burlington Hydro Burlington Transit Calgary Transit Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA) Capital Area Transit Coordinating Committee Carleton University Carlsun TGFUEL Centennial College Cochrane (Town of) Red Deer Transit City of Red Deer Concordia University Conestoga College Dentons Canada LLP Durham Region Transit dynaCERT Inc. eCAMION Electric Tractor Inc. EllisDon ELIX Wireless Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. Energielnsitut ENMAX FPlnnovations (PitGroup) Grand River Transit GreenPower Bus GV Energy lrrc. Halifax Transit Heliox HiHo Mobile Hydrogenics lnnovEE InvertedPower Kingston Transit Lambton College Le Service de Transport en Commun de Trois-Rivieres Logistrics Lonclon Transit Microgreen Solar Corporation Milton Transit MiWay MUVE Navya New Flyer lrrdr.rstries Newrnarket-Tay Power Distribr-rtiotl Nova gus/Prevost OCAD University Ontario Good Roads Association (OGRA) Ontario Power Generation Ontario Public Transit Association Ontario Society of Professional Enginees (OSPE) Oxford Couhty Pacific Western Transit Panterc croup Pink Slip Group Plug'n Drive fin progress] Proterra lnc. Queen's University Red River College Ryerson University s2e Technologies Sandler Consultancy Sheridan College Siemens Canada SmarlCone Technologies Inc. SP North America Stantec Corrsulting Ltd. 5t. Catharines Transit Commission St. Clair College StarPower ON Systenrs lnc. City of Surrey Tech-K.O Thales The Energy Conservation Group Corporation (TECGC) Thunder Bay Transit Tokmakjian Group Toronto Hydro Toronto Transit Commission TransHelp Transit Windsor Translink Transport Canacla Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rividres (UQTR) University of Alberta University of British Columbia Okanagan (UBCO) University of Calgary - Schulich School of Engineering University of Manitoba University of Ontario - Institute of Technology University of Tororrto University of Waterloo University of Windsor VirlCiti Westenr Urriversity Winnipeg Airports Authority Winnipeg Transil Woodstock Transit York Region Rapid Transit Corporation (YRRTC) York Region Transit York University Our directors are listed on our websitel http://cutric-critu c.rtrg/home /# / governancey' i* fr.t uny organization or entity (or individual on its behalf) contributed $750 or more in the entity's or organization's previous fiscal year to this lobbying activity? lf yes, provide name(s) and address(es) lobbyist.oico.on.calPages/Public/PublicSearch/OrganizationPreview.aspx 2t5 7t4t2019 lobbyist.oico.on.ca/Pages/Public/PublicSearch/OrganizationPreview.aspx Narne Business Address City Pr{]v./slale Posl:al Crxle,/Zip Country foxreieiensijyllelg: 1 Government Funding nas your organizatiorr received any government funding (federal, provincial and/or rnunicipal) in the government's previous fiscalyear? '''','; '; t Yes No Nanre crf Governnrixrt or Governrneni Agerrcy Arlrount (please enter nun)6irical valrre without a dollar sign) --jl iyili1l't.:I!:3""Ti.D"":|op.]]:1]:1]ob-1"u1in1 , Subject Matter What is the subject-rrlatter of your lobbying activity? Economic clevelopment and trade, Envi.onment, Infrastructure, Research and innovation, Scierrce and technology, Seniors, Transportation, Lobbying Activity Tell us about your current lobbying activity. Conrplete all that apply. You nrust choose at least one option: i,$ regislative proposal No i$ eltt ur resolution No (;ioi Requlation l,lo r$li noticy and/or program Yes Describe your lobbying goal(s) in detail. What are you atten'lpting to influence or accomplish as a result of your communications with Ontario public office holders? We will be atten, pting to convince government colleagues of the value of investments in technology development in low carbon sma( mobillty, for example, technologies allied to electric and hydrogen heavy duty vehicles, includirrg electric buses, hydrogen fuel cell buses, and allied smart (autor'totr'tous and connected) velricle systerns. This may be deerned econornic development, environmental policy or transportation policy. Lobbying Targets: Ministers'Offices Ministries Office of the Minister of Economic Development Job Creation and Trade Ministry of Economic Development Job Cleation and Trade Office o{ the Minister of Energy Northern Development and Mirres Minlstry of Energy Northern Development and Mines Office of the Minister of Infrastructure Ministry of lnfrastructure Office o{ tlre Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Office of the Minister ol Natural Resources and Forestry Ministry of the Environment Conservation and Parks Office of the Minister of the Environment Conservation and Parks Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities Office of the Minister of Training Colleges and Universities Ministry of Transportation Office of the Minister of Transportation Members of Provincial Parliament - MPPs Agencies Office of the Member for Brampton Centre Metrolinx Office of the Member for Brarnpton East Ontario Power Generation Inc. or its subsidiaries Office of the Member for BramDton North Office of the Menrber for Bramoton South Office of the Member for Brampton West Office r:f the Member for Burlington Office of the Member for Kitchener Centre Office of the Member for Kitchener-Conestoga Office of the Member for Kitchener South-Hespeler Office of the Member for Mississauga Centre Office of the Member for Mississauga East*Cooksville Office of the Mernber for Mississauga-Erin Mills Office of the Member for Mississauga*Lakeshore Office of the Member for Mississauga-Malton Office of the Member for Mississauga-Streetsville Office of the Mernber for Oakville North-Burlirroton Office of the Member for Toronto Centre lobbyist.oico.on.calPages/Public/PublicSearch/OrganizationPreview.aspx 3/5 7/4t2019 lobbyist.oico.on.ca/Pages/Public/publicSearch/Organizationpreview.aspx Office of the Member for Toronto-Danforth Office of the Member for Toronto-St. paul's Office of the Member for University-Rosedale Office of the Member for Vaughan-Worrdbridge office of the Member for Waterloo Office of the Member for York Centre Office of the Member for York-simcoe Office of the Member for York South*Weston Other Decision to privatize or outsource goods '#" or seruices No tJ"l Grant and/or contributlon and/or other financial benefit yes Describe your lobbying goal(s) in detail. What ore you
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