Page Two LY Y ORKER. NEW YORK. FRIDAY. AUGUST 1934 PLANS ARE COMPLETED FOR ‘DAILY’ PICNIC IN QUEENS SUNDAY Call Stresses CLta!l N S. 14,000 at Sacco-Vanzetti Memorial L D Workers Urged Political A alue !J .f'|U. OfßigTurnout Pledge to Free Herndon and 9 Boys In Madison Sq. To Emulate Germans Districts Depend On Stormy Ovation Given THOUSANDS GREET HERNDON AT BRONX COLISEUM RALLY Demonstration on Dock In Thaelmann Outings for Funds Hero—Hathaway Is Tomorrow to Prepare Drive Principal Speaker for Youth Day Meet in Press Drive Many Signatures Already Collected in Committee's Bv CYRIL BRIGGS y. NEW YORK. Plans which c. L. CALLS NEW YORK.—In grim ; Campaign for Million Names in the splendid good time commem- NEW YORK.—The Young Com- guaranteed a oration of the legal murder of Sacco to the thousands who attend the j munist League yesterday issued a Demand for Leader’s Release and Vanzetti seven years ago, and young and Daily Worker picnic Sunday have revolutionary call to all workers a determination that j against all been completed, the Picnic Angelo Herndon and the Scott.?boro students to demonstrate NEW YORK.—Lauding the cour- the freedom of Thaelmann but will I war and fascism on International Committee announced yesterday. boys shall not suffer the same fate, ageous action of tens of thousands also be a help in the fight for the j Youth Day, Sept. 1. the day when Urging all mass organizations to 14,000 persons in a spirited demon- | of German workers who braved liberation of the writers, Ludwig,. the world’s youth rallies against im- j 1 turn out in full numbers, stration at Bronx Coliseum Wed- death in the Nazi plebiscite last Renn and Carl Ossietzky, an the! perialist war and fascism. i von management of the Daily Worker : nesday night gave a tumultous wel- j [ Sunday by affixing the name of the many other anti-fascist pri- yesterday issued a statement come1 to Angelo Herndon, hero of The demonstration in New York! Ernst Thaelmann. imprisoned Ger- oners now held in concentrate the Atlanta, Ga., slave code | will begin at 1 o'clock in the after- man camps political ~ stressing the importance trial, ~ Communist leader, to the bal- throughout Germany. to 18 to 20 noon in Pa:!;. of the Daily Worker picnic sched- : sentenced years on the j Madison Square I | lev. as their candidate for president gang ipjyy|L tiled for Sunday at the North j'chain for organizing white Twenty-third Street and Madison of the Reich, the National Commit- Signature Campaign Grows in N. Negro together. young Beach Picnic Park, Astoria, ; and workers The I Avenue, from where the tee to Aid Victims of German Fas- NEW YORK. The Anti-Na principal speaker Queens. on the occasion! workers and students, massed be- cism yesterday pointed out that Federation of New York reports in was Clarence Hathaway, editor of | hind the banners of their various American workers have an oppor- on part “Picnics are one of the projects,” creased activity the of some the Daily Worker. organizations, will march to Tomp- tunity to do likewise in the current organizations in read the statement, “on which dis- young in New York con- Adult and workers and in- j kins Square, Seventh Street and campaign of the organization to tricts throughout the country ; nection with the campaign for One are tellectuals, Negro and white, they j Avenue A. raise a million signatures demand- Million Signatures depending to raise their shares of to unremit- and Pennies for pledged themselves an demonstra- ing the release of Thaelmann. the Ernst the $60,000 which is needed to keep ■ ting fight, leadership of With the call to the release of Thaelmann, 1 1 under the tion, the Y. C. L. a Already, the committee points imprisoned the Daily Worker in publication. 1 the International Labor Defense, to issued statement German Communist emphasizing the necessity of having out, miners from West Virginia, | leader, and all political The New York District, the larg- rescue Herndon and the Scottsboro J prisoners in 1 a huge mass meeting and parade. stell workers of Lackawanna, N. Y., jGermany. The Party, est in the country in point of boys from the clutches of that same j j Communist jI and workers from many points have | | New York District leads in the membership, is faced with the tasK hruling class which caliously snuffed j “We workers, and especially the col- cast their ballots for Thaelmann. lection of money and signatures of showing an example. District out the lives of Sacco and Van- j youth, can, by our united efforts, by 1 1 Bownton, W. Va., sent in 100 sig- having turned in up to the present 2 has challenged other districts to : zetti, fighters for the working-class, | halt the bloody hands of the fascists natures of Negro and white miners, about 3,000 and $180,04. quotas But : and for the past three years have and war makers. We take our in- names raise their ahead of it. r demanding that the longshoreman Other organizations this is not enough—for the district used every device and legal chican- j spiration from the fighting youth of which have 1 ery and trade union leader, Thael- shown results in the campaign are to raise its quota ahead of the ' in a monstrous attempt to rush I the last war who, in the midst of mann, be liberated, demanding his the Women's in the innocent Scottsboro boys to the i the bloody slaughter in 1915, fought Councils, Nature others. It must take the lead electric safety, demanding to know his Friends, Icor, Italian Federation, increasing its quota. This picnic ' chair. to unite the workers in opposing Stormy to Herndon guns present whereabouts. Lakawanna, Millinery Opposition, Young Com- Will show whether it can do this.” Welcome young Negro trenches to turn the on their The heroic is seen on the shoulders of Harry Haywood, Negro Communist leader, and real of N. Y., gathering signatures. Nor- munist League, Cli-Grand Youth Several mass organizations have A stormy scene ensued as Hern- ! enemy—the bosses their Robert Minor, being carried to the speakers' platform amid the cheers of the vast throng in wich, Conn., has sent in 63 votes Club, branches of the International already bought don was brought into hall on ! the auditorium. own countries. blocks of tickets 1 the for Thaelmann’s freedom; Law- Workers Order and others. for affair. are 25 the shoulders of several white and ; “Take up the fighting standard— the Tickets only 1 rence, Mass., 87; Gary Steel work- The Anti-Nazi Federation urges to Negro workers, with the whole i International Youth Day—the day cents. In addition Clarence ers, 100; Fall River textile work- all organizations which have as yet Hathaway speaking, program audience climbing onto the seats, spread the fight, to bring new re- secretary, “who, he said, “is now when the working youth of the a of 1 ers, 87; Flint, Mich., auto workers, not obtained these petition lists to sports, music roaring the International and lust- serves of workers and intellectuals in the Soviet Union, recovering the world raise their arms in mighty dancing and has also 101; Kansas City, 160; Spival, Colo- get them immediately at the office been arranged. ily cheering and applauding the can save Angelo Herndon.” health that he lost waging the fight Negro Fights mass protest against imperialist war American Dimitroff, who gourage- Support of Campaign for the Scottsboro boys and Angelo and fascism.” rado. 61; Monessen, ' Pa., steel of the Federation, 168 W. 23rd St. ously defied the lynch courts of the He made a stirring appeal to Herndon.” A preliminary demonstration to workers, 105; Yonkers, N. Y„ 120; Organizations should turn in the Hicksville, South. intensify the fight for the release Greetings to Herndon and the Chain prepare the rally September Lynn. Mass., 80; N. Y., lists as soon as they are filled out, f Gang on 1 Morgantown, Herndon’s arrival was preceded of the Scottsboro boys, Tom Mooney, workers present at the meeting will be held tomorrow along the 80; W. Va., 113; Cru- Green ßacks' by enthusiastic demonstrations as Ernst Thaelmann, leader of the were extended by A. L. Wirin of waterfront. Workers are being tisville coal miners, 180; Holden, W. 1,000 German Va., 120. Negro and white workers who working class, and all class the American Civil Liberties Union. In N.Y. Court urged to mass at Twenty-first Street earlier in the evening paraded war prisoners. He called on the Nat Stevens, district secretary of and Eleventh Avenue at 12 noon. Cities, villages and farming com- Textile Strike; through the streets of the Bronx, workers, Negro and white, to sup- the I. L. D., presided. The demon- munities busy securing signatures marched into the hall with a sea of port the election campaign of the stration was concluded with a dance Georgia Warden Seeks and which have already made par- j Betrayal banners and slogans greeting Hern- Communist Party, “the only party number by the New Dance Group, N. J. Labor Board Aids tial reports of their local drives j Plans don, demanding his complete free- that dares to go into the South, typifying the fight Hern- to Drag Him Back showing that the campaign for a j mass for j dom and the release of the Scotts- that dares boldly to take up the don, the Scottsboro boys, Mooney Move to Break Strike “Million Names to Free Thael- 1 boro boys, Tom Mooney, Ernst struggle for the liberation of the and Thaelmann, singing of to Death Camp going forward and the NEWARK, mann” is are: YL ill Try Thaelman and all victims of the Negro people, for the emancipation the "International.” N.
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