APPENDIX C-3 Periphyton Taxonomical and Density Data, 2010

APPENDIX C-3 Periphyton Taxonomical and Density Data, 2010

KITSAULT MINE PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT APPENDICES APPENDIX C-3 Periphyton Taxonomical and Density Data, 2010 VE51988 – Appendices Table C-3-1: Periphyton Taxonomic Composition And Density (#cells/ml) Data In Lakes, Kitsault Mine Project, 2010 FES Sample # 100534 100535 100536 100537 100538 100539 100540 100541 100542 100543 100544 100545 100546 100547 100548 Date 31-Aug- 31-Aug- 31-Aug- 31-Aug- 31-Aug- Units: # cells/ml 5-Sep-10 5-Sep-10 5-Sep-10 5-Sep-10 5-Sep-10 4-Sep-10 4-Sep-10 4-Sep-10 4-Sep-10 4-Sep-10 10 10 10 10 10 Area Sampled (cm2) 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 Location LC3-10 LC3-10 LC3-10 LC3-10 LC3-10 PC PC PC PC PC L901-O L901-O L901-O L901-O L901-O Taxonomy Order Sample 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Phylum Genera and Species Chrysophyta Centrales Melosira sp. <45.5 Bacillariophycae Pennales Achnanthes flexella (diatoms) Achnanthes lanceolata <18.4 <15.9 <20.2 Achnanthes minutissima 4,147.0 4,442.4 1,237.6 5,014.4 <25.8 8,590.0 6,516.8 1,221.6 1,684.0 23,059.8 48.7 Achnanthes spp. 858.0 370.2 309.4 470.1 111.6 407.3 39.4 <21.7 332.9 97.4 Amphipleura pellucida Anomoeoneis spp. <45.5 Caloneis spp. Ceratoneis arcus 92.0 15.9 40.0 80.8 <25.8 57.6 210.2 <19.7 21.7 171.6 Cocconeis placentula <18.4 15.9 <20.0 <20.2 <14.4 105.2 <19.7 86.8 <42.9 Cymbella cf. cestaii <58.1 910.0 <48.7 Cymbella cf. microcephala Cymbella cistula <18.4 <14.4 <52.6 <19.7 <21.7 <42.9 Cymbella lunata <28.6 4,186.0 <48.7 Cymbella minuta 15.9 20.0 <20.2 14.4 <19.7 Cymbella sinuata 184.0 1,234.0 280.0 202.0 558.0 1,683.2 610.8 673.6 943.8 Cymbella spp. Diatoma elongatum 28.8 420.8 19.7 130.2 514.8 Diatoma hiemale Diatoma mesodon 36.8 <20.2 <14.4 <52.6 Didymosphenia geminata Eunotia spp. 18.4 63.6 <20.0 <20.2 <25.8 <14.4 <21.7 348.6 2,101.4 112.6 11,985.0 2,922.0 Fragilaria vaucheriae 73.6 <20.0 20.2 28.8 736.4 <19.7 86.8 858.0 Fragilaria spp. 105.2 21.7 <28.6 Frustulia sp. <58.1 <28.6 <29.1 1,274.0 487.0 Gomphonema gracile <45.5 <48.7 Gomphonema truncatum Gomphonema spp. 147.2 1,851.0 320.0 121.2 <25.8 28.8 210.2 <19.7 217.0 <42.9 <58.1 <28.6 182.0 292.2 Meridion circulare <14.4 52.6 <19.7 <42.9 Navicula spp. <15.9 <28.6 91.0 97.4 Neidium sp. Nitzschia spp. ? Peronia sp. Pinnularia spp. Stauroneis sp. Stenopterobia sp. Synedra incisa <171.6 Synedra ulna <18.4 <14.4 <42.9 Synedra spp. 18.4 31.8 20.0 20.2 <25.8 115.2 3,366.4 78.8 130.2 3,260.4 1,162.0 57.2 <29.1 364.0 194.8 Tabellaria fenestrata <48.7 FES Sample # 100534 100535 100536 100537 100538 100539 100540 100541 100542 100543 100544 100545 100546 100547 100548 Date 31-Aug- 31-Aug- 31-Aug- 31-Aug- 31-Aug- Units: # cells/ml 5-Sep-10 5-Sep-10 5-Sep-10 5-Sep-10 5-Sep-10 4-Sep-10 4-Sep-10 4-Sep-10 4-Sep-10 4-Sep-10 10 10 10 10 10 Area Sampled (cm2) 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 Location LC3-10 LC3-10 LC3-10 LC3-10 LC3-10 PC PC PC PC PC L901-O L901-O L901-O L901-O L901-O Taxonomy Order Sample 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Phylum Genera and Species Tabellaria flocculosa <52.6 <58.1 <28.6 <29.1 227.5 194.8 Tetracyclus sp. <20.2 UID girdle view <20.2 <14.4 <19.7 <45.5 <48.7 Deformed Diatoms* Chlorophyta Chaetophorales Chaetosphaeridium sp. (green algae) Michrothamnion sp. Stigeoclonium sp. 13,395.0 UID Chaetophorales <42.9 Chlorococcales Ankistrodesmus spp. <58.1 <28.6 <29.1 364.0 <48.7 Crucegenia sp.? <58.1 <45.5 Oocystis spp. <58.1 57.2 225.2 45.5 Pediastrum spp. Scenedesmus spp. Oedogoniales Bulbochaete sp. <48.7 Oedogonium spp. 3,276.0 1,363.6 Ulothricales Geminella sp. <45.5 Microspora sp. <45.5 Ulothrix spp.? Volvocales Chlamydomonas sp. 221.2 <45.5 <48.7 Zygnematales Arthrodesmus sp. Closterium spp. Cosmarium spp. <45.5 <48.7 Euastrum spp. Mougeotia spp. <45.5 Penium sp. Spirogyra sp. Staurastrum sp. Xanthidium sp. UID Chlorophyta colonial <42.9 <28.6 728.0 UID Chlorophyta filamentous <18.4 UID Chlorophyta flagellate 58.1 UID Chlorophyta unicellular <58.1 276.5 56.3 1,410.0 Chrysophyta Chromulinales Chrysococcus sp. <58.1 110.6 56.3 91.0 <48.7 (golden-brown Hydrurus sp. 271.6 algae) Ochromonadales Hyalobryon sp. Kephyrion / Pseudokephyrion sp. <29.1 Phaeplacales Phaeplaca sp. UID Chrysophyta colonial UID Chrysophyta cyst <58.1 165.9 <29.1 <45.5 UID Chrysophyta unicellular 143.0 <20.2 111.6 20,036.5 55.3 Chryptophyta UID Cryptomonadales 57.2 112.6 182.0 FES Sample # 100534 100535 100536 100537 100538 100539 100540 100541 100542 100543 100544 100545 100546 100547 100548 Date 31-Aug- 31-Aug- 31-Aug- 31-Aug- 31-Aug- Units: # cells/ml 5-Sep-10 5-Sep-10 5-Sep-10 5-Sep-10 5-Sep-10 4-Sep-10 4-Sep-10 4-Sep-10 4-Sep-10 4-Sep-10 10 10 10 10 10 Area Sampled (cm2) 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 Location LC3-10 LC3-10 LC3-10 LC3-10 LC3-10 PC PC PC PC PC L901-O L901-O L901-O L901-O L901-O Taxonomy Order Sample 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Phylum Genera and Species (cryptomonads) Cyanophyta Chamaesiphonales Chamaesiphon spp. 65,461.9 46,530.4 166,698.0 2,266,299.6 31,783.0 64,236.4 78,177.4 19,443.0 791,719.8 110,534.4 (blue-green algae) Clastidium spp. 152.7 35,870.8 2,703.4 Aphanocapsa sp. <45.5 1,558.4 Chroococcales Aphanothece sp. <28.6 UID Chroococcales 1,801.6 110.6 168.9 <48.7 Nostocales Anabaena/Nostoc sp. Calothrix / Dichothrix spp. <45.5 4,090.8 Dichothrix sp. <48.7 Stigonema sp. <45.5 779.2 Tolypothrix sp. Tolypothrix sp? <15.9 464.8 <48.7 UID Nostocales <14.4 <45.5 <48.7 Oscillatoriales Homoeothrix varians 18,161.0 6,170.0 12,685.4 836,755.8 1,135.2 2,343.6 24,030.7 5,955.3 <21.7 372,800.1 3,815.7 Lyngbya spp. <15.9 <21.7 <42.9 53,580.0 Oscillatoria spp. 499.1 1,372.8 78,960.0 <48.7 Pseudoanabaena spp. 143.1 <29.1 <45.5 Schizothrix sp. UID Oscillatoriales <18.4 <20.0 <14.4 <58.1 87.3 <45.5 487.0 Pyrrophyta Dinokontae UID Dinoflagellate (dinoflagellates) Rhodophyta Nemalionales Audouinella sp. 55.2 <20.0 161.6 <14.4 <52.6 <42.9 <58.1 57.2 (red algae) Batrachospermum sp. <58.1 6,746.6 <29.1 119,805.0 876.6 basal cells 52,913.0 UID colonial 4,480.3 130.2 <28.6 <29.1 <45.5 584.4 UID filamentous <14.4 <21.7 UID flagellate 110.6 182.0 UID unicellular 286.0 123.4 154.7 40.4 103.2 558 814.6 305.4 336.8 332.9 <58.1 276.5 225.2 4,230.0 3,023.6 Note: * All the same species of Eunotia; ? = possibly for genus; cf. = (confertim = close together ) = possibly for species; UID = unidentified due to lack of size and / or missing morphological characters.; Synonyms: Cymbella lunata = Cymbella gracilis; Diatoma mesodon = Diatoma hiemale var. mesodon; and LC1-10-referred to as Lower Lime Creek (LLC), LC3-10 as Upper Lime Creek (ULC), L-901-I and L901-O as Sad Lake Inlet (SLI) and Sad Lake Outlet (SLO) on preserved samples Table C-2-1: Periphyton taxonomic composition and density (#cells/ml) data in Lakes, Kitsault Mine Project, 2010 (continued) FES Sample # 100549 100550 100551 100552 100553 100554 100555 100556 100557 100558 100559 100560 100561 100562 100563 Date 11-Sep- 11-Sep- 11-Sep- 11-Sep- 11-Sep- 11-Sep- 11-Sep- 11-Sep- 11-Sep- 11-Sep- Units: # cells/ml 1-Sep-10 1Sep-10 1-Sep-10 1-Sep-10 1-Sep-10 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 Area Sampled (cm2) 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 19.635 Location LC1-10 LC1-10 LC1-10 LC1-10 LC1-10 L901-I L901-I L901-I L901-I L901-I CL-O CL-O CL-O CL-O CL-O Taxonomy Order Sample 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Phylum Genera and Species Chrysophyta Centrales Melosira sp.

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