Alkaloid profile of endophytic Diaporthe spp. from....(N. Radiastuti, G. Rahayu, I. Okane, I. Hidayat, and S. Setiati A.) Alkaloid profile of endophytic Diaporthe spp. from Cinchona calisaya Profil alkaloid endofit Diaporthe spp. dari Cinchona calisaya Nani Radiastuti1, Gayuh Rahayu1*, Izumi Okane2, Iman Hidayat3, and Suminar Setiati Achmadi4 1Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia. 2Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan. [email protected] 3Microbiology Division, Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Indonesia. [email protected] 4Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia. [email protected] email: [email protected] Submit: 21April 2015; correction: 30 April 2015; accept: 26 May 2015 Abstract score, UPGMA analyses of alkaloid profile of these strains shows that these strains forms 23 Endophytic fungi have been known as clusters. Alkaloid profile clustering does not potential source of bioactive compound, similar support the phylogenetic grouping. This to their host. This study was conducted to indicates that the alkaloid profile is strain identify endophytic Diaporthe spp. isolated dependent. Some potential strains should be from Cinchona calisaya and to explore their further investigated for optimization of their potential in producing alkaloids, particularly quinine production. quinine. A total of 39 strains of Diaporthe spp. were identified using ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 and EF1- Keywords: Cinchona calisaya, Diaporthe spp., α gene. Seventeen strains have species name endophytes, quinine and they represent eight species of Diaporthe i.e. D. cynaroidis, D. endophytica, D. ganjae, D. gardeniae, D. litchicola, D. phaseolorum, D. Abstrak pseudomangiferae, and D. rhoina. The re- maining 22 strains represents 15 groups of Cendawan endofit merupakan salah satu unidentified Diaporthe sp. High performance sumber senyawa bioaktif yang potensial seperti liquid chromatography analyses of chloroform inangnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meng- extract of 21-days old static cultures of all fungi identifikasi Diaporthe spp. asal Cinchona cali- in potato dextrose broth showed that these saya dan menganalisis potensi produksi alka- strains produce totally 82 different alkaloids. loidnya, terutama kuinin. Sebanyak 39 strain Each strain producedabout 2-38 different Diaporthe spp. diidentifikasi menggunakan alkaloids. Sixteen out of 39 strains (41%), i.e. sekuen daerah ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 and gen EF1-α. one strain each of D. endophytica, D. gar- Tujuh belas strain termasuk ke dalam 8 spesies deniae, D. phaseolorum, and D. pseudo- Diaporthe yaitu D. cynaroidis, D. endophytica, mangiferae, 2 strains of D. litchicola, and 10 D. ganjae, D. gardeniae, D. litchicola, D. strains of unidentified Diaporthe were able to phaseolorum, D. pseudomangiferae, and D. produce quinine. The quinine concentration rhoina. Dua puluh dua strain lainnya mewakili ranges from 1.1 mg/l to 155.2 mg/l. By using 15 grup Diaporthe spp. Analisis High per- Jaccard’s similarity index 0.44 as the cutting formance liquid chromatography terhadap 81 Jurnal Penelitian Teh dan Kina, 18(1), 2015: 81-93 ekstrak kloroform dari kultur cendawan pada (Susilo, 2011). Starting 2003, the Quina agar kentang cair yang diinkubasi secara statik tree plantation area has decreased and selama 21 hari menunjukkan bahwa strain- strain tersebut menghasilkan 82 jenis alkaloid. consequently the tree populationhas also Puncak-puncak pada kromatogram pada waktu declined. In 2011, Quina plantation area retensi yang berbeda menunjukkan jenis alka- was only about 3.886 hectares in West Java, loid yang berbeda. Setiap strain dapat mempro- and the production met only 30-50% de- duksi 2-38 alkaloid yang berbeda. Sebanyak 16 dari 39 strain (41%), yaitu masing-masing satu mand of the industry (Susilo, 2011). This strain dari D. endophytica, D. gardeniae, D. shortage is overcome by importing bark phaseolorum dan D. pseudomangiferae,2 strain flakes. Although replanting program is D. litchicola, dan 10 strain Diaporthe spp. being undertaken, alternative sources for dapat menghasilkan kuinin. Konsentrasi kuinin berkisar antara 1,1 mg/ml sampai 155,2 mg/ml. quinine production have to be investigated. Berdasarkan batas nilai index kemiripan Among those alternatives is endophytic (Jaccard)= 0,44, analisis UPGMA profil alka- fungi obtained from Quina tree. loid strain-strain ini menunjukkan bahwa Endophytic fungi have been known to strain-strain ini terbagi dalam 23 kelompok. Kelompok berdasarkan profil alkaloid tidak produce bioactive compounds originally mendukung pengelompokan berdasarkan filo- from their host (Strobel et al., 1993, Zhao et genetik. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa profil al., 2010). For example, taxol is naturally alkaloid tersebut bergantung pada strainnya. produced by Taxus brevifolia and now is Strain-strain potensial perlu dipelajari lebih lanjut dalam optimasi produksi kuininnya. produced by various endophytes from different medicinal plants (Gangadevi et al., Kata kunci: Cinchona calisaya, Diaporthe spp., endofit, kuinin 2008a, 2008b, Visalakchi & Muthumary, 2010). Endophytic fungi of Cinchona spp. have been reported by several researchers (Simanjuntak et al., 2002, Mumpuni et al., 2004, Winarno, 2006, Maehara et al., INTRODUCTION 2010). A single strain of a closely related Quina tree (Cinchona spp.) is widely Diaporthe phaseolorum, an endophytic known as a medicinal plant. The bark of fungi from C. ledgeriana (syn. of C. this tree has antimalarial compound namely calisaya), was reported to produce quinine quinine (Taylor, 1975). In addition to and its related substances (Maehara et al., antimalarial drug, quinine can be usedasraw 2012). Prior to this study, a number of material in pharmacy, as food colorant, and specimens of endophytic Diaporthe from C. beverage flavor (Santoso et al., 2004). calisaya Wedd. (syn. C. calisaya var. Therefore, some species of Cinchona spp. ledgeriana Howard) has been collected has been cultivated in several countries for (data unpublished). The collection was not quinine production. One of the commercial limited to those from bark and young stems clone for quinine production is C. calisaya but from all parts of the tree. Based on (syn. C. ledgeriana). phylogenetic study using Internal Trans- Quinine industry in Indonesia has cribed Spacer (ITS) region, the collection been established before Second World War, consisted of D. beckhausii, D. eucalyp- and Indonesiahad ever been recognized as torum, D. infecunda, D. hongkongensis, D. the world's largest supplier of quinine litchicola, D. phaseolorum, D. psoraleae, 82 Alkaloid profile of endophytic Diaporthe spp. from....(N. Radiastuti, G. Rahayu, I. Okane, I. Hidayat, and S. Setiati A.) D. pseudomangiferae, and some uniden- 70% ethanol for 20 s. The samples were tified species of Diaporthe (data unpub- rinsed three times in sterile distilled water, lished). Re-identification of these Diapor- and dried with sterile paper for at least 6 h. the using other marker such as EF1-α is still The sterile distilled water of the final rinse needed. Further, bioactive compoundsin was poured onto the agar medium as a those collected species has not been quality control of sterilization process. explored. Therefore, this study was aimed After drying, samples were cut into seg- to reconfirm the identity of endophytic Dia- ments approximately1 × 2 cm and placed porthe spp. isolated from leaf, petiole, twig, on the surface of Malt Extract Agar (MEA) bark, and fruit of C. calisaya and to analyze (Difco, USA) (4 segments/petri dish). All its potential for alkaloid production, parti- petri dishes were incubated at room con- cularly quinine. dition. Three replications were made for each sample. The growth of endophytic fungi mycelium were observed every day, for about 30 d. The growing colonies were MATERIALS AND METHODS purified using hyphal tip isolation method Sampling and fungal endophyte isolation to get a pure culture. The cultures were kept Flowers, leaves (with petioles), stems, in Bogor Agriculture University Culture barks, and roots of C. calisaya werecollec- Collection (IPBCC). Cultures having cha- ted from trees grown in quina plantation racteristics resembling morphotypes of managed by the Research Center for Tea Diaporthe were then selected for further and Quina, Gambung, West Java, Indonesia investigation. (29 September 2012). The plantation is lo- cated at 7°8'35.78"S, 107°30'59.55"E and Identification of the fungi 1.400 m asl. Five pieces of each healthy Identification was done by phyloge- organ were taken from 5 individual plants netic analyses on the bases of combined and placed in zipped plastic bags. The co- ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 and EF gene sequences. llecting bags were sealed and labelled with Genomic DNA from 7-d fungal mycelia the name of the host tree, collection site, grown in 5 ml of Potato Dextrose Broth date, and collector(s). All specimens were (PDB) (Difco, USA) were harvested using kept in ice boxes prior to isolation in the PhytopureTM DNA extraction kit (GE laboratory. Health care, UK) following the manufac- turer’s protocol. Isolation The primer pairs of ITS5 (forward)(5’ The fungal endophytes were isolated –TCCTCCGCTTATTGATATGC–3’) and using isolation protocol described by ITS4 (reverse) (5'–TCCGTAGGTGA- Mostert et al. (2001) with modification. ACCTGCGC–3') (White et al., 1990) were The
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