DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Aspects of the Petrology, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry of the Granitic Rocks Associated with Questa Caldera, Northern New Mexico By Brigitte Dillet and Gerald K. Czamanske Open-file Report 87-258 lU.S. Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield Rd., Menlo Park, California. This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards (and stratigraphic nomenclature). (Any use of trade names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the USGS.) Aspects of the Petrology, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry of the Granitic Rocks Associated with Questa Caldera, Northern New Mexico By Brigitte Dillet and Gerald K. Czamanske, U.S. Geological Survey This report consists largely of the Ph.D. thesis prepared by Brigitte Dillet and defended at the University of Clermont-Ferrand, France, in February, 1987. From December, 1983 through December, 1985 Ms. Dillet was supported by a grant from the French Government to carry out this thesis study at the offices of the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, California, under the guidance of Gerald Czamanske. Expenses for field work and part of 1986 were contributed by the U.S. Geological Survey as part of a comprehensive study of the volcanic and plutonic rocks associated with Questa caldera Appendices B through L have been added to the thesis to provide accurate sample locations, supplemental major- and minor-element data, and electron microprobe analyses obtained by G.K.C. for allanite, apatite, chevkinite, feldspars, and sphene in the Questa granitoids. NOTES: 1. Because early pagination is used in the thesis, pages 8, 9, ^, 3P, 179, and 185 do not exist. 2. Because of unavoidable systems changes, pages 221 through 225 cannot be reproduced and are difficult to read. Users may obtain unreduced copies of these pages by directly contacting Gerald Czamanske. Table of Contents Chapter I Petrography and Chemistry p. 9 Chapter II Opaque Oxide Minerals P- 49 Chapter III Mafic Silicates p. 117 Chapter IV Conclusion p. 179 Bibliography Appendix p. 185 INDEX Resume I Table of contents (Sommaire) Vlil INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER!: Petrography and Chemistry 9 PARTI: Petrography 11 1. Virgin Canyon 11 2. Canada Rnabete 17 3. Rlto del Mecfio 20 4. Cabresto Lake 21 5. Rio Hondo 26 6. Southern caidera margin intrusions 30 7. LuceroPeak 36 8. Discussion 37 PARTU: Whole-rock chemistry 41 CHAPTER II: Opaque Oxide Minerals 49 PARTI: Textures 51 1. Exsolution textures 51 a) llmenite-hematite exsolution intergrowths 51 b) Hmenite-magnetite intergrowths 56 2. Replacement textures 60 a) Granular aggregates of flmenrte 60 Sphene rims around ilmenite 62 Irregular ilmenite in sphene 62 Sphene rims around magnetite 64 b) Oxidation of ilmenite 66 Oxidation of magnetite 66 PART n: Occurrence and chemistry of opaque oxide minerals in the Questa granitic plutons 67 1. Virgin Canyon 67 2. Canada Rnabete 78 3. RitodelMedkD 84 4. Cabresto Lake 89 5. Rio Hondo 92 6. Bear Canyon 96 7. Sulphur Gulch 97 8. Red River 99 9. LuceroPeak 102 PART IB: Summary and conclusions 103 1. Parageneses 103 2. Temperature and oxygen fugatity 105 3. llmenite-hematite solvus 110 4. Occurrence of sphene 112 CHAPTER III: Mafic Silicates 117 PARTI: Mate silicates in peraJkaJine rocks 119 OCCURRENCE 119 1. Virgin Canyon 119 IE 2. Canada Pinabete 122 3. Amalia Tuff, peralkaline rhyoiite, and northern dikes 122 CHEMISTRY 123 1. AlkaJi amphiboie 123 2. Tetrasiilicic mica 132 3. Sodic pyroxene 135 CONCLUSIONS 138 PART II: Biotite and calcic amphiboie 139 OCCURRENCE 139 1. Virgin Canyon 139 2. Canada Pinabete 139 3. RitDdelMedo 140 4. Cabresto Lake 142 5. Rio Hondo 145 6. Bear Canyon 146 7. Sulphur Gulch 146 8. Red River 146 9. LuceroPeak 147 BIOTITE CHEMISTRY 147 A) Description 157 1. Virgin Canyon, Canada Pinabete, and Rito del Mecfo 157 2. Cabresto Lake and Rfo Hondo 159 3. Late mineralized piutons 159 B) Discussion 163 C) Oxygen fugacity-temperature relations 165 AMPHIBOLE CHEMISTRY 170 CORRELATION BETWEEN BIOITIE AND AMPKTBOLE CHEMISTRY 176 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 178 CONCLUSION 179 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND APPENDIX 185 LIST OF PLATES Plate 1.1: Textures of granitic rocks from the Virgin Canyon, Canada Pinabete, and Rito del Medio plutons 18 Plate 1.2: Textures of granitic rocks from the Cabresto Lake and Rio Hondo piutons 24 Plate 1.3: Textures of granitic rocks from the Rio Hondo, Bear Canyon, and Lucero Peak plutons, and Red River intrusive complex 34 Plate 11.1: Photomicrographs of ilmenite-hematite exsolution intergrowths 55 Plate II.2: Photomicrographs of ilmenite-magnetite intergrowths 61 Plate 11.3: Photomicrographs of magnetite-ilmenite intergrowths, photomicrographs of iimenite-magnetite-sphene intergrowths 63 Plate 11.4: Photomicrographs of iimenite-magnetite-sphene intergrowths 65 Plate 11.5: Photomicrographs of accessory phases, Canada Ptnabete and Rito del Medio granites 81 Plate 11.6: Photomicrographs of "him" association, Rito del Medio granite 85 Plate 11.7: Photomicrographs of occurrences of sphene 113 Plate 111.1: Photomicrographs of mafic sificates in the peralkafine granite of Virgin Canyon 121 Plate IH.2: Photomicrographs of occurrences of biotite in the Questa granitic piutons 141 Plate I1I.3: Photomicrographs of occurrences of biotite and amphboie in the Questa granitic piutons 143 LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1: Modal analyses, Virgin Canyon pluton 14 Table 1.2: Modal analyses, Canada Pinabete pluton 16 Table L3: Modal analyses, Rito del Mecfio pluton 16 Table 1.4: Modal analyses, Cabresto Lake pluton 22 Table L5: Modal analyses, Rio Hondo pluton 28 Table 1.6: Modal analyses, Bear Canyon pluton 32 Table 1.7: Modal analyses, Sulphur Gulch pluton 32 Table 13: Modal analyses, Red River intrusive complex 32 Table 1.9: Modal analyses, Lucero Peak pluton 37 Table 1.10: Chemical analyses and rock norms for representative samples of the Questagranitic rocks 42 Table 11.1: Opaque oxide mineral textures in the Questa granitic rocks 52 Table il.2: Types of ilmenite-hematite exsolution intergrowths 54 Table II.3: llmenfte-magnetite intergowths in the Questa granitic rocks 58 Table II.4: Composition of magnetite in the Questa granitic plutons, mole percent 71 Table 11.5: Composition of ilmenrte in the Questa granitic plutons, mole percent 73 Table 11.6: Calculated temperatures and oxygen fugacffies for ilmenite-magnetite equilibration 106 Table 111.1: Partial chemical analyses of amphfoole separates from the Questa granitic rocks 123 Table 111.2: Electron micro-probe analyses and structural formulae for alkali amphfootes 124 Table III.3: Comparison of structural formulae calculated by the Rock and Leake program for alkali amphiboles 130 Table III.4: Electron microprobe analyses and structural formulae for tetrasilicic micas and biotites 133 Table 111.5: Averaged electron microprobe analyses, with structural formulae, for sodic pyroxene 136 Table 111.6: Indication of unit representation for btotite analyses 148 Table 111.7: Representative electron microprobe analyses and structural formulae for biotites in the Questa granitic rocks 149 Table 1113: Partial chemical analyses of biotite separates from the Questa granitic rocks 156 Table 111.9: Representative electron microprobe analyses and structural formulae for amphfooies in the Canada Pinabete, Cabresto Lake and Red River plutons 172 Table 111.10: Representative microprobe analyses and structural formulae for amphfcotes in the Rfc Hondo pluton 173 UST OF FIGURES Rg. 1: Regional geologic map of the southern Rocky Mountains 2 Rg. 2: Generalized geologic map of the Questa area 4 Rg. 1.1: QAP diagrams for the individual Questa piutons 13 Rg. 1.2: Questa granitic rocks in a QAP diagram with the different trends in various Plutonic suites 38 Rg. 1.3: Variation of oxides against Si02 for the Questa granitic rocks 44 Rg. 1.4: ^O+H^O against SiO2 for the Questa granitic rocks 46 Rg. L5: Representation of bulk compositions of the Questa granitic rocks in terms of normative Q+Ab+Or 47 Rg. 1.6: Chondrite normalized REE patterns for selected samples of the Questa granitic system 48 Rg. 1.7: Nb + Y against Rb for the Questa granitic rocks 48 Rg. 11.1: The system hematite-ilmenite 53 Rg. H.2: Fe^+Mn+Zn-1 /2F03* against Ti in magnetite, Virgin Canyon 70 Rg. II.3: Fe2* against Mn in fimenrte, Virgin Canyon 70 Rg. II.4: Fe^+Nb against Ti in ilmenite, Virgin Canyon 70 Rg. IL5: SJ02 in host rock against Mn in ilmenite, Virgin Canyon 70 Rg. II.6: Fe^+Mn+Zh-l/SFe3* against Ti in magnetite, Canada Pinabete 82 Rg. 11.7: Fe2* against Mn in iimenite, Canada Pinabete 82 Rg. IL8: Fe^+Nb against TI in ilmenite, Canada Pinabete 82 Rg. 11.9: TI in ilmenorutiJe against Ti in hematite, Canada Pinabete 82 Rg. 11.10: Fe2* against Mn in ilmenite, Rto del Medfo 88 Rg. 11.11: Fe^+Nb against Ti in ilmenite, RHo del Medio 88 Rg. 11.12: Fe2+/Ti against Mn/Ti in nmenite, Cabresto Lake 88 Rg. 11.13: Fe3* against Ti in iimenite, Cabresto Lake 88 Rg. IL14: Fe2*/!! aga/nst Mn/Ti in iimenite, Rk> Hondo 95 Rg.lL15: Fe3* against T\ in amente, Rfo Hondo 95 Fig. IL16: Fe2* against Mn in Imenite, Bear Canyon and Lucero Peak 95 Rg. 1L17: Fe^+Nb against Ti in imenite, Bear Canyon and Ludero Peak 95 Rg. IL18: Fe2*/!! against Mn/Tl in nmenite, carapace unit from Sulphur Gulch 98 Rg. 11.19: Fe3* against Ti in ilmenite, carapace unit from Sulphur Gulch 98 Rg. IIJ20: Fe2*/Ti against Mn/Ti in ilmenite, Red River 98 Rg. IL21: Fe3* against Ti in iimenite, Red River 98 Fig. 11.22: Mnym/Mn^ against Ti in magnetite, Questa granitic piutons 104 Rg. IL23: Mn in fimenrte against host-rock SKD^ Questa granitic piutons 104 Rg.
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