\\VII THISW~ TEXAS Decem~-26, 1991 :it Cil MEDIA ~ GLAAD Tidings xm BACKSTAGE Z Jerker in Austin ~ ~ E ~ -'" ~, .G~!! -,:'~v ~J;i5 G~ G~ ., \!),V (Q~ ~ ~ 1301Lav ~"'stin ~6481 ~~ 9601No~ " "IIIIII~v ~;- ¥ULETI JfI.ETIN'~ from r •••• 1i •••• TO~GHT, FR~Y, ~ '*~* **{{ with Bubba McNeely Wild Club's Christmas Present To You An Evening At La Cage Comes To San Antonio \i:c N,nd; Andrew, * -I< Amanda ",II {:} *" Kourtney van W,'" Yas~* ~as~ia~ *as~ * * -¥- * Syreeta Monroe *....J.- Amber Nixx * * as7U«t 7~ N as g'~ ?1tidtut * * ~ Liquor Rush- $5.00 One Time Buy In with 25¢ Well Drinks 8-11 pm COMING- December 29, National E.O.Y.TASHA KOHL The Staff and Managementwould like to wish all their patrons a ~anda Safe 'Jtu.q. ~, « 'tb,CLUB 820 San Pedro • San Antonio • (512) 226-2620 'U'eUe ~ ~ad1ttu rAtl..:' 'l\~ $1.50 WELL & DOMESTIC BEER ALL NIGHT CHRISTMAS NIGHT = ; ~ ~ =' l~ ~. ------ ----,-~ - -- O!iG&R, ' =: .•.~ ~IY-E ~Il!:= ~. ~ =- -- - -- -- - - -- - -- R-l!~I·--- - -- 1\ 1&11.' \ ~\ \\' -Hu- ~ --lo bL ... 211West 4th • Austin • (512) 320·8823 HAVE ~~ YOURSELF A 11IICHRISTMAS! HOLIDAY SCHEDULE: SATURDAY:LEATHER & FLESH! Volume 17,Number 41 December 20-26, 1991 Doors Open at 9 p.m.; No Cover for Men in Chaps and Leather Jock Straps SUNDAY: MANDANCE - The party starts early; The Men are Here! Doors Open at 5 p.rn, No Cover before 7 p.m. MONDAY: ULTIMATE BARTENDERS' CHRISTMAS PARTY! BOYS NIGHT OUT/CLUBBERS NIGHT Doors Open 9 p.m., No cover for Houston Bar & Restaurant Employees and Club Members wearing their club shirts, pins or colors. DRAWINGS, SURPRISES, PRIZES,HORS D'OEUVRES.Vote tor Your Favorite Bar Whore· ot 1991 (. Houston Bartender IEmployee) TUESDAY:DARKI Wishing you a Safe & 21 NEWS 21.06 Challenge Goes to Appellate Level in January Merry Christmas 30 COMMENT Letters to the Editor WEDNESDAY: WHITE-HOT & NEWI 39 MEDIA GLAADTidings The Hottest, Newest Dance Music 42 OF LOCAL INTEREST & Videos - Domestic & Imports 47 BACKSTAGE Jerker in Austin Doors open 9 p.rn. $3 cover 51 CLASSIC TWT 11Years Ago ThisWeek in Texas THURSDAY:WELCOME HOME, GUYSI Doors Open at 9 p.m. 57 STARSCOPE Your Christmas Starscope No Cover with Out-ot-Town 1.0. 62 COVER FEATURE Christopher Dykes of Austin Photos by Rex Martin PLUS:OUR INCREDIBLYLOW 71 BOOKS Vulcano by Alan Bonicatti Reviewed by Jazz Paz REGULARDRINK PRICES 77 HOT TEA Holiday Greetings from Across Texas $.75Well Drinks ($1.50 two-in-ones 88 CLASSIFIED $2.25Three-in-ones) $1.50 Call; $2.00 Premium Call 96 OBITUARIES $1.50 Domestic Longnecks; 98 GUIDE Texas BusinessIClub Directory $2.00 Imports; $2.00 Wine TWT (ThIS Week In rexos) Is published by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co" at 3900 lemmon Ave. in Dallas. Iexce 75219 and 811westnemer In Houston. Texes nOO6 OpinIOns expressed by columnists are not recessorw those 01 TWTOf 01 its stcn Publication 0' the nome or photograph of any person or organization in articlAs Of advertising In 1WT is not to be construed as any IndicatIOn & THE LATEST RAGE! of the sexual orientation ot sold person or orcorazcton Subscription rates: $69 per year. $40 per half year Back issues ovoeooe at $2 each Poyment must occonconv aMorders. Copyright © 1991by Texas Weekly Times Newsooper Ca. AKtighlS reserved Pcrtot or complete reproduction 01 any advertisement. news. article or feature. copy or photograph from TWT ISscecnccw prohibited CAGED HEAT/MEN BEHIND BARS by federal statute 710 Pacific. 523-0213 TWT DECEMBER 20 - DECEMBER 26 1991 PAGE 11 THIS WEEK IN TEXAS Weekly Circulation: 20,000 Founded 1975 DALLAS OFFICE (214) 521·0622 3900 Lemmon Avenue Dallas, Texas 75219 Dallas Fax Line (214)520- TWIT HOUSTON OFFICE (713) 527·9111 811Westhelmer, Suite 106 Houston, Texas 77006 "MISS WAVE" Houston Fax Line (713)527- TWIT PRELIMINARY TO MISS DALLAS Offices Open 9 a.m.-5 prn Weekdays PUBLISHER Alan Gellman -11 PM SHOW- DIRECTOR Shone Ruff EDITOR Richard Hebert COMPTROLLER SIeve Miles PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Richard Bong PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT SIeve Pardue. Gory Uribe FEATURES EDITOR Jazz Paz XMAS EVESTRlp·OFF SPORTS EDITOR Bobby Miller CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Bob Dineen, Phil Johnson. Brion Keever, 11PM • Me VALERIE LOHR David Meunier, Javier Tamez, WW. Wells III, Michael K. Wilson • 75~WELL 9·11 • CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Lindy Tarver DISTRIBUTION Clifford Plummer STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS Rick Bounds. Carl Davis. Julie Hollingsworth, Rex Martin. Michael McKinney, Roger Stabel SALES NATIONAL ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Steve Miles CLUBWXMAS (214) 521-0622 • FAX 520- TWIT Advertising rates are available on request from $1.75 WELL • ALL DAY-ALL NIGHT the salesperson In your nearest city. AUSTIN Chris Zimmerman . (512) 474-2105 DALLAS I FORT WORTH Steve Miles . (214) 521-0622 HOUSTON I GALVESTON Steve Nally . (713) 527 -9111 SAN ANTONIO I CORPUS CHRISTI Paul Briner . (512) 593-0027 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Dallas Shown Marshall Houston Brion Keever TWT © 1991 Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company Represented Nationally by Rlvendell Marketing, Inc. PAGE 13 The Cathedral of Hope MCC needs 800 People to loan us $1,000. We ··:::t'tiijj!j!j!!!!iii:::::::::::::::::'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: are willing to pay up to 11.5% interest! lthough one mortgage broker said we were financially the "strongest" church with whom he had ever L"" worked, banks still refuse to loan us money. Could it be because we are ~ - the largest gay and lesbian church in the world? One bank cited the number of members we have who are HIV infected as the reason. We're proud to be a church for ALL people especially for people with AIDS. Our congregation has raised over $1.2 million, but we need your help ><: to finish the project. ,." We're not asking for donations (although we'll be glad to accept them). But we are asking for loans, .~ - and we're willing and able to pay 11.5% interest. ~ Consider investing in OUR community's future. For additional information, call or write: Cathedral of Hope Metropolitan Community Church of Dallas P.O. Box 35466 • 5353 Maple Avenue> Dallas. TX 75235 (214) 526-6221 PAGE 14 TWT DECEMBER 20 - DECEMBER 26 1991 21.06 CASE GOES To ApPELLATE COURT IN JANUARY THRF Seeking Individuals, Groups To File Friend of Court Briefs. AUSTIN - The challenge to section 21.06 of the Texas Penal Code reaches the or organizations who believe they can appellate level in January, when attorney prepare persuasive and compelling legal Patrick Wisem~n will present oral argu- briefs on the matter are asked to contact ments against the state's anti-sodomy Oglesby at (512)479-8473. statute. Section 21.06 was declared unconstitu- 21.06 prohibits sexual relations between tional by District Judge Paul Davis on consenting adults of the same sex, effec- December 10, 1990. That ruling was ap- tively criminalizing homosexual conduct. pealed by Texas Attorney General Dan The maximum potential punishment is a Morales earlier this year. fine of $500 as well as conviction of a crime THRF Director of Development Suzy involving moral turpitude. Wagers stressed the importance of win- The case against 21.06, Morales et al. ning the case against 21.06 at the appellate vs. the State of Texas, is sponsored by level. "Obtaining a trial court decision in the Texas Human Rights Foundation our favor was a significant victory. How- [THRF], which located the plaintiffs and ever, we are seeking further legal resolu- has covered court costs and attorney fees. tion of this issue. An appellate court rul- It was originally filed on April 12, 1989. The ing would be binding through the entire five co-plaintiffs are Tom Doyal, Charlotte state." Taft, John Thomas, Pat Cramer and Linda Morales, who is lead plaintiff. MCC DALLAS SEEKS $800,000 FOR BUILDING FUND At 11.5%, Church Bonds Will Pay Twice as Much asInterest Currently A ttomey Patrick Wise· Being Offered at Banks. man will present argu· ments against 21.06 DALLAS - The Metropolitan Commu- before Court of Ap· peals in January. nity Church of Dallas began over 21 years TWT NEWS photo ago when 12 people formed a group called "The Circle of Friends." It has evolved into what is today the largest church in the United States ministering primarily to gay and lesbian people. The hearing in January will be the first opportunity THRF has had to present legal arguments for the abolition of 21.06 in a Texas Court of Appeals. THRF Staff Litigator Pamela Oglesby explained that THRF is now preparing for the presentation of its case before the Court of Appeals, and is looking for in- dividuals and groups who are willing to In 1990, MCC Dallas' former facility on prepare and file "friend of the court" briefs Reagan was sold to the Dallas Gay Alli- supporting the argument that 21.06 should ance, and now houses the Gay and Les- be declared unconstitutional. Individuals bian Community Center. The church is cur- TWT DECEMBER 20 - DECEMBER 26 1991 PAGE 21 rently in the process of building the wording on a plaque that was to be part of Cathedral of Hope near the corner of Cedar the memorial. The plaque was first con- Springs and Inwood. ceived to include the words "gay," "les- To date, the church has raised $1.2 bian" and "AIDS." million, enough to purchase the land and Through numerous appearances before complete the design. A building permit the DPRB, Ross eventually came to a com- has been issued by the city of Dallas and promise that eliminated "gay" and "les- construction is set to begin. bian" from the wording on the plaque, but The church is in need of an additional allowed for the use of the word, "AIDS." $800,000 to complete the new facility, and Final approval for the compromise plaque rather than seek the money through dona- came in June of this year.
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