E1670 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 13, 2018 nation and the Philippines during World War II. branches in the Inland Empire. During his ca- eral drivers. Among these drivers were Jerry As the members of the Sacramento Filipino reer with Security Pacific National Bank, Jim Hoyt, Eddie Sachs, Tony Bettenhausen, Roger World War II Veterans Group and the Filipino would serve as a Regional Manager and a Di- McCluskey, as well as Elmer George, whom Veterans Recognition and Education Project vision Manager before deciding to retire from she married in April 1957. A pioneer and a gather today, I ask my colleagues to join me the bank in 1992. He was then immediately rarity in racing, Mari became a co-owner of a in honoring our veterans for their heroism, hired as the President and CEO of Riverside team that competed at the highest levels of duty, sacrifice, and service to the United National Bank, at which he served as an exec- Midwestern auto racing in the 1950s and States of America. utive until again retiring in 2003. In 2005, Jim 1960s. In 1941, President Roosevelt’s call-to-action and a group of regional leaders formed Secu- In 1988, Mari became Chairman of the Indi- elicited the enlistment of more than 250,000 rity Bank of California, a new community bank anapolis Motor Speedway (IMS). Under her Filipino soldiers. Our nation’s troops fought headquartered in Riverside. Jim served as the leadership, IMS continued to gain worldwide tirelessly and fearlessly in World War II, and Chairman and CEO until the bank was sold in popularity with a number of innovations. In many of the brave included Filipino soldiers 2016 and he retired for the last time. During 2016, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway cele- who fought alongside American soldiers under his career, Jim felt it was important to give brated the 100th running of the Indianapolis the U.S. Army Forces. Throughout the dura- back to the communities he served and sat on 500, a race that has played a tremendously tion of the war, more than 57,000 were killed numerous boards in the regions he worked, in- significant role in the economic development in combat, thousands suffered from severe cluding in Fresno, Los Angeles, Riverside and of the City of Indianapolis and the State of In- wounds, and over 78,000 were missing in ac- San Bernardino Counties. diana. IMS prospered with the Indianapolis tion. By the end of World War II, Filipino vet- Jim was preceded in death by his first wife 500 and expanded its annual schedule beyond erans were left with our country’s promise of Shirley Wilkins Robinson and his daughter the ‘‘Month of May’’ to include the Brickyard full veterans’ benefits. However, that promise Kristen Robinson Olsen. He is survived by his 400 in the NASCAR Cup Series, the United was rescinded, and Filipino veterans were left wife of 33 years, Barbara Robinson, his son States Grand Prix in the FIA Formula One without the honor deserved. Jamie Robinson, Jr., Jamie’s wife Melissa and World Championship, and the Red Bull Indian- On November 30, 2016, the United States their two daughters, Grace and Gabrielle, as apolis GP in the FIM MotoGP World Cham- Congress passed the Filipino Veterans of well as son-in-law Craig Olsen and grand- pionship. These contributions to IMS and her World War II Congressional Gold Medal Act of daughter Mallory Olsen. I want to extend my charitable work in the racing community led to 2015, restoring Filipino veterans to the status heartfelt condolences to the entire Robinson Mari being inducted into the IMS Auto Racing of U.S. military veteran. Subsequently, on De- family, his friends, and everyone who had the Hall of Fame in 2015. cember 14, 2016, President Barack Obama pleasure of knowing him. Although Jim may Her passion for racing and the Speedway signed this Act into law. This momentous oc- be gone, the many contributions he made in became a platform for many of her philan- casion delivered the overdue recognition for Riverside County will have a lasting impact. thropic efforts. At the Speedway, Mari hosted the selfless service of Filipino veterans during f the ‘‘Save Arnold’’ Barbecue to benefit the In- World War II. diana Special Olympics every May for 25 Mr. Speaker, as the members of the Sac- HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY years from 1981 through the mid-2000s. Driv- ramento Filipino World War II Veterans Group OF MARI HULMAN GEORGE ers, racing personalities, and media partnered and The Filipino Veterans Recognition and with Indiana Special Olympic athletes to com- Education Project celebrate the service of the HON. SUSAN W. BROOKS plete various activities, raising one million dol- World War II veterans, I ask all my colleagues OF INDIANA lars for the Indiana Special Olympics. Impor- to join me in honoring them for their heroism IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tantly, Mari created and sponsored a program, which is still in effect today, allowing thou- in protecting our great nation. Thursday, December 13, 2018 f sands of Indiana schoolchildren to visit the Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I Speedway each May to learn about the con- TRIBUTE TO JAMES ROBINSON rise today to honor the life and legacy of the nection between education and motorsports. late Mari Hulman George, a pillar of the Indi- Mari’s passion for racing was rivaled only by HON. KEN CALVERT anapolis and international auto racing commu- her passion for the arts, education, healthcare, OF CALIFORNIA nity and Chairman Emeritus of the Board of and animal issues. She served as a trustee of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Indianapolis Motor Speedway (IMS). The the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and people of Indiana’s Fifth Congressional District made contributions to the Indianapolis Mu- Thursday, December 13, 2018 are forever grateful for Mari’s passion for auto seum of Art, Indiana State University, Purdue Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to racing, stewardship of Indianapolis as the University, Indiana University, and Saint Mary- honor and pay tribute to James ‘‘Jim’’ Robin- ‘‘Racing Capital of the World,’’ and decades of of-the-Woods College, among other institu- son, who passed away on Tuesday, Decem- compassionate philanthropic work to the State tions. ber 4, 2018. Jim was an active and influential of Indiana and the nation. Passionate about animal care, Mari became leader in Riverside County throughout his life A life-long Hoosier, Mari was born in Evans- a leading charitable donor, especially for and he will be deeply missed. ville, Indiana in 1934 to prominent business horses and greyhounds. Her love for animals Jim was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he magnate Anton ‘‘Tony’’ Hulman, Jr. and Mary led to the endowment and establishment of developed asthma at a young age. To help Fendrich Hulman. She attended school at St. the Equine Science Program at Saint Mary-of- provide him some relief, Jim’s family moved to Benedict in Terre Haute, the Ladywood School the-Woods in 1989, which was named the California for drier air and a warmer climate. in Indianapolis, and Purdue University in West Mari Hulman George School of Equine Stud- He graduated from San Bernardino High Lafayette. Throughout her lifetime Mari was ies to honor her continuous support. The School and earned his bachelor’s degree from deeply involved in the Hulman family busi- school also conducts the Mari Hulman George California State Los Angeles. While in college, nesses, serving as the chairman of Hulman & Thoroughbred Adoption program to provide Jim enlisted in the Army National Guard, earn- Company, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, proper care for horses. Mari personally raised, ing the Distinguished Cadet Honor and ob- and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Founda- bred, and rode horses at the family’s Circle S tained the rank of Staff Sergeant. Jim contin- tion. In addition, she served as a longtime Ranch near Terre Haute, her family ranch in ued his education throughout his career, ob- board member of First Financial Bank, a pub- Wyoming, and at various stables in Florida. taining his graduate degree from Southern licly traded company headquartered in Terre Her quarter horses and thoroughbreds com- Methodist University. Jim later completed Haute. peted in numerous events. As a tribute to her Stanford University’s Financial Management Mari’s deep passion for auto racing began love and support of the sport, The Mari Program in 1983 and the Harvard University when her father purchased the Indianapolis Hulman George Stakes was named in her Graduate School of Business Executive Pro- Motor Speedway in 1945, saving it from dem- honor and remains a prestigious annual race gram in 1987. olition after World War II. The track soon be- at Indiana Downs. In 2001, the Indiana De- Jim launched his career in banking as a came the cornerstone of her life, where she partment of Homeland Security renamed its messenger for Security First National Bank spent the majority of her formative years. In search-and-rescue training area at Camp which later became Security Pacific National 1954, she joined with Roger Wolcott to form Atterbury the Mari Hulman George Search and Bank. He entered the bank’s management the HOW racing team, which fielded the Amer- Rescue Training Center, recognizing Mari’s training program and upon graduation oversaw ican Automobile Association (AAA) and the contribution to the care of animals displaced the operations of a series of larger bank United States Auto Club (USAC) cars for sev- due to disasters. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:25 Dec 14, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13DE8.025 E13DEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS December 13, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1671 Mari will be forever missed by her family wise advisor and loyal supporter during my Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘YEA’’ and loved ones and by the entire racing com- entire tenure in Congress.
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