^PRICE, 10 CENTS FORTY PAGES THEATRES^ CIRCUSES FAIRS ~ MUSICIANS TBeertriceJ Weekly Volume XVII. No. 10. CINCINNATI NEW YORK- CIIIC A G O March 11,1905. * COL. FRED. P. CUMMINS Sole Owner and Manager of the Cum- mins' Wild West 4 Ttie Billboard women on the American stage; Mr. Charles J. Wilson, recent basso with Edward Harrlgan; BESSIE VVYNN Miss Dorothy Gray, leading soprano of The Strollers; little Agnes and Reginald Blair, two DRAMATIC MINSTREL! of tlie mo-it versatile and talented of children VAUDEVILLE BURLESQUE artists. Miss Kleanor Blair, Mr. Eugene Keith. Miss Fanny I'routy and Mr. Arthur Lorraine. MUSIC OPERA Tills Is a list of people who have made good in either the legitimate or vaudeville, and com- mand a salary that places them above the Cousin Billy is not the greatest of average artist. The finale of the act Is a big Clyde Fitch's plays tint it serves to draw a radium dance that Is In Itself a big feature very gratifying amount of business to the card. Eight ghosts, with radlunilzed costumes Criterion. The principal Interest 1* In Francis and hollow pumpkins for beads, execute a Itcan- WlU-on's work, his first in straight comedy. tiful dance and chorus. There Is an excellent quartet which is an important feature of the Things Theatrical in the Metropolis, The Duchess of Dantzlc at Daly's act. Dave Nowlln Introduces his celebrated and Bits of General Interest lias more than fulfilled the prophesies founded barnyard Imitations during the course of the Discussed on the Rialto. on Its remarkably successful opening. act, and other novel specialties add atmosphere. We carry all special scenery and electrical There were no real openings on Lew Fields has not yet found It effects." The act was written and staged by llroadway last week, though a special matinee necessary to change his program. It Happened Dave Nowlln. who also wrote the special num- of Rlchter's Wife, a drama by Julio riertie, In Nordland lias proved a big winner. bers and songs used exclusively by the Barn In which the playwright herself appeared, was Dance. given at the Manhattan Theatre on Monday Lovers of epigramatic comedy are afternoon. The play Is too morose to be suc- finding surcease at the Garrlck In Bernard Charles W. Coleman takes exception cessful, even If It were not wanting In other Shaw's You Never Can Tell. Arnold Daly to the note In the last Issue of The Bllllioanl respects. The plot deals with the love of a is sustaining his reputation in the piece under In which it was said that a protege of Mr. musician for his cousin from the west, who has the management of Llebler & Co. Fred Beckman would handle the excursion car come to New York to enter upon a musical with the Frank Robblns Show. Mr. Coleman career under his tutelage, he being the director The County Chairman put In two says that while Mr. Beckman is a very desir- of nu orchestra of considerable Importance—and good weeks at the Grand Opera House, closing able sponsor, he thinks he Is strong enough to tile husband of a rather flighty -wife. The fact theie last Saturday night. stand on his own reputation, and liegs me to of his being 11 husluinil at nil Is what makes announce that he will have charge of the car. the plot possible. None of the character* are Lew Dnckstnder was no doubt as glad to get back to New York as New Yorkers particularly Interesting, though some good work Bert S. Gllmore ("Pop") writes thai wen- to ;ee him. He Is putting In the week Is done by several of the actors. Chrystal Herne. he Is in the South with Benton's Comedians •it the Grand Opera House. sister of the pluywrlght. for Instance, in the but will be back with the carnival boyn thin part of Helen, the western cou: In. and William summer. Blanche Walsh has come into her In Babes in Tcyland. linn phrey as Bandit, a musician of ir.e;tns and own with her success in Tlie Woman In The i •*** ability, also In love with the heroine. The | A. E. ("Kid") Hodges and D. T. Case. Clyde Fitch's latest success, at the Herald llainlll stopped In to say "Howdy" on their proHem is solved In the end by the wife's sul- S-|iiiire Tl nitre. HARRY MORRIS DEAD Hde i:pon learning of the love of her husband way to the steamer which Is to bear them away fur Helen. Altogether, the play falls Co satisfy. to the Buffalo Bill Show In Paris. Both an Success makes the man and want members of Local No. 1. Harry Morris, one of the best known of It the fellow. Strongheart has made William impersonators of German character In Maude Adams' successful run at the ('. I'e.Mille by Its success. Incidentally It this country and for the past twenty- Umpire in The Little Minister and 'Op O' Me Alexandria Vlarda, the celebrated five years prominently connected as a Thumb came to a close last Saturday night. bus added to the reputation of Robert Edeson. Polish tragedienne, supported by a West-end It Is drawing big business to tlie Hudson. comedian, died, Feb. 27. at the private In this, the greatest of the Harrie plays, Miss Co.. will present In English, Deliorah, the trag- Adams more than duplicated her former success. edy In four acts from which Leah, The Forsaken, sanitarium of Miss A. L. Alston, No. Notwithstanding Love and The Man 26 West Sixty-first street. New York. Ixith from an artistic and a financial standpoint. was adapted; also Alexandria, a drama of has tieen rather severely criticised, business at Death was due to complications fol- She was first seen In the play as John Drew's modern life In four acts; and Beyond Our Power, the Knickerbocker is up to the top notch. The lowing an attack of pneumonia. Mr. leading woman at the same house several years a powerful, new, up-to-date drama. The com- people know that Mr. Forties Roliertson could Morris entered the sanitarium three ago. She lias matured In her art since that pany will go en tour shortly. not lie had In anything. They go to see him, weeks ago and his recovery was ex- time, but she ha: never nad a better vehicle not the play. pected up until a few days before his than The Little Minister. She will take her J. M. Norton, of Delmar Garden, St. Louis, Mo., was a caller last week. Mr. Nor- death. New Yolk company on the road, where a pros- The popularity of Fantana at the IHMOUS tour is certain. William Gillette follows ton predicts a prosperous season for the Garden, Mr. Morris was born in Cincinnati Lyric Is not waning. of which he has been requested to take the in 1854, and early entered the pro- her at the Kmptrc. *-•-» ••••» management. fession. For ten years he and Henry Mrs. Fiske continues to attract good They do say that Augustus Thomas Fields operated companies. He pros- Illiniums to the Manhattan with Leah Kleschna. lias never before produced anything so good as Edward J. Connolly was severely in- pered in his ventures, and about 1890 Mrs. Lemngwell's Boots. The play stands alone in Its cluss of successes jured about the eyes by the premature explosion married Miss May Howard, who, how- this season. While It presents psychological of a revolver during the firing scene of The ever, secured two divorces from him. <|uestions ill a most interesting study, the other Wright Lorimer, in The Shepherd Duel in The Snow at Colonial Music Hall one Miss Howard, upon learning of her King, will fill out five weeks at the New York Miiccisses on Broadway are so, either from the night last week, and was unable to appear former husband's Illness, went to his •tand|H>lm of sparkling comedy or tangible sen Theatre. Business Is not good. New Yorker's In several subsequent performances. Indeed, bedside and forgetting all estrange- tlrnent. The Music Master, with David War- don't exactly take to Mr. Lorlmer's play. Still, an operation was necessary to remove a large ments assisted in caring for him. She Held as the star. Is enjoying the same degree It had a most successful tour and no one seems splinter from the eye-lid. He narrowly escaped was at his bedside when death came. of popular favor at the Bijou that distinguished to know Just why it should not draw big busi- being totally blind. Mr. Charles James Cherry Mr. Morris excelled In burlesque. It at the Belaseo Theatre earlier In the season. ness here. substituted him. CLYDE PHILLIPS. He burlesqued Wilton Lackaye's Sven- Its Interest Is founded on sentiment. Its plot ga.ll, and In a burlesque on Mme. Sans Gene was successful as Napoleon. He has no great depth; but oh. what a depth of Thearle & Buckley, those two en- NEW PLAY AT THE YORKVILLE feeling David Warfleld puts Into the part of terprising agents who hare been rapidly forg- once headed the Twentieth Century Maids and several A Night On Broad- the old musician. People who see The Music ing to the front in the past few months, are The Red Carnation, a new play from Master weep. Its pathos Is most delightful. Issuing a little four-page newspaper which they way companies, which are now suc- the pen of Mrs. Elizabeth Lee Shepard, cessfully running. Just before his ill- The College Widow at the Garden Theatre is call The Stroller.
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