Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1987-88 The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 9-17-1987 The thI acan, 1987-09-17 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1987-88 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1987-09-17" (1987). The Ithacan, 1987-88. 4. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1987-88/4 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1987-88 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. ' ~ . ,~ ,• ' - ..11 ~ ·-------------------------..:---.: -~ ·The Constitution ..• Queen Ida •.. Weekly review ••• page 7 I page 9 I page 17_ THE ,. The Newspaper For The Ithaca College Community -------lll!lla--------~~~~~~~---------~~~~=~-Issue· 4 September 17 7 1987 20 pages* Free Gufenberger wins primary - BY ROBERT G. DELANEY Condoms to The Democratic primary for Mayor of Ithaca ended Tuesday with incum­ bent Mayor John Gutenberger ' defeating Common Council member Dan Hoffman · by 47 votes. be in dorms Gutenberger, who ·11as served two terms as mayor, gained 51 percent of the vote to Hoffman's 49 percent. Part of AIDS prevention Voter.turnout was fairly high for Ithaca, with over 50 percent of the 4,000 registered Democrats making it BY JERILYN VELDOF the first college to put condom­ to the polls. Gutenberger won 1,063 As soon as a vendor and exact loca­ dispensing machines in dorms. This is votes to Hoffman's 1,016. tions are chosen, condom-dispensing not highly unusual." Lippincott also Both candidates knew that the elec­ machines will be installed in the dor­ adds that President James Whalen has tion was going to be close, but both mitories on campus. This decision is been involved in the decision and sup­ were surprised by the 47-ballot dif­ based on a recommendation by an ports it. ference. Hoffman, speaking at the AIDS education task force that met Mixed Reactions Coddington restaurant, said he knew over the summer. The task force is Sgrecci forsees that reactions to the that his 100 percent of supporters­ now a pennanent committee focusing condom machines will be mixed. would show up, but that he also need-_ on educating the Ithaca College com­ Some concerns already voiced by munity about AIDS. ed a good portion of the undecided students include questions about votes. "1 needed roughly 200 of the Currently, condoms are sold in whether the machines would promote Mac's General Store and the Ham­ outstanding votes to win the election; sex at the same time as they are sup­ mond Health Center. "Basically the I only got about half that," he said. posed to prevent AIDS. "I think it's idea is to make condoms available Hoffman conceded defeat, even wrong to have condoms in the resident more widely," says John Lippincott, though there are stiil 118 absentee halls because I think it's promoting Director of College Relations. During ballots still outstanding. Gutenberger sex," sophomore Gail LeRosa says. the hours that the general store and did very well not only in his home "Having two places on campus where health center are closed, condoms ward, the third, but also won the first they're available is enough [rather] and second. ! would still be available in all the than right under your nose. Maybe , dorms. Hoffman won his home ward, the 2 I'm old fashioned." fifth, and the fourth, which includes S= Lippincott stresses that although Sophomore Julie Hall disagrees. condoms are not a sure-fire way to part of the Collegetown area. n "It doesn't matter where they're · prevent AIDS, they are an important Gutenberger, who held his post­ available. The fact is that they're method. "Ithaca College is not put- ·election rally at What's Your Beef, a available. So I don't see why having ting condoms in dorms to promote restaurant on East Hill, was joined by ~ them in the residence halls would pro­ sexual activity," he adds. Hoffman later Tuesday evening. mote sex anymore than anywhere else. Hoffman wanted to show his support Serious Epidemic If anything, having them where you for the Democratic Party in the up­ Carl Sgrecci, Vice-President of Stu- live would promote responsibility." coming general election against dent Affairs, stresses the seriousness Although senior Marie Incumbent ·Mayor John Gutenberger ai his victory celebndon Tuesday Republican Dr. Rueben Weiner. of the AIDS epidemic. Although there Michalopoulos says she is not sure if evening. condom machines will do much for see Primary page 3 · are no cases of AIDS on campus right now, he says that the virus has the the prevention of AIDS, she says they potential of killing a large number of will at least be a convenient way to get people. Making condoms more birth control. available is a strong preventive Difficult Decision DA battles againstfake ID's This decision to put machines in the measure to take. Under the new· policy, anyone dorms was not an easy one. Assistant BY ROBERT G. DELANEY alcohol co~":seling. There will be no caught using fake identification will be "I hope people will understand this Professor of Communications Tompkins County District At- plea bargammg on DWI arrests for arrested and asked to post bail. for what it is," Sgrecci says. "Con­ Howard S. Cogan is one of those sup­ tomey Benjamin Bucko has an!1ounc- persons under 2I · "I work sev~n days Because most of the ap-ests for this doms are only a small component of porting the administration's decision. ed his war on drunk driving and fake a week, and as many hours as it takes crime are at night, it is likely that the the large issue of trying to educate our "[The machines] are a good idea," he identification. New policies and on these DWI cases. I've got all the person arrested will spend one night students about AIDS." says. "I can understand the anguish tougher penalties are all part of a pro- time in the world~', he said: in jail. President of Student Government, our administration must have gone gram to stop DWI and underage Bucko also disc~ssed! m gr~at "Since we started the program on Harvey Epstein reiterates this point: through in making the decision to drinking. ' leng~h, th~ laws d~ling with, f~se m- August 31, we have made three arrests "Condom machines are being used as make condoms available. The whole "Alcohol-related crime is on the in- dentlficatJon or fak: ID s · ~e for underage drinking and two for an educational device to make people problem of AIDS demands positive crease: we plan to stop it. The statC? that the person usmg the ID will altered licenses. One of those arrested aware that by using condoms they'll action, and I think this is one of the discovery of alcohol as a serious drug not Just. be asked to leave a b_ar, or was a young woman, who had to be practicing safer sex.'' things that has to be done." has not happened, but now it will," have therr ID taken away, but will face spend the night in jail. Another per- Not First College IC is not "grandstanding" on the The machines should be installed in he said. serious criminal charges. son, a student, had to spend the whole a few weeks, Lippincott says. People who choose to break the law "In the past it has become quite see Bucko page 2 issue, Lippincott stresses. "We are not are showing disrespect, Bucko said, cl~ar that.und~rage people have ~n A f • h I • •t and will suffer the consequences. He usmg altered licenses and fake ID s to cu stated that the Turning Point Pro- get aleph~!. If an underage person is fl Ca· SC O ar VI SI s gram which was a counseling pro- caught with a fake ID, they fac~ a " gram,forpeopleunder21 yearsofage class_Amisdemeano!, ~~ichcarriesa Ali A. Mazrui, considered one An obvious reason for keeping as giving money to groups that pro­ and charged with DWI, has been maximumoneyearmJa.d_and$1,000 of Africa's greatest scholars, spoke nuclearscienceoutofceriainareasof mote violence. Mazrui pointed to the discontinued. "There will be no break ~ne. If they are caught with a forged this Tuesday at Cornell's Anabel the globe is terrorist activities and the fact that the U.S. does this and tenns for first-time offenders," he said. license they face a Oass D felony, Taylor Building. Mazrui is a professor possible use of nuclear bombs inter­ it freedom fighting while any other of political science at the University of rorist strikes. This is a U.S. viewpoint, similar action is called terrorism. Michigan and has taught in Nigeria one which Mazrui combats. He The lecture was followed by a 'Don't bother hiring a· high pric­ and Uganda. His controversial PBS believes that the world has not become question-answer period. Most of those series, "The Africans," will begin alarmed enough by the state of who commented to Mazrui showed ed attorney to come and try to plea soon in the U.S. and will be shown nuclear science to cause disarmament. some disagreement but also respect every Tuesday night for nine weeks. For example, why didn't any major for his views. One notable comment bargain: with me. He'll be spea~- Likewise, the views he presented at change come about after Three Mile was directed from a more theological Cornell caused controversy, but were Island? Mazrui calls for conditions of point of view, often quoting the :.' ing to.
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