Har monica happenings A quarterly publication of the Society for the Preservation and Advancement of the Harmonica The Harmonica in Politics spah Al Smith News & Reviews, Reviews, Reviews! Summer, 2011 Vol. 45 No. 3 SUZUKI HARMONICAS New. Unique. Different. Innovative. M-20 Suzuki 10 Hole Diatonic Billy Branch Grégoire Maret See the entire line of Suzuki Harmonicas at www.suzukimusic.com/harmonicas The Name You Know Harmonica happenings In this issue: Vol. 45, No. 3, Summer 2011 ©2007, The Society for the Preservation Cover photo: “Keyholder” by Luciano Blues and Advancement of the Harmonica. http://www.flickr.com/people/lucianoblues/ All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from SPAH, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Harmonica Happenings is published quarterly by SPAH, Inc., Contents: a nonprofit organization, incorporated in the State of Michigan on October 23, 1963. 6 ANOTHER DISASTROUS MESS I GOT ME INTO SPAH Correspondence should be sent to: Charles Spranklin leaves the Don Henry trio behind and gets SPAH, Inc. into animation, with results only Spranklin could get! P.O. Box 865 Troy, MI 48099-0865 12 THE HARMONICA IN POLITICS— EDITOR & PUBLISHER JP Pagán Manfred Wewers researches how the harmonica has influenced ASSOC. EDITOR Jaine Rodack U.S. Presidents throughout history. COPY EDITOR Danny Wilson SPAH BOARD OF DIRECTORS 15 AL SMITH— Tom Stryker President L.J. Atkison Vice President Rob Fletcher bring you the latest news about a man who never Eugene Hansen Treasurer slows down. Elizabeth Atkison Secretary Roger Bale Membership Director JP Pagán Magazine Editor 18 CD Review Bob Cohen Webmaster Phil Lloyd reviews Let’s Live It Up! by Mississippi Heat. Warren Bachman Marketing Director 20 Instructional CD Review Paul Metris Sergeant at Arms Norm Dobson International Liaison David Barrett’s Blues Harmonica Jam Tracks & Soloing Concepts #3 Danny Wilson SPAH Historian Paul Davies Advisor 22 CD Review COMMITTEES History of the Blues Harmonica Concert, a 2CD set that cap- Harmonicas & Health tures live performances of classic blues from pre-World War II Terry Rand Chairman up to today. Entertainment Winslow Yerxa Chairman SPAH Advisory Committee 28 CD Review L.J. Atkison Chairman Bill York Yurochko reviews The Sharp Harp Quintet In Convention Committee Rehearsal. Elizabeth Atkison Chairwoman SPAH FOUNDER Earl Collins 1924 -1988 SPAH MEMBERSHIPS Harmonica Events All memberships are on a calendar For the latest information on these events, see the year basis, beginning Jan. 1. Membership entitles each member Events page on the SPAH website: www.spah.org to receive a full year’s issues of Harmonica Happenings plus discounts SPAH 2011 at SPAH’s annual conventions. Virginia Beach, VA Aug 9-13 CHANGE OF ADDRESS www.spah.org To insure receiving your next copy, send or contact Elizabeth Atkison at [email protected] both your old and new address to: Membership Director, SPAH, Inc. P.O. Box 865, Troy, MI 48099-0865 Jon Gindicks’ Blues Harmonica Jam Camp SPAH’S WEBSITE Clarksdale, MI Sept 27-Oct 1 www.spah.org www.bluesharmonicajamcamp.com or call Jon at 310-457-8278 HARP-L INFORMATION www.harp-l.org 2010 - 2011 Corporate Sponsors The SPAH Corporate Sponsorship Program benefits SPAH, its members and the sponsors. The sponsors listed below have demonstrated their dedication to the preservation and advancement of the harmonica by actively participating in SPAH conventions and other activities and by financially supporting the organization. They deserve the thanks, recognition and support of SPAH members. Hohner, Inc. Andy Garrigue, Harmonica Marketing Manager 804-591-3741 www.hohnerusa.com Suzuki Musical Instruments Daron Stinton Harmonica/school Division Manager (800) 854-1594 www.suzukimusic.com/harmonicas Rupert Oysler (828) 262-1088 www.seydel1847.com President’s Letter STEP RIGHT UP! ello fellow SPAH mem- wealth of computer knowledge bers. Time is now get- with great enthusiasm to SPAH and ting shorter for our next will usher in our new, online mem- convention which will bership program while carrying on Hbe in Virginia Beach, Virginia. It is Roger Bale’s pro-activities. We also shaping up nicely and the entertain- received a number of inquiries for ment is, as usual, first class. This the presidential election that will year, Marvin Monroe will conduct occur in April, 2012. There is still the open mic in the main gather- time to contact Winslow Yerxa ing area. What a great spot this ([email protected]) to get will be to show off your talents to on the ballot for this prestigious other members. Dick Lawrence and position. I know there are qualified his guys are going to take a much people out there who could really needed break from being the house help SPAH. Don’t be bashful.This band this year. What a wonderful year, J.P. Pagán and Bob Cohen will job they have done. L.J. Atkison in- videotape presidential candidates forms me that the vendors will all along with their vice-presidential be in one room again this year and running mate, and place their in- there will be some exciting displays. terview on the web to allow our Seminars will abound this year members to consider who it is they also. Manfred Wewers has done wish to vote for. Even further, if you a great job on them. The jazz jam have declared yourself as a candi- will continue as usual on Thurs- date, you can meet and greet other day and Friday evenings under the members at the SPAH convention in capable guidance of Joe “SmoJoe” person. Also, we still need a trainee Leone. Joe will carry on the work of for SPAH Treasurer… the great Randy Singer. Mary Ann Speaking of SPAH officers, I am Gormley will chair the Harmonicas sad to announce that Warren Bach- & Health seminar this year. Hope- man had to resign as publicity direc- fully, H&H founding member Terry tor because of personal endeavors Rand will find a bit of space in his and recent surgery on his back. We business schedule to join us. will miss Warren and if you wish to Our recent email blasts for a send a thank you note for all of his membership director and elec- good work for SPAH and a get well tion candidates are paying off. I message, you can send it to him at am pleased to announce that Dave [email protected]. Jones will begin learning the du- Well, it’s back to the business of ties of membership director and we convention preparation. It’s been a expect that he will be up and run- long winter and the bad weather ning by the 2012 convention. Please isn’t over yet. I am ready for some welcome Dave when you see him “Sun, Surf and SPAH” in Virginia with Roger and Nancy at the SPAH Beach… See you there!! jq registration desk. Dave brings a Summer 2011 3 What is SPAH? SPAH is an organization whose objective is to preserve and respect the colorful past of the harmonica, while advancing its acceptance, in all its many forms, as a bona fide musical instrument. Among the mem- bership are individuals and entire families, accomplished musicians as well as beginners, and people of all ages. Many members have played or do play the harmonica professionally. Their music styles, ranging through Country, Blues, Popular, and Classical, can be enjoyed via recordings or live performances. The many benefits of SPAH will be available to you as a member. You are welcome to join SPAH regardless of playing ability or style. SPAH also welcomes members who just like to listen to harmonica music. You will be joining people from around the world to preserve and advance the harmonica. For more information on SPAH visit our website at www.spah.org. Join SPAH - The Society for the Preservation and Advancement of the Harmonica What SPAH does: * Sponsors an annual International Harmonica Convention featuring classes, entertainment by professional harmonica players, and camaraderie. * Distributes information on harmonicas and harmonica playing * Recognizes and honors those who preserve and advance the harmonica * Encourages the formation of local harmonica clubs * Supports groups organizing harmonica conventions * Maintains a website at www.spah.org * Sponsors an online harmonica discussion group and an online harmonica club news service Member benefits: * Subscription to Harmonica Happenings, our quarterly magazine with harmonica news from around the world including seminar and convention listings, articles on playing techniques, repairs, harmonica clubs and famous harmonica players and groups, and information on recently released recordings and harmonica products. * Discounts on SPAH’s annual International Harmonica Convention NEW MEMBER SPAH APPLICATION NAME ______________________________________________________________________ BIRTH DATE ___________________ ADDRESS __________________________________________________________ PHONE (______)_________________________ CITY ___________________________ STATE____________ ZIP ______________ E-MAIL _______________________________ COUNTRY (if other than USA) _____________________________ CLUB NAME ________________________________________________ CITY _________________________________ ST _____ I Play These Harmonicas: Other Harmonica-Related Activities: Diatonic Chromatic Chord Compose Arrange Bass Other: ______________ Teach Collect Harmonicas Enclose $45 for individual membership or $60 for Family. U.S. funds only, made payable to SPAH, Inc. Mail to: Membership Director, SPAH, Inc., P.O. Box 865, Troy, MI 48099-0865 If you prefer, you can fill out the membership form and pay your membership fee using a credit card by logging onto the SPAH website: www.spah.org. 4 Harmonica Happenings Editor’s Letter HIT THE ROAD, JAck ummer’s finally here, both spirit and looks at how the harmon- the season and of course ica has been a part of the American the Harmonica Happen- presidency throughout the nation’s ings issue. So time to pack history. It’ll have you honking out Syour bags—don’t forget your har- “The Star Spangled Banner” (or monicas!—and hit the road.
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