1 381 Volume III: Document Supplement, Part A William J. Clinton Statements 382 REFERRAL z. TOTHE UNITED STATESHOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PURSUANTTO TITLE 28, UNITED STATES CODE, § 595(c) DOCUMENT SUPPLEMENT A SUBMITTEDBY THE OFFICE OF THE INDEPENDENTCOUNSEL 383 Table of Contents 384 385 595(c) REPORT DOCI JMENT SUPPLEMENT A - CLINTON STATEMENTS INDEX Tab Description 1. l/l 7/98 Deposition of President William Jefferson Clinton in the case of Jones v. Clinton 2. l/l 7/98 Deposition Exhibit No. 1 - Definition of Sexual Relations 3. l/l 7/98 Deposition Exhibit No. 2 - Definition of Sexual Assault and Offense of Sexual Assault 4. l/17/98 Deposition Exhibit No. 3 - 18 USCS $2244 & $2245 - Sexual Abuse 5. l/l 7/98 Deposition Exhibit No. 5 - Office of the Governor Sexual Harassment Policy 6. l/l 7/98 Deposition Exhibit No. 6 - Third Annual Governor’s Quality Conference Agenda, Wednesday, May 8, 199 1 7. l/17/98 Deposition Exhibit No. 7 - 4/l/91 Memo from Partain to Hernrich re: Governor’s Role in Quality Conference 8. l/17/98 Deposition Exhibit No. 8 - DF Call 9. l/l 7/98 Deposition Exhibit No. 9 - President Clinton’s Responses to Plaintiffs Third Set of Interrogatories 10. 1/17/98 Deposition Exhibit No. 10 - President Clinton’s Responses to Plaintiffs First Set of Interrogatories 11. l/l 7/98 Deposition Exhibit No. 11 - Handwritten Note from Gennifer to Bill 12. l/l 7/98 Deposition Exhibit No. 12 - Handwritten Note from Gennifer to Bill Stamped Received on 2/25/91 13. l/17/98 Deposition Exhibit No. 13 - Handwritten and Typed Note of President Clinton’s encounter with Dolly Kyle at their Class Reunion 14. l/17/98 Deposition Exhibit No. 14 - President Clinton’s Supplemental Responses to Plaintiffs Second Set of Interrogatories 15. l/17/98 Deposition Exhibit No. 15 - Affidavit of Jane Doe #6 signed by Monica S. Lewinsky on l/7/98 16. 8/17/98 Grand Jury Testimony of President William Jefferson Clinton 386 Tab Description 17. 8/l 7/98 Grand Jury Exhibit No. WJC- 1 - Statement of President Clinton 18. 8/l 7/98 Grand Jury Exhibit No. WJC-2 - Jones v. Clinton Definition of Sexual Relations 19. 8/l 7/98 Grand Jury Exhibit No. WJC-3 - l/l 7/98 Deposition of President William Jefferson Clinton in the case of Jones v. Clinton 20. 8/17/98 Grand Jury Exhibit No. WJC-4 - Affidavit of Jane Doe #6 signed by Monica S. Lewinsky on l/7/98 21. 8/l 7/98 Grand Jury Exhibit No. WJC-5 - Photograph of President Clinton dated 816198 22. 8/l 7/98 Grand Jury Exhibit No. WJC-6 - Photograph of the tie worn by President Clinton dated 8/6/98 387 Tab 1 388 389 DEPOSITION OF WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON JONES V. CLINTON SEALED PURSUANT TO COURT ORDER 390 1 391 Tab 2 392 393 P&Joncsv. WdiamJ@kson Clinton aad- Fewon No. ~-C-94-290 (ED. A&) DEPOSITIONOF - JEFFERSONCXBITON . .. f . 394 . --r---.CBC.~., r.-wesY. I-..-.._ - .i “. I 9)QA 395 - Tab 3 396 397 PadaJonesv. E%tianaJderson CIintoprand D4nn~Fergrrson No.I&C-94290(=.Adc) DEPOSITION OF WIUAM JEFERSON CLINTON . 398 Tab 4 400 401 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT 3 JONES V. CLINTON SEALED PURSUANT TO COURT ORDER 402 403 Tab 5 404 405 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT 5 JONES V. CLINTON SEALED PURSUANT TO COURT ORDER 406 407 Tab 6 408 409 .____ Ir _ I’ Third&mud 1, Governor% Quality Chferenck Exceisior Botei Wednesday,May8,1991 i -AGENDA 411 Tab 7 - 412 413 April 1, 1991 TO: NancyBernrich FROM: Jan Putain NE: Governor's role in Quality COnfUUrCe The agenda for the Gcwemor's Quality ConiUenCe on Hay 8 is enclosed, as well as the mail-outswe heve ,.done thus far. We had planned for the Governor to kick off and to kp up the conference: however, his presence for the eatire day would be significant. The meeting is designed specifically for top manages, and they arq requested not to send substitutes. Pleas@ call me at 27327 if you have questions. cc: Dave Harrington Jim rjlakley 414 Third hrnaal Governor’s Quality Conference Wednesday,Blay 8, 1991 ExcelsiorNote1 8:00 Introductions Dave introducesGovezmr Governor talks about iaportanccof Quality Managementto nanuf8cturus 8nd thm.to the state's econ Qidin state government, continued cox bent to QBfacross the counw, etc. Governor introducesspeakers. 8:30 Lew Springer lo:oo Break 10:70 Lew Springer 12:oo LUnCh 1:oo JimIiarrington 2:oo Break 2:30 JimHarrington 3:30 Q&A 3:SO -W-UP Governor wraps-up 849-DC- 4:oo Adjourn 415 416 Tab 8 418 419 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT 8 JONES V. CLINTON SEALED PURSUANT TO COURT ORDER R 0 421 Tab 9 422 423 PRESIDENT CLINTON’S RESPONSE TO PLA~NT~FF’S THIRD SET OF INTERROGATORIES JONES V, CLINTON SEALED PURSUANT TO COURT ORDER 424 425 Tab 10 426 427 PRESIDENT CLINTON’S RESPONSES TO PLAINTIFF’S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES JONES V. CLINTON SEALED PURSUANT TO COURT ORDER 428 Tab 11 430 431 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT 11 JONES V. CLINTON SEALED PURSUANT TO COURT ORDER 432 433 Tab 12 434 435 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT 12 JONES V. CLINTON SEALED PURSUANT TO COURT ORDER 436 437 Tab 13 438 439 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT 13 JONES V. CLINTON SEALED PURSUANT TO COURT ORDER 440 - 441 Tab 14 442 443 PRESIDENT CLINTON’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES TO PLAINTIFF’S SECOND SET OF INTERROGATORIES JONES V. CLINTON SEALED PURSUANT TO COURT ORDER 445 Tab 15 446 1. Myname irJaneDoc#6 .I am24 years oldand I 2. in ~tcember 19, 1997, I was served with a subpoena I from the plaintiffto give a depositian and to produce documents in 1 the lawsuit filed by Paula Corbin Jonas against President William ; Jefferson Clinton andDaEmy Perguman. 3. Icaamtfathananyrsasonthattheplaiatiffuould seek informationfrum mc for bar case. 4. I hava ammr mat Ms. Jonas, MrdoIhavaany infomnatioa regarding the event8 she allagas ace at tha, Excelsior Hotel on Hay 8, 1931 01:any other information coaczdq any of the allegationsiahsrcasa. 5. IuOrkedatthet8hitc&u8eiatbe . - of 1995 as a WhiteHou8cintera.Beghamg iIl Decauber, 1995, I - ia tha ; Office of Legislative Affairs a8 a 8taff a8sistaat far corrcspoa&ncc. In April, 1996, I accapted a job as assistaat to the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs at ths U.S. Dqarmmt of Defense. I maintained that job until Decmbar 26, 1997. I am curreatlyuaexployedbut seekiag anew job. 6. Inthecourseofmy cmploylPcntattheVZhittEouseI' met President Clinton sevaraltimes. I also sawths Presidantat a number of social functioms held at the white House. when I worked as an intern, he appeared at occasional functians lttendsd by lilt and sevexal other intaras. The comespoa&maIdraftaduMlef worked at the Office of Legislative Affairs vu seea sad edited by supervisors who either had the Resi&atOs ligaature affirrclby mechanism or, I believe, had ths Presidsntsign ths v itself. 7. Ibavetheutmostrt~ctfortbcPrcaiarntvhobu always behavsd appropriatelyin my prewace. 8. I have aevex had a sua;ralrelationship with the 'Preside&, he did not propose that we have a smaaal ftlatioaship, he did sot offer me employaant or other benefits in cxchapgc.for a sexual relationship, he did not deay mc employment or other benefits for rejectinga smmal TC1atianPhi.p. .Ido aot Imow of Uly 448 Otherpersol3rshohada mucurl rehtiarrrhipwiththePresident,wu offered employment or other beaefitm io excbaagt for a mexuaJ relationship, or was denied euplmt or other benefit8 for' rejecting a lemdl relathaship. The occasiona that I maw the President after I left my.eaployment 8t the Whit+ Bone in April.: I 1996, were officirl receptiona,formal furrcti- or weata mhtad / to the U.S. Dcpartmcnt0fDefen8e,whrt Iwaa=rkingatthetimt. There were otherpeople prementonthamc occasions. 9. since I: d0 n0t posses8 any information that could possiblyk~tvazrttoth~lagafioru~by~~~~~or lead to rrhnfmible evidence irr'thirwe, 18sked my attorneyto prmdde thi8 affidavit to plaiatiff'r cou~el. bquirhg my depo8ition ia this matterwould cwsc di~ion tomy life, upeciallysincc I am looking for amployaeat,ltnwurrrzrted lttomey'm fee8 and co8t8, and constitute an immaion of my rigktoptimcy. IdeclEmaderthepamltyof~uqmxattheforego~ is true aadcorrect. l l l l 449 DISTRICT OF COLRMB~, SI): -CA s. -, w. fira duly 8wora oa oati lrccordiag to law, ckpomu and aaym that ahe haa read the foregoing’ 1 AFFIDA=TOFJSUIEDO&#~ byhermbmcribed, thatthemattua! eated herein are tmae to the bmt of her iafozamtion,kaowl* ; aad belief. 451 Tab 16 452 453 OFFICE OF THE INDEPENDENT COUNSEL 1 ___-__________--_--___-_______x 2 : 3 TESTIMONY OF : Monday, August 17, 1998 : 4 WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON : Washington, D. C. : _-__----__-_-______-____--___-x 5 6 Videotaped testimony of 7 PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON before the Independent Counsel, held at The White House, 8 Washington, D. C., beginning at 1:03 p.m., when were 9 present on behalf of the respective parties: 10 FOR THE INDEPENDENT COUNSEL: KENNETH W. STARR, ESQ. 11 Independent Counsel JACKIE M. BENNETT, JR., ESQ. 12 ROBERT J. BITTMAN, ESQ. SOLOMON L. WISENBERG, ESQ. 13 Deputy Independent Counsel 14 MICHAEL W. EMMICK, ESQ. MARY ANNE WIRTH, ESQ. 15 BERNARD JAMES APPERSON, ESQ. Associate Independent Counsel 16 DAVID E. KENDALL, ESQ. 17 FOR THE PRESIDENT: NICOLE SELIGMAN, ESQ. Williams & Connolly 18 19 CHARLES F. C. RUFF, ESQ. Counsel to the President 20 ALSO PRESENT: JAMES P. RICKARDS, JR. Senior Consultant, OIC 21 GARY E. BRESNAHAN 22 White House Technical Staff 23 Secret Service Agent 24 . Court Reporter: Elizabeth A. Eastman 25 Deposition Services, Inc. 6245 Executive Boulevard 2300 M Street, N. W. Rockville, MD 20852 Suite 800 (301) 881-3344 Washington, D.C. 20037 /70?l 7R<1?10 454 be 1 PROCEEDINGS 2 MR.
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