JYJOSSJ\JOTORING Serving British Sports Car Enthusiasts Since 1948 • Our 11th Year of Publication • Fall 1994 • $1.50 for the older British classic car. but often patts arc not available until another Scene and... Older Vehicles Still Under parts car surfaces or another source can be found. Anything that will take these CONTINENTAL MGB REBUILD Threat From Pollution cars out of circulation permanently will British Motor Heritage ventured have a devastating effecr on the hobby outside the UK. for the first tune to in general! undertake .1 rebuild using .1 Heritage Legislation We are not afraid of, nor arc wc hodyshcll when they took their show to Essen, Gernuny. against the emissions standatds and rests outlined, although it may not be the best Tnc car rebuilt was an MGB which We make no apology for return Supposedly revenue generated by the belonged to Jack Bellinger who retired ing to the subject of proposed legislation would go into a fund to assist use of public funds to ensure that techni from Heritage in 1993 Federal and State legislation California residents with lower incomes cians are educated on the intricacies of to buy newer, less polluting cars! the SU and StiOiubeig constant depres charge ot the hodyshcll plant at which could affect your car, in fact the Election year in California would pre sion, side draft carburetors that were Faringdon which manufactures MGB, whole British sports car hobby! clude any new taxes in the short term used exclusively on these cars. Are you Midget and TR6 bodies. 0*et 90.000 Let's just consider a few recent but Presley's bill could become law really going to train personnel at a refer- European visitors attended the show pointers and what they might mean to sometime around 1995-1996. ee station to be knowledgeable on SU and the organizers instigated a new you down the road, (if you've anything and Strombergs?" prizetor the Heritagestand in recogni left to drive down the road!) The latest And it doesn't stop there! We recent tion of the interest it created. idea from (where else?| California, ly received from Howard Wiles. Get the drift.'-we thank Howard for David Bishop, the BMH I would require every vehicle to display a President of the Red River Triumph allowing us to quote briefly, from his commented, "Germany :s the third "Smog index" along with EPA mileage Club down in Texas, a copy of his nine page, point-by-point reply to the 64 largest market for British classic cars so figures on window stickers of both new detailed reply to the proposed State pages of the State Implementation Plan, Implementation Plan for the control of for the control of vehicle air pollution! we were keen to demonstrate and used cars sold in the state. pollution in that great State. In the first and quality of Heritage and its Under the proposal the smog index So what can YOU do about impend instance Howard requested an extension Specialist* over [here. We consider the ing legislation that could take YOUR would be used to determine an "annual to file his tcply to the proposal, but this .how to have been a great rod pollution offset fee" to be paid by the British sports car off the road for ever? was denied on the grounds that "noth Well, we urge you, cither alone or thett :s no doubt that we will he return- owner of the vehicle. The proposal pre ing should delay adoption of the plan"! inji to the Essen Show, which HOW sented to State Senator Robert Presley- through your local club, to contact one substantial British content, with ore in would be based on various factors, but Howard then went on to state. "Our of the associations that arc fighting eightcompanies bring from(he UK and George Kostryko of "Autowcek" maga members as a general" rule do not drive back. The Council of Vehicle ill the cars on display ot for tale zine states that a higher pollution index their classic British sports car as their Associations, a not-for-protit organiza being classic Bnrish cars." vehicle such as a 1966 Cadillac with a sole mode of transportation, and it is tion is devoted to protecting the interests Plow Motors arc founding numlxrs of pollution index of 12.94 would be common for them to engage often in of individuals, companies and organiza 1 Hmtih Motor Heritage Specialist's assessed a fee of nearly S400.00 per total rebuild that takes several years to tions involved in the collectible vehicle complete. Anything that prevents them industry. COVA states that we arc all --ganajtion.) year. Conversely the owner of a 1994 Ford Tempo, with an index of 0.87 from this pursuit will have a devastating would only be charged S26.10! effect on the hobby. The number of Continued on page 3 vehicles wc are discussing is very small, Presley is a major supporter of clean but the number of salvage yards that arc ...Heard air legislation and his participation puts crushing our cars is increasing at an considerable clout behind the concept. AUSTRALIAN ADVENTURE alarming rate! OurNew DIRECT-TO- The legislation, known as SB 1070, has We have received news of what promis The classic cars we possess no longer es to be a super event for MG fans. already drawn support from both auto SALES Order Line makers and environmentalists. However have a dealer network or parent compa Down Under 1585" in Perth, is ny to support the cars that were once so scheduledfor April I4th-18th 1995 and cars prior to 1965 which arc already exempted from California's smog check popular. To own one of these classic 1-800410SS4JSA will be an official celebration for the vehicles puts one in the difficult position fiftiethanniversaryof the vcncrabli.MG program would be relatively unaffected, of having few resources in repair and TC. The meet will be based in the beau but cars after 1966 would gradually be In today's last paced world noth tiful port city of Freenunde, the center forced off the road as their owners paid refurbishment. We do have at least three ing less than immediate access will for the 1987 America'sCup, and the car higher and higher fees. national parts specialists who manufac do. With this thought in mind, we've iil include no less than 26 classes ture and provide a supply of product added a new phone number. Dial 1- lor all MGs. Wc have a limited number 800-MOSS-USA and go directly to a ol Registration torms available al the sales representative, no operators, editorial offices, or you may write to: and no automated phone answering •MG'l Down Under" P.O.Box 2 NEW MOSSMOBILE OUT ON THE ROAD! system. We understand the frustra Osborne Park, Western Australia 6017, tion of wading through an automated phone system when you already ANOTHER MOTORING know what vou want, so we've GREAT PASSES added this special ORDERS ONLY As wc were going to prc-.s we were phone line. For questions regarding saddened to learn of the p.i previously placed orders and backo- John Thornlcy - former General rdcrs, please call our customer service Manager of the MG Car Co. and one line at 1-800-235-6953. of the founding members of the MG And to keep the ball tolling, here Car Club. Known throughout the are a few tips on how to help our world as "Mr. MG" John's contribu staff serveyou quicklyand efficiently. tion to MG history in particular and Take time to prepare your order the automobile industry in general will before calling. If you've ever been be fully acknowledged in our Winter stuck on hold waiting for assistance, issue. In the meantime we extend our just think how much sooner you svmpathy to his son Peter and other family members. would have been served if the "other guy" had all the necessary informa tion ready when the call was placed. THE FINAL FLING? Before making your call, write down We would like to remind you tlui a few important pieces of informa there are still a couple of opportunities tion. We need to know your car type, to enjoy our hospitality at our famous its chassis or identification number, Marque days this Fall. On September Many of you will already the CB radio from the truckers who your customer number and the part 17th we will be holding our "I'M I. have had the chance to sec we've met along the way. They all numbers and quantities needed. If < I ASSIC- at beautiful Golcta bj the and visit the new Moss display a good knowledge and a you're ordering by charge card, have Iseach in California! This event is for Motors RV which has been attend great deal of interest in the cars wc the card out of your wallet and ready all British cars bur will highlight the ing the shows this Summer. For the cherish and love. Thanks to all who to read. Triumph marque. Mote details Imni waved and honked at us as wc trav benefit of those who haven't yet had One way to organize yourself is to the Moss Crew on l-800-.MOSS USA. the opportunity to see our new won eled the great American road. October ISth sees the annual MG Thanks also to all of you who visited use one of our mail or fax order der machine, the photograph will forms. By writing out your order in MARQUE DAY.
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