UNITED STATES OF AMERICA «rongrcssional1Rccord th PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 90 CONGRESS SECOND SESSION VOLUME 114-PART 10 MAY 8, 1968, TO MAY 15, 1968 (PAGES 12219 TO 13564) UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON, 1968 13378 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE May 15, 1968 institutions. There is need for detailed THE NEWS FROM EASTERN EUROPE freedom of the press and the r1ght of as­ study of the effects of particular legal ar­ sembly. rangements, and for basic and applied re­ Mr. MONDALE. Mr. President, today's A new electoral law will be drafted, though search into law. The conduct of such re­ newspapers are filled with the news of no date for elections has been set. Mr. Husak search will require closer connection between Eastern Europe. The Czechs need West- said that the ruling National Front was "not law and the behavioral sciences. Increases In . ern economic assistance; the Russians a political party." but that the electoral law the current-ly miniscule level of funding for attacked Thomas Masaryk, the first would deal with the parties of the front-­ such studies would generate Important In­ the Communists, the Socialists and the Peo­ terdlscipllnary work. We urge Congress to President and national hero of Czecho­ ples party. support agencies authorized to provide for slovakia; and De Gaulle began a visit to A law, to be completed later this month. research on the law, and to enact pending Rumania amid warm welcomes by call­ will regUlate tl'1e rehabilltatlon of victims legislation to establlsh and fund a national ing for a united Europe and increased of previous Communist regimes. law foundation. attempts to bridge the gap between East The rehabilitation process has been in 2. The professionshould Increase Its efforts progress since e,arly this year, when the pres­ and West. ent Government came to power, Mr. Cernlk to take advantage of the developing tech­ In past weeks it has become clear that nology of electronic data processing. Possible said today that rehabilitation was "one of uses for the computer range from the stor­ Czechoslovakia is walking a fine line. the primary tasks" of the new program of tile age and systematic retrieval of legal mate­ The country must have more contacts Czechoslovak communist party. rials, to the employment of simulation tech­ with the West for the sake of its eco­ In his opening statement, Mr. Cernlk said niques and llnear programming, to calculate nomic survival. The Soviets put pressure that one of the guiding principles of the new the consequences of legally significant on the Czechs by procrastinating in pro­ regime was "to stress the democratic rights events. At the same time, the profession and freedom of citizens." viding the requested economic assistance. Discussing economic problems, Mr. Cernlk • should seek to develop the law necessary to Czechoslovak economists concede that deal withcomputer technology. and Mr. Sik. who Is this country's leading the country must extricate itself from its liberal Marxist economist. announced plans JUSTICE AND RESPECT FOR LAW lopsided dependence on trade with the for changes that contrast sharply with 1. The improvement in the organization socialist countries. However, during the orthodox communism. and administration of our courts and the first few months of this year, imports The economy Is to be reorganized to be­ methods of selecting our judges remainS a from the West dropped while imports come competitive both domestically and in pressing necessity, in part because of rapid Western export markets. increases and changes In the work of the from Eastern European nations rose The reorganization calls for creation of a courts. We reaffirm that necessity. We make more than 9 percent. central pollcymaking economic body. But at no recommendations on these subjects be­ Czechoslovak officials, worried about the same time there is to be a complete cause the American Bar Association and the their €conomic position, now welcome decentrallzation of Industry and manage­ Twenty-Seventh American Assembly, The foreign investment in industry. Premier ment, granting fUll autonomy to individual Courts, the Public and the Law Explosion, Cernik yesterday said that the new gov­ state enterprises and forcing them to com­ have spoken specifically to them. We urge pete for credits and markets. implementation of the proposals for improve­ ernment is interested in the gradual re­ Free enterprise will be permitted in "per­ ment of judicial administration contained moval of East-West trade barriers. sonal services." Mr. Sik explained that indi­ in those recommendations, except that Now is the time for the United States viduals could provide services as private busi­ which concerns automobile accident cases, a to consider our response to these changes nessmen If they worked alone or with their matter we refer to below. in Eastern Europe. I invite the attention families, though they might also employ "one 2. Equal access to the legal system requires of the Senate to the East-West trade res­ or two apprentices." not only the availability of counselors and olution I submitted last week, and to the Subsidiaries to noncompetitive enterprises advocates but also public subsidization of the will gradually be removed. other expenses of lltlgation for thesc who hearings on East-West trade scheduled Mr. Sik concedes that this might cause cannot afford them. 'rhese expenses include to begin later this month. temporary "social problems" and some un­ court fees, transcripts, deposition costs, su' I ask unanimous consent that articles employment. but said that the workers persedeas bonds and similar expenses often concerning the events in Eastern Europe, would be absorbed by other enterprises. Incurred in the defense Or assertion of published in the Washington Post and It was the announcement of Czechoslova­ claims. Each jurisdiction should provide for New York Times of May 15, be printed kia's desire to cooperate economically with waiver or pUblic subsidization of all such ex­ the West that served to emphasize the new penses for persons who ·are otherWise unable in the RECORD. regime's determination to break away from to utlllze the legal system. There being no objection,the articles the Communist bloc's economic patterns. 3. Automobile accident claims are of vital were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, Mr. Sik said that Czechoslovakia would conccrn to the publlc, the court and the bar. as follows: accept Western capital for industrial "jointed We commend the American Bar Association's ventures" with state enterprises, although t~rgent PRAGUE'S LEADERS OUTLINE REFORMS; NEW It will be up to each enterprise to negotiate determination to give objective and CHARTER DUE-PREMIER AND Two DEPUTIES study to the problem. with "capitalist companies." HOLD NEWS CONFERENCE-STItESS CITIZENS' He said offers of this type were already 4. Instruction in law and legal processes, RIGHT-ECONOMIC CHANGES DUE-WESTERN shOUld be a part of primary, secondary and coming in from France, West Germany, Italy CAPITAL WELCOMED--LAW BEING DItAFTED and other Western European countries. college education. The legal profession ON FREEDOM OF THE PItESS should encourage programs of such instruc­ Discussing wllat he and Premier Cernlk tion. As part of its responsibility regarding (By Tad Szulc) described as Czechoslovakia's desire to con­ education of the public, lawyers should seek PRAGUE, May H.-Premier Oldrich Cernlk tribute economically to the "European con­ to explain court decisions, especially wllere and two deputy premiers announced at a tinent," Mr. Sik said that one of this coun­ unpopular, auel to help tlle pUblic undcr­ news conference here today a far-ranging try's goals-·but also "the hardest nut to stand that a lawyer's duty Includes repre­ program of political and economic reforms crack"-was achievement of convertibility sentation of unpopular clients. they also said Czechoslovakia would welcome for Czech currency-the crown. 5. Law enforcement must be provided the foreign Investment In industry. Re said sucl'1 convertibility must result resources to carry outits responsibilities In a sharp departure from practices since from economic productivity and not from firmly, capably and with sensitivity. Secu­ the Communist takeover In 1948, the Czecho­ arbitrary measures. rity In our dally lives depends upon this ca­ slovak premier submitted to a Western style WEIGHING MONETARY LINK pabi!!ty. The tranquility of our cities may of questioning by Czechoslovak and foreign In reply to qc,estions, Mr. Sik, said that depend upon the ability of law enforcement .eporters. it was prematUi'e to think of Czechoslovakia's to demonstrate to the community that It For an hour and 20 minutes, IVIr. Cernik potential ties with the European Common deals justly hoth with the troubles of per­ and Deputy Premiers Ota Sik and Gustav Market, but he con~eded that this country sons and with the trOUbles created by per­ Husak freely, and often humorously, replied migllt consider a relationship with the In­ sons whose lives are touched by it. to questions ranging from relations witl'1 the ternational Munetary Fund. Lawyers admInistering' justice must take Soviet Union the amount of work performed He noted that Czechoslovakia was a mem­ by civil servants. responsibility for assuring not only that ber of the Communist bloc's Council for Mu­ Revealing the latest plans in Czechoslo­ these procedures are fall' to the individual tual Economic Assistance-the Comecon­ vakia's quickening "Socialist democratic rev­ lnJd tllat she wac, preparing proposals to and the comunlty but that they appear to be olution," Mr. Cernik and his COlleagues an­ make this organization more elIective. fair, to the end that justice be done and be nounced these moves: But Mr. Sik made it clear that Czechoslo­ known to be done. We urge that the institu­ A speclal commission will be named to­ vakia would insist on her Independence and tions involved in law enforcement and morrow to draft the new constitution estab­ the protection of her interests in economic prosecution.
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