20758 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE July 24, 1969 Printing-cost estimate-Oontinued the House of Representatives (25 per Mem­ today, it stand in adjournment until 12 Volume 2: ber), and 5,150 copies for the use of the Sen­ o'clock noon tomorrow. Back to press, first 1,000 copies_ $1, 165. 44 ate (50 per Member). The copies of the docu­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without 4 ,000 additional copies, at $336.- ment would be prorated to Members of the objection, it is so ordered. 33 per thousand ____________ 1,345.32 Senate and House of Representatives for a period of 60 days, after which the unused Total estimated cost, vol- balances would be distributed by the respec­ LATEST AMERICAN CASUALTIES unie 2------------------ 2,510.76 tive Senate and House document rooms. House Concurrent Resolution 291 would IN VIETNAM also authorize the printing of President Nix­ Mr. GORE. Mr. President, I have been PRINTING OF INAUGURAL on's inaugural address as a separate pam­ phlet, in such quantity needed to serve as making weekly inquiries as to the num­ ADDRESSES inserts for the existing number of copies of ber of casualties w~ are suffering in The concurrent resolution (H. Con. the former edition (through President John­ Vietnam. Res. 291) to provide for the printing of son) still available for sale to the publi~ The Department of Defense reports inaugural addresses from President by the Superintendent of Documents. that for the week ending July 19, 1969, George Washington to President Rich­ we suffered 182 killed by hostile action, ard M. Nixon was considered and agreed 39 killed by nonhostile action, and 1,405 ORDER OF BUSINESS wounded, making a total of 1,626 casu­ to. alties last week. Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres­ Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Presi­ ident, I ask unanimous consent to have dent, I suggest the absence o.f a quorum. This brings the total of casualties suf­ printed in the RECORD an excerpt from The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk fered in Vietnam since the inauguration the report (No. 91-334), explaining the will call the roll. of President Nixon to in excess of 51,000. purposes of the resolution. The bill clerk proceeded to call the roll. There being no objection, the excerpt My BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Presi­ ADJOURNMENT was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, dent, I ask unanimous consent that the as follows: order for the quorum call be rescinded. Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres­ House Concurrent Resolution 291 would The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ident, if there be no further business to provide that a collection of inaugural ad­ objection, it is so ordered. oome before the Senate, I move, under dresses, from President George Washington the previous order, that the Senate to President Richard M. Nixon, compiled stand in adjournment until 12 o'clock from research volumes and State papers by noon tomorrow. the Legislative Reference Service, Library ORDER FOR ADJOURNMENT of Congress, be printed with mustrations as The motion was agreed to; and (at 4 a House document; and that 16,125 addition­ Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres­ o'clock and 25 minutes p.m.> the Senate al copies of such document be printed, of ident, I ask unanimous consent that adjourned until tomorrow, Friday, July which 10,975 copies would be for the use of when the Senate completes its business 25, 1969, at 12 o'clock noon. EXT1ENSIONS ·OF RE.MARKS "IMPOSSIBLE" MOON LANDING A Neil Armstrong came from a middle-class creating a. space agency and later as Vice fainily in a middle-American town in Ohio President and President. And another man VICTORY FOR MIDDLE AMERICA and never knew that he was "alienated" from called Richard Nixon was big enough to tell his fainily, has region, or even his flag. A Johnson so, in a telephone call from the HON. WILLIAM M. McCULLOCH strange sort of fellow for a thinking type-­ White House to that ranch in Texas. he fought without complaint in Korea. He Contributions scarcely less vital were made, OF OHIO spoke without "glamour" or "style" and even too, by John Kennedy, who had the vision IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with a certain common touch. and the co.urage to go on while the new elite Thursday, July 24, 1969 Edwin Aldrin went aloft quite unashamed of his time was picking and carping and that he was taking along with him a Presby­ pointing to the undeniable, if also irrelevant, Mr. McCULLOCH. Mr. Speaker, since terian communion. Mike Collins, in the ho­ truth that there were still slums in this all men of good will are so happy, so vering Colunibia, was content to talk lan­ Nation. pleased, and rn grateful for the success­ guage far removed from the more ivied cant So, too, of the third man here, Richard ful conclusion of "the impossible achieve­ of our more ivied halls of learning, and even Nixon. Any one of these three harried Presi­ further removed from pretense and precious­ dents could so easily and so safely have run ment, the unimaginable voyage to the ness. away from this challenge of transcendental face of the moon," and the magnificent So removed, too, were all those fellows cost and risk and could have bought so much return to earth, a column by William S. down there in Houston, whose doctorates of in quick and cheap popularity by bellowing White, in the Washington Post of July philosophy did not alter their casual hu­ that he was prudently "saving" billions and 24, 1969, is particularly appropriate. manity, their inherent good taste and their was ready to pour them all out in a great, The column follows and I hope it is humility in the face of something approach­ benign fiood to cure all ills and discontents read not only in America, but all around ing the infinite. in this Nation. But, most of all, nobody involved in this Indeed, for years here in Washington the this world: mission of such unspeakable power and pur­ shortest way to promotion and pay among "IMPOSSIBLE" MOON .LANDING A VICTORY FOR pose and meaning felt it necessary to act the elite new leftists, short of being against MIDDLE .AMERICA with the arrogance of self-seeking, to press the war in Vietnam, was to make epigrams (By William S. White) forward at all costs with the promotion of at the expense of the space program, though The impossible achievement, the unimagi­ number one. not going quite so far as openly to obstruct nable voyage to the face of the moon, offers It was, come to think of it, a quiet vindica­ it, lest it might after all really work. this country the opportunity for a far better tion for many men who are very far from So, finally, whose triumph was all this? and far less abrasive life here on this earth chic by the standards of the intellectual It was a triumph of doing men over merely if only the human implications c-an be elite. One of these was a fellow called Lyn­ talking men; of plain, outlander types who grasped amidst the technological vastness of don Johnson, who not too long ago was driv­ would never be acceptable in the ultra-lib­ it all. en from officer by this self-same new leftist eral drawing romns; of men out there in the For not the least of the lessons of these new elite for lack of "style" and for persist­ hinterland who still believe there are such unique days in the story of the human race ing tn designs so big and dangerous, like the things as vital national interests and that is the profound proof that the heart of the moon search, as to be intolerable to minds it is not necessarily stupid to serve them. Nation is still strong and sound and that so oddly pre-occupied with the small and the mean. Where, indeed, lives the authentic intel­ at the end it ls the quiet, undemanding com­ lectual elite of this country? At least some petence and talents of simple and unaggres­ For it was Johnson, whatever his faults and shortcomings, who above all others made of them must be said to live and work a good sive Americans, and not really the petulant distance away, in every sense, from those posturings of a self-nominated "intellectual this adventure politically, administratively elite,'' that express the real America. and financially possible, first as a. Senator ultra-liberal drawing rooms. July 24, 1969 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 20759 POST OFFICE REFORM BILL Vietcong and the North Vietnamese, will occasion-at; the triumphant conclusion ever return. of 5 years of ceaseless, untiring effort. Recently I received a letter from the To guide an operation so complex and so HON. MARLOW W. COOK mother of one of these missing service­ large is a job which few men could suc­ men. She wrote: cessfully undertake: Sam Phillips could OF KENTUCKY and did. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES My son has been listed as missing in ac­ tion since Oct. 17, 1967. We have never re­ He grew up in the vastness of Wyoming Thursday, July 24, 1969 ceived any news of his oonditton other than and when he left he took with him the Mr. COOK. Mr. President, I recently he was seen parachuting from his disabled straightforward manner and the method­ conducted a poll in my state to sample aircraft over North Vietnam, nor have we ical and .diligent approach to duty which received any mail from him, so we do not proved so important to the Apollo pro­ the feelings of my constituents in regard know if he is alive or dead.
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