Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-44420-0 - The Cambridge History of Medieval English Literature Edited by David Wallace Index More information Index of manuscripts Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales Durham Cathedral Library 6680: 195 b.111.32, f. 2: 72n26 c.iv.27: 42, 163n25 Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 32: 477 Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland 140: 461n28 Advocates 1.1.6 (Bannatyne MS): 252 145: 619 Advocates 18.7.21: 361 171: 234 Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck MS): 91, 201: 853 167, 170–1, 308n42, 478, 624, 693, 402: 111 697 Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College Advocates 72.1.37 (Book of the Dean of 669/646: 513n2 Lismore): 254 Cambridge, Magdalene College Pepys 2006: 303n32, 308n42 Geneva, Fondation Martin Bodmer Pepys 2498: 479 Cod. Bodmer 168: 163n25 Cambridge, Trinity College b.14.52: 81n37 Harvard, Houghton Library b.15.18: 337n104 Eng 938: 51 o.3.11: 308n42 Hatfield House o.9.1: 308n42 cp 290: 528 o.9.38 (Glastonbury Miscellany): 326–7, 532 Lincoln Cathedral Library r.3.19: 308n42, 618 91: 509, 697 r.3.20: 59 London, British Library r.3.21: 303n32, 308n42 Additional 16165: 513n2, 526 Cambridge, University Library Additional 17492 (Devonshire MS): 807, Add. 2830: 387, 402–6 808 Add. 3035: 593n16 Additional 22283 (Simeon MS): 91, dd.1.17: 513n2, 515n6, 530 479n61 dd.5.64: 498 Additional 24062: 651 ff.4.42: 186 Additional 24202: 684 ff.6.17: 163n25 Additional 27879 (Percy Folio MS): 692, gg.1.34.2: 303n32 693–4, 702, 704, 708, 710–12, 718 gg.4.31: 513n2, 515n6 Additional 31042: 697 hh.1.5: 403n111 Additional 35287: 513n2, 515n6 ii.1.33: 72n26, 462n29 Additional 37787: 326 ii.2.11: 461n28 Additional 38131: 308n42 ii.6.26: 500n33 Additional 48031A: 308n42 ll.4.14: 513n2, 515n6 Additional 61823: 628n90 Arundel 292: 509–10 Dublin, Trinity College Library Arundel 327: 626 212: 513, 533 Cotton Caligula a.ii: 620, 622n57 244: 683–4 Cotton Caligula a.ix: 32, 33, 81n37, 523: 163n25 84n38, 96–9 f.4.20: 221 Cotton Caligula a.xv: 9 [991] © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-44420-0 - The Cambridge History of Medieval English Literature Edited by David Wallace Index More information 992 Index of manuscripts London, British Library (cont.) London University Library Cotton Claudius b.iv: 462n29 v.88 olim Ilchester: 510, 518, 519, 520 Cotton Cleopatra c.iv: 710n57 London, Wellcome Historical Medical Cotton Cleopatra e.v: 842n64 Library Cotton Nero a.x: 479–80, 495–6 406 (Loscombe Manuscript): 220 Cotton Otho c.i: 461n28 London, Westminster School Cotton Otho c.xiii: 32, 84n48, 99–100 3: 308n42 Cotton Titus d.i: 585n47 Cotton Vespasian A.iii: 88n53, 107n47 Manchester, Chetham’s Library Cotton Vespasian A.xiv: 194 6709: 626 Cotton Vespasian A.xxii: 82n40 8009: 305n38 Cotton Vespasian C.xiv: 82n41 Mostyn, Flintshire, Mostyn Library Cotton Vespasian D.viii: 753, 754–5 259: 90n54 Cotton Vitellius D.xii: 710n57 Egerton 13: 81n37 Oxford, Bodleian Library Egerton 1151: 119 Arch. Selden b.24: 235–7 Egerton 1995: 307–8, 308n42 Ashmole 61: 696n17 Egerton 2515: 163n25 Auct.f.5.6: 383 Egerton 2862 (Trentham MS): 171 Bodley 34: 111 Egerton 2885: 308n42 Bodley 283: 303n32 Harley 565: 710n57 Bodley 343: 462n29 Harley 682: 58 Bodley 441: 461n28 Harley 913: 215–20, 223, 227 Bodley 779: 105, 619 Harley 2250: 480 Bodley 851: 513n2, 518–19, 520, 532 Harley 2253: 30, 91, 120n92, 422–3, 478, Bodley eng.poet.a.1 (Vernon MS): 91, 491n13, 494, 498n30, 509, 586 340, 341, 479n61, 480–1, 513n2, 533, Harley 2277: 619 620, 623, 624 Harley 2382: 626 Digby 23: 36, 154, 154n5 Harley 4011: 305n38 Digby 86: 120n92, 478 Harley 4866: 645 Digby 102: 513n2, 537 Harley 4971: 163 Digby 133: 753, 754, 756 Harley 6149: 231n7 Digby 145: 513n2, 529 Royal 1.a.xiv: 461 Douce 104: 513n2, 535 Royal 3.d.vi: 33 Douce 114: 633 Royal 8.d.xii: 33 Fairfax 14: 467 Royal 8.d.xiii: 29–30 Hatton 12: 469–70 Royal 8.f.ix: 163n25 Hatton 38: 461n28 Royal 12.c.xiii: 163n25 Hatton 115: 462n29 Royal 14.e.iii: 703–4 Junius 121: 853 Royal 15.a.vii: 382–3 Laud 471: 84n47 Royal 15.e.vi: 165, 700, 705 Laud Misc. 99: 335n94 Royal 19.a.ix: 723n15 Laud Misc. 108: 619, 620 London, Burlington House Laud Misc. 509: 462n29 Society of Antiquaries 687: 513n2, 537 Laud Misc. 557: 303n32 London, College of Arms Laud Misc. 581: 513n2, 515n6 Arundel xiv: 54, 163 Laud Misc. 610: 211 Arundel xxvii: 163n26 Laud Misc. 636: 72n25 London, Lambeth Palace Library Rawlinson c.86: 308n42 6: 303n32 Rawlinson Misc. d.913: 163n25 84: 308, 713n63 Oxford, Christ Church College 306: 308n42 145: 472, 474 487: 81n37 Oxford, Jesus College Carew 596: 214–15 29: 32, 33, 81n37, 98n17, 494n23 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-44420-0 - The Cambridge History of Medieval English Literature Edited by David Wallace Index More information Index of manuscripts 993 39: 335n94 114: 513n2, 518, 519, 516 111: 195, 206 115: 625 Oxford, Merton College 128: 513, 529 249: 45 137: 513n2, 517, 515n6 Oxford, St John’s College 744: 296 266: 303n32 Ellesmere 26.c.9: 200, 296 Oxford, Trinity College d.57: 620 Valenciennes, Bibliothèques Municipales 150: 9 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale fonds français 1553: 163n25 Washington, DC, Folger Shakespeare fonds français 1669: 163n25 Library fonds français 25458: 58 v.a.354 (Macro MS): 753, 754 n.a.f. 4532: 163n25 Worcester Cathedral Library f.172: 308n42 San Marino, California, Huntington Library f.174: 26 111: 296 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-44420-0 - The Cambridge History of Medieval English Literature Edited by David Wallace Index More information Index Abelard, Peter 114 deathbed 131, 145; Latin learning 130, Aberconwy Abbey 193 131, 135; and national identity 4, 5, 131, Aberdeen 230, 231, 235 145; Passion meditation 545; secular Aberdeen Breviary 253 writings 129, 131 Abingdon Chronicle 38 works: Ancrene Wisse echoes 337; De Abraham and Isaac, Brome 753 Institutibus Inclusarum 144, 336, 338, 339; accessus, manuscript 245; to Liber Catonianus Genealogia Regum Anglorum 131; Life of 381, 382, 383–4 Edward the Confessor 41, 104; Mirror of accretion, development by 102–4, 106, 169 Charity 130, 743n12; Spiritual Friendship acrostics 276 130 actors 750, 756–7, 767, 790 Aislinge Meic Conglinne (Vision of Acts of the Apostles, Middle English glossed MacConglinne) 213 478 Aithbhreac Inghean Corcadail 254 Adam Bell 425 Alan of Lille 136, 369, 384–5; De Planctu Adam of Usk 274–5 Naturae 598, 600, 596, 597; Gower and Adelard of Bath 140 591, 596, 597, 598; Liber Parabolarum 384 Adeliza of Louvain, Queen of England 45, Alban, kingdom of 132–3 261 Alban, Lives of St 38, 105, 328; Lydgate’s 342, administration, see government 343, 625, 628 Adrian IV, Pope (Nicholas Breakspear) 208, Albany, 1st Duke of (Robert Stewart) 233–4, 223, 225 236, 244 adultery 388, 413–14 Albertanus of Brescia 395, 431, 702n34 The Adventures of Arthure at Tarn Wadling 496, Albina and her sisters xviii, 108–9 512, 713 Albion, foundation myths xviii, 108–9 Advice for Eastbound Travellers 615 ales, church or parish 744, 746, 753–4, 756 Ægelric, bishop 125 Alexander III, King of Scots 231 Ælfric, Abbot of Eynsham 466; and Alexander III, Pope 223 Englishing of Bible 461–4; glossing of Alexander, Bishop of Stavensby 393 works 72, 73, 324; Homilies 82, 99n21; Alexander legends: Alexander A, B and C influence 28, 31, 99n21 alliterative poems 496, 504; romances Aeneas legend, see Virgil (Aeneid) 156, 172, 232, 237, 377, 500, 691; see also Æthelbert, King of Kent 265 The Wars of Alexander Æthelred II, King of England 3 Alfred, King of the English 25–6; Asser’s Life Æthelweard 257, 264 257, 281; Preface to Pastoral Care 19, 20, Æthelwold, Bishop of Winchester 260 24–5; translations produced under 8–9, a◊ectivity 148, 545, 546; friars’ 353, 371–2, 14–15 373–4, 533, 546; English language 131, Alfred, Master (Magister Alvredus) 142 145; in Lancastrian literature 657–61; Alfred, Prince; poem on death of 12 mystics and 541, 545 Alice de Condet 45 against 66 allegory: Ancrene Wisse 536; Bale’s attack on Agallamh na Seanórach 211 791, 792; counselling of princes replaced Agincourt, Battle of 710 by 638; Foxe’s reading of Chaucer 848; agricultural workers 315, 432–3, 449, 509, French 535; of monastic visionaries 531; 783–4; see also husbandry moral 633n105; More’s use 807; Piers Ailred, abbot of Rievaulx 5, 129–31; on Plowman 514, 525, 534–6, 537; Roman de la © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-44420-0 - The Cambridge History of Medieval English Literature Edited by David Wallace Index More information Index 995 Rose 535; see also drama (allegorical) and development of English 557; Lollard- Allen, Hope Emily 541 interpolated versions 682 alliterative poetry 488–512; allusiveness 479; André (Andreas), Bernard 722, 736, 737, Anglo-Norman 50; Anglo-Saxon 489; 793–4, 805 Auden 481; authority 493–4; biblical and Andrew of Wyntoun 232, 233–4, 329 religious 479, 480, 481; blame and guilt in Aneirin 186, 198, 324; Gododdin 184, 195 511–12; and Brut tradition 506; dating Angela of Foligno 363 495–7; death-poems 496, 506; dialect 502; Angevin courts 41–3, 131, 153 exemplaristic nature 504–8; flexibility of Anglian peoples 229, 231 metre 489–92; flyting 497; 14th-century Anglican church, modern 543 e◊lorescence 325, 485, 488–512; on gesta Anglo-Norman language 5–6, 35–60; 504–8; Henry of Huntingdon and 145; alliterative poetry 50; Angevin court household setting 485–6, 502–4; literature 41–3;
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