Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-80847-7 - The Liturgy in Medieval England: A History Richard W. Pfaff Index More information Index of Manuscripts Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales 173: 103n 15536E: 441 191: 130n Alnwick Castle 505a: 535n 201: 67n 265 (Ælfric’s letter): 86 Berlin, Deutsche Staatsbibliothek 270 (St Augustine’s missal): 93, Hamilton 553: 53n 113–17, 118, 122, 149, 154, 161, Lat. 105 (Phillipps sacramentary): 42, 162, 163, 185–86, 283 57n 286: 37 Blackburn, Museum and Art Gallery 367: 174n 091.21195: 267n 391 (Wulfstan portiforium): 121, Bologna, Bibl. univ. 2565 (Bologna 126–29, 134, 136, 150, 161n, missal): 153n, 168, 357–63 passim, 163n, 175, 212, 214, 214n, 226–27, 369, 375, 380–86 passim, 405, 421, 382, 383 500n, 507n 422 (Red Book of Darley): 94–96, Boston, Public Library 1576 (f 151): 176, 178n, 362, 382n, 491n 451–52 465 (Norwich customary): 203–8 Bristol 470: 206 Baptist College 473 (Corpus Winchester troper): 85 Z.c.23 (formerly, now privately Emmanuel College 252: 276n owned): 104n, 347 Fitzwilliam Museum Z.d.40: see Cambridge University 2-1957: 542–44 Library Add. 8885 3-1967: 316, 544–45 Public Library 34: 451 2: 290n 369 (Lewes breviary-missal): 244, 12: 260n 245–46 Bury St Edmunds, West Suffolk Record McClean 16: 314 Office E 5/9/408.7: 194n McClean 45: 344 Gonville and Caius College 732/771: Cambrai, Bibliothèque municipale 267 162–63: 155 Jesus College 164 (Hadrianum Gregorian A.12 (12): 267 sacramentary): 57n Q.B.14 (31): 514 Cambridge Q.G.7 (55): 302–3 Corpus Christi College King’s College 31: 164, 247 9: 161n, 212, 222n Magdalene College 41: 66 F.4.11: 531–32, 533, 535 44: 92n F.4.12: 532–33 53: 441n Pembroke College 93: 335, 393n, 400, 404n 120: 195n 141: 536–37 226: 308–9 146 (Samson pontifical): 122 Peterhouse College 276: 270n 556 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-80847-7 - The Liturgy in Medieval England: A History Richard W. Pfaff Index More information Index of Manuscripts 557 Sidney Sussex College Claremont, Calif., Honnold Library, 33: 451, 456–57, 459, 460 Crispin 5: 269 62 (Guisborough diurnal): 273, Copenhagen, Roy. Lib. G.K.S. 10, 2º: 290–93 90n St John’s College 68/C.18: 344 Dijon, Bibliothèque municipale 114: 139/F.2: 535 250–51, 252 239/N.1: 308–9 Douai, Bibliothèque municipale 171: Trinity College 192n B.10.4/945: 90n Douai Abbey 4 (Guisborough breviary): B.11.4/423: 485, 492n 273, 290–93 B.11.5/244: 347 Downside Abbey O.3.54/1226: 348 28243: 477 O.3.55/1227: 122n 48243: 466n University Library Dublin Add. 270 (Dublin troper): 368 Royal Irish Academy, s.n.: 340n Add. 851: 259–60 Trinity College Add. 2602: 515 174 (B.4.3): 222n Add. 2770: 316 194 (B.3.8): 329–30, 335n Add. 3060: 247–48 Durham Add. 4079: 253–54, 263 Cathedral Library Add. 6006: 194n A.IV.19 (Durham collectar): 65–66, Add. 7622: 323 149–50 Add. 7634: 533n B.IV.24 (Durham Cantor’s book): Add. 8333: 515–16 109, 182 Add. 8885: 534–35 Hunter 100: 163n, 183 Dd.1.15: 493 University Library Ee.6.16: 344n Cosin V.1.2: 455–56 Ff.1.23 (Cambridge psalter): 173–74, Cosin V.1.3: 432 175 Cosin V.v.6 (Cosin gradual): Ff.6.1 (Bainbridge pontifical): 145n 180–83 Ff.6.28: 336–37 Gg.3.21 (Tewkesbury missal): 144, Edinburgh 146n Holyrood House, s.n. (Holyrood Hh.1.3: 325 ordinal): 274 Ii.2.19: 207n National Library of Scotland, Adv. Ii.4.20 (Ely breviary-missal): 283n 18.5.19: 143n Kk.2.6 (Hanley Castle missal): 280, University Library 513–14 27: 415, 431n, 432, 435, 437 Kk.4.13: 207n 59: 534 Kk.v.32: 72n, 153n, 382n Exeter, Cathedral Library Mm.2.9 (Barnwell antiphonal): 274, 3502: 400 284, 285–88 3504–5: 400, 402–3 Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, 3508: 213, 393n Widener 1: 453 3510 (Exeter/Sarum missal): 144, Canterbury, Cathedral Library 392–93, 397 Add. 6 (“Burnt Breviary”): 121, 242 3513 (Lacy pontifical): 145n Add. 6*: 242n 3518: 393n, 400n Add. 127/24: 119n 3671: 389n Cardiff, Public Library 1.381, part ii: 349 Fécamp, Musée de la Bénédictine 186: Chicago, Newberry Library 71: 436n 204n Chichester, Cathedral Library, Med. 2 (Kenilworth missal): 273, 294, Hereford, Cathedral Library 362, 363 P.iv.3: 464n © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-80847-7 - The Liturgy in Medieval England: A History Richard W. Pfaff Index More information 558 Index of Manuscripts Hereford, Cathedral Library (cont.) Add. 44874 (Evesham psalter): P.vii.6: 464 218–19 P.viii.7: 464 Add. 46203: 252–53, 254, 262, 263 P.ix.7 (Hereford Cathedral breviary): Add. 46487 (Sherborne cartulary): 466, 467, 470–72, 474, 476, 477 176–79, 236, 363n Hildesheim, Dombibliothek, St Add. 49363: 245 Godehard 1 (St Albans psalter): Add. 49598 (Æthelwold 170 benedictional): 81–83, 143 Add. 52359 (Penwortham breviary): Laon, Bibliothèque municipale 238 522–23 (Bury St Edmunds missal): Add. 54179 (York psalter): 448 184–86, 194, 196–97 Add. 56488: 96 Le Havre, Bibliothèque municipale 330 Add. 57337: 92n (New Minster missal): 93, 110, Add. 70000: 448n 122, 123, 137n, 154, 161, 162, Add. 70507: 300n 163n, 175, 184n, 186n, 221, 222, Add. 74326 (Sherborne missal): 134, 283, 284 144, 156, 175, 176, 178, 236–42, Lincoln, Cathedral Library 334, 362, 491 1: 5:499 Add. Charter 34035B: 202n 64: 267 Arundel 92: 117 11: 306–7 Arundel 109: 441, 494 Liverpool, Cathedral Library Arundel 130: 374n Radcliffe 27: 326 Arundel 155 (Eadui Psalter): 91, 97 Radcliffe 29: 517 Arundel 157: 276n, 288n Radcliffe 37: 432 Arundel 230: 360n Radcliffe 51: 485, 486, 487 Burney 335: 259 Ljubljana, University Library 31: Cotton Calig. A.ii: 267 250–51 Cotton Claud. A.iii: 92n London Cotton Claud. A.viii: 209n, 378 British Library Cotton Faust. B.iii: 78n Add. 6059: 508 Cotton Galba A.xviii (Athelstan Add. 10048: 142n Psalter): 69–71, 82n Add. 11414: 143n, 149, 362, 502 Cotton Nero A.ii: 153n, 256n Add. 12194 (Sarum gradual [Frere]): Cotton Nero C.iv: 345 357–64 passim, 368–69, 375, Cotton Nero D.iv: 39–40 380–86 passim Cotton Nero E.i: 222n Add. 17413: 254 Cotton Otho B.v, part I: 349 Add. 22285: 538 Cotton Otho B.ix: 69 Add. 23935: 312, 317 Cotton Otho C.xi: 232 Add. 24198: 520n Cotton Tib. A.ii: 69 Add. 25588: 421–23 Cotton Tib. A.iii: 78n Add. 26655: 142n Cotton Tib. B.iii: 122, 145n Add. 27866: 344 Cotton Tib. C.i: 88n, 351, 352 Add. 28188: 131–32, 133n, 134n Cotton Vesp. A.i: 53 Add. 29704–5 (Reconstructed Cotton Vit. A.vii: 131–32, 134n Carmelite missal): 331–33 Cotton Vit. A.xii: 47n, 153n Add. 32585 (Guisborough missal): Cotton Vit. A.xviii (Giso 273, 290–93 sacramentary): 124–26, 134, 143, Add. 37517 (Bosworth psalter): 146n, 154, 155, 156, 161, 163n, 76–77, 97 165n, 184n, 362, 363, 505 Add. 37518: 41–42 Cotton Vit. 260n Add. 39675: 466n, 475, 476n, 477 Cotton Vit. C.xii: 117 Add. 43380: 452 Cotton Vit. E.xviii: 382n Add. 43405–6 (Muchelney breviary): Egerton 2569: 317n 225–27, 226–27, 283n Egerton 3267: 266 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-80847-7 - The Liturgy in Medieval England: A History Richard W. Pfaff Index More information Index of Manuscripts 559 Harley 273: 513n Royal 20 B.xiv: 206n Harley 622: 277 Sloane 1584: 302n Harley 652: 117 Stowe 2 (Stowe psalter): 111 Harley 863 (Leofric psalter): 97, Stowe 12 (Stowe breviary): 339, 133n, 134–36, 391 423–24 Harley 1001 (Risby ordinal): Guildhall 368–69, 373, 374, 375, 378, 515: 494–95 380–81, 385, 413, 414–15, 435, 25512: 332n, 485 501n Lambeth Palace Harley 1027: 398n 20: 145n Harley 1229: 144, 253 69: 430, 440 Harley 1249: 377n 193: 330–31 Harley 2787: 419 213: 420 Harley 2892 (Canterbury 729: 507n benedictional): 92–93, 143 873: 360 Harley 2905: 277n, 278n, 288n 1370: 69n Harley 2951: 257–58 3285: 345n Harley 2961 (Leofric collectar): Sion College Arc. L.40.2/L.1: 456 132–34, 135, 136, 150, 213n Sion College Arc. L.40.2/L.2: 448 Harley 2977: 193n, 194, 197 Royal College of Physicians 409: 343 Harley 2983: 466 Society of Antiquaries 154* (Winton Harley 3908: 117 Domesday): 93 Harley 3965: 478 St Paul’s Cathedral 1: 136n, 489–90 Harley 4664 (Coldingham breviary): University College, Lat. 6, part i: 324 163n, 223–24, 225, 283n Victoria and Albert Museum 404–1916 Harley 4919: 419, 420 (Lesnes missal): 273, 274, 277n, Harley 5037: 323–24 283, 284, 288–90, 290n Harley 5289 (Durham missal): Westminster Abbey 37 (Westminster 113–17, 118–19, 121, 144, 149, missal): 2n, 11, 106n, 122, 142, 162n, 163n, 183, 334 144, 155, 162, 163, 165n, 175, Harley 5334: 194, 197 227–29, 237–38, 283, 284, 289n, Harley 7026 (Lovel lectionary): 331, 334, 369n, 438n, 491–92, 238n 494–95 Lansdowne 383 (Shaftesbury Longleat House psalter): 345, 542, 543n 10: 441 Lansdowne 420: 485n 16: 334–36 Loan 11: 90n Loan 82: London, British Library, Madrid Add. 74326 (Sherborne missal) Biblioteca Nacional 6422: 345 Royal 1 A.xviii: 69 Escorial Library Q.ii.6: 303n, 339, 340 Royal 1 B.vii: 40, 40n Manchester Royal 1 D.ix: 90n Chetham’s Library 6717: 345n Royal 2 A.x (St Albans breviary): John Rylands University Library 170–72, 470n Lat.
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