C3 'sj 3 o fT1 >J O 04 THE ^ r n o ^ m o DENVER ARCHDIOCESAN EDITION O JC c c Thursday, Jan. 18, 1968 Vol. I Loretto Pope Makes Mo ^ Puts Nuns. Lay Staff Curia Changes; O n a Par Ameriean Named Vatican City — Pope Paul Vi's chang­ Sisters of Loretto teaching at Loretto replace Cardinal Luigi Traglia as Vicar ing of the "Old Guard” in the top olTIces Heights college will be hired and paid on General of Rome, with Cardinal Traglia in the Church continued this week, with the same basis us lay members of the transferred to Chancellor of the Holy faculty, under terms of a new policy two more non-Italian Cardinals — includ­ Roman Church and the selection of Car­ going into effect at the women’s school ing an American — named to top Vati­ dinal Egidio Vagnozzi to head the Vati­ June 1. can posts. can's finance commi.ssion. The newest appointments to the Ro­ An improved pay schedule for the fac­ Not in recent history have so many of man Curia’s high offices are those of ulty also will become effective the same the most important offices of the Roman Cardinal Francis Brennan of Philadel­ date, the college announced. Curia been changed. The moves reflect Under the new policy, salaries of nuns phia. named Prefect of the Congregation of Sacraments, and Cardinal Maximilian de the f^ipe’s intention of internationalizing teaching at the college will be paid in a the Curia, which has long been predomi­ Furstenberg of the Netherlands, named lump sum monthly U» the Congregation’s nantly Italian,. The new appointments Prefect of the Congregation for the East­ Western province, headquartered in Lit­ bring an American, a Swiss, a Yugoslav, ern-rite Churches. They replace, respec­ tleton. The Provincial then will piiy each and a Dutchman into the roles of l>eing tively. Cardinals Benedetto Aloisi Masella Sister a sum sufficient for living ex- among the Pope’s closest advisers. pen.ses, "within the context of commit­ and Gustavo Testa. ment to a communal and less pretentious The appointments lollowed on the The changes also bring somewhat way o f life,’’ the college said. heels of other major changes in the younger men to the fore: Cardinal Seper Church’s central administrative olfices is 62; Cardinal Gut. 70; Cardinal Bren­ THK announcement said an estimated made last week when Cardinals Alfredo nan. 73; and Cardinal de Kurstenburg. $352,000 layeai'i would be paid for the Ottaviani, Arcadio Larraona. and Gia­ 63, as compared with Cardinal Ottaviani, services of the 41 Sisters at the college; como Lercaro resigned and Swiss Cardi­ 77; Cardinal Larraona, 80; Cardinal Ler­ 33 are faculty members, pix work in ad­ nal Genno Gut, O.S.B.. replaced Cardinal caro. 76; Cardinal Aloisi .Masella. 88; and ministration, and two are staff members. Larraona as prefect of the Congregation Cardinal Testa. 81. One-third of the salaries paid, however, of Rites and Cardinal I.,t*rcaro as presi­ is to be returned to the cMillege by the Bishop Sheen Visits State Capitol dent of the Consilium for Implementation CARD IN AL Brennan will Iw the first Provincial as a Congregation gift to the of the Liturgical Reform. American to fill actively the office of a college. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen of Rochester is escorted by (iov. Nelson Rocke­ Cardinal Ottaviani was replaced as prefect or head of a Vatican congregation. The change in policy for paying sala­ feller of New York on a visit to the State Capitol in Albany. The noted head o f the Doctrinal Congregation by Pope Pius XII named Cardinal Samuel ries of the nuns will result in a net in­ Catholic prelate briefly addressed both the Senate and Assembly, but de­ Cardinal Franjo Seper. former Archbishop Stritch. Archbishop of Chicago. Pro-Pre­ crease o f about $100,000 in cost to the clined to deliver opening prayers. He told the same joke to both Houses: of Zagreb. Yugoslavia. fect of the Congregation for the Propaga­ college. In addition to the return of one- ’’I’m not going to pray for you. There are certain things a man has to do tion of the Faith in 1958. but the Cardi­ third of salaries as a gift of the congrega­ for himself. He has to blow’ his own nose, make his own love and say his OTH ER changes in ofllces were the nal died in Rome shortly after without tion, the total expense will be cut by the ow’n prayers.” naming of Cardinal Angelo Dell’Acqua to (Turn to Page 2i fact that under the new policy .the Congregation will bear communal ex­ penses now borne by I^orreto Heights. Sister Patricia Jean Manion, president Most for Mental Health of the college, said the new policy "is de­ signed to determine more realistically the cost of the colleges educational programs; to permit establishment of common guide­ lines for all faculty. Religious and lay; and to allow the Sisters o f Loretto to Abortion Reports Hard To Judge meet their financial commitments as a I, Religious community." Colorado’s new abortion law, the na­ sure to revamp the criminal codes res­ THE COLORADO Department of birth of a defective child, 10 to avert se­ *'THE POLICY change recognizes the tion’s most liberal, is a focal point for tricting the practice. Public Health reported it was informed of rious impairment o f the mother’s physical colleges responsibility to contribute to a legi.slatures in most other states this win­ Apparently, however, research agencies 115 abortions performed in the state dur­ health, eight liecause pregnancy allegedly * ing 1967 — in contrast to only 10 in .(Turn to Page 2) ter because o f continued nationwide pres- will be hard put to draw many conclu­ resulted from rape, and 37 that were not sions from the effect of the new Colorado 1966 (the law became effective last April classified by the reporting source. statute, for the rea.son that there current­ 25*. A spot-check by the Register of hos­ ly are no reliable statistics to indicate its pitals in the Denver area alone, however, OF THE 128 abortions reported to the true extent. turned up a total of 128 abortions last Register by individual hospitals, 88 were year, with figures unavailable IVom two fK>rIbrmod for psychiatric reasons, 19 be­ Experimental Parish Available figures do .«how a couple of things — first, that the law is being used large hospitals. cause pregnancy allegedly resulted from on a fairly w’ide scale; second, that men­ The state health department said its rape, eight because the mother’s physical tal distress of the mother is the reason report of 115 abortions included 48 per­ health was threatened, and seven because Launched in Pueblo usually given to justify killing the fetus. formed for psychiatric reason.^ (to avert of the possibility o f birth of a defective But an accurate count of even the likely serious damage to the mother's child. ritorial’’ pari.sh, since its population is Pueblo — Clergy and laymen are divid­ number of abortions performed under mental health), plus two performed be­ There also was a discrepancy in the ed in their opinions as an "experimental" formed, not according to geographical terms of the statute in 1967 apparently cause of "suicide risk.” The total of 115 reports of abortions performed on out-of- parish begins operation in this Southern boundaries, but accrording to the member­ w’ill not be available for some time. also included 10 to avoid the possible (Turn to Page 2) Colorado diocese. The "Community of the ship of the group, which can be drawn Living Christ” will be directed by Father from anywhere. William Griglak, C PP.S.. and will func­ Some priests of the diocese have com­ tion without benefit of church, rectory or plained that the community will draw school. away from established, parishes the Catholic-Episcopalian Exchange The community is termed an "extrater- cream-of-the-crop of parishioners, since those who would be attracted to the "community parish" concept are likely to be the leaders o f the regular style es­ Highlight of Church Unity Week tablishment. Annual Drive Plans have been announced for joint In a letter addressed to priests of the ecumenical services at St. Luke’s Episco­ Archdiocese. Archbishop Casey asked that STILL OTHER clergymen have ex­ information concerning the ecumenical pressed satisfaction that "trouble-makers” pal church and St. John the Evangelist Set Sunday Catholic church. services Iw conveyed to area Catholics. "I will be leaving their parishes and joining express the hope that large numbers of the "Community of the Living Christ” Expected to lx* present for the Week of Catholics of the archdiocese will our priests and pi'ople will reserve these Some of Pueblo’s avant garde laymen Prayer for Christian Unity services are make their annual direct contribution two evenings to join in common prayer have expressed satisfaction that "at long Archbishop -lames V. Casey and Bishop Jan. 21 to the improvement of the for that unity which Our Ix>rd wants in lo.st. a genuinely personal approach to Joseph S. Minnis, Flpiscopal Bishop of unhappy lot of more than 15,000 of the Church He founded.” the pari.sh idea is happening here.” But Colorado. their neighbor.s who turn to Catholic For 60 years, the Week of F’rayer for at least one laywoman observed that "the Services will consist of Scripture Charities for help each' year. Christian Unity has served as a common whole idea is going to create a lot of readings, common prayers and hymns as In his pastoral bulletin announcing prayer time within Christian denomina­ division.
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