Volume One of the Richmond General Plan Goals, Policies, Guidelines, Standards, and Implementation Programs Citf yo Richmond Planning August 1994 RICHMOND GENERAL PLAN August 1994 (includes revisions through May 1998; revisedall pages mapsand have date revisionof included) City of Richmond Planning Department 2600 Barrett Avenue Richmond, CA 94804 (510) 620-6706 FAX (510) 620-6858 LO AMENDMENTF GO S AUGUSE TH O T T 1994 ADOPTED RICHMOND GENERAL PLAN l adopteal f o Liste g d lo dGenera e beloth s wi l Plan amendments occurring since th e comprehensive update of the Richmond General Plan was adopted on August 15, 1994 (City Council Resolution #164-94) . The amendments are listed in sequence according to their Planning Dept. file number. Plng. Dept. City Council File No. Resolution #/Date 1995 018.GP 95-2 Resolution #31-95 2/21/95 Description: Mira Vista Schoo , changin4 f o l Site2 revisiop lane p gMa th : d Ma Lan n ne o dUs use designation for the upper portion (area of existing school facilities) of the Mira Vista School site locateMir5 20 a t da Vist a Drive froDensitw mLo y Residentia o Publit l d can Institutional. 018.GP 95-3 Resolution #32-95 2/21/95 Description: Technical Correction Generao st l Plan Volum: e1 (1) Text revision in Land Use Element, adding reference to Point San Pablo. (2) Text revision in Land Use Element, adding guideline referring to Point San Pablo Yacht Harbor. , changin4 f o 4 revisiop (3p gMa ) landesignatio Ma e Lann ne o dus dUs r arenfo a generally Streetd locate3r . S , dd Ohi betweean od Avenue 2n Knoe . nth S xd Freewayan , . , addin4 f o 4 grevisiop lan(4p designatioe Ma ) dMa us e Lann ne o th aren a dUs n a r o nfo southeast corner of the Ford Peninsula. 018.GP 95-4 Resolution #206-95 9/25/95 Description: Pinole Point Properties, 4 acr- f + o e 0 1 revisiop 8 :site p Ma . Ma Lann ne o dUs changin lan designatioe e gth dus aren a ar nlocatefo northerle th t da y corne Atlaf ro s Road dan Giant Highway between the Southern Pacific and AT&SF Railroad rights-of-way from industrial/office fle ligho xt t industry. 1996 018.GP 96-1 Resolution #24-96 2/5/96 Description: El Sobrante Valley and General Policies, Guidelines, and Implementation Programs: (1) Map revision on Map 3 of 4, changing the General Plan land use designation from Very Densitw Lo y Residential (0-5 dwelling units/net acre o Preservation/Resourct ) e Ared aan adding an Agricultural Lands designation to the Open Space and Conservation Map on 263+_ acres of land located in an unincorporated area of Contra Costa County (El Sobrante Valley) southease th n o t sid f Castreo o Ranch RoaCountrysid e wesd th df an o t e subdivision (APNs 432-040-04 and -05). (2) Map revision on Map 3 of 4, changing the General Plan land use designation from Medium Density Residential (9-28 dwelling units/ne Densitw t acreLo o t )y Residential (5-9 dwelling units/net acre) on 36±. acres of land located in an unincorporated area of Contra Costa County (El Sobrante Valley) on the southeast side of Castro Ranch Road across from Amend Road (APNs 433-110-016, 021 024)d an , . (3) Text revisions, amending policies, guidelines, and implementation programs of the Open Spac Conservatiod ean Safetd nan y Element Richmone th f so d General Plan. 018.GP96-2 Resolution #64-96 5/14/96 Description: Technical Corrections to General Plan Volumes I and II: (1) Map revision on Land Use Map 4 of 4, changing land use designation from Medium Density Residential (918; 9 to 28 DU/net acre) to Low Density Residential (917; 5 to 9 DU/net acre) for properties fronting on the north and south sides of Florida Avenue between South 27th Stree Soutd an t h 33rd Street. (2) Map revision on Land Use Map 2 of 4, changing land use designation from Recreation Lands (908 Heavd an ) y Industry (901 Preservation/Resourco t ) e Area (941 conforo t ) e th mo t Mineral Resource designatio Opee th n no Spac Conservatiod quarre ean th r yfo sitp enMa located on the west side of the San Pablo Peninsula east of Western Drive and about one- quarter mile Richmond-Sae nortth f ho n Rafael Bridge toll plaza. revisiop (3Ma ) Figurn no e B-8, Flood Zones Map Technican i , l Appendix (Vol , Sectio2) . , nB Survey of Natural Factors, updating Flood Zone Map in the North Richmond area to reflect flood control improvements and to conform to the November 1 7, 1993 Flood Insurance Rate Map. 018.GP 96-3 Resolution #169-96 11/5/96 Description: Portion f Richmonso d changing 4 Annex f o revisionp 4 p Ma : : Ma Lann e so dUs (1) land use designation from Medium Density Residential (918; 9 to 28 DU/net acre) to Low Density Residential (91 7; 5 to 9 DU/net acre) for: a) properties fronting on the east side of San Benit betwee. oSt n Teham Burlingamd aan parcelo etw Avenuesr o s firs e e locateth on t ) b ; d immediately west of the San Pablo Avenue commercial strip between Plumas Ave. and south Josn side Sa propertie) Ave.f c e o d ;an s frontin ease th t n sidgo f Souteo h 56t betwee. hSt e nth north side of Santa Clara St. and Mariposa St. (2) landesignatioe dus n froDensitw mLo y Residential DU/ne(9179 o t ;5 t acre Recreatioo )t n Land sMendocine (908th r fo ) o Playlot locatewese th tn dsido f Mendocineo . betweeoSt n Burlingam Tehamd ean a Avenue Huntingtoe th d san n Playlot locate northwese th n do t corner of Carlson Blvd. and Huntington Ave and to Public and Institutional (964) for the Annex Senior Center locate northease th n do t corne f Santo r aHuntingtod Claran . aSt n Ave. (3) land use designation from Recreation Lands (908) to Public and Institutional (964) the north ½ and easterly ¼ of the Balboa School site bordered by Madison and Jefferson Avenues and South 56t Soutd han h 57th Streets. (4) land use designation from General Commercial (922) to Medium Density Residential (918; 9 to 28 DU/net acre) the western half of the parcel located on the southwest corner of Bayview Pabln Sa od Avenuesan . (5) land use designation from Low Density Residential (91 7; 5 to 9 DU/net acre) to Medium Density Residential (918; 9 to 28 DU/net acre) the southern half of parcel located at the souther f Weno d knen Avenue. (Note correctioA : alss onwa mad t thiea s tim o Lanet Elemente Us d , Area Specific Guidelines, Shoreline Areas-West Shoreline, Guideline 10. An error in the wording was made at the time this Guideline was added to the Plan, 018.GP 95-3; the correction was made to reflect the wording approved by the City Council). 1998 018.GP 98-1 Resolution #69-98 5/12/98 Description: Rifle Range Roa Vistd dan a Heights Roadp revisionMa . : (1) establish Land Use Element Map 5 of 5 and technical corrections to change the land use designatio 573-040-2N AP r nfo 4 fro designatioo mn Vero nDensitt w yLo y Residential (0-5 du/ac). (2) technical correction chango t 5 f lan e Landesignatioo sElemeno t e e th 5 dus d Us p Ma t n for APN 573-141-01 thru-49, 573-141-52, 573-141-53, 573-150-01 thru -21, 573-150-23, 573-150-25 fro designatioo mn Mediuo nt m Density Residential (9-28 du/ac). (3) technical correction chango t 5 f landesignatioe Lan o so Elemene t e th 5 dus d Us p Ma t n for APN 573-150-24 from no designation to Regional Parks and Facilities. (4) remove a 0.35 acre parcel (APN 573-040-24) from the area designated as Regional Parks Facilitied an Open so n Spac Conservatiod ean . 1 n f o Elemen 1 p Ma t (5) amend Open Space and Conservation Element Map 1 of 1 to include a 0.32 acre parcel (APN 573-150-24) designate Regionas da l Park Facilitiesd san . (6) retitl Richmone eth d General Plan LanMape dUs throug s1 identifo t h4 y the mapss ma 1 of 5, 2 of 5, 3 of 5, and 4 of 5, respectively. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Richmond City Council Rosemar . CorbinyM , Mayor Lonnie Washington, Jr., Vice Mayor Irma L. Anderson Richard L. Griffin Joh . MarquenE z James McMillan LaVonne Niccolls Donn . PoweraR s Jim Rogers George Livingston (Former Mayor) David MacDiarmid (Former Council member) John Ziesenhenne (Former Council member) Richmond Planning Commission Steve . HarveynE , Chairperson Rev. Orenzia Bernstine Murie . Ealy-BrowA l n John Edwards Joh . FeldenH r Virgini . FinlaaG y Joe Lee Fisher, Sr. Susan H. Geick Meadie Jackson Elva Blankenship (former Commissioner) Michael De La Garza (former Commissioner) Hamilton Holmes (former Commissioner) Sidne . PuceyS k (former Commissioner) Charle . RamsesT y (former Commissioner) Ron Rhone (former Commissioner) Maria Viramontes (former Commissioner) General Plan Update Team (City Staff) Planning Department: Jim Farah, Planning Director Nancy Kaufman, Principal Planner Katherine Cannon Yvonne Bayless Ruby Benjamin Brian Cooke Rod Jones Natalia Lawrence Teresa Stirling Leon Sun Larry Sutton La'Teresa Tingle Ramona Young City Attorney's Office: Wayne Nishioka City Manager's Office: Leveron Bryant Raymond Lambert Finance Department: Tonh ySu Fire Department: Floyd Cormier Human Services Department: Diane Harrison Leo Sauceda Management Information Systems: Mark Hamilton Police Department: Ray Howard Port of Richmond: Jim Faber Mike Powers Private Industry Council: Upesi Mtambuzi Public Works Department: Fred Clement, Building Regulations Division Kirt Hunter, Traffi Engineerind an c g Division Richmond Housing Authority: Art Hatchett Richmond Redevelopment Agency: Harriette Langston Marshall Walker Theresa Wilkerson Consultants Geotechnical Study of El Sobrante Valley: Alien Kropp & Associates, Inc.
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