Chestnut Hill East Line Public Timetable Layout 12

Chestnut Hill East Line Public Timetable Layout 12

SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS and MAJOR HOLIDAYS Saturday Train Number Sun Only 7303 Sun Only 7305 7307 7309 7311 7313 7315 7317 7319 7321 7323 7325 7327 7329 7331 7333 Sun Only 7335 Fare Services Sunday Train Number 703 Sat Only 705 Sat Only 7307 7309 7311 7313 7315 7317 7319 7321 7323 7325 7327 7329 7331 Sat Only 6733 7335 Zone Ê*Ë Stations AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM PMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPM 2 D Chestnut Hill East 6:11 6:36 7:11 7:36 8:36 9:36 10:36 11:36 12:36 1:36 2:36 3:36 4:36 5:36 6:36 7:36 8:36 9:36 9:48 10:36 2 D Gravers F6:13 F6:38 F7:13 F7:38 F8:38 F9:38 F10:38 F11:38 F12:38 F1:38 F2:38 F3:38 F4:38 F5:38 F6:38 F7:38 F8:38 9:38 9:50 10:38 2 D Wyndmoor 6:14 6:39 7:14 7:39 8:39 9:39 10:39 11:39 12:39 1:39 2:39 3:39 4:39 5:39 6:39 7:39 8:39 9:39 9:51 10:39 2 Mount Airy 6:16 6:41 7:16 7:41 8:41 9:41 10:41 11:41 12:41 1:41 2:41 3:41 4:41 5:41 6:41 7:41 8:41 9:41 9:53 10:41 2 D Sedgwick 6:17 6:42 7:17 7:42 8:42 9:42 10:42 11:42 12:42 1:42 2:42 3:42 4:42 5:42 6:42 7:42 8:42 9:42 9:54 10:42 2 D Stenton 6:18 6:43 7:18 7:43 8:43 9:43 10:43 11:43 12:43 1:43 2:43 3:43 4:43 5:43 6:43 7:43 8:43 9:43 9:55 10:43 2 D Washington Lane 6:20 6:45 7:20 7:45 8:45 9:45 10:45 11:45 12:45 1:45 2:45 3:45 4:45 5:45 6:45 7:45 8:45 9:45 9:57 10:45 1 D Germantown 6:23 6:47 7:23 7:47 8:47 9:47 10:47 11:47 12:47 1:47 2:47 3:47 4:47 5:47 6:47 7:47 8:47 9:47 9:59 10:47 1 Wister 6:25 6:49 7:25 7:49 8:49 9:49 10:49 11:49 12:49 1:49 2:49 3:49 4:49 5:49 6:49 7:49 8:49 9:49 10:01 10:49 1 Wayne Junction 6:28 6:53 7:28 7:53 8:53 9:53 10:53 11:53 12:53 1:53 2:53 3:53 4:53 5:53 6:53 7:53 8:53 9:53 10:05 10:53 C D Temple University 6:34 6:58 7:34 7:58 8:58 9:58 10:58 11:58 12:58 1:58 2:58 3:58 4:58 5:58 6:58 7:58 8:58 9:58 D10:10 10:58 C DDMarket East Station 6:40 7:05 7:40 8:05 9:05 10:05 11:05 12:05 1:05 2:05 3:05 4:05 5:05 6:05 7:05 8:05 9:05 10:05 D10:17 11:05 C DDSuburban Station 6:45 7:10 7:45 8:10 9:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 1:10 2:10 3:10 4:10 5:10 6:10 7:10 8:10 9:10 10:10 D10:22 11:10 C DD30th Street Station 6:49 7:14 7:49 8:14 9:14 10:14 11:14 12:14 1:14 2:14 3:14 4:14 5:14 6:14 7:14 8:14 9:14 10:14 10:26 11:14 C D University City — 7:17 — 8:17 9:17 10:17 11:17 12:17 1:17 2:17 3:17 4:17 5:17 6:17 7:17 8:17 9:17 10:17 — 11:17 Train continues to TTC ELW TTC ELW ELW ELW ELW ELW ELW ELW ELW ELW ELW ELW ELW ELW ELW ELW —ELW (see Destination Codes ) AM AM AM AM AM AM AM PMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPM Saturday Train Number 3704 3706 Sun Only 3708 3710 3712 3714 3716 3718 3720 3722 3724 3726 3728 3730 3732 3734 Sun Only 3736 738 Fare Services Sunday Train Number Sat Only Sat Only 6706 3708 3710 3712 3714 3716 3718 3720 3722 3724 3726 3728 3730 3732 Sat Only 6734 3736 738 Zone Ê*Ë Stations AM AM AM AM AM AM AM PMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPM C D University City 6:37 7:37 — 8:37 9:37 10:37 11:37 12:37 1:37 2:37 3:37 4:37 5:37 6:37 7:37 8:37 9:37 — 10:37 — C DD30th Street Station 6:40 7:40 7:40 8:40 9:40 10:40 11:40 12:40 1:40 2:40 3:40 4:40 5:40 6:40 7:40 8:40 9:40 9:40 10:40 11:46 C DDSuburban Station 6:45 7:45 7:45 8:45 9:45 10:45 11:45 12:45 1:45 2:45 3:45 4:45 5:45 6:45 7:45 8:45 9:45 9:45 10:45 11:51 C DDMarket East Station 6:50 7:50 7:50 8:50 9:50 10:50 11:50 12:50 1:50 2:50 3:50 4:50 5:50 6:50 7:50 8:50 9:50 9:50 10:50 11:55 C D Temple University 6:54 7:54 7:54 8:54 9:54 10:54 11:54 12:54 1:54 2:54 3:54 4:54 5:54 6:54 7:54 8:54 9:54 9:54 10:54 11:59 1 Wayne Junction D7:00 D8:00 D8:00 D9:00 D10:00 D11:00 D12:00 D1:00 D2:00 D3:00 D4:00 D5:00 D6:00 D7:00 D8:00 D9:00 D10:00 D10:00 D11:00 D12:05 1 Wister D7:02 D8:02 D8:02 D9:02 D10:02 D11:02 D12:02 D1:02 D2:02 D3:02 D4:02 D5:02 D6:02 D7:02 D8:02 D9:02 D10:02 D10:02 D11:02 D12:07 1 D Germantown D7:04 D8:04 D8:04 D9:04 D10:04 D11:04 D12:04 D1:04 D2:04 D3:04 D4:04 D5:04 D6:04 D7:04 D8:04 D9:04 D10:04 D10:04 D11:04 D12:09 2 D Washington Lane D7:06 D8:06 D8:06 D9:06 D10:06 D11:06 D12:06 D1:06 D2:06 D3:06 D4:06 D5:06 D6:06 D7:06 D8:06 D9:06 D10:06 D10:06 D11:06 D12:11 2 D Stenton D7:08 D8:08 D8:08 D9:08 D10:08 D11:08 D12:08 D1:08 D2:08 D3:08 D4:08 D5:08 D6:08 D7:08 D8:08 D9:08 D10:08 D10:08 D11:08 D12:13 2 D Sedgwick D7:10 D8:10 D8:10 D9:10 D10:10 D11:10 D12:10 D1:10 D2:10 D3:10 D4:10 D5:10 D6:10 D7:10 D8:10 D9:10 D10:10 D10:10 D11:10 D12:14 2 Mount Airy D7:12 D8:12 D8:12 D9:12 D10:12 D11:12 D12:12 D1:12 D2:12 D3:12 D4:12 D5:12 D6:12 D7:12 D8:12 D9:12 D10:12 D10:12 D11:12 D12:15 2 D Wyndmoor D7:14 D8:14 D8:14 D9:14 D10:14 D11:14 D12:14 D1:14 D2:14 D3:14 D4:14 D5:14 D6:14 D7:14 D8:14 D9:14 D10:14 D10:14 D11:14 D12:17 2 D Gravers D7:15 D8:15 D8:15 D9:15 D10:15 D11:15 D12:15 D1:15 D2:15 D3:15 D4:15 D5:15 D6:15 D7:15 D8:15 D9:15 D10:15 D10:15 D11:15 D12:18 Center City to CHESTNUT HILL EAST2 D Chestnut Hill East to CENTER CITY Chestnut Hill East 7:17 8:17 8:17 9:17 10:17 11:17 12:17 1:17 2:17 3:17 4:17 5:17 6:17 7:17 8:17 9:17 10:17 10:17 11:17 12:20 AM AM AM AM AM AM PMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMAM D - Stops to discharge or pick up passengers, but may depart ahead of schedule F - Stops to discharge passengers on notice to conductor and pick up passengers standing on platform in position visible to engineer ELM DOY CYN CLM CHW CHE BMR AIR Spur =BroadStreetLineBRSBroad-Ridge =Market-FrankfordLineBSL MFL otherwise noted orHighSpeedRailunless Trolley Bus, All ConnectingServicesareSEPTA * © SEPTA 2/13 © SEPTA shown herearesubjecttochangewithoutnotice The schedules failure tomakeconnectionsorforshortageofequipment. experience ordamageresultingfromerrorsintimetables,delayed trains, Disclaimer: ChristmasDay(SpecialSchedule) Thanksgiving Day, Labor Day, Regional RailMajorHolidays: will bedesignatedasyourQuietRideCar The firstcar - 7:00p.m.)with3ormorecarsopenforpassengerservice. QuietRide Car: Fare Guideorthewebsiteforcompletefareinformation Fare paymentoptions: Schedule Times: 30th &MarketSts 30th STREETSTATION 16th St&JFKBlvd SUBURBAN STATION Market Stbetween10th&12thSts MARKET EAST Berks Stbetween9th&10thSts 215-580-5440 TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Aves &Windrim Wayne JUNCTION WAYNE Ashmead &RubicamSts WISTER &BayntonSt Ave Chelten GERMANTOWN Aves Willow Grove&Station WYNDMOOR Anderson St Gravers Lane& GRAVERS Ave Bethlehem Pike&ChestnutHill EAST CHESTNUT HILL Washington Lane & Clearview Ave Lane&Clearview Washington LANE WASHINGTON Phil-Ellena &BlakemoreSt STENTON & DevonSt Ave Mt Pleasant SEDGWICK &DevonSt Ave Gowen MOUNT AIRY LOCATIONS STATION Elm Street Doylestown Cynwyd Claymont Chestnut HillWest Chestnut HillEast Bryn Mawr Airport 215-580-6854 SEPTA does notassume responsibilityforinconvenience, SEPTA does 215-580-6897 215-580-6942 Available onallweekdaytrains(Monday-Friday 4:00a.m.

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