Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89975-8 - The Indian Army and the End of the Raj Daniel Marston Index More information Index Abell, G. E. B., 170 concerns over occupation zones, 153, Aiyar, Swarna, 316, 335 156–7, 165, 167, 170, 186, 193, 198 Alanbrooke, Lord, 76, 166, 193, 274 concerns over Transfer of Power Alexander of Tunis, Earl, Field Marshal, announcement, 289–90 57, 76 criticised by colleagues, 138–9, 265 Alexander, Horace, 220 criticisms of Chatfield Report, 43 Amery, Leo, 80, 91, 103, 107, 241–2 dealings with Indian politicians, 1946–7, comments on/dealings with Auchinleck, 207 57, 78, 86–7, 109 end of tenure, 343–8 criticisms of London government, 91–2, fears for (post-independence) future, 109 250–2, 266, 270, 343, 345, 347 favourable comments on Indian troops, final report, 344–5 63, 96 handling of civil unrest (1946–7), 203 role in Indianisation process, 98–9 handling of demobilisation, 241, 243, 247 Amritsar Massacre (1919), 38, 40, 208, 210 handling of INA trials, 119, 130–1, Anderson, Perry, 1 133–8, 140–2, 147–50 Arakan region (Burma) handling of North African campaigns, 54 Allied counteroffensive, 71, 73, 124 handling of Punjab crisis (1947), 302, Allied reverses in, 68–9 309, 312, 316, 321 Ardene, E. A., Brig., 62 Indian politicians’ attacks on, 266, 269, artillery units, development of, 32 271–2, 344, 346 assamis, 36 Indian politicians’ positive assessments Attlee, Clement, 137, 193, 203–4, 234, of, 247 247, 276, 285 misjudgements of political situation, 131, statement on Transfer of Power, 288–9, 295 265, 349 Auchinleck, Sir Claude, Field Marshal, objections to Breakdown Plan, 233–4 33, 84, 98, 145, 266, 273, 303, 342 opposition to division of army, 254–5, 1936 reform proposals, 41–2 257–8, 265–6 acceptance/handling of partition, 258–9 opposition to release of INA prisoners, and famine relief, 109 285–7 anti-discriminatory measures, 84, 86–7, plans for Gurkhas, 274, 277 90, 94 plans for post-war army, 94–5, 98–9, 112, appointment to India Command, 57, 70, 136–7, 142, 246, 249 86, 92–3 progressive approach, 4, 76, 351 biographical background, 41 proposals for nationalisation/division, change of departure date, 345–6 248–9, 261–7, 280 comments on civil–military situation, recruitment policy, 78–81 1946–7, 205, 217, 222, 226, 235, refusal of peerage, 347 308–9, 319, 321, 323, 332 sense of failure/betrayal, 343–4, 346–7 comments on Indianisation, 121–42 Supreme Command of joint force, 267, comments on loyalty/morale, 113–14, 345 269–70 375 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89975-8 - The Indian Army and the End of the Raj Daniel Marston Index More information 376 Index Auchinleck, Sir Claude, Field Marshal Burhanuddin, Mohammed, Capt., 140 (cont.) Burma, see Arakan region; First Burma tributes from military colleagues, 70, 85, campaign; Second Burma campaign 94, 97, 263, 347–8 Burrows, Sir Frederick John, 221, 291 Ayyangar, Sir N. Gopalaswami, 251 Azad Hind Fauj, see Indian National Army Cabinet Mission, 203–4 Azad, Dr Abul Kalam, 111 major parties’ objections to, 206 Calcutta, violence in (1946–7), 290–5 Barkawi, Tarak, 100 August 1946 riots, 215–22 Barker-Wyatt, D. A., Brig., 325–6 casualties, 219–20 Barton, T. A. J., Maj., 79 early reports/responses, 217–18 Bayly, Christopher, Prof., 118 involvement of ex-army/INA members, Bell, J. C., Lt Col, 341 218, 220 Bengal, see Bengal Army; Bengal famine; performance of army, 221–2, 294–5 Calcutta; East Bengal political background, 215–16 Bengal Army, 9 strengthening of military presence, 293 class structure (to 1840), 7–8 Callahan, Raymond, Prof., 76 post-war calls for, 259 Campbell-Johnson, Alan, 330 recruitment practices, 8–10 Candeth, K.P., Lt Gen., 29, 95, 97 suppression of Mutiny (1857), 9 Cariappa, Kodendera Madappa, Brig., 253, Bengal famine (1943), 107–10 257, 272 casualties, 108 Cassels, Sir Robert, Gen., 41, 84, 86, 102 Government of India’s response, 108–9 Cassino, 1st–4th battles for, 60–2 London government’s indifference, 109 cavalry units, military relief operation, 109 see also assamis provincial government’s failure to deal costs of equipment, 35 with, 108 inter-war reforms, 37 Bevin, Ernest, 234–5 irregular, 23 Bhanot, B. D., Col, 251, 268 organisational problems, 35–6 Bien Hoa, battle of (Jan. 1946), 173 Central India Horse Regiment, 1940 Bihar, violence in (1946–7) ‘mutiny’, 102 ‘Anti-Smuggling Corps’, 292 Central Java, 183–5 casualties, 226 conflicts with nationalist groups, 184–5, deployment of troops, 227–8 189 evacuation of refugees, 229 relations with Japanese, 184 foreshadowings, 226–7 Chamberlain, Neville, 48 October 1946 outbreak, 226–30 Chatfield Committee/Report, 42 responsibility of local/national criticisms, 43 government, 228–9 Chatterjee, A. J., Maj. Gen., 154 resumption of hostilities (March 1947), 291 Chetwode, Sir Philip, Gen., 46 scale of violence, 227 Chopra, R. B., Brig., 95, 97 Bombay Army, recruitments, 13 Christison, Sir Philip, Lt Gen., 178–80, Boon, George, Supt, 292 186, 189, 193, 195 Bose, Sarat Chandra, 286 Churchill, Winston, 76, 99, 109, 113, 238 Bose, Subhas Chandra, 117, 120, 122–8 criticisms of Indian Army, 68, 77, 80, 91, Breakdown Plan, 232–4 107 objections to, 233–4 Indian Army officers’ objections to, 107, role of army, 233 109 Briggs, Harold, Maj. Gen., 56 civil power, aid to, see internal security Bristow, R. C. B., Brig., 2, 40, 127, 190, civil war (1947), 4, 273, 343, 345 197, 324, 327, 330–1, 335 civil–military co-operation Brown, Judith, Prof., 103 breakdown, 325–6 Bruce, J. C., Maj. Gen., 5, 351 definitions/procedures, 210–11, 213, Bucher, Roy, Maj. Gen., 216, 218–19, 301 221–2, 225 problems of, 210–11 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89975-8 - The Indian Army and the End of the Raj Daniel Marston Index More information Index 377 Coalition Government (Punjab) military opposition, 254–5, 258, 265–6, composition, 296 268, 340 criticisms/proposals for reform, 296, 299 Muslim demands for, 255–6, 260, 265 dissolution, 298–9 official announcement, 264 need for, 299 phases of, 267 Cockin, C. M., Maj., 133 rejection of proposals, 257 Colville, Sir John, 306 restrictions on Muslim/Hindu service, Condon, W. E. H., Col, 171, 174, 195–6 268 Copland, Ian, Prof., 284, 335–6 secret plans for, 255 Cotton, J. C., Col, 336 shift in government position, 258–9 courts martial, see trials of INA members Dogras, transfer/division of army units, Cowan, David ‘Punch’, Maj. Gen., 30, 67 341–2 crowds, defined as hostile, 219 Dow, Sir Hugh, 226–7, 230 Cunningham, Alan, Gen., 54 Dunn, Maj., 86 Cunningham, Sir George, Governor, Dutch forces (in Java), indiscipline of, 182 134–5, 250 Duties in the Aid of the Civil Power (1937 manual), 208–9 Das, Rai Bahadur Badri, 130 see also Military Training Pamphlet No.11 Das, Suranjan, 215, 335 Dutt, M. R. Lt Col, 94 Davis, Patrick, Capt., 197 demobilisation, 4, 239–48 East Bengal, violence in (October 1946), cash grants, 241 222–6 delays, 243 authorities’ pro-Muslim bias, 225 demobbed soldiers’ role in 1946–7 casualties, 225 violence, 201, 218, 279, 283, 297–8, East India Company, 23 301, 350 recruitment practices, 7 employment following, 244 Eastern Java, 185–92 fears over impact on society, 241, 245 British/Indian captures, 187 flaws in procedure, 279 conflict with local forces, 188–9, 191–2 intended numbers, 247 deployment of British/Indian troops, land grants, 241 185–6, 190 of officers, 248–9, 252, 307–8 failure of communication between HQ post-1918, 17–18 and ground troops, 188 re-enlistment following, 247–8 murder of British officers, 189–90 skills training, 245 talks with local leaders, 186–9 specific procedures, 244 Eden Commission report (1879), 10 Desai, Shri Bhulabhai, 130, 132 Ekin, R., Maj. Gen., 227 desertions, 3, 110–11, 114 engineering units, 11 in Indonesia, 195–7 Evans, Sir Geoffrey, Gen., 50 Dewey, Thomas, Lt Col, 164 Dhillon, G. S., Lt (Col), 126, 131, 138 first Burma campaign (1941–2), 3, 66–8, Din, Hayaud, Lt Col, 171 113 District Soldier Boards (DSBs), 18–19 lessons learned from, 68–70, 73 division (of army), 340–2 First World War acceleration of process, 260–1, 264 aftermath, 15–17, 21, 35–7 appointment of new commanders-in- demobilisation following, 17–18 chief, 270–1 scale of Indian involvement, 14–15 complexity of issues, 261–2, 265, 280 Free India Legion, 117 Congress opposition to, 260 French Indo-China, Indian Army difficulty of carrying out alongside occupation, 153, 158–74 nationalisation, 259–61 burning of buildings/villages, 169 disposition of units, 270–1 casualties, 169, 173 guiding principles, 267–8 civil authority, 160 initial proposals, 240, 254 conduct of French troops, 163 joint (interim) control, 266–7 conflict with nationalist groups, 168–74 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89975-8 - The Indian Army and the End of the Raj Daniel Marston Index More information 378 Index French Indo-China, Indian Army Haig, H. G., Governor, 48 occupation (cont.) Haines, Sir Frederick, 10 delineation of zones, 158–9 Hamid, Shahid, Maj. Gen., 141–2, 144, increase in violence, 164, 167 149, 224, 245, 251, 263, 307–8, 316, objectives, 160, 162 344 operational difficulties, 160–2 Hamilton, G. J., Maj. Gen., 34 (plans for) withdrawal, 167, 172–4 Hastings, Robin, 34 response in India, 194 Hawthorn, D. C., Maj.
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