CORONATION OF QUEEN ELIZABETH II 2nd June,1953 Article by : Avni Sethi,Grade 7, SNS Faridabad DESIGN: ABHISHEK PODDAR JUNE 2021 The Coronation Ceremony Queen Elizebeth II By Avni Sethi, Grade 7, SNS Faridabad Thecoronationceremony,anoccasionforpageantry and celebration, but it is also a solemn religious ceremony,hasremainedessentiallythesameovera thousandyears.Forthelast900years,theceremony hastakenplaceatWestminsterAbbey,London.The service is conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury;whosetaskthishasalmostalwaysbeen sincetheNormanConquestin1066. A coronation is a ceremony marking the formal investitureofamonarchwithregalpower.In1937, the11-year-oldPrincessElizabethhadwatchedher father, King George VI, crowned in the elaborate ceremonyand16yearslateron2June1953,herown officialcoronationwastotakeplace. v o l a t i l e U n c e r t a i n C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s J U N E 2 0 2 1 Her motivation was clear, nothing must stand between her crowning and her people's right to participate. QueenElizabethIIwascrownedon2June,1953in Coronations have been held at Westminster Westminster Abbey. Her Majesty was the thirty- Abbey for 900 years and The Coronation of ninth Sovereign to be crowned at Westminster Queen Elizabeth II was to follow suit. But the Abbey. Coronationof1953wasground-breakinginits ownright‒thefirstevertobetelevised,itwas QueenElizabethIIisthesixthQueentohavebeen watchedby27millionpeopleintheUKalone crowned in Westminster Abbey in her own right. andmillionsmoreaudiencesaroundtheworld. ThefirstwasQueenMaryI,whowascrownedon1 October,1553.TheQueensucceededtotheThrone Apparently,therehadbeenmuchcontroversy onthe6February,1952onthedeathofherfather, intheGovernmentastowhetheritwouldbe KingGeorgeVI.ShewasinKenyaatthetimeand 'right and proper' to televise such a solemn became the first Sovereign in over 200 years to occasion. Several members of the Cabinet at accedewhileabroad. thetime,includingSirWinstonChurchill,urged theQueentospareherselfthestrainoftheheat TheQueenandTheDukeofEdinburgh andglareofthecameras,byrefusingtohave weredrivenfromBuckingham theceremonytelevised. PalacetoWestminsterAbbeyinthe GoldStateCoach‒pulledby The Queen received this message coldly and eightgreygelding refused to listen to their protests. The young queenpersonallyroutedtheEarlMarshall,the Archbishop of Canterbury, Sir Winston ChurchillandtheCabinet…shehadmadeher decision! v o l a t i l e U n c e r t a i n C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s J U N E 2 0 2 1 TheQueen'sCoronationdress,designedbyBritish Fashion designer Norman Hartnell, was made of whitesatinandembroideredwiththeemblemsof the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth in goldandsilverthread. horses: Cunningham, Tovey, Noah, Tedder, Eisenhower, Snow White, Tipperary and McCreery. TheCoronationBouquetwasmadeupofwhite flowers ‒ comprising of orchids and lilies-of- the-valley from England, stephanotis from Scotland, orchids from Wales, and carnations fromNorthernIrelandandtheIsleofMan. Since the Coronation, The Queen has worn the CoronationdresssixtimesincludingtheOpeningof ParliamentinNewZealandand Australiain1954. v o l a t i l e U n c e r t a i n C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s J U N E 2 0 2 1 recognition,theoath,theanointing,theinvestiture (whichincludesthecrowning),theenthronement andthehomage. The Queen's Coronation service began at 11.15amandlastedalmostthreehours. OnherwaytotheCoronation,HerMajestywore the George IV State Diadem - the crown depictedonstamps.Madein1820,theDiadem features roses, shamrocks and thistles with Duringtheinvestiture,TheQueenfirstputonthe 1,333diamondsand169pearls. newly-made Colobium Sindonis - a loose linen- lawn garment, and then a robe of cloth of gold TheSovereign'sprocessionwasmadeupof250 calledtheDalmaticorSupertunica.TheLordGreat p e o p l e i n c l u d i n g C h u r c h l e a d e r s , Chamberlain presented the golden spurs, the Commonwealth Prime Ministers, members of symbolofchivalry,afterwhichtheArchbishopof theRoyalHousehold,civilandmilitaryleaders Canterburypresentedajewelledsword, andtheYeomanoftheGuard. andthenthearmills,thegolden braceletsofsincerityandwisdom. The Archbishop of Canterbury conducted the Finally,TheQueenputonstoleand service, a duty which has been undertaken clothofgoldRobeRoyaland sincetheConquestin1066.Forthefirsttimein receivedtheorb,the 1953,arepresentativeofanotherChurch,the ModeratoroftheChurchofScotland,alsotook part. The Coronation service fell into six parts: the v o l a t i l e U n c e r t a i n C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s J U N E 2 0 2 1 TheSt.Edward'sCrown,madein1661,wasplaced ontheheadofTheQueenduringtheCoronation service.Itweighs4poundsand12ouncesandis madeofsolidgold. coronation ring, the glove, and then the Afterthecrown,theorb,alsomadein1661,wasthe sceptre. mostimportantpieceofregalia.Itisaglobeofgold surrounded by a cross girdled by a band of PrinceCharleswasthefirstchildtowitnesshis diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphire and pearls mother's coronation as Sovereign. Princess withalargeamethystatthesummit. Annedidnotattendtheceremonyasshewas consideredtooyoung. There were more than 2,000 journalists and 500 photographersfrom92nationsontheCoronation TheQueenwascrownedinStEdward'sChair, route. madein1300forEdwardIandusedatevery Coronation since that time. It is permanently AmongthemanyforeignjournalistswasJacqueline keptinWestminsterAbbey. Bouvier(latertheFirstLadyoftheUnitedStatesof America,JackieKennedy),whowas workingfortheWashington Times-Heraldatthetime. v o l a t i l e U n c e r t a i n C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s J U N E 2 0 2 1 The Queen appeared with her family on the balconyofBuckinghamPalacestillwearingthe Imperial State Crown and the Royal Robes to greet the cheering crowds. Her Majesty appearedagainonthebalconyat9.45pmto Edward'sCrown(thiscrownisonlyeverusedforthe turnonthe'lightsofLondon'. actualcrowning)wasplacedonherheadthewhole country,watchingontheirtelevisionsets,joinedas Lights cascaded down the Mall, lighting the one in celebration. Therefore, the coronation of hugecipheronAdmiraltyArchandturningthe QueenElizabethIIwascertainlyadaytoremember. fountainsinTrafalgarSquareintoliquidsilver, until all the floodlights from the National On9September2015,QueenElizabethII,having Gallery to the Tower of London had been previouslysurpassedhergreat-great-grandmother illuminated. QueenVictoria,in2007,tobecome thelongest-livedBritishmonarch, Numerous official photographs were taken in becamethelongest-reigningBritish Buckingham Palace after the Coronation, but monarch.Shecanalsolayclaimto themostmemorablearethosetakenbyCecil beingtheworld'soldestreigning Beaton. For his defining image he posed The monarch. QueeninfrontofabackdropdepictingHenry VII'sChapelinWestminsterAbbey. The'CrowningCeremony'tookplaceexactlyas itislaiddowninthehistorybooks,andwhenSt. v o l a t i l e U n c e r t a i n C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s J U N E 2 0 2 1 Education is my right By Maira Singhal, Grade 8, SNS Gurugram We are all privileged with the boon of quality education.Schoolisaplacewherewelearn,aspire, imagine,andcreate.However,sometimeswefailto realize the fact that this tool is not enjoyed by everyone. Menareusuallysupportedtostudyhoweverthatis notthecasewiththeothergenders.Childrenfrom unprivilegedfamilieswithnoeducationusuallystart workingtoearnfortheirfamily. v o l a t i l e U n c e r t a i n C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s J U N E 2 0 2 1 for females. No. Of universities have multiplied from799in2015-16to1,043in2019-20;collegesup from39,071to42,343. Uttar Pradesh has shown the highest student Girlsaremarriedoffatanearlyagewherethey enrollment followed by Maharashtra and mayhavetofaceviolenceandabuse.Lighthas Tamilnadu.Howeverevenafterthisadvancement comeourwayandwithpeoplefocusingonsuch thenatureofcoursestakenupbywomenhaven't problemstherearelesscasesofchildmarriage changed.Theyhavetheleastrepresentationintech andgirlsespeciallyareabletocompletetheir andengineering. highereducation. Whilethegendergapisdecreasing,wecan'trejoice Thoughcountrieshaveincreasedtheirstudent stillasstilllittlekidsarenotallowedtolivetheir enrollmentusuallythereisahigherpopulation childhood and we need to work to decrease the ofmen.Let'sseewhereIndiastandsinthisage- gendergapineducation. oldproblem. Educationisnotaprerogativebutarightitdoesn't Asof2019statesinIndialikeUttarPradeshand matterwhichcasteorgender. Karnatakahavemoregirlsthanboysinhigher “educationisthemostpowerful education.Forexample,inUttarPradeshthere weaponyoucanusetochange are90,000moregirlsthanboys. theworld”,bynelsonMandela. According to the latest all India survey on highereducationthegrossenrollmentforages 18-23inhighereducationinstitutesinIndiais 27.1%comparedto26.3%in2018-19. Theratioformalepopulationis26.9and27.3 v o l a t i l e U n c e r t a i n C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s J U N E 2 0 2 1 Fiveheavenlyvirtuesoflife By Ayanna Kapoor, Grade 7, SNS Gurugram Doyouknowwhatthefiveheavenlyvirtuesoflife are? I'massumingyoudon't,butallIcansayisthis-these fiveheavenlyvirtueswillhelpyoucopewiththese difficulttimesweareallfacing.Theywillmakeyou feelcalm,bothmentallyandphysically.Letusdive rightin! 1.Charity- Charity is the act of giving to people in need,usuallyassociatedwithgivingawaymoney, dailylifesuppliesandmore.Forme,charityisalso being generous. Instead of giving away physical items, we can pass on positive energy, and the personyoupassthisontoowilltoopassitonaswell. v o l a t i l e U n c e r t a i n C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s J U N E 2 0 2 1 4.Self-Care-I'msuremostofushavebeencalled selfishonceormorethanonceinourlife.Selfish translatestotakingcareofourselvesbutnotour surroundings.
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