Western Kentucky Catholic Graphic by Jennifer Farley Hunt Western Kentucky Catholic 600 Locust Street, Owensboro, Kentucky 42301 Volume 40, Number 1, January, 2013 Cardinal Dolan Offers Prayers For Families, Victims Of Connecticut School Shooting Violence shatters peace of all Prays that peace that passes understanding is with them All called to work for peace in homes, streets, world WASHINGTON—Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, offered prayers and sympathy for the victims of the shooting in the Sandy Hook Elemen- tary School in Newtown, Connecticut, Dec. 14. His statement follows. “The shoot- ing tragedy at the Sandy Hook Elemen- tary School in Newtown, Connecticut wrenches the hearts of all people. The tragedy of innocent people dying through violence shatters the peace of all. “At this time, we pledge especially our prayerful support to the Diocese of Requested Service Change Bishops Urge Catholics To Pray For Bridgeport and the community of New- Life, Marriage, Religious Liberty town as they cope with this almost un- WASHINGTON—The U.S. Catholic bishops have launched a pastoral strategy ad- bearable sorrow. We pray that the peace dressing critical life, marriage and religious liberty concerns. The five-part strategy that passes understanding be with them as or call to prayer was approved by the bishops in November and is set to begin after they deal with the injuries they have sus- Christmas. The overall focus is to invite Catholics to pray for rebuilding a culture fa- tained and with the deaths of their beauti- vorable to life and marriage and for increased protections of religious liberty. ful children. Campaign components include monthly Eucharistic holy hours in cathedrals and “Once again we speak against the parishes, daily family rosary, special Prayers of the Faithful at all Masses, fasting and culture of violence infecting our coun- abstinence on Fridays, and the second observance of a Fortnight for Freedom. try even as we prepare to welcome the "The pastoral strategy is essentially a call and encouragement to prayer and sacri- Prince of Peace at Christmas. All of us are called to work for peace in our homes, fice—it's meant to be simple," said Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco, Owensboro, KY Permit No. 111 Nonprofit Org. chairman of the bishops' Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage. our streets and our world, now more than U.S. Postage ever. 42301 "It's not meant to be another program but rather part of a movement for Life, Marriage, Paid and Religious Liberty, which engages the New Evangelization and can be incorporated “In the shadow of this shooting, may into the Year of Faith. Life, Marriage, and Religious Liberty are not only foundational we know that God’s sacrificial love sus- to Catholic social teaching but also fundamental to the good of society," he said. tains us and may those pained so deeply For details of the strategy, a website with resources from the USCCB is available by this tragedy experience that care in at: www.usccb.org/life-marriage-liberty. their own hearts.” 2 January, 2013 New Year’s Resolutions! USSCB Communications Joins Call For Up- My Dear Friends, Find your rosary and commit to dates To Kids’ Online Privacy Protections New Year’s Res- praying it frequently. WASHINGTON—A broad coalition of panies and operators can collect and use olutions! I have no An act of charity. Our lives are child advocacy, health, parents, privacy, personal information from their children idea where the idea busy but someone is waiting to ex- and consumer organizations—including under the age of 13. of New Year’s Res- perience an act of kindness. Many the Communications Committee of the The FTC is considering the first olutions might have of us certainly have opportunities to U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, updates to the COPPA rules, which were originated, but my perform these acts of charity with American Academy of Pediatrics, the established in 2000. The December 13 guess would be that family and friends but perhaps our American Heart Association, and the letter says that “rapid expansion of dig- the concept may have resolution can point us to someone American Psychological Association and ital media during the last decade, data Most Reverend been a part of human beyond our personal circle of friends William F. Consumers Union—has released a letter collection and marketing practices have consciousness before and acquaintances. Visit someone in a to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) become increasingly sophisticated and Medley, Bishop hospital or nursing home, write a card of Owensboro the advent of modern to express strong support for proposed much less transparent, undermining the calendars. After all, it is a constitu- or letter to someone in prison. updates to the Children’s Online Privacy ability of parents to make meaningful tive dimension of being human that Reconciliation. Many Catholics Protection Act (COPPA). decisions for protecting their children’s we want to improve ourselves. Birth- have gone years since their last con- COPPA was passed by Congress privacy and safety.” The letter describes days and anniversaries often trigger a fession. Maybe in this year of faith in 1998 and is designed to enable parents the proposed updates to the COPPA rules few resolutions for us. some can rediscover the grace and to decide how and whether Internet com- as “not only essential, but also urgent.” Now we know that many of us power of the Sacrament of Reconcil- iation. Beyond the sacramental, con- make the same or at least similar res- Commemorative Mass For Life olutions year after year, because the sider reaching out to be reconciled with someone from whom you have Tuesday January 22, 2013 human inclination to backslide is at 12:00 Noon St Stephen Cathedral least as strong as the instinct to im- been distanced. Come join us as we mark the 40th year since prove. We can beat ourselves up over Invest in your faith. Join a scrip- the U:S. Supreme Court decision took away all legal protec- this, or celebrate the optimism that we ture study or prayer group, or read the tion for the life of the unborn child. Now over 55 million chil- will try again. Bible alone. If you did not participate dren have died. All are invited to remember these children as Allow me to offer a few sugges- in your parish’s ARISE program last we pray for their mothers, fathers, families and our nation. tions for resolutions for 2013. year, join this spring. If you did par- - Gospel of Life Committee, Diocese of Owensboro Pray. Pray more. Pray better. ticipate, invite someone to go with Prayer to Christ Unborn Whatever your prayer scorecard you this year. Dear Lord Jesus, in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, might show, I would bet that it could The list of ideas can go on and on. before your birth, you filled the unborn John the Baptist be improved. If formal prayer is just If February or March comes around with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Inspire us to see you in every unborn child. not something you do very often, set and the resolutions are not holding, Grant us the perseverance to defend vulnerable human life from abortion, a goal of just a few minutes a day, or declare another New Year’s Day and abandonment, experimentation, and all violations. Fill us with the reverence try again. for the moment of your Incarnation in Nazareth when the Word became flesh. even a few minutes a week. If you Amen. do have habits of prayer, how might these habits be improved? Pray spe- May God bless you all. cifically for a special intention: for an Yours in Christ, Bishop Medley’s Calendar for January 2013: increase in priestly and religious vo- January 2 11-2:00 p.m. Seminarian Luncheon/Gathering, cations, for greater respect for life in St. Margaret Chapel, Henderson our nation; for the monthly intention January 4 9:00 a.m. Catholics at the Capital Regional Meeting, of the Holy Father. (www.apostle- +Most Reverend William F. Medley, Our Lady of Lourdes, Owensboro shipofprayer.net) Bishop of Owensboro January 6 - 10 Region V Bishops Retreat, New Orleans, LA January 12 9:00 a.m. Catholics at the Capital, Regional Meeting, Sts Peter and Paul, Hopkinsville Be a Part of the History Making 40th 5:00 p.m. Dinner with the NET team January 14 - 17 Priest Convocation, Lake Barkley March for Life 1-25-13 January 19 5:00 p.m. Confirmation, Sacred Heart, Russellville The Diocesan Gospel of Life Committee is sponsoring a trip to the 40th March January 21 - 26 Episcopal Leadership Workshop, Orlando, FL for Life in Washington D.C in late January 2013. The Toby Tours bus trip will feature January 27 10:00 a.m. Confirmation, Sts Joseph and Paul, Owensboro a departure from the Catholic Pastoral Center at 8:00pm on Jan. 23, a two night stay at 5:00 p.m. Confirmation, St. Mary Magdalene, Owensboro the Washington D. C. Hyatt Regency Hotel near Capitol Hill, attendance at the Mass January 28 9:00 a.m. Catholic Schools Week Mass, for Life at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in the Holy Name of Jesus, Henderson evening of Jan 24th, and participation in the March for Life Rally and the March itself January 29 10:00 a.m. Catholic Schools Week Mass, St. Mary School on Jan. 25th. Return home will be late on Jan. 26th or early morning Jan.
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