R822 INGU96 Jrt c* ;ndia Kingdom of the Netherlands ivuiiisuy uf Agriculture Ministry of Foreign Affairs '^spcrvrr.sp. ^uraf o ; l Development Royal Netherlands Embassy GovGrr.rr.EiT; cv Gujarat Deportrnant ov Health and Family Welfare Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board and Santatton C«nM Tel701 3:+3 0 68980 Report on Mission 33 to Gujarat Progress review Regional water supply and sanitation schemes October 1996 1CJ Governmen f Indio t a Kingdom of the Netherlands Ministry of Agriculture Ministr f Foreigyo n Affairs Department of Rural Development Royal Netherlands Embassy Government of Gujarat Department of Health and Family Welfare Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board ssssss Report on Mission 33 to Gujarat Progress review Regional water supply and sanitation schemes October 1996 TABLE OF CONTENTS Lis f Abbreviationo t s Map Projecd san t Summary Sheets • Maps of India and Gujarat state • Map of Gujarat indicating districts and location schemes • Map, summary sheet and table of progress of Santalpur RWSS • Map, summary shee tabld f progresean to f Sami-Hariso j RWSS • Map, summary shee tabld progresf ean to Lathi-Liliyf so a RWSS PREFACE SUMMAR CONCLUSIONF YO RECOMMENDATIOND SAN S MAIN REPORT page 1 . 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General 1 1.2 Acknowledgements 1 1.3 Overall observations 1 3 . 2 COMPLIANCE GU-32 . 3 PROGRESS INI INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPL4 Y SCHEMES 4 1 3. Non-technical aspects 6 2 3. Technical aspects 3.2.1 Santalpur RWSS 6 3.2.2 Sami-Harij RWSS 11 3.2.3 Lathi-Liliya RWSS 14 3.3 Gogha RWSS 17 3.4 Lathi-Liliya II RWSS 17 3.5 Ambaji-Danta RWSS 18 3.6 Monitoring indicators 18 3.6.1 Service level 18 0 2 3.6.2 Monitoring report 0 2 7 3. Overall technical aspects 5 2 . 4 GENDER ISSUES LIBRARY IRC 93190x Bo HAGU E O , P 250TH ED 9A 0 8 9 68 0 3 0 7 Tel. 1 :+3 Fax: +31 70 35 899 64 BARCODE: 1 LO: TABLE OF CONTENTS CONT'D 1 page 5. INSTITUTIONAL ASPECTS 27 7 2 1 5. Socio-Economic Unit 5.2 Pani Samitis 28 0 3 3 5. NGO theid san RWSre rolth n ei S 5.4 Coordination meetings 31 5.5 Staffin trainind gan g 31 2 . 3 6 INCOME GENERATING ACTIVITIES 4 3 . 7 HEALTH EDUCATION ACTIVITIES 5 3 . 8 FINANCIAL ASPECTS 5 3 1 8. Financial achievement 6 3 2 8. Revie f projecwo t costs (Rs) 7 3 3 8. Claim reimbursementd san s 9. FUTURE PROJECT REVIEW STRUCTURE 40 ANNEXES 1. Term f Referencso e Intermediate Progress Review Mission . 2 Itenerary Mission GU-33 3. List of Authorities and Persons Met 4. Guidelines Board Resolution no. 12 . 5 Compliance Report GWSSB GU-32 . 6 Progress Reports GWSSB . 7 Progress ReporU SE t . 8 Progress Report SEWA 9. Progress Report CEE 10. Minutes of the NGO-Panel Meeting on 30 September 1996 11. Reproduction poster CEE 12. Draft Terms of Reference future Progress Review Missions . 13 Monitoring indicators TABLE OF CONTENTS CONT'D 2 FIGURES AND PHOTOGRAPHS FIGURES page 1 3. Fluoride blende7 d water Shihori wellfield 3.2 Production wellfield Kamlivada 12 3.3 Water level reservoir Kalubhar dam 15 3.4 Service level water supply 20 8 Project expenditures 31 PHOTOGRAPHS Page Cove - Discussionr s with villager t standpostsa , Vauva - ESR 8 VarahA i with tubewel r blendinfo l g storagw Ne - e facilitieB s Santalpu d tai9 en l r Scheme C - Johnson Well Screens at Haijpur 11 - RecentlDy completed earthen embankments Theb m da i 18 October 1996/2K 9017.A3436.30/R002/RTW/gmo AC Asbestos cement AE Assistant Engineer AEE Assistant Executive Engineer BK Banaskantha District BLC Branch Line Committee BPT Break Pressure Tank CDHO Chief District Health Officer CE Chief Engineer CEE Centr r Environmentaefo l Education CGWB Central Ground Water Board Cl Cast Iron CHETNA Centre for Health, Education, Training and Nutrition Awareness CPU Community Relations Unit CPHEEO Central Public Health & Environmental Engineering Organization CT Cattle Trough DAL-ZZ India Country Desk of the Ministry of Development Cooperation DEE Deputy Executive Engineer DC District Collector DDO District Development Officer DHO District Health Officer DG Diesel Generator DGIS Ministr f Developmenyo t Cooperation DRD Departmen f Rurao t l Development EE Executive Engineer ESI Environmental Sanitation Institute Ahmedabad ESR Elevated Storage Reservoir FC Faecal Coli FPI Foundation for Public Interest FSWD First Secretary Women in Development FSWS&S First Secretary Water Supply & Sanitation GEB Gujarat Electricity Board GJTI Gujarat Jal Seva Training Institute GL Ground Level GOI Governmen f Indio t a GOG Government of Gujarat GON Government of The Netherlands GU-XX Gujarato t MissioX X . nno GWSSB Gujarat Water Suppl Seweragd yan e Board HGLR High Ground Level Reservoir HW Head Works IBRD International Ban r Reconstructiokfo Developmend nan t ICDS Integrated Child Development Scheme IGP Income Generating Project IHE International Institute for Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering IRC International Reference Centr r Communitefo y Water Suppld yan Sanitation KAP Knowledge, Attitude Practiced san s Ipcd Litrey r capitda s pe r ape MCM Million Cubic Metres MIS Management Information System MLD Million Litres per Day MOH Ministr f Healtyo Famild han y Welfare MS Member Secretary NA Netherlands Assisted NGO Non Governmental Organisation M O& Operatio Maintenancn& e OSD Officer on Special Duty PH Public Health PHC Primary Health Care PP Paani Panchayat (Village water committee) PRM Progress Review Mission PS Pani Samiti PSD Project Support Unit RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete RL Reduced Level RNE Royal Netherlands Embassy RSF Rapid Sand Filtration RSM Revie Suppord wan t Mission RWS Rural Water Supply RWSS Regional Water Supply Scheme RWS/S Rural Water Suppl Sanitatioy& n SC Sceduled Castes SE Superintending Engineer SEU Socio-Economic Unit SEWA Self Employed Women's Association SOR Schedule of Rates SPI Sardar Patel Institute SSF Slow Sand Filtration ST Sceduled Tribes TAG Technology Advisory Group TDS Total Dissolved Solids TOR Terms of Reference UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund MAPS AND PROJECT SUMMARY SHEETS PAKISTAN INDIA LEGEND GWSSB = Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Scheme GUJARAT STATE INDI- A Figure 1 Ma f Indi pGujarao d aan t State MEHSANA \ SABAR KANTHA LATHI-LILIYA II RWSS LATHI-LILIYA I RWSS LEGEND: SANTALPU= R RWSS = LATHI-LILIYA I RWSS = LATHI-LILIYA II RWSS SAMI-HARI= J RWSS GWSSB GUJARAT STATE - INDIA GHOGH= A RWSS Figure 2 | KAD= I RWSS Ma f Gujarapo t State indicatin ^| g districts and location of schemes i PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET : SantalpuNam I RWS/I r e S Project DGIS Code : IN/87/006 Project Budge : 104t 5 Lakhs R f so 1. History In December 1986 the Santalpur RWS/S scheme was completed, covering 72 villages. Durin executioe gth projece th f no t many more villages were identified as problem villages. An extension scheme covering 48 additional villages was proposed {Santalpur II). The appraisal of the project was done by GU-13. In addition an augmentation scheme covering 21 villages in the same area was approved under the Desert Development Programme of the Government of India. e Santalpue workth Th r fo s I I schemr e starte n 198i d consistd 7n an a f o s extension of the capacity of the resources, reinforcement of the mains, extension of the storage capacity as well as village level facilities consisting of standposts, cattle trough d cisternsan s . Recently further improvementn i s storage capacity have been made to improve the supply at the tail end. The social infrastructur s ebeini g developed wit e hel hth f NGO o p s througn a h income generating programm r womenfo e , health educatio communitd nan y development. Statu2 s t presen A village1 15 connecte e f to s ar 14 t 7ou pipedo t d water supple th n yi total Santalpur RWSS. This includes the villages of the completed Santalpur I scheme that is still monitored by the PRM. Also villages of the so-called 'Augmentation scheme" and 10 "Extra tapping" villages are included in this number. In order to set procedures for proper O&M, a manual has been developed programme Th . f incomeo e generating activities carrie t wite dou hth hel f SEWo p s continuei A d showdan s definite results. CHETN s beeha An executing together wit Bhansale hth i Trus healta t h education programme with developmen f o educatiot n materials. A pilo t sanitation projec s beeha tn execute evaluatedd dan . At district level an Advisory Committee Water Supply has been constituted that meet principln si quarterln eo y basis t statA . e leve Steerina l g Committee Water Suppl establisheds i y GWSSe th n I . BSocia o Economic Uni s operationai t o t l liaise with NGOs. Constraint3 s The decline in the water table due to overpumping of the aquifer for irrigation is a serious threat to the resources of the scheme. The number of tubewells for irrigation increases continuously fluoride Th . e conten watee th f o rt pumpeds i , relatively high but has reduced below the permissible limit through blending with water fro e radiamth l well contracA . r constructiofo t f checkdano m across Banas River to improve recharge of the aquifer was finalised and.the work was started by the Contractor. However, the Contractor has stopped the work during Apri lrestarted e 1996b wore o t Th .s Octobeky i b r 1996. Water meters have been installed for better water distribution management and to study water use practices. These meters are out of order at present.
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