Class Book o Copyright N W COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. Jack's Manual ON THE VINTAGE AND PRODUCTION, CARE AND HANDLING OF WINES, LIQUORS, ETC. A HANDBOOK OF INFORMATION FOR HOME, CLUB, OR HOTEL RECIPES FOR FANCY MIXED DRINKS AND WHEN AND HOW TO SERVE j& | COPYRIGHTED 1910 BY J. A. GROHUSKO 10 Broadway, New York \ Press of McCLUNN & CO.. 10-12 Broadway, New York. ©GI.A25908 INDEX A Page Page Brandy Fizz 32 v Alcohol 17 Brandy Flip 32 Ales 16 Brandy Float 32 Absinthe 24 Brandy High Ball 32 Absinthe Cocktail 24 Brandy Julep 33 Absinthe Dripped 24 Brandy Punch 33 Absinthe Frappe 24 Brandy Rickey 33 Auditorium Cooler 26 Brandy Sangaree 33 Ale Sangaree .' 24 Brandy Scaffa 33 Alexander Cocktail 24 Brandy Smash 33 Amer. Picon Highball . 24 Brandy Sour 34 Anderson Cocktail 25 Brandy Toddy 34 Angostura Fizz 25 Bronx Cocktail 34 Angostura Ginger Ale 25 Bronx Terrace 31 Angostura Grape Fruit 25 Brooklvn Cocktail 31 An Oxford University Nightcap. 23 Brut Cocktail f. 31 A Clover Leaf 23 Bvrrh Cocktail 31 An Ale Cup 23 Byrrh Wine Rickey 31 Appetizers 85 Byrrh Wine Daisy 31 Appetizing Sandwiches 86 Butcher Cocktail 31 Apollinaris Lemonade 25 B. B. Highball 27 Apple Jack Cocktail 25 Bacardi Cocktail 26 Apple Tack Sour 25 Boston Cooler 29 Apple Toddy 25 Bogarz Cocktail 29 Ardsley Cooler 26 Bismarck Cocktail 28 Arf and Arf 26 Billin Cocktail 28 A Soul Kiss 23 Bachelor's Rose 26 Astringent Bottling 26 _ 6 Ale Benie Cocktail 24 Burgundies, Red and White.... 9 Appendix 22 Bitter-Sweet Wines 12 Bitters 13 Brandies or Cognac 14 B Beers 16 Binning 17 Bailor Cocktail 26 Baltimore Egg Nogg 27 Bambo Cocktail 27 C Baracca's Cocktail 27 Cellar [Management 17 Barry Cocktail 27 Calisaya Cocktail 34 B.eals Cocktail 27 California Sherry Cobbler 34 Beef Tea 27 Campill Cocktail 34 Bicarbonate of Soda 27 Canadian Fizz 36 Bijou Cocktail 28 Catawba Cobbler 35 Bishop 28 Champagne, Domestic American 6 Black Hawk Cocktail 28 Champagne Cobbler 86 Black Stripe 29 Champagne Cocktail 87 Black Thorn Cocktail 28 Champagne Julep 87 Blue Blazer 29 Champagne Punch 36 Bonnett Cocktail 29 Champagne Sour 36 Bornn's Cocktail 29 Champagne Velvet 36 Bottle of Cocktail 29 Chocolate Cocktail 39 Bowl of Egg Nogg 3) Chocolate Punch 37 Brandy burned with peach 30 Christie Cocktail 37 Brandy and Ginger Ale 32 Cincinnati Cocktail 37 Brandy and .Soda 32 Claret 18 Brandy and Champrelle 30 Claret Cobbler 37 Brandy Cocktail 30 Clarets 19 Brandy Crusta 30 Claret Lemonade 37 Brandy Daisy 30 Claret Punch 38 Brandy Fix 32 Cliftin Cocktail 39 1 Page G Page Cheese Straws ^ Coffee Cocktail 37 Gin 16 44 Corking 1 Gin and Calamus Coffee Kirsch 37 Gin and Milk 4-1 Columbus Cocktail 38 Gin and Molasses 44 Coney Cocktail 3S Gin and Tansy 44 Cocktail a la Furey 36 Gin Cocktail 46 Consolidated Cocktail 38 Gin Crusta 46 Creme de Menthe on Ice 38 Gin Daisy 46 Cris Cocktail 38 Gin Fix 46 Curacoa Punch 35 Gin Fizz 47 Cushman Cocktail 3 5 Gin Highball 47 Creme de Menthe High Ball 35 Gin Julep 47 Champagne Frappe 36 Gin Punch 46 Champagne Cup 38 Gin Rickey 47 Claret Cup 39 Gin Sangaree 44 Cider Cup 36 Gin Smash 44 Clarendon Cocktail 35 Gin Sour 44 Cleaves Delight 35 Gin Toddy 45 Clover Leaf Cocktail.*. 39 Glasgow Flip 45 Cognac a la Rouss 39 Golden Fizz 45 Cognac 14 Graham Cocktail 45 Cook's Cocktail 39 Guggenheimer Cocktail 45 Cotton Cocktail 35 Gum Syrup 45 Cuvee (The) 6 German Wines 12 Grenedine High Ball 46 Gin Bump 45 D Decanting 17 H 40 Dean Cocktail Hamerslev 47 Dogs Days 41 Hocks 20 Donnelly's 41 Half and Half 47 Dorr Cocktail 40 Hock Cobbler 47 Dubonnet Cocktail 40 Halstein Cocktail 47 Dry Martini Cocktail 40 Honolulu Cocktail 48 Dunham Cooler 40 Horse's Neck 48 Domestic or Amer. Champagne. 6 Hot Brandy Sling 48 Daniel Webster Punch 40 Hot Gin Sling 49 Devil's Cocktail 40 Plot Irish Punch 49 Disgorgement, The 11 Hot Lemonade 49 1 1 ot Milk Punch 49 E Hot Rum 49 Hot Scotch 48 Edner Cocktail 41 Hot Scotch Toddy 18 Egg Lemonade 41 Hot Scotch Whiskey Sling 48 Egg Milk Punch Hot Spiced Rum 48 Egg Nogg Plain 41 Hunter Cocktail 49 Egg Phosphate 41 Hot Cobbler 50 Egg Sour 42 Hot Egg Nogg 50 Elks' Delight 42 Hamilton Cocktail 49 Evans Cocktail 42 Hudson Cocktail 50 Evans Shandy Gaff 42 How to Serve Burgundies 10 Evans Cooler 41 I F Improved Manhattan Cocktail... 5) French Wines 11 Improved Martini Cocktail 50 Fairbanks Cocktail 43 Irving Cocktail 50 Fancy Brandy.. Gin and Whiskey Isabelle Cocktail 51 Cocktails 43 Italian Cocktail 51 Fancy Whiskey Smash 43 Italian Wine Lemonade 51 Farmer's Cocktail 42 Italian Wine 11 Fine Lemonade, for' parties. .. 42 Illinois Thunderbolt 51 Fishhouse Punch 43 Imperial Egg Nogg 51 Frank Hill Cocktail 43 Freeman's Bliss 43 French Flag 43 J Fedora 87 Tack Rose 51 Fowler Cocktail 87 Tack Zeller Cocktail 51 Forming the Sparkle 10 Tamaica Rum Sour 53 Page O Japanese Cocktail 53 Page jenks Cocktail 53 Old Delaware Fishing Punch... 61 Jersey Lily Pousse Cafe 52 Old Fashion Cocktails 61 Jersey Sunset 52 Olivette Cocktail 61 Jersey Sour 53 Orchard Punch 62 Jersey Cocktail 53 Orgeat 62 John Collins 53 Oyster Bay Cocktail 62 judge Smith Cocktail 53 Orangeade 62 June Daisy 52 Oyster Cocktail 61 Tune Rose 52 One Yard of Flannel or Ale Flips 60 Junkins Cocktail 52 Old Oxford College Mulled Ale. 60 Orange Cocktail 61 K Kischwasser Punch 54 P Knickebein 54 Knickerbocker 54 Port Wine 18 Palmetto Cocktail 62 Parisian 62 L Parisian Pousse Cafe 62 Parson's Cocktail Liqueurs 13 63 54 Pat's Cocktail 64 Lemonade Peach Leonora Cocktail 54 and Honey 63 Perfect Cocktail Liberal Cocktail 55 63 Pheasant Cocktail 63 Little Maxine 54 Picon Cocktail Loewi Cocktail 55 63 Plain Lemonade Long Tree Cocktail 55 64 Port Wine Cobbler 65 Lawrence 55 Port Wine Flip 65 Liqueuring 11 Port Wine Punch 65 Port Wine Sangaree 64 M Porter Cocktail 64 Pousse Cafe 64 Magnus 87 Pousse FAmour 65 Maiden's Dream 87 Preparing Rock and Rye 64 .' Mamie Taylor 87 Punch a la Romaine. 63 Manhattan Cocktail 55 Philadelphia Bronx 65 Marguerite Cocktail 56 Postmaster 65 Martini Cocktail 56 Patrick Cocktail 66 May Wine Punch 57 Palmar Cocktail 65 Medford Rum Punch 56 Pony of Brandy 63 A I edford Rum Smash 57 Production of Champagne 5 Medford Rum Sour 57 Porter 16 Merry Widow Cocktail 57 Metropolitan Cocktail 57 Milk Punch. 58 Milk Shake 58 Milk and Seltzer 58 Mint Julep 58 Highball 66 Mississippi Punch 58 Montana Club Cocktail 59 Montgomery 58 Morning Cocktail 59 R Morning Glory Fizz 59 Mulled Ale 55 Randolph 66 Mulled Ale or a Burton on Trent 55 Red Lion Cocktail 66 Mulled Claret 59 Regent Punch 66 Murphy Renaud's Pousse Cafe 67 Cocktail . 56 Mise sur Pointe 10 Rhine Wine and Seltzer 67 Millionaire's Cocktail 59 Rhine Wine Cobbler 67 Moselle Cup 56 Richmond Cocktail 67 Moselle Wine ' 20 Robert Burns 68 Robinson Cocktail 68 Rob Roy 68 N Roman Punch 68 Royal Fizz 69 National Guard Punch 60 Royal Punch 69 Nicholas Cocktail 60 Rum 16 New Orleans Fizz 60 Rum Daisy North 69 Pole Cocktail 59 Rum Flip 69 Page T Rum Flip (Western Style) 69 Page Rye Highball 70 Tom Collins Gin 77 Rye Whiskey Rickey 70 Tom Collins Brandy 77 Remsen Cooler 67 Tom Collins Whiskey 77 Rhine Wine Cup 67 Tom Collins Rum 77 Raphael Cocktail 66 Tom and Jerry 77 Raymond Cocktail 66 Trilby Cocktail 77 Rocky Mountain Cooler 68 Trowbridge Cocktail 7S Rossington Cocktail 68 Turf Cocktail 78 Ruby Cocktail 69 Turkish Sherbet 78 Tuxedo Cocktail 78 Terminal Cooler 76 S Tip Top Punch 76 Tucker Cocktail 79 Sam Ward 70 Treasurer Cocktail 77 Saratoga Cocktail 70 Sauterne Cobbler 70 V Scheuer Cocktail 74 Scotch Highball 75 Vanilla Punch 79 Scotch Whiskey Rickey. 75 Van Zandt Cocktail 79 Seltzer Lemonade 75 Vermouth Cocktail 79 Shandy Gaff 75 Vermouth Frappe 79 Sherry and Angostura 75 Vichy 80 Sherry and Bitters 71 Virgin Cocktail 80 Sherry and Egg 71 Velvet Champagne 79 Sherry Cobbler 71 Van Lee Cocktail 79 Sherry Cocktail 71 Vermouth Plighball 80 Sherry 20 Vermouth 14 Sherry Flip 71 Sherry Wine Punch 71 W Sherry Wine Sangaree 71 Whiskey 14-15 Silver Cocktail 72 Whiskey Cobbler 80 Silver Fizz 72 Whiskey Cocktail 80 Sloe Gin Cocktail 72 Whiskey Crusta 8) Sloe Gin Highball 72 Whiskey Daisy 80 Sloe Gin Rickey 72 Whiskey Fix 80 Soda Cocktail 72 Whiskey Fizz 81 Soda Lemonade 73 Whiskey Flip 81 Soda Negus 73 Whiskey Float 81 St. Charles Punch 73 Whiskey Julep 81 Sankey Punch 70 Whiskey Punch 81 St. Croix Crusta 73 Whiskey Rickev 81 St. Croix Fizz 73 Whiskey Sling.". 81 Stout 16 Whiskey Smash 82 Sauternes 7-8 Whiskey Sour 82 Serving 6 Whiskey Toddy 82 Sherry 20 White Horse 82 Sweet-Bitter Wines 12 White Lion 82 Sloe Gin Fizz 72 White Plush 83 Sloe Gin Bump 76 White Rat 83 Sauterne Cup 76 Widow's Dream 83 Silverman 70 Widow's Kiss 83 Shonnard Cocktail 75 Wines of Germany 12 Stone Fence 75 Wines of Italy 11 Stone Wall 75 Washington Cocktail 83 Stony Cocktail 76 When and how to serve bever- Swiss Ess 76 ages 21 Sabbath Morning Calm 70 Williams Cocktail 83 Schulke Cocktail 74 Stanton Cocktail 74 Z Star Cocktail 74 Starboard Light 74 Zabriskie Cocktail 84 Santa Croix Rum Punch 74 Za Za Cocktail 84 Santa Croix Sour 74 Zazarack Cocktail 84 INTRODUCTORY.
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