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INDEX A anti-Japanese movement, 15, 38 Abdul Aziz, Justice, 129 Anwar Ibrahim, 156–57, 166, Abdul Razak, 84, 92, 102, 112–13, 169–70, 200, 225 118, 120 Appeals of the Chinese Abdullah Badawi, 167, 169, Organizations (Hua Tuan 226–27 Suqiu), 200–01, 214, 225 ABIM (Angkatan Belia Islam “Articles of Faith of the State”, see Malaysia), 156 Rukun Negara Abu Talib, 143–44 Asian financial crisis, 191, 200 Academy of Five Blessings (Wufu Awang Had Salleh, 192 Shuyuan), 3 Aziz Report, 126, 128–29, 221 “administrative grants”, 230 Aziz Salary Scheme, 128–29 Alliance for the Abolition of Teaching Mathematics and B Science in English, see GMP Barisan Alternatif, 200 Alliance Party, 75, 77, 83–85, 101, Barisan Nasional (National Front), 104, 112, 118, 127 118, 120, 127, 171, 191, election won, 102 194–95, 200, 237–39, 243–45 All-Nation Protect Chinese Barnes, L.J., 60 Education Action Liaison Barnes Report, 59–62 Group, 132 “Basic Demands of Education, American Board of Commissioners The”, memorandum, 145–147 for Foreign Missions, 5 Beloff, Michael, 143–44 Aminuddin Baki, 236 Berita Harian, 169 Aminuddin Baki Institute, 204 Blundell, Governor, 14 Amnesty International, 171 bumiputra, 167 Anglo-Chinese College, 4 Anti-British League, 55 C anti-British sentiments, 24, 26–27, Cabinet Report, on education 54 system, 148–51, 157 271 10 CSPM'sia Index.indd 271 12/21/10 5:50:13 PM 272 Index Caine, Sydney, 74 curricula in, 30–32, 168 Cambridge University, 180, 220 Education Act 1961, and, Central Advisory Committee on 105–07 Education, 59 general election, and, 236–44 First Report of the, 52–54 government control in, 22–24 Second Report of the, 62–66 grants-in-aid for, 20–22, 27, 38, see also Education Act; 47, 58–59, 67 Education Ordinance independent, 94, 105, 136–41, Chan Man Hing, 164 177, 181, 209–12, Chan Siang Sun, 157, 159 232–34 Cheah Toon Lok, 101, 108 Japanese occupation, during, Cheeseman, H.R., 49 44–45, 47 Cheeseman Plan, 49–50, 52 Malay, teaching, 58–59 Chen Guo Jie, 132 Malayanized textbooks, 64–65, Chen Jia Geng, 29, 50 76, 78 Chen, Michael, 162 number of, 31, 48, 105 Chen Qing Jia, 132, 164 Pacific War, and, 30–36 Chen Shou Min, 18 political activities in, 12–30 Chin See Yin, 101 rehabilitation and growth of, China 47–49 Guomindang, rule in, 25–30 school terms, 59 Japanese invasion, 28, 38 standards in, 32 nationalism, 7 students in, 106, 175–76, 179 Chinese, first arrivals, 1, 30 syllabuses, new, 88–89 Chinese Association (Zhong Hua system, new, 88–89 Gong Hui), 181 see also educational institutions; Chinese Education Advisory National School; National- Council, 100 Type Chinese Primary Chinese Educational Festival, 182 Schools Chinese Communist Party, 22, 27, Talib Report, and, 105–07 51, 56, 77 Chinese school teachers Chinese language qualified, and trained, 176–77, official language, struggle for, 179, 204, 229–30 70, 107–09, 113 salary scheme, 65–66, 68 Chinese schools Chinese society, pillars of, 4 attitude of colonial government Chou An Hui (Work-for-Peace towards, 14–15 Society), 13 closing down, possibility of, 97–98 chou zhen hui (relief fund conversion to English school, committees), 25, 28–29, 91–94 50 10 CSPM'sia Index.indd 272 12/21/10 5:50:14 PM Index 273 Christian evangelization, 4–5 see also Central Advisory Christian missionary schools, 4–5 Committee on Education; Chung Hua Confucian, 8 Education Ordinance citizenship privileges, 98 Education Act, 1996, 195–200, Commercial Press, 34 209, 214, 224 communist uprising, 54, 84 Education Bill, 1990, 193–95, 224 Confederation of Overseas Chinese Education Development Blueprint, Schools, 18 233, 235–36, 239–40 Confucianism, 4 education development, funds for, Confucius Society, 8 56 curriculum, 3-M issue, 157–60, education expenditure, 57 162, 165, 173, 178, 223 education memorandum, and MCA, 147–48 D Education Ordinance, 1952, 66, Damansara National-Type Chinese 68–70, 76–77, 107, 200, Primary School Incident, 219 see SJK (C) Damansara revoked, 87 Incident see also Central Advisory DAP (Democratic Action Party), Committee on Education; 112, 120, 132, 159, 162–64, Education Act 170, 194–95, 237–38, 243 Education Ordinance, 1957, “development grants”, 230–31, 84–87, 89, 95, 102–03, 107 234 education system, Cabinet Report Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 109, on, 148–51, 157 233 Education Week, 54 Dong Jiao Zong, 141, 163, 199, educational institutions, 35 213, 222, 239–40, 245 Christian missionary schools, Dowager, Empress, 7 4–5 defensive measures, 9–10 Free Schools, 5–6 Driver, J., 14 old-style schools, 3–4 see also Chinese schools; E National School; National- Education Act, 1961, 130, 150, Type Chinese Primary 159, 165, 177, 192, 195–96, Schools 206, 208, 219–22, 231 educational policy, objective, 85 Chinese schools after the, Educational Reform Group, 210 105–07 Educational Research Center (Jiao primary school, under the, 102 Yu Yan Jiu Zhong Xin), 173 secondary school, under the, Eighth Malaysia Plan, 231, 236 103–04 Employees’ Provident Fund, 128 10 CSPM'sia Index.indd 273 12/21/10 5:50:14 PM 274 Index English schools GMP (Gerakan Memansuhkan conversion to Malay schools, Pengajaran-Pembelanjaran 110, 120–22, 133, 135 Sains dan Matematik dalam European war, 29 Bahasa Inggeris), 242 evangelization, Christian, 4–5 government control, in Chinese Examination Syndicate, 149–50 schools, 22–24 grants-in-aid, for Chinese schools, F 20–22, 27, 38, 47, 58–59, 67 Federated Malay States, 2, 18–19, Great Depression, 30 22, 25–26, 29, 35, 43 “Great Education Blueprint”, 237 Federation of Malaya, 46, 51–52, Gu Guang Xing, 125, 250 58–59, 75, 77 Guang Xu, Emperor, 7 Six-Year Education Plan in, “Guideline on the Expansion and 55–58 Rebuilding of Schools”, 240 Federation of Malaya Agreement, Guo Quan Qiang, 191, 199 70 Guomindang, 12–13, 22, 24, 31, Fenn, W.P., 61 34, 47, 51 Fenn-Wu Report, 61–65 rule in China, 25–30 First World War, see World War I FMC (Federation of Malaya H Certificate), 146 Han Jiang International College, Fong Chan Onn, 209, 214 212, 214, 218, 224 Foo Wan Thot, 138–39, 211, 222 higher institutes of learning, Foon Yew College, 181 Chinese students in, 181 Free Schools, 5–6 Higher School Certificate, see Fujian Association, 32, 34 HSC Higher Studies Counselling G Centre, 144, 223 Gan Eng Seng School, 6 Hishammuddin Hussein, 240 General Association of Overseas Hogan, M.J., 64, 66 Chinese Education, 20 Hogan Report, 66–67 general election, 101, 111–13, Hokkien Association, 74 193–95, 200, 236, 238–39 Holgate, M.R., 52 Chinese schools, and, 236–44 Holgate Report, 52–54 Georgetown Municipal Council, 99 Hong Leong Group, 214 Gerakan (Gerakan Rakyat Hou Kok Chung, 239 Malaysia), 112, 120, 159, HSC (Higher School Certificate), 163–64, 170, 206, 237–38 104, 122–23 Ghafar Baba, 172 Hua Ren Education Foundation globalization, 189, 206 (Hua Ren Jiao Yu Ji Jin), 190 10 CSPM'sia Index.indd 274 12/21/10 5:50:14 PM Index 275 Hua Tuan Suqiu, see Appeals of the K Chinese Organizations Kang Yu Wei, 35, 38 Hui Yi Pian Pian Lu reforms, and, 7–10 (Reminiscences), book, 104 Kerk Choo Ting, 163 Hussein Onn, 130, 142, 155 Kesatuan Guru-guru Melayu Semananjung (Malay I Teachers’ Union of the IMP (Independence of Malaya Peninsula), 107 Party), 75 Khaw Kai Boh, 111 independent Chinese school, 94, Khir Johari, 93, 97, 111 105, 136–41, 177, 181, Khoo Seok Wan, 8 209–12, 232–34 Koh Tsu Koon, 164 “Independent Chinese Secondary Kua Kia Soong, 171, 239, 245 Schools’ Reform Plan”, 210 Kuang Qi Fang, 205 Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization, 161 L Integrated School Plan, 167–68, Labor Party, 99 190–91, 223–24 language, Chinese integration, of races, 167 official language, struggle for, Internal Security Act, 171 70, 107–09, 113 International Islamic University, LCE (Lower Certificate of 161–62 Education), 89–90, 93, Islamic Youth Movement, 95, 97, 99, 106, 122, 129, Malaysia, see ABIM 136–37, 140, 147 Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman, League of Islamic Universities, Dr, 87, 124 161 Lee, Alex, 124 J Lee Kim Sai, 170 Japan Lee San Choon, 103, 124, 127– anti-Japanese movement, 15, 38 28, 144, 150, 159, 163–64 invasion of China, 28, 38 Lee Siok Yew, 103 Yuan Shi Kai, agreement with, Leong Yew Koh, 104 13, 27 Li Yun Tian, 103 Japanese occupation Light, Francis, 1, 14 Chinese schools during, 44–45, Lim Boon Keng, 8, 18 47 Lim Chong Eu, 88–89, 99–101, Jiang Jie Shi, 22, 25–27, 31 116, 125 Jiao Yu Yan Jiu Zhong Xin Lim Fong Seng, 156, 171, 194 (Educational Research Lim Keng Yaik, 124–25, 163, 170 Center), 173 Lim Kit Siang, 162, 163, 164 10 CSPM'sia Index.indd 275 12/21/10 5:50:15 PM 276 Index Lim Lian Geok, 61, 70, 72, 76, Malayan Chinese Association, see 85, 87–89, 92, 96, 98–100, MCA 104, 107, 111, 182–83, 220 Malayan Chinese Association Lim Lian Geok Foundation, 182, Chinese Education Central 233 Committee, see MCACECC Ling Liong Sik, 168, 191 Malayan Communist Party, 26, 51, London Missionary Society, 4–5 58, 77 “Look East”, 162 Malayan Indian Congress, see MIC Loot Ting Yee, 111, 156, 161, Malayan Secondary School 164, 167, 206, 220, 233 Entrance Examination, 90, Lower Certificate of Education, see 103, 105 LCE Malayan school system, 37 Malayan Union, 45, 47–48, 75, 77 M Malayanization, 51–52, 58 MacDonald, Malcolm, 74 Malayanized textbooks, 64–65, 76, MacGillivray, Donald, 70, 75 78 MacMichael, Sir Harold, 45 Malaysia Mahathir Mohamad, 131, 140, formation of, 107 144, 150, 155–57, 159, Malaysia Examination Council, 171–72, 187, 189, 191–92, 149 194, 197, 200–01, 226 Malaysian Certificate of Education, Majid Report, 122–23, 142, 221 see MCE Malacca sultanate, 1 Malaysian Chinese Cultural Malay Society,

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