The Black Li Produced by Screen Australia’s Strategy & Research Unit, The Black List is an important addition to reference material on Indigenous filmmaking in Australia, cataloguing the work of 257 Indigenous Australians with credits as producer, director, writer or director of photography on a total of 674 screen productions. Listings go back as far as 1970 for feature films and telemovies, ! Film and TV to 1980 for documentaries and mini-series, and to 1988 for The shorts and series. projects since 1970 Titles are indexed by year and by filmmaker, and the book with also features a statistical summary and timeline of key titles and events. Indigenous Australians in key creative SCREEN AUSTRALIA Black Li! roles COVER PHOTOGRAPHY: (left to right) 1. Fat Pizza 2. Nana (on location) 3. Jacob (Murray Lui on location) Photographer: Sam Oster 4. Director Beck Cole & DOP Warwick Thornton on location in Tasmania for First Australians Photographer: Ricky Mainard Screen Australia GPO Box 3984 Sydney NSW 2001 Australia Tel: +61 2 8113 5800 © Screen Australia June 2010. Amended August 2014. Design by Alison White Designs Pty Limited Printed by No Time To Lose This information is to be used as a guide only and is of a general nature. Screen Australia has undertaken all reasonable measures to ensure its accuracy and specifically disclaims any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly of the use and application of any of the contents. The Black List: Film and TV projects since 1970 with Indigenous Australians in key creative roles ISBN 978-1-920998-11-0 OVX:YD+1 The cf[TEChg gOYCEÐÖõÏ pOhM YDOLEY[jg jghf:VO:Yg OYUErCfE:hOoE Black f[VEg Li! 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R@@_x@nZ@ll@KJU@-a_U_. .nSKmn@nK@_JQKJKl@\~\^ Qp_JU_R@RK_IUKm@_J.IlKK_pmnl@\U@¡milaJpInUa_J@n@H@mK \maipH\UI@nUa_mU_I\pJU_R2ba`OZWO\7WZ["*!!¬"*((¼*U[K@_J aaiKl½2ba`OZWO\7WZ["*()¬"**#¼.Iannpll@x½ 5`SO[W\UW\>]aW]\¼ ½:\RWUS\]bF]WQS¼0-.ipH\UI@nUa_@_Ja_\U_K\UHl@lxI@n@\aRpK½@_J<WQYW\U5]d\aVS5]]`+ O9Wa]` ]T2ba`OZWO\:\RWUS\]b7WZ[[OYS`"*')¬"**$¼ lU@_.xla_½ .IlKK_pmnl@\U@UmRl@nKQp\QalnSKIaaiKl@nUa_aQnSK^@_xU_JUuUJp@\m@_JalR@_Um@nUa_mvSailauUJKJU_Qal^@nUa_a_nSKUl ilaJpInUa_m Ý Chronology of IndIgenous fIlm & TV A seleCTIon of sIgnIfICAnT fIlm And TV projeCTs And key eVenTs In The deVelopmenT of IndIgenous fIlmmAkIng from 1970 To AugusT 2014. 1970s 1972 national Black Theatre run by a group of Aboriginal people in redfern. holds workshops in dancing, writing, theatre in sydney and photography. many involved were forerunners of the Indigenous film industry and went on to become household names in the Aboriginal community for their work in the Australian theatre and film industries. early Indigenous Mavis Ashley and Trevor Ashley, Indigenous Australians from roper river, study film filmmakers production as trainees with Cecil holmes. They come to sydney to learn camera, editing and other production techniques, go on to do some work with the ABC in darwin and later train at the university of Western Australia. Blackfire student film made by Bruce McGuinness and martin Bartfeld at monash university, focusing (documentary) on urban Indigenous communities in melbourne. The first film known to have been made by an Indigenous Australian. 1973 Basically Black, ABC-TV broadcasts a version of the stage production that had been so successful at first TV show with an sydney’s nimrod Theatre the previous year. all-Aboriginal cast 1976 AIAs introduces The Australian Institute of Aboriginal studies (AIAs), at this time the major producer of warnings to alert films about Indigenous Australians, places warning messages at the beginning of each of Indigenous audiences its films to alert Indigenous audiences to potential sensitive content, especially relating to to sensitive content the possibility that deceased people may appear in the film. This practice is later taken up by film Australia, the ABC, sBs and others. The Cake Man 1977 The Cake Man ABC-TV screens Robert Merritt’s adaptation of his highly successful play The Cake Man (telemovie) in 1977, making it the first telemovie written by an Aboriginal writer. The production owed much to the pioneering actors Justine Saunders and Brian Syron. Backroads Gary Foley co-stars and plays a leading role in the development and production of this (short feature) low-budget short feature directed by phillip noyce. 5 1978 My Survival Essie Coffey collaborates with filmmaker martha Ansara on this key documentary, one as an Aboriginal of the first films where Aboriginal people had a determining role in how they and their (documentary) community were represented. Wins first prize, documentary section, sydney film festival 1979, and Cinéma du réel, paris 1980, and screens at prestigious film festivals around the world. 1979 AIAs begins traineeships first full-time Indigenous traineeships in film/video production and other media fields are in audiovisual media offered at the Australian Institute of Aboriginal studies (now AIATsIs). This program lasts until 1994 when Indigenous media training becomes more readily available at AfTrs. 1980s 1980 CAAmA (Central Initially operating as a radio station, CAAmA moves into video and TV in 1984 and later Australian Aboriginal media into commercial television production with the commencement of Imparja Television in Association) established in 1988. CAAmA’s mandate is to promote Aboriginal culture, language, dance and music while Alice springs generating economic
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