Mount Bailey - FOREST LOOKOUTS 2/15/20, 546 AM FORESTFOREST LOOKOUTSLOOKOUTS OREGON BAKER COUNTY BENTON COUNTY CLACKAMAS COUNTY CLATSOP COUNTY MORE... DOUGLAS COUNTY MOUNTMOUNT BAILEYBAILEY Umpqua National Forest 28S-5E-10 Play July 2017 - Courtesy: Will Lehmann July 28, 1917: "R.C."R.C. Agee,Agee, leftleft WednesdayWednesday forfor DiamondDiamond Lake,Lake, andand willwill taketake chargecharge ofof thethe LookoutLookout station,station, ofof thethe governmentgovernment forestryforestry service, at Old Bailey. He will also do heliograph work there." (The(The EveningEvening News)News) https://oregonlookouts.weebly.com/mount-bailey.html Page 1 of 4 Mount Bailey - FOREST LOOKOUTS 2/15/20, 546 AM March 19, 1921: "" 'Probably'Probably thethe mostmost importantimportant andand lineline asas wellwell asas thethe oneone ofof thethe greatestgreatest interestinterest toto bebe builtbuilt thisthis seasonseason isis thethe extension from Sheep Creek by way of Diamond Lake to the summit of Mt. Bailey,' Mr. Ramsdell says, 'This will put the local office in direct communication with Diamond Lake and will fulfill plans of long standing to utilize Mt. Bailey, 8356 feet, as a primary lookout point. This mountain in the past has been used a great deal as a fire lookout station, but with no telephone communication it has been necessary for the lookout to walk or ride long distances to report fires which could not be handled by the regular patrol men. With the telephonetelephone instrumentinstrument atat thethe summitsummit ofof thethe mountainmountain itit willwill become,become, withwith thethe possiblepossible exceptionexception ofof BlackBlack Rock,Rock, thethe mostmost importantimportant lookoutlookout stationstation onon thethe forest,forest, commandingcommanding aa wonderfulwonderful viewview ofof anan immenseimmense amountamount ofof country,country, includingincluding portionsportions ofof thethe CraterCrater forest,forest, thethe Deschutes forest and Crater Lake park, as well as the Umpqua forest. This line will be built under the direction of Ranger O.C. Houser." (Roseburg(Roseburg News-Review)News-Review) March 29, 1921: "Announcement"Announcement thatthat MountMount Bailey,Bailey, oneone ofof thethe tallesttallest mountainsmountains inin thethe Cascades,Cascades, isis toto bebe mademade aa primaryprimary observationobservation and lookout station, was made by Forest Supervisor Ramsdell of the Umpqua national forest. A station will be established at an elevation of8356 feet, and a telephone line constructed to the summit of the mountain. ThisThis willwill provideprovide protectionprotection forfor thethe Deschutes,Deschutes, UmpquaUmpqua andand CraterCrater nationalnational forestforest andand thethe CraterCrater LakeLake nationalnational park,park, asas visualvisual observation will be possible over all of this timbered area. Approximately 30 miles of telephone line will be built in the Umpqua forest thisthis yearyear inin additionaddition toto thethe 347347 milesmiles nownow extendingextending fromfrom thethe locallocal officeoffice toto allall partsparts ofof thethe forest."forest." (The(The Semi-WeeklySemi-Weekly Spokesman-Spokesman- Review) July 25, 1921: "Forest"Forest SupervisorSupervisor W.F.W.F. RamsdellRamsdell returnedreturned yesterdayyesterday fromfrom anan inspectioninspection triptrip toto thethe DiamondDiamond lakelake sectionsection ofof thethe Umpqua forest. Accompanied by Supervisor Rankin of the Crater lake forest, he made a trip to the summit of Mt. Bailey, where the supervisor's have determined to locate a lookout station. A temporary station will be provided this year with Arthur Mcintosh, of Riddle, inin charge.charge. AA telephonetelephone lineline isis nownow beingbeing builtbuilt toto thethe toptop ofof thethe mountain.mountain. NextNext yearyear aa cabincabin willwill bebe builtbuilt atat thethe summit."summit." (Roseburg(Roseburg News-Review) August 3, 1921: "Mr."Mr. HouserHouser hashas beenbeen inin chargecharge ofof aa crewcrew whichwhich isis constructingconstructing aa telephonetelephone lineline toto thethe summitsummit ofof MountMount Bailey,Bailey, oneone ofof thethe highesthighest peakspeaks inin thethe Cascades.Cascades. HeHe hashas severalseveral picturespictures whichwhich showshow thethe difficultiesdifficulties metmet withwith inin constructingconstructing suchsuch aa line.line. ItIt isis impossibleimpossible toto buildbuild permanentpermanent lineslines becausebecause ofof thethe heavyheavy snowfallsnowfall duringduring thethe winterwinter months.months. AsAs thethe snowsnow isis meltingmelting duringduring thethe summersummer itit isis necessarynecessary toto useuse anan insulatedinsulated wirewire whichwhich isis laidlaid alongalong thethe groundground andand whichwhich isis takentaken upup eacheach fallfall whenwhen thethe lookoutlookout stationstation isis abandoned, About a mile of this kind of line will be constructed this summer and for the first time the local forestry office will be able to communicate direct with the lookout at the top of Mount Bailey." (Roseburg(Roseburg News-ReviewNews-Review)) January 28, 1922: "Forest"Forest SupervisorSupervisor RamsdellRamsdell statesstates thatthat plansplans havehave beenbeen completedcompleted forfor thethe constructionconstruction ofof aa permanentpermanent lookoutlookout onon thethe summitsummit ofof MountMount Bailey,Bailey, oneone ofof thethe highesthighest peakspeaks ofof thethe CascadesCascades andand thatthat thethe structurestructure willwill bebe erectederected asas soonsoon asas weatherweather conditions will permit active work to start. The lookout will be located on the highest point on the mountain which has an elevation of 8356 feet. From this point the observer will be able to see practically all of the Diamond Lake country in the Umpqua forest and will be able to detect fires in the northern part of the Crater lake national park and the Crater forest. The lookout will be one of the most valuable in the state and will have an unobstructed view in every direction. DuringDuring thethe pastpast fewfew yearsyears thethe peakpeak hashas beenbeen usedused asas aa temporarytemporary lookout,lookout, anan observerobserver campingcamping onon oneone ofof thethe lowerlower slopesslopes andand making a trip each day to the summit. Last year the forest service completed a telephone line to the top of the mountain and the station was instrumental in detecting a number of fires before they could do any damage." (Roseburg(Roseburg News-Review)News-Review) January 30, 1922: "A"A permanentpermanent lookoutlookout stationstation isis toto bebe constructedconstructed onon toptop ofof MountMount Bailey,Bailey, oneone ofof thethe highesthighest pointspoints inin thethe CascadeCascade range,range, accordingaccording toto anan announcementannouncement byby SupervisorSupervisor RamsdellRamsdell ofof thethe UmpquaUmpqua forest.forest. TheThe peakpeak hashas anan elevationelevation ofof 83568356 feetfeet andand anan observer there commands a view over a large part of the Umpqua forest, two-thirds of the Crater lake national park and many square miles of the Crater forest. AA standardstandard forestforest serviceservice lookoutlookout isis toto bebe built.built. ThereThere willwill bebe veryvery littlelittle metalmetal usedused inin thethe constructionconstruction ofof thethe buildingbuilding toto lessenlessen dangerdanger fromfrom lightning."lightning." (Morning(Morning Oregonian)Oregonian) July 6, 1923: "A"A lookoutlookout towertower forfor firefire protectionprotection purposespurposes isis toto bebe erectederected onon thethe summitsummit ofof MountMount Bailey,Bailey, whichwhich lieslies immediatelyimmediately westwest of Diamond Lake and is one of the highest peaks in the Umpqua Forest. The material for this house was cut out in Roseburg, the pieces numbered according to their location in the building, bundled and shipped by freight to Medford, whence they will be carried by trucktruck toto DiamondDiamond LakeLake andand carriedcarried onon mulemule backback thethe fourteenfourteen milesmiles toto thethe toptop ofof thethe mountain."mountain." (Roseburg(Roseburg News-Review)News-Review) https://oregonlookouts.weebly.com/mount-bailey.html Page 2 of 4 Mount Bailey - FOREST LOOKOUTS 2/15/20, 546 AM August 1923: "Two"Two lookoutlookout houseshouses areare underunder constructionconstruction onon thethe UmpquaUmpqua ForestForest thisthis summer.summer. OneOne isis inin MountMount Bailey,Bailey, overlookingoverlooking Diamond Lake, and the other is at White Rock. The buildings were cut out at Roseburg this spring and then shipped knocked down to thethe lookoutlookout points.points. TheThe MountMount BailyBaily househouse waswas shippedshipped byby freightfreight toto Medford,Medford, thencethence byby trucktruck toto thethe basebase ofof thethe mountainmountain andand fromfrom therethere toto thethe toptop ofof thethe mountainmountain byby mulemule back.back. W.H.L.:W.H.L.: (Six(Six Twenty-Six)Twenty-Six) September 4, 1923: "Grant"Grant McLaughlinMcLaughlin isis atat presentpresent engagedengaged inin buildingbuilding aa forestforest lookoutlookout stationstation onon Mt.Mt. BaileyBailey atat DiamondDiamond Lake.Lake. Mr.Mr. McLaughlin shipped the lumber all sawed and cut for the station by way of Medford and made the trip himself with a pack horse over the North Umpqua trail." (Roseburg(Roseburg News-Review)News-Review) July 23, 1928: "Mount"Mount BailyBaily isis provingproving aa greatgreat attractionattraction toto touriststourists atat DiamondDiamond
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