CContentsontents Fall 2008/ Volume 13/ Number 4 54 Pentecostal Ministry in a Relativistic Culture MICHAEL J. BEALS Active churches that are alive in the Spirit provide a vibrant, stable refuge for those longing for a firm and enduring foundation. 62 Overcoming unChristian Branding DAVID KINNAMAN The cold war between Christians and outsiders is likely to deepen unless Christians take a serious look at their reflection. 26 16 One Size Church Does Not Fit All GEORGE O. WOOD 70 Telling the Story for 21st-century Listeners We need not concern ourselves with churches GRAHAM JOHNSTON that do things differently if people are becoming How to make ancient history become undeniably 62 fruitful disciples of Jesus. good news. 20 Defending Christianity in a 80 Speaking the Truth in Love: The Role of Secular Culture Apologetics in Pastoral Ministry INTERVIEW WITH GEORGE P. WOOD RAVI ZACHARIAS If the church does not offer a convincing Why has the response to skeptical arguments, who will? Judeo-Christian worldview 90 Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up? become the A Comparison of the Person, Teachings, pariah stepchild and Works of the Jesus in the Canonical of worldviews and Noncanonical Gospels while others W.E. NUNNALLY are respected Does evidence support the popular claims that and reverenced? Jesus is merely a good man but not the divine Son of God? 26 Regaining a Christian Worldview in the Church 100 The Bible — Can We Trust It? JAMES EMERY WHITE RICHARD L. DRESSELHAUS Have Christians offered mere feelings and Why we must move past the translation philanthropy rather than hard thinking applied controversy and defend the Bible in an increasingly to the issues of the day? secular society. 40 Following a Unique Christ in a 112 The Secret: Uncovering the Truth Pluralistic Society About an Old Lie PAUL COPAN ROB STARNER How can pastors and Christian leaders encourage What readers of The Secret get is not those entrusted to their care to handle the newly discovered truth, but a repackaged, pluralistic challenges of our day? long-standing lie. ENRICHMENT (ISSN 1082-1791) is published quarterly (January, April, July, October), ©2008 by The General Council of the Assemblies of God, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfi eld, Missouri 65802. Assemblies of God ministers may reproduce nonbyline material from Enrichment in church publications, giving credit to the journal. Except for brief quotations, signed articles may not be reprinted without permission of the authors. Subscription rates: USA –1 year $24; 2 years $42. Outside USA add $30 per year. Subscriptions: All subscription correspondence, including change of address, should be sent to Enrichment, Customer Services, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfi eld, MO 65802, phone 1-800-641-4310. Periodical postage paid at Springfi eld, Missouri, and at additional mailing offi ces. Printed in the USA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Enrichment, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfi eld, MO 65802. enrichment / Fall 2008 1 100 CContentsontentsFall 2008 EXECUTIVE EDITOR Gary R. Allen 140 REAL LIFE PREACHING MANAGING EDITOR Why Our Preaching Doesn’t Matter to Rick Knoth the Church ASSOCIATE EDITOR JONATHAN MARTIN Richard Schoonover ASSISTANT EDITOR Kevin Wilson MANAGING YOUR MINISTRY 142 ADVERTISING/PROMOTIONS Organizational Development and COORDINATOR the Church Steve Lopez Part Four: Change Leadership in the Church OFFICE COORDINATOR JOHN MICHAEL DE MARCO Connie Cross GRAPHICS/DESIGN Design Services ORIGINAL WISDOM 6 e sshortshorts 146 PREPARED UNDER THE George Floyd Taylor (1881–1934) DIRECTION OF THE “Understanding the Spirit’s Work EXECUTIVE PRESBYTERY ej News & Trends 14 and Witness” George O. Wood (general superinten- DOUGLAS JACOBSEN dent), C. Dan Betzer, L. John Bueno, 120 ej Online Warren D. Bullock, Douglas E. Clay, Richard L. Dresselhaus, Douglas E. Fulenwider, L. Alton Garrison, J. Don George, Nam Soo Kim, John E. Maracle, Jesse Miranda, Jr., John EDITORIALS DDEEPAARTMENTSRTMENTS M. Palmer, H. Robert Rhoden, Zollie L. Smith, Jr., Clarence St. John MINISTRY MATTERS Sermon Seeds ADVERTISING 5 150 Proclaiming Truth For information on print or online GARY R. ALLEN Book Reviews advertising, call Steve Lopez at 152 417-862-2781, ext. 4097; go to enrichment journal.ag.org (click on 160 IN CLOSING 154 News & Resources Advertise); or E-mail [email protected]. Proclaiming Truth Today ADVERTISING POLICY RICHARD L. SCHOONOVER 157 Marketplace Enrichment does not endorse any advertiser or product. Claims made With Christ in an advertisement are the sole 158 responsibility of the advertiser. Enrichment reserves the right to CCOLUMNSOLUMNS Advertising Index reject any advertisement that is 159 inconsistent with the journal’s objectives, editorial convictions, and THEOLOGICAL ENRICHMENT Assemblies of God doctrine. 122 Challenges to Does the Bible Teach Eternal Security? Next time in happy, loving E-MAIL: W.E. NUNNALLY marriage [email protected] and family WEB SITE: THE GREATEST CHALLENGES OF PASTORAL CARE relationships www.enrichmentjournal.ag.org 130 Your Marriage and Family are not just Helping People Who Struggle for the people Member of With Addictions who sit in the pew. They also affect the lives of those who stand behind Evangelical LARRY E. HAZELBAKER the pulpit. If your ministry marriage is broken or semi-broken, you Press Association are in great company. Some of the most successful ministers in North America have terrible marriages. Instead of model marriages reflecting Member of MINISTRY AND MEDICAL ETHICS well on Christ, ministry marriages are fighting for survival. Families International 134 Pentecostal Neuroethics: Moral Implications of pictured inside front covers of church directories or displayed as staff in brochures appear happy and healthy. Off of the brochure and back Press Association Meddling with the Mind in the bedroom this is seldom reality. Clergy families are not always as • All Scripture quotations, unless CHRISTINA M.H. POWELL they appear. They are in trouble. otherwise indicated, are taken This issue of Enrichment journal is filled with insightful and from the HOLY BIBLE. NEW INTER- compelling articles and interviews that communicate practical ways Q&A FOR MINISTRY WIVES NATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright© 138 to fireproof your marriage and family relationships. Read stirring I Disagree With My Husband 1973, 1978, 1984 by International articles by Henry Cloud, Don and Jodi Detrick, H.B. London, Gary Oliver, Bible Society. Used by permission GABRIELE RIENAS Dennis Rainey, Dale Wolery, George O. Wood, and others. of Zondervan. All rights reserved. 2 enrichment / Fall 2008 MMinistryinistry MMattersatters / GARY R. ALLEN PProclaimingroclaiming TTruthruth Defi ning Truth Proclaiming Truth The beliefs of our current culture affect how we It is one thing to preach the Word of God to people share the gospel. In the past much of the American who already value biblical truth. Today, however, culture was rooted in Judeo-Christian values. pastors and their congregations meet people These values were the hooks on which people who have little or no knowledge of biblical truth could more easily hang the principles of God’s and values. Their initial exposure to the gospel Word. Today, for the most part, these hooks are is countercultural to their beliefs and lifestyle. gone, and we have few societal moorings with In fact, the gospel is usually offensive to them. which to initially connect a person to our message. Our leverage against their defensive mind and The beliefs that have removed these valuable sinful behavior is the presence and power of hooks include: relativism, compartmentalization, Christ through the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God pragmatism, and tolerance. draws people to the truth, convicts them of their Relativism states that no absolutes transcend sin, and reveals Jesus as the Answer to their help- culture and time. Relativists believe truth changes lessness and hopelessness. We are to proclaim over time. Truth is not defined by an infallible the Word, but only the Spirit of God can reveal God, but by a person, culture, and community. it to a hardened heart and defiant mind. Compartmentalization results when everyone decides on his own what is right and wrong. People Living the Truth establish their own set of ethics for each compart- Truth for the follower of Christ is more than an ment of their lives. This facilitates living with intellectual assent; it is a lifestyle. Our passion blatant contradictions between one’s persona for the person and presence of Jesus compels us and one’s private life. to live in the truth. Before people will listen to Pragmatism teaches that truth is whatever works our message, they expect to see: for you. Adherents no longer base truth on the timeless principles of God’s Word, but on what Transparency feels right at the time. We are to live so people can see who we really Tolerance is the one value embraced by a world- are. What they see must be what they get. But view that rejects absolute truth. Everyone’s beliefs, even more than seeing into us, they must also values, lifestyle, and perception of truth claims see through us, and see Christ living in us. are equal. There is no hierarchy of truth. Your beliefs and my beliefs are equal; all truth is relative. Authenticity Christianity stakes a claim to absolute truth “Walking the walk and talking the talk” is — from the inerrancy of Scripture to Jesus being essential to being an effective leader. Even when the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Those outside someone does not initially agree with your the Kingdom, however, view the Great Commis- perception of truth, he will observe whether or sion as intolerant because it implies that another not you live what you proclaim. person’s beliefs are inferior to ours.1 The “men of Issachar … understood the times and knew what Israel should do” (1 Chronicles The Cheese Keeps Moving 12:32). God is on your side. He is present to help In the book, Who Moved My Cheese?, by Spencer you discern your environment, reaffirm your Johnson, one of the mice observes, “Change calling, and empower you with His Holy Spirit.
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