Index 2000 Vol105 Abraham, GD and A P: 211 Ang Tsering (aged 97 years): 249 Abruzzi, Duke of the: 211 Annapurna , 8091m: 5f, 258 Adam Smith, Janet, OBE: obituary by Arctic: arts. 'Bishops, Actresses and Luke Hughes, 283, tributes by Witches ... ' by Tom Chamberlain, Roger Chorley, 286, Denise Evans, 71, 'Beneficiaries of Gino's Legacy' 287; obituary by J Adam Smith of by Jim Gregson, 80, MEF Report, Christine Bicknell CBE, 295. Plate 72 270 Africa: 94 (see also Morocco, Nigeria) Arunacha1 Pradesh: 239 Alaska: 262 Alian, lain: art. 'A Kind of Obsession: Bailey, Lt. Col. F M: 115, Plate 58 Climbing the Titan', 103; 360. Band, George: obit. of John Streetly, Plate 14 289, see Book Reviews, 304, AC Alien, Dick: his tribute to Charles Library Report, 347; 4, 20, 249, 356 Warren, 283; 344 Bartlett, Philip: see Book Reviews, AlIen, Rick: 59 310 Alpine Club: Officers & Committee, Baruntse (7168m) : 260 344, Office Bearers, 344, Meetings, Bae Seung You1 (Korean Alpine 345, Annual Dinner, 346, Honours Federation): 249 and Awards, 347, Library, 347, Beaumont, Bob: 15 Symposium ('Climbing into the Bermudez, Jose Luis: Area Notes Millennium'), 349, Meet at La edited by, 213; see Book Reviews Berarde, 354, Symposium (,Paki­ 323;20,360 stan'), 355, Guidebooks, 359 Bernese Oberland: 220 Alps, The: arts. 'Alps & Bhutan: 124 Pyrenees 1998-1999', 213 Bicknell CBE, Christine: obituary by Ama Dab1am, 6828m: 260 the late Janet Adam Smith, 295 America, North: art. 'North America Bishop, Sir George: obituary by Roger 1999', 262, MEF Report, 266 Chorley, 296 America, South: MEF Report, 269, Boardman Tasker Memorial Award: (see also American Southwest, 347 Bolivia, Chile, Peru) Bolivia: art. 'Exploratory Climbing in American Southwest: art. 'A Kind of the Cordillera de Cocapata' by Obsession: Climbing the Titan', 103 Michae1 Smith, 138, map 140,plates Anderson, Ann: in art. 'The Story of 53-56; 269, 277 an Ice Axe', 194 Bonington, Sir Christian, CBE: his Andes (Peru): arts. 'Lightweight in the book (with Charles C1arke) Tibet's Andes' by Pav1e Kozjek, 85, Secret Mountain. The Triumph ofSepu 'Cordillera Central, Peru' by Evelio Kangri reviewed by Phi1 Bartlett, Echevarria, 131, map, 133 310, and see Book Reviews 306; Ang Rita Sherpa: 260 4,6,62,349 365 366 THE ALPINE JOURNAL 2000 Book Reviews: Viewfrom the Summitby Sir Edmund Summit. Vittorio Sella, Mountain­ Hillary, reviewed by George Band, eer andPhotographer, the years 1879­ 304 1909. Preface by Ansel Adams, Classic Dolomite Climbs by reviewed by John Cleare, 321 Anette K6hler & Norbert Memmel, Tibet's Secret Mountain. The reviewed by Michael Mortimer, 319 Triumph of Sepu Kangri by Chris The Rwenzori Mountains National Bonington & Charles Clarke, Park, Uganda Exploratiop, Environ­ reviewed by Phil Bartlett, 310 ment& Biology, Conservation Manage­ High Exposure: An Endun'ng Passion ment and Community Relations, for Everest and Unforgiving Places by Eds. Henry Osmaston, Joy David Breashears, reviewed by Tukahirwa, Charles Basalirwa, Terry Gifford, 317 Jockey Nyakaana, reviewed by Last Climb - The legendary Everest John Temple, 328 expeditions of George Mallory by The Totem Pole by Paul Pritchard, David Breashears and Audrey reviewed by Val Randall, 309 Salkeld, reviewed by Luke Hughes, Regions ofthe Heart. The Triumph 330 and Tragedy ofAlison Hargreaves by Distant Mountains. Encounters with David Rose & Ed Douglas, the World's Greatest Mountains, reviewed by Val Randall, 325 photography by John Cleare, Darkness and the Azure by Anne reviewed by Lindsay Griffin, 315 Sauvy, reviewed by Terry Gifford, Creagh Dhu Climber: the Life and 314 Times ofJohn Cunningham by Everest: The Man and the Mountain Jeff Connor, reviewed by Robin by JR Smith, reviewed by Michael Campbell, 313 Ward,318 High Achiever. The Life and Climbs of A Slender Thread: Escaping Disaster Chris Bonington by Jim Curran, in the Himalayas by Stephen reviewed by Kev Reynolds, 306 Venables, reviewed by Jose Lost on Everest - The Search for Bermudez, 323 Mallory & Irvine by Peter The Colour ofthe Black Mountains Firstbrook, reviewed by Luke by Emile Zopfi, reviewed by Terry Hughes,330 Gifford, 337 Mesolcina - Spluga by Allesandro Botchkov, Dimitri: art. 'Mountain­ Gogna and Angelo Recalcati, eering in the Tien Shan. An reviewed by Lindsay Griffin, 312 Historical Survey', 26; iv, 360 Slack: The Fun ofClimbing Boulter, Paddy: obituary of John by Dennis Gray, reviewed by Flavell Coales, 298 Ed Douglas, 329 Braham, Trevor: in art. 'The Story of Top Climbs ofthe World by Garth an Ice Axe', 190, historical note, Hattingh, reviewed by Lindsay 198, note on Himalayan Club Griffin, 326 Tiger's Badge, 248 Ghosts ofEverest. The authorised Brain, Yossi: iii, 277 story ofthe search for Mallory & Braithwaite, Paul (Vice President): Irvine by Jochen Hemmleb, Larry 344 A Johnson & Eric Simonson, Breashears, David: his book High reviewed by Luke Hughes, 330 Exposure: An Enduring Passion for INDEX 367 Everest and Unforgiving Places Coa1es, John Flavel1: obituary by reviewed by Terry Gifford, 317, his Paddy Boulter, 298 book (with Audrey Sa1ke1d) Last Co1e, John: obituary of Scott Climb - The legendary Everest Russell, 300 expeditions of George Mallory Collie, J N: 210 reviewed by Luke Hughes, 330 Connor, Jeff: his book Creagh Dhu Bregaglia: 220 Climber: the Life and Times ofJohn British Mountaineering Council: 361 Cunningham reviewed by Robin Broad Peak, 8047m: 251 Campbell, 313, short-listed for Brown, Les: 94 Boardman Tasker Award, 347 Buhl, Hermann: 7 Continental United States: 264 Cool, Kenton: 51 Campbell, Robin: see Book Reviews, Cox, David: 15 313, 338, atAC Annual Dinner, 346 Croston, Roger: art. 'The Letter', Camper, Adriaan Gil1es (1759­ about a newly-discovered letter 1820) : in art. 'The Fifth Ascent written by GL Mallory, 159; 360 ofMont Blanc', 177 Cunningham, John: see Book Canada: 263,266,268 Reviews, 313 . Card, Frank: art. 'The Triumphs and Curran, Jim: his book High Achiever. Tragedy of Doc Graham', 200; iv, The LifeandClimbs ofChris Bonington 360. Plates 45-47 reviewed by Kev Reyno1ds, 306, Caucasus: 15f, 210, 225 short-listed for Boardman Tasker Central Asia: art. 'Russia and Central Award,347 Asia 1999',225, MEF Report, 274 Czok, Andrzej: 43 Chamberlain, Richard: art. 'Bishops, Actresses and Witches ... " 71, map Dawa Chirring: on Maka1u with Alan 74;270,360 Hinkes, 60. Plate 13 Chamonix: 177ff Dhau1agiri, 8167m: iii, 258, 260, 361 Chapman, Robert Wi11iam (1881- Diran (7257m): in art. 'The Story of 1960) and Katherine Chapman: 167 an Ice Axe', 190, map, 192; 253 Chetnikov, Niko1ai: 34 Dolomites: 222, 319 Chile: 88 (see Fitzroy) Douglas, Ed: Foreword, iii, his book China: MEF Report, 272 (with David Rose) Regions ofthe Chorley, Roger (The Lord Chorley): Heart. The Triumph and Tragedy of tribute to Janet Adam Smith, 286, Alison Hargreaves reviewed by Va1 obituary of Sir George Bishop, 296 Randall, 325, short-listed for Cho Oyu, 8201m: 258,260 Boardman Tasker Award, 347, Cichy, Leszek: 40f. Plate 23 see Book Reviews 329; 344, 360 C1arke, Charles: his book (with Chris Doy1e, Michae1: art. 'Kagoro West Bonington) Tibet's Secret Mountain. Wall' ,99; 361. Plate 52 The Triumph ofSepu Kangri, reviewed by Phi1 Bartlett, 310 Echevarria, Evelio: art. 'Cordillera C1eare, John: book DistantMountains. Central, Peru',131, map 133; 361 Encounters with the World's Greatest Emlyn Jones, J H: obituary of Mountains, reviewed by Lindsay Frederic Sinc1air Jackson, 292 Griffin, 315; see Book Reviews, 321 Evans, Denise: tribute to Janet Adam C1yma, Ju1ie-Ann: 274, 350, plate 65 Smith,287 368 THE ALPINE JOURNAL 2000 Everest (see Mount Everest) map 82, 'Greenland 1999', 230, Everest, George: book Everest: The MEF Report, 270 Man andthe Mountain by JR Smith, Greenwood, Ashley & Rosemary: 64 reviewed by Michae1 Ward, 319 Gregory, Dave: and BoardmanTasker Award,347 Fagan, Patrick (Vice President): 344 Gregson, Jim: art. 'Beneficiaries of Fanshawe, Andy: 62 Gino's Legacy', 80, map 82; 361. Far East, The: MEF Report, 274 Plates 26-28 Firstbrook, Peter: his book Lost on Grieve, Seb: 352, Plate 68 Everest - The Search for Mallory & Griffin, Lindsay: art. 'Alps and Pyr­ Irvine reviewed by Luke Hughes, enees 1998-1999',213, (with David 330 Hamilton) 'Pakistan 1999', 250; Fitzroy (Chile): art. 'When Hell see Book Reviews, 312, 315, 326; Freezes Over' by Andy Fitzpatrick, 344, 355, 361 88, Plate 2 (Frontispiece) Guidebooks: 359 Fletcher, Sir Frank (1870-1954): 168 Fordham, Derek: art. 'Greenland Habeler, Peter: 45 1999',230 Hall, Jim: 88ff, 269 Fowler, Mick: art. 'Arwa Tower', 51; Hamilton, David: art. (with Lindsay 240,271,349,361. Plates 11,12,69 Griffin) 'Pakistan 1999',250; 355, 361 Garhwal: art. 'Arwa Tower', 51; Hankinson, Alan: and Boardman 239 Tasker Award, 347 Gasherbrum I (Hidden Peak), 8068m: Hargreaves, Alison: see Book 251 Reviews, 325; iv Gasherbrum n, 8035m: 251 Harris, Jeff: his report on AC Meet at Gasherbrum IV (7925m): 251 La Berarde, 354 Gaurisankar (7134m): 62 Harrison, Ginette: iii, 258, 277 German Alpine Club: 8 Haston, Stevie: 352, Plate 63 Gifford, Terry: see Book Reviews Hattingh, Garth: Top Climbs ofthe 314,317,337 World reviewed by Lindsay Gill, Dr MS: 248 Griffin, 326 Gogna, Allesandro: his book (with Heinrich, Andrzej: 37 Angelo Recalcati) Mesoldna­ Hemmleb, Jochen: his book (with Spluga reviewed by Lindsay Griffin, Larry Johnson & Eric Sirnonson) 312 Ghosts ofEverest. The authorised story Gollancz, Livia: 348 ofthe searchfor Mallory & Irvine Graham, Flight Lt. Desmond: in reviewed by Luke Hughes, 330; 347 art. 'The Triumphs and Tragedy of
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