University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 3-19-1922 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 03-19-1922 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 03-19-1922." (1922). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/510 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. X X CITY CITY EDITION JBNAL EDITION FORTY-S- PAGES TODAY IN ONI) YEAR PACKS TODAY I 78. 20 TWO New March 1922. OH Daily Carrier or MjiA M5c a VOIi. CLXXII. No. SECTIONS Albuquerque, Mexico, Sunday, 19, TWO hj Hiiqtb UJ TIO.NS Single ( op!,. t BLIZZARD BRAVED BY mm mdddle E Plans For Evacuation A DUADRUPL PACT NURSE TO ASSIST "Pink Lady's" Romance telndes COVERS DESTITUTE FAMILY TO BE PASSED RATON; 1 WEATHER COLD of Mines Are Klamath Falls, Ore., March Seeing cr Wedding S UPPORTFR S April 18. Miss Lydia Fx'ieke, Klam- ilDEfl ath county health nurse, is re- IIPIClAL DISPATCH TO MONNINA JOURNALj covering today from a hazard- itaton, N. M., .March IS. Unionist ous trip of 20 miles on skis Baton is again in one of the SENATE Begun, Says through a blinding snow storm F0I SGLBTKMl worst storms of the wintei, FOES II $. which she undertook for the which came .suddenly Friday relief of a destitute family in night with a high wind. The Unless the Present the northern part of Klamath Mondell Announces He temperature dropped during Wage'nniinT nnimnri That the and morn- Is Settled K county. - night Saturday TILT Controversy U NhH When news of the plight of lis Has Requested a Confer- ing found the city under a ENEnGEJ 600.000 Miners Willi UUUIM , UUUIUULL the family of six reached ,4:S a1 cover of snow with the wind Klamath raits Miss Fricke ence With Chief Execu- still blowing a gale and the Their Jobs on 1 went to where snow rapidly drifting. There Quit April by train Kirk, tive for This seems to of Arkansas, she found that owing to four Evening. bo no indication of a Robinson, BUS! SELECTING let up and predictions are that of Ora- MADE feet of snow the roads were Starts the Day ARRANGEMENTS to ordinary traffic. PURPOSE OTPARLEY the storm will last into Sunday impassable Baton has in With a Sup- TO PROTECT PROPERTY Hiring four men and equipping morning. been tory Speech with food IS NOT DISCLOSED the grip of these severe storms them and herself the porting His Amendment, J and clothing, she battled tho during present winter, and Final Orders for Withdrawal a blizzard until ft'.? say that these storms way through Sr?VK Gillett to Make Up His Mind in mem- POTNDEXTER 11 to make camp for equal anytnriig their SENATOR compelled The of the Men Will Be Issued the in a deserted cabin. Whether He Will ory. damage of the storm, night Monday however, has been I ho DEFENDS CONFERENCE Prob- Choosing of Two Alternates The party resumed the task slight, By the Committee, reached the Rules and cattlemen probably suffering Exhausts the Panel of 65 tho next day and the Suspend the most with suffocated stock. Week. ranch In tiir - to the re- in With As- ably This bring Pass the Measure. The storm which is now raging Borah Joins an Which Had Been Called lief. has come from the north and Associated fc children ill Dfn-ve- sault on the (By The I'real.) They, jur (Hy The ARicnleil Prcnu.) the predictions from the r Shantung New March 18. Six hun- for Interrogation. with no except a few York, Ah Washington, March 18. The weather bureau state tli.it Settlement; China Bene- dred thousand union miners in the beans, i J ?t$ little clothing. the storm will well into (By The Antmcltitri1 I'resvt exhausted the soldiers' bonus muddle is to be re- pass anthracite and bituminous ields IS. Tho Althou'.o"' jrly the southeast. fited, Says Lenroot. San Francisco, March party ed on skis the next ferred to President Hanline again. will 1 unless some of first week in the quit work April closing the day. Representative Mondell of Wyo- - The Asorlnte;l Vrtn:) unforseen solution of the present third trial of a manslaughter me nouse (Ily C. iniog, reiniuncan leaner, March 18. Th.) is offered in the charge against Roscoe (Fatty) announced that he had re- Washington, wage controversy Arbuckle found court and today RELICS OF T. B. whole field of controversies center- meantime, John L. Lewis, president today quested a conference with the exe- counsel still busy with tho task cutive for tomorrow evcnin.5 alt t ing about tho arms conference was of the international organization of selection. The regular in senate todav an- jury the return of Mr. Harding from reviewed anew the of Unltea Mine Workers, was finally selected and ac- jury Florida. He sold he wo iM he during an all day debate on the nounced today. sworn Thursday but the choos- to PLACED OH VIEW companied the White ltms, ny four-pow- for evacuation of the mines ing of two alternates not only oliicr of the lion." I'aeific treaty. Plans the examination of a such members For the first time sine. early ic are under way, Mr. Lewis necessitated i OLIGY TOWARD the bonus "1 as already number of other talesmen, but . handling legisluti tho week tho treaty's supporter's said. In the event of a walkout, the president might wish to con- ir- fire- exhausted the of 65 which jfiined battle directly with its crews of pump men, engineers, panel sult. IN METROPOLIS and a men, watchmen and will had been called for interrogation. reconcilable opponents s;.orj helpers was Bank Loan Provision. of senators, and as many Is- remain at their to prevent The first alternate selected pro- fully posts to- FLAYED The specific purpose of the wero flooding of the mines and maintain quickly after the opening of ELAND not sues of tho treaty fight but the posed conference was disclosed drawn into the running cross fira the properties, he said. He esti day's session, remaining by Mr. Mondell, but It was report- re- talesmen cither had re- Collection Comprises Guns, of argument. mated that 1,000 men would opinions ed that he would seek to obtain Ar- on and the defendant's guilt or Senator Robinson, democrat, main duty in trie anthracite garding the president's views on the com- Knives, of 3,000 in the bituminous mines for innocence or were subjected to Field Marshal Wilson Says Chaps, Cooking kansas, started the field day promise bill with its bank lo:, with a speech supporting such purposes. peremptory challenges. Reduced 25 in lieu of cash bonus, as Utensils Used During His oratory Final orders for withdrawal of A new panel was ordered into Premier Has provision his amendment to pledge the four well as his opinion as to whether secret di- the men will be issued by the gen- court for Monday and hope was Irish Counties to a Welter Days As a Cowboy. signatory powers against alter- Hazel Dawn. the measure should be called up lie was seconded in th eral policies committee of the union expressed that the second under a of the plomacy, at Cleveland or Chicago, probably nate would be selected quickly and of Chaos, Murder. New York, March 18 (Special Out of the west came Groeh! Monday suspension (Ilj The I'resiO attack by Senator Johnson, repub- rules ns most houmb leaders desire. New March 18. A collec- who next week, it was said, effective that tho testimony taking wouid Broadway, blase old thoroughfare and again he pleaded his suit. But Mr. fol- York, lican, California, aked why MontloU's announcement Franco-Japanes- e as in case operators and miners fail bo well on its way "leforo the (By The tiMirlutrd PreM.) and all that it implies, was won- Haze) had not achieved her ainbi tion of guns, knives, chaps and the alliance lowed a conference between .Speak- Anglo-Japane- to a new working contract morning session ends. the As- dering at an old romance eleven tion. had cooking utensils tin origin, il well as the alli- arrange Belfast, March IS. (By she had important parts, er Gillett and twenty-seve- n repub- before April 1. August Wold, tlu alternative The advice of years old. to be exact. but she was determined to be an equipment used by Theodora ance had not been term'nated by The to created sociated Press.) a Broad- lican house leaders arranged pri- koosevelt his the fcur r and later Sen- order suspend operations selected today, a mild Field Marshal Sir Henry Hughes It's stage romance. out and out star. to discuss the of during cowboy days pow pact, in the anthracite field 1, ap- sensation when he stated his wife, is used to them. His marily question 111 the Dakotas was on ator Idaho, April former chief of the im way Usually were repeated visits to New In the bill placed Borah, republican, of as evidenced by had been Wilson, fast and furious. York. PJ'oceuure considering view hero Roosevelt with an assault on the Shan- proach spring, interrogated regarding staff and now mem they're Thev Always he oil mo back mase Is nHSOClatfon joined the increased demand for Iron and case over the x perial general start Mr Gillett announced afterwar jMpn10,.ia, fnr , flrst settlement as an example of the telephcne by her or lor North lhat way' Sometimes end after the opening of the play she he would not make his tung steel already has been issued by woman representing herself as a parliament ina i way.
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