WELCOME ADDRESS Welcome Address Dear friends, the magazine you are reading is the annual review which celebrates our yearly activities. This issue is particularly important political, sport and academic authorities because it is at the end of the Executive of Georgia, Lichtenstein and Romania) Committee’s mandate which is going to demonstrated how appropriate was the see new elections in Maribor in 2012. decision taken by the EC to give par- Additionally, it marks the new mile- ticular attention to those countries with stone in EUSA publishing - after five extraordinary potentials but are not as years we have launched a new design active yet. and format of the EUSA Magazine. Alberto GUALTIERI, EUSA President Our ten years anniversary book care- What we have organised and expe- fully describes the activity from EUSA rienced this year makes room to con- foundation, onwards. The book has siderations on what has been achieved been a great success and proved to be a by our Association so far and gives the very effective tool for the promotion of cue for reflection to the next 4 years of our movement. EUSA Governance. 2011 was also the year of the new The 2011 General Assembly in Eilat FISU body election. We wish best of has given important indications for an luck to the newly nominated President EUSA which would meet the universi- Mr Claude Gallien and to the EC Mem- ties’ requests through specific amend- bers for their future work. Our Europe- ments of our rules as well as an Asso- an members and partners are now fully ciation which is close to the social and engaged and devoted to the develop- cultural changes of our Continent. ment of University Sport in Europe, Our common work was already head- focusing on current and future EUSA ing in this direction. Our partnership activities. with other top level European entities for an European Union anti-doping And the future is bright: 2012 is the project allowed us to be more present year of the first EUSA Games in Cor- than the past not only in the sport doba while 2014 edition has been as- activity but also in the social aspects signed to Rotterdam. linked to sport as demonstrated by our Big expectations arise from this event strong cooperation with the FISU Gen- which is so important for our growth. Our der Committee. Spanish friends are honouring the Games In the meanwhile, our regular activ- with a constant and efficient organisa- ity has increased the European Univer- tion as proved by His Majesty King Juan sities Championships to 16 and have Carlos I of Spain chairing the Honorary registered the highest number of par- Committee on this special occasion: there ticipants ever. cannot be a better way to improve EUSA activity in the future, an Association Moreover, Bosnia & Herzegovina and which is in the service of the European Finland contributed to EUSA with the University Sport. organisation of respectively two EUC in Sarajevo and one in Tampere. We can affirm that our visits to the local organisations (this year thanks to their NUSA’s executives we have been hosted, for the first time, by the See you in Cordoba, Spain! 2 EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY SPORTS ASSOCIATION / YEAR MAGAZINE 2011 Contents Welcome Address 2 Contents 3 EUSA Structure 4 2011 European Universities Championships 8 EUSA Patronage 44 EUSA Projects 50 Our Partners 66 Future Program 78 Awards 2011 86 EUSA Events Calendar 2012-2013 87 Publisher: European University Sports Association; Realisation: Andrej Pišl, Valentin Dupouey, Matjaž Pečovnik ISSN: 1855-4563 Design, Layout, PrePress: Studio Narobe, Ljubljana; Printing: tiskarna VEK Koper Photo: EUSA, FISU archives 3 QR code generated on http://qrcode.littleidiot.be EUSA STRUCTURE Member Federations ALB Albania CYP Cyprus Albanian Students Sports Association Cyprus University Sports Federation Rruga e Durresit, p.11, ap.26, AL-Tirana Olympic Palace, Amipoleos 21, Phone/Fax: +355 4 239 255 CY-2025 Strovolos, Lefkosia Email: [email protected] Phone: +357 22 449 846 www.albanianssa.info Fax: +357 22 449 845 Email: [email protected] AUT Austria www.cusf.org.cy HUN Hungary Austrian University Sports Organisation Hungarian University Sports Federation Unisport Austria CZE Czech Republic Istvanmezei ut 1-3, HU-1146 Budapest Auf der Schmelz 6A, AT-1150 Wien Czech University Sports Association Phone: +36 1 4606 915 Phone: +43 1 427 728 660 Atleticka 100/2, CZ-160 17 Prague 6 Fax: +36 1 4606 916 Fax: +43 1 427 728 661 Phone: +420 25 721 0787 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Fax: +420 220 512 561 www.husf.iif.hu www.unisport.ac.at Email: [email protected] www.caus.cz ISL Iceland AZE Azerbaijan University of Iceland Freewill Student Sport Society of Azerbaijan EST Estonia Students´Athletics Association Khagani Street 21, AZ-1000 Baku Estonian Academic Sports Federation Saemundargotu 2, IS-101 Reykjavik Phone: +994 12 498 7342 Lai 24, EE-51008 Tartu Phone: +354 665 6081 Fax: +994 12 493 7463 Phone/Fax: +372 7 333 233 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.easl.ee IRL Ireland BLR Belarus Colleges and Universities The Republican Center of Physical Edu- FIN Finland Sports Association of Ireland cation and Sports for Pupils and Students Finnish Student Sports Federation Sport HQ, 13 Joyce Way, Parkwest, Pobeditelej ave 2, BY-220004 Minsk Lapinrinne 2, FI-00180 Helsinki IE-12 Dublin Phone/Fax: +375 17 203 5712 Phone: +358 447 800 210 Phone: +353 1 625 1173 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +358 29 009 0999 Fax: +353 1 625 1174 www.sporteducation.by Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.opiskelijaliikunta.fi www.cusai.ie BEL Belgium Belgium University Sports Federation FRA France ISR Israel Minderbroedersstraat 12, French University Sport Federation Academic Sport Association BE-3000 Leuven 108 Avenue de Fontainebleau, Tel Aviv University Sports Center Phone: +32 16 290 375 FR-94270 Le Kremlin-Bicetre Lebanon st., IL-69978 Tel Aviv Fax: +32 16 290 342 Phone: +33 1 5868 2275 Phone: +972 3 6486 626 Email: [email protected] Fax: +33 1 4658 1273 Fax: +972 3 6486 822 www.busf.be Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.sport-u.com www.asa.org.il BiH Bosnia and Herzegovina Sports Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina- GEO Georgia ITA Italy Committee for University Sports University Sports Federation of Georgia Italian University Sport Centre Marsala Tita 9a, BA-71000 Sarajevo Cholokhashvili ave 9, GE-0162 Tbilisi Via Angelo Brofferio 7; IT-00195 Rome Phone/Fax: +387 33 226 417 Phone: +995 32 23 50 76 Phone: +39 06 372 2206 Email: [email protected] Fax: +995 32 23 50 07 Fax: +39 06 372 4479 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] BUL Bulgaria www.cusi.it Association for University Sports "Academic" GER Germany Student Campus NSA Vasil Levski 1700, German University Sport Federation LAT Latvia BG-1000 Sofia Max Planck Strasse 2, DE-64807 Dieburg Latvian Universities Sports Federation Phone/Fax: +359 2 868 1349 Phone: +49 6071 208 610 Brivibas str 333, LV-1006 Riga Email: [email protected] Fax: +49 6071 207 578 Phone/Fax: +371 67 543 419 www.aus.bg Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.adh.de www.studentusports.lv CRO Croatia Croatian University Sports Federation GRE Greece LTU Lithuania Horvacanski zavoj 15, HR-10137 Zagreb Hellenic Committee for University Sport Lithuanian Students Sports Association Phone: +385 1 301 4737 37 Kifisias str., GR-15123 Athens Sporto g. 6, LT-44221 Kaunas Fax: +385 1 302 5602 Phone: +30 210 682 7905 Phone/Fax: +370 37 302 654 Email: [email protected] Fax: +30 210 682 3509 Email: [email protected] www.studentskisport.com Email: [email protected] www.lssa.lt 4 EUROPEANEUROPEAN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY SPORTS SPORT ASSOCIATION / YEAR MAGAZINE 2011 POR Portugal Portuguese Academic Federation of University Sports Av. Prof. Egas Moniz, Estadio Universitario de Lisboa - Pav.1, PT-1600-190 Lisbon Phone: +351 2 1781 8160 Fax: +351 2 1781 8161 Email: [email protected] SUI Switzerland www.fadu.pt Swiss University Sport Federation Dufour str. 50, CH-9000 St. Gallen MKD Former Yugoslav Republic ROM Romania Phone: +41 71 224 2256 of Macedonia Romanian University Sports Federation Fax: +41 71 224 2254 University Sports Federation of Macedonia 28-30, General Berthelot street, sector 1, Email: [email protected] Pirinska bb, Baraka 7, PO Box 62, RO-010168 Bucharest www.shsv.ch MK-1000 Skopje Phone:+40 21 405 6390 Phone/Fax: +389 2 321 2652 Fax: +40 21 310 4319 TUR Turkey Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Turkish University Sports Federation www.usfm.mk Emek Mah. Kirim Cad. 36/13 Emek, RUS Russia TR-06500 Ankara MLT Malta Russian Students Sport Union Phone: +90 312 310 5043 Malta University Sports Club Luzhnetskaya naberezhnaya 8, off 331, Fax: +90 312 310 1683 University of Malta, MT-Msida MSD 06 RU-119991 Moscow Email: [email protected] Phone: +356 790 55 328 Phone/Fax: +7 499 245 17 94 www.tusf.org.tr Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.musc.org.mt www.studsport.ru UKR Ukraine Sport's Students Union of Ukraine MDA Moldova SRB Serbia 46 Dmitrievskaia, UA-01054 Kiev University Sports Federation of Moldova University Sports Federation of Serbia Phone: +380 44 216 4450 str. Tighina 2, MD-2001 Chisinau Strahinjica Bana 73a/I, SR-11000 Belgrade Fax: +380 44 216 6283 Phone: +373 2 226 0122 Phone/Fax: +381 11 262 8658 Email: [email protected] Fax: +373 2 226 0124 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.usss.org.rs GBR United Kingdom www.fsum.md British Universities & Colleges Sport SVK Slovakia 20 - 24 Kings Bench Street, MNE Montenegro Slovak
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