' - - " i ' 1 ; .v- vi r ' r U. WWW ' ' JX - - . 1 ffKl iXf f" iWMMMW-rflH- ' 1968 (AQR AB 8, 1347 S.H.) PRICE AF. 4 VOL. VII, NO. 183 KABUL, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, Samongan Plans ' SECOND ROUND To Boost ; I , Electric Power I I i OF B LATERAL f .; KABUL. Oct. 30, (Bakhtar). Samangan Governor Fakir Nabi J Alefi laid the foundation stone of .JY a building to house a SO kilowatt TALKS SCHEDULED electric diesel generator. With the '. new generator the power supply for ,. 1 Aaibak will amount to 186 kw. of talks between KABUL, Oct. (Bakhtar). The second rourid . Aaibak wKTh was only a very the Afghan and Iranian .premiers were scheduled for 3.30 this af- small town a few years is now gro- ternoon. The Iranian guests spent this morning visiting Kabul wing rapidly. 'It now serves, as power plants. They had a Samangan province and Museum v and Man! par and Naghlu centre of ' lunch alongside the Naghlu reservoir. ; f f us result of a growing population The Iranian Premie" Amir Abbas Hoveida, accompanied by and a construction boom a crash game programme for providing of electri- Prime Minister Noor Ahmad Etemadi saw a buzkashi X city is under way. in Ghazi Stadium at 3 p.m. yesterday. Both' prime minister., were As there is no water power sour- accorded a warm reception by the residents of Kabul :; .: ces available in the vicinity the -- government of trie province is con- tLV Iranian ministef of our brother nation centrating on installing diesel ge- - twwia 4.l,nm4 f i. 1. n v- ho- ct. nail WJ Hie ycuyie jjaniciv t" "This gathering". Etemadi add nerators. , adium Prime Minister Etemadi s ed,, "the expression - of friendly my government and I said '"for sentiments by the residents, of W. myself is an honour to partici- Germany Says it Kabul in reality are tokens of Trahian Premier and Mrs. Hoveida dined last night in fiulkhana Palace with Their Majesties. meeting held ' pate in this public bro- i ' 'i the friendship and ties of .: . Photo: Islah v'. honour-o- our guest the prime in f therhood between the two nations No Military Pacts which have remained strong for . 'i I' a long time." ( Planned With Spam Etemadi requested Prime Min- Asks House Discusses good- Resolution iBirfl Discusses Last Canal ister Hoveida to convey the MADRIEy 'Oct. SO.'tDPA)1.-Milit- ary. will and sentiments of brother- f cooperation between Afghan-Polis-h hood of the people of Afghanistan Britain To Use Incident With UAH Official West Gepnany and Spain does and the brother nation of Iran on. not exist and is not planned for " his return home. , ' future, West govern- Force In Rhodesia CAIRQ, Oct. 30, (AFP). Gen. parations in the Sinai Peninsula the German Cultural Pact In reply Premier Hoveida .ex- agg ment spokesman Guenther Di- - ' Odd Bull, head of the UN. observer Thev" added that preventing pressed his appreciation for the Oct. 30, ehl said herg yesterday. UNITED NATIONS force' in 'the Middle East,1 arrived ression does not simply mean red- affectionate reception accorded to asked to use Diehl was talking to internatio- KABUL, Oct.; 30 (Bakhtar).- -. (AFP). Britain is morning for ; ucing to silence isolated ; military him by the residents of Kabul Id Ismailia yesterday journalists (House force to legality in UAR which Egyptian nal following a The Wolesi Jirgah of said "I am extreme deli: further discussions with positions threaten and resolution sponsor- ' meeting between visiting Representatives) yesterday took to Rhodesia in a for foreign affairs. towns and civilian population. ghted to have the opportunity 40 Afro-Asia- n West German Chancellor ' agreement bet- ed here yesterday by "defensive preven- -' Kurt up the cultural Afghanistan and Satan Gbhar. , Egyptian and have visited nations and Yugoslavia. - Georg Kiesinger and Spanish le- -. ween Afghanistan and Poland, with Afghan "lea- jden. Bull will present Gohar a tive military measures" undertaken our talks the The resolution also draws the ad,er Francisco' Franco. The agreement was put forw- report covering objections . jsince September 8 do not constitute ders will be beneficial to both Security Council detailed ' ard to house by the Committee attention of the Egyptians following' an attack or a violation of the The two statesmen had reach- nations. to- raised by the "urgent ; necessity" of ' g, on International Affairs, after it countries," said, to the the observer team's re- ceasefire, they said. ' ed a wide measure of agreement--durin- "Both ; our he against Rhodesia, release of sanctions y, thorough analysis had completed its own delibera- making great strides 'tow- tal port blaming them for starting Sa- Jordanian premier Bagat el their of "are South Africa and Portugal." ' tions on it. under the gu- turday's violent artillery duel ac- adds Ceteka has stressed the world situation in talks at ards advancement tabled in ' ' The resolution was i The Meshrano Jirgah (Senate) esteemed leaders" ross Canal authoritative that noting whatever would force the Prado Jalace,r Diehl said.' idance pf their UN's Fourth Committee, the the 'Suez Legal Legisla- the , The problem of West Committee on and Hoveida was welcomed to the sources said. the Arabs to condudt direct talks German de- committee on non-se- lf governing ' military flying Sp- tive Affairs yesterday started by assistant mayor of VThe chief observer will go with Israel. aircraft across stadium : - UN Survey ' Nour-estan- i, territories. anish airspace necessity bating the law on Land Mohammad Kabir on an insnection tour of the entire In an interview published in the and the Kabul, Meanwhile George Thomson, for obtaining and Statistics. .. with El Jal-hou- the Spanish who presented him - t port west bank of the Canal in order to Cairo AI Akhbar yesterday, In special subcommittee on Britain's- minister-withou- permission for each in- the ai-fo- of the Arabs a mural made, oi . maroie aiiu . Khoaesian verify on the spot some the stressed that studying the foodstuff rates pre- Afghanis- - folio in charge, of dividual overflight had so far lapis lazuli found in will leavo London before pbjiits raised by Gohar during would not withdraw Middle East sident of the Food Procurement, ., been mentioned only in fringe tan by a Kabul artist. ; week for Salisbury Monday's two-ho- talks, describ- issue from the United Nations ag- Fazl, answered the end of the talks. " .. Dost Mohammad was also Secu- .,- . ' The Iranian premier ed by observers as "lively". enda and that for them the , to resume discussions aimed ai questions on the matter. scout i badge by presented with settling the Rhodesian problem, j A government spokesman in rity Council' resolution on the Mid- Mohammad con-tjSn- Interior .Minister Dr. announced Gen. ' Bull's report ed dle East from last November was Turkey, France , -- authoritative sources "who was the first tea-- ; . ! nmnr Wardflk VariOus obscure points' " 'the. sole and flnal criterion. ":: ; Afghan scout organi yesterday." president ,pf Prime Minister'''''r;,naroia wuwu uiring clarification", Sign de-4.- Technical ;i, referred to a U.S. de- sation. is expected to announce the ! ITie Egyptians claimed that short- Talhouny Kosyg in Reported the end of the game Hov- de- - ' At n ho trin toHav durinB ly before large-sca- le hostilities be- cision to deliver Phantom jets to both of the teams ' eida received on the Queen's speech from gan on Saturday Israeli forces on Israel as 'ill inspired' and said it Coop Agreement presented silver cups to tho btite Vietnam and throne the opening oi me the West Bank of the canal laun- would encourage Israelis to a fur. Saying He also had him- the at teams taptains. new parliamentary session. ched a missile attack on the town ther aggression. The United States ANKARA, Oct. 30, (AFP). photographed with the Bu- de- - five-da- y Progressing self Whitehall- - sources noted that of Port Tewfik, destroying two which is killing all its chances of Gen. Gaulle, on a Talks zkashi players. com- r Turkey due to end today, would endeavour to : a dialogue with the Arabs and is visit to premier Thomas houses. ' i night the Iranian An- Last start of . embarassing watched a military parade in plete his trip before the Egyptian v sources its remaining friends, TOKYO. Oct. 30, (Reuter). Sov- were received Authoritative ' and Mrs. Hoveida Noyemb-e-r yesterday addres- ceremonies marking on said that 'Cairo hag called on the is now losin last remnants of its kara and later iet Prime Minister Alexei Kosygin by Their Majesties in Gulkhana of on television. 11 the third anniversary UN observers to pay particular at- influence in the Arab countries, he sed the nation hus said Vietnam peace talks have Palace and had dinner at the ro- Some 10,000 Turnish troops and Rhodesia's unilateral , declaration tention, to any Israeli military pre. added. - some progress recently, and table. ,' made yal of independence. 2,000 civilians took part in the ure now in a delicate stage, Japa- Present were also Prime Min- parade watched by the French nese transport minister Yashuiro ister Etemadi, the Deputy Prime President and Turkish President Nakasone said yesterday. Ministers, Agriculture and Irriga- Miki Challenges Jevdet Sunay, on the 45th anni- Nakasone told reporters at the tion Minister Eng. Reza, Informa- Oemn versary of. the Turkish Republic. : ; uirport that Kosygin had called on tion and Culture Minister Dr A spectacular event was the de- Japan to presuade the United Sta- Anas, companions of .' Premier Housing Problems Sato For Japan's scent of 12 pratrocps who fired countries" Future tes to halt the bombing of JMorth Hoveida, and the two complete wiw uw, pink and blue smoke cartridges.
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