50 Cents 5 Air U torCe I N G 8g99veraz-ty 3 1.11)^Pw THE BI Serial ;q,ß V AND RADIO Maxwell Sectionn AFB Aa ivEIYSPAPEß AUGUST 19, 1963 Advertisers have no hesitancy in making Swezey makes resignation from NAB official; football a TV power 35 no successor in sight 66 Shell, out of TV for over a year, is now TV's All- Industry TV Committee files another No. 2 petroleum advertiser 44 ASCAP appeal in Supreme Court 56 COMPLETE INDEX PAGE 7 Keep close to your customers CT) Selling floor wax? Reach her with Radio now -while she's using the product. Spot Radio can "position" your message at the most opportune time. Put a high gloss on your sales with Spot Radio on these outstanding stations. KOB Albuquerque WTAR . Norfolk- Newport News WSB Atlanta KFAB Omaha WGR Buffalo KPOJ Portland WGN Chicago WRNL Richmond WLW Cincinnati WROC Rochester WDOK Cleveland KCRA Sacramento WFAA Dallas -Ft. Worth KALL Salt Lake City KBTR Denver WOAI San Antonio KDAL Duluth -Superior KFMB San Diego KPRC Houston KYA San Francisco WDAF Kansas City KMA Shenandoah KARK Little Rock KREM Spokane WINZ Miami WGTO Tampa -Lakeland-Orlando KSTP Minneapolis -St. Paul KVOO Tulsa Intermountain Network Radio New York Worldwide RADIO DIVISION EDWARD PETRY & CO.. INC. THE ORIGINAL STATION REPRESENTATIVE EW YORK CHICAGO ATLANTA BOSTON DALLAS ETROIT LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO ST. LOUIS IN THE SURPRISING NEW SOUTH CAROLINA THE WATCHFUL SET AT ELGIN What did South Carolina do to attract Elgin? More than merely change the name of a town to Elgin. Among other things, it trained South Carolinians as technicians, without cost to Elgin, in State -operated technical schools designed to produce employees for any new industry's requirements -an idea attractive to many. For examples: General Electric, Argus Cam- era, Allied Chemical, Du Pont, Smith -Corona Mar - chant, Utica Drop Forge, Horsman Doll, and others. The surprising new South Carolina is soaring as an industrial economy -far outstripping the nation as a whole, nearly doubling the personal incomes of South Carolinians in the 1950's. What does this have to do with WIS- Television? This station -which reaches the majority of South Carolina counties without peripheral buys, knows South Caro- linians' preferences best, after 31 years of broadcasting from the hub -like capital city -now serves a surprising new kind of South Carolina -alert, aware, selective of the best in information and entertainment, and able to buy. It reaches the watchful set, of course, as it reaches other South Carolinians who watch the best. WISTELEVISION Charles A. Batson, Managing Director a station of The Broadcasting Company of the South -.am 's» G. Richard Shafto, Executive Vice President 4 WIS Television: Channel 10, Columbia, S.C. WIS radio: 560, Columbia, S.C. WSFA -TV: Channel 12, Montgomery, Ala. All represented by Peters, Griffin, Woodward, Inc. 1 011/0 pLt TeN s A CLOSE CITY CAMERA .1f-s p- LOOK IS - REQUIRED \ It focuses down to this: You pay for attention. And the con- cept guiding KTVI's programming is to keep all eyes on the screen. We design our programming to be provocative, excit- ing, stimulating. KTVI features linked to the ABC line-up attract the younger, buying families that you want to reach. Your com- mercial ready to sell? We deliver a St. Louis audience that's ready to watch, listen, and buy! 2 ST. LO U I S stossig HR CD 4- STATION MARKET 40% METRO SHARE The May /June, 1963, ARB Market Report indicates that KRLD -TV delivers approximately 40% Metro Share of Audience, 9 a.m. to Midnight, Monday thru Sunday, while at the same time delivering approximately 41% of the Sets In Use in the Dallas Fort Worth 4- station market. Why not spend your ad dollar where it goes further and reaches more - on a Channel 4 schedule. See your ADVERTISING TIME SALES representative - soon. represented nationally by Advertising Time Sales, Inc. Nal-02e(4 Oa/4U- R/ouk. Clyde W, Rembert, President MAXIMUM POWER TV -TWIN to KRLD radio 1080, CBS outlet with 50,000 watts 4 BROADCASTING, August 19, 1963 Lunch with the President Twenty -two well known broadcast- CLOSED CIRCUIT= ers have been invited to off -the-record and four FM stations; RKO is licensee officials with explanation that firm is luncheon with President Kennedy this of four TV, five AM and four FM in process of "selectively replacing" Thursday (Aug. 22) marking first such stations, including channel 18 wllcr about 100 homes in its TV sample, meeting with broadcaster group. Presi- Hartford, Conn., nation's only oper- not only in New York but throughout dent, since he assumed office, has had ating pay TV station. RKO also has U. S. This, they said, is part of pro- periodic luncheons for newspaper and interest in CKLW- AM -FM -TV Windsor, gram disclosed some months ago for magazine editors and publishers, prin- Ontario. annual turnovers within sample, which cipally on state -by -state basis. totals about 1,100 TV homes. Since Radio spot index Nielsen's TV and radio samples gen- Although guest list has not been re- Plans to collect and publish spot erally use same homes, radio sample leased, it's understood to include cross- inevitably is being changed, too, but section of owners and directing heads radio spending figures for leading brand advertisers are reported moving company says project is purely TV, is of stations, including group owners. being done now in preparation for Network heads are not included, hav- smartly forward, with encouraging first results from unannounced pilot new fall TV season -and involves no ing met periodically with President in reduction in sample size. past. Luncheon may be forerunner of study currently under way in New others. It's presumed Pierre Salinger, York market. Project is being con- UA expanding first runs news secretary to President, asked ducted by Radio Advertising Bureau I. Leonard Reinsch, executive director and Station Representatives Associa- United Artists Television is said to of Cox stations and President's infor- tion, and they've already devised one have given green light to production mal advisor on communications, to change in tactics: Instead of getting of six more David Wolper one -hour supply list of broadcasters from which billings data mainly from stations, as specials, and another 32 Lee Marvin selections were made. originally contemplated, plan now is shows for first -run syndication to sta- to rely on combination of station rep- tions next season. `Canned' editorial scruting resentatives and major -market sta- tions. Now the world House Communications and Power Subcommittee, which is looking into New York test, covering 1963 sec- International symposium on radio broadcast editorializing, is showing in- ond- quarter spending, calls for sub- and TV may be held in U. S. next terest in firms that provide "canned mission of reports by end of August, year in, of all places, Atlanta. Its an- editorials." Subcommittee feels editor- and project leaders say stations of all other project of Georgia Association ials should be expressions of licensee sizes have agreed- practically unani- of Broadcasters, and it already has opinion and wonders how material, mously-to participate. Independent backing of governor of Georgia, may- prepared by syndicates seeking to accounting firm handles collection and or of Atlanta and several members of serve broadest possible market, can tabulation. It's expected first national state's congressional delegation. Geor- provide incisive viewpoints on issues, report will cover significant portion of gia broadcasters, led by Raymond especially local subjects. Subcommit- 1963 spot spending. Carow, WALE Albany, president of GAB tee is in touch with at least two edi- and governor's spokesman will torial syndicates and may ask them New CATV rules? meet Friday (Aug. 23) with State De- partment officials in Washington to testify when hearing, which re- regulations covering com- to Tough seek federal backing. If symposium cessed last month, resumes. systems FCC's is munity antenna -via held, tentative plans are to bring for- control over microwave relays -are eign broadcasters to Atlanta either just Resumption date for editorializing drafted by Henry Geller, FCC being before or just after convention of hearings is likely to be after Labor associate general counsel, for submis- Na- tional Association of Broadcasters in Day. Parent Commerce Committee is sion to commission in September when Chicago next April so they also could preoccupied by railroad dispute. Sen- reconvenes. Staff feels FCC agency attend latter. NAB representative has ate Commerce Committee, which still has authority now, following victory been invited to Friday meeting. is considering various ways to suspend in Carter Mountain case where com- or repeal Section 315, also probably local TV sta- mission power to protect FTC won't act until some time next month. tions was upheld by U. S. Court of Elman's status Appeals. Don't count out reappointment of Two big catches Philip Elman to Federal Trade Corn- drafted will primarily Announcements are expected this Rules being mission. Commissioner Elman, whose of conditions already week two major radio -TV sta- be codification term expires Sept. 25, was slated for that on CATV microwave have joined National being imposed replacement few weeks ago (BRoAn- tion groups local TV stations. But Association of Broadcasters. Joining users to protect CASTING, July 22) but inside word last there may be some modifications NAB and increasing association's an- - week was that 45-year -old political in- nonduplication within 30 days of pro- nual income by $50,000- $75,000 are dependent (he carries neither Republi- gram carried by local station may be Metropolitan Broadcasting Stations can or Democratic label) might get to more modest period.
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