GENETICS SECOND OF A SERIES ON BIOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR BIOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR Genetics Proceedings of a conference under the auspices of Russell Sage Foundation, the Social Science Research Council, and The Rockefeller University David C.Glass, Editor PUBLISHED BY The Rockefeller University Press AND Russell Sage Foundation NEW YORK 1968 COPYRIGHT@ 1968 BY THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY PRESS AND RUSSELL SAGE FOUNDATION SECOND PRINTING 1970 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOG CARD NUMBER 68-24635 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Preface CONTEMPORARY social scientists no longer adhere to a simplistic environmental determinism, just as contemporary biologists no longer embrace a genetic determinism. In both fields there is increas­ ing recognition of the importance of an interaction between the organism and the environment. Neither the genetic parameter nor the environmental parameter alone can account for more than a por­ tion of behavioral variability. With the development of this interac­ tional approach, a revitalized interest in the genetic basis of social behavior has been witnessed. On November 18-19, 1966, Russell Sage Foundation and The Rockefeller University, in collaboration with the Social Science Research Council, sponsored a conference on genetics and behavior in Caspary Auditorium on the Rockefeller campus in New York City. The organization of the meeting was guided by the premise that recent advances in genetics portend seri­ ous social, ethical, and legal consequences. It is important that both biological and social scientists study these consequences. Social sci­ entists, in particular, are equipped by training and are implicitly committed to make substantial contributions in this area. However, they often lack the knowledge of behavior genetics necessary for sophisticated analysis of the social consequences of new knowledge resulting from research on genetics. The specialist in genetics, on the other hand, often lacks the interest or skill necessary for examination of the broad implications of this research. The purpose of the con­ ference was to enable participants drawn from both groups of scien­ tists to benefit from exposure to the work of representatives of the other. The present volume contains a series of fourteen papers delivered at the two-day conference. The papers have been slightly modified v to meet the more formal requirements of publication. The topics include discussions of the relationship between genetics and intelli­ gence; behavior genetics research in infrahuman species and its rele­ vance for understanding human social behavior; the role of social competition in natural selection, with particular attention to popu­ lation control; and biogenetic theories of social structure and process, such as stratification, socialization, deviance, and social change. The major address of the meeting was delivered on the evening of No­ vember 18 by Professor Theodosius Dobzhansky of The Rockefeller University. The complete text of his paper, "Genetics and the Social Sciences," is included in this volume. This volume is the second in a series of three reporting the Biology and Behavior conferences organized by Russell Sage Foundation and The Rockefeller University. The first volume was published in the fall of 1967 and dealt with the topic of neurophysiology and emo­ tion. The third volume will present papers delivered at the confer­ ence on environmental influences on behavior, held at the Rockefeller in April, 1967. The ultimate goal of all three volumes is to dissemi­ nate information which will foster understanding of behavior through research that rises above the limitations imposed by narrow specializations. We would like to thank Dr. Orville G. Brim, Jr., President of Rus­ sell Sage Foundation, Dr. Detlev W. Bronk, President of The Rocke­ feller University, and Dr. Pendelton Herring, President of the Social Science Research Council, whose joint efforts and support made the conference possible. We also want to thank Dr. Carl Pfaffmann, Vice­ President of The Rockefeller University and Dr. Donald R. Young, Visiting Professor at the Rockefeller and formerly President of Rus­ sell Sage Foundation. Both men were instrumental in conceiving and implementing the idea of a conference series on biology and behavior. Our gratitude also goes to members of the Social Science Research Council's Committee on Genetics and Behavior, presently called the Committee on Biological Bases of Social Behavior. Many of its present and former members actually participated in the conference, and all were intimately involved in its planning and execution. Par­ ticipants from the Committee included its chairman, Gerald E. Me- vi Clearn, Theodosius Dobzhansky, David Rosenthal, James N. Spuh­ ler, and David A. Hamburg. The other Committee members who helped plan the conference were Gardner Lindzey (who is also chairman of the Problems and Policy Committee of the Social Science Research Council), Ernst Caspari, Jerry Hirsch, and Jerome E. Singer, SSRC staff member assigned to the Genetics and Behavior Committee. Russell Sage Foundation was established in 1907 by Mrs. Russell Sage for the improvement of social and living conditions in the United States. In carrying out its purpose, the Foundation conducts research under the direction of members of the staff or in close col­ laboration with other institutions, and supports programs designed to develop and demonstrate productive working relations between social scientists and other scientific and professional groups. The pro­ gram in biology and the social sciences represents one such activity, which was undertaken jointly with The Rockefeller University. For their assistance and encouragement, I am most grateful to my colleagues at Russell Sage Foundation and The Rockefeller Univer­ sity. As with the previous volume in this series, I would also like to express my gratitude to Mr. Wiiiiam Bayless of The Rockefeller Uni­ versity Press and to Mrs. Betty Davison of Russell Sage Foundation for their assistance in organizing the conferences, publishing the pro­ ceedings, and arranging for distribution and advertisement. I would particularly like to thank Mrs. Helene Jordan, of The Rockefeller University Press, who performed invaluable editorial work in bring­ ing the present volume to publication. I would like to join the au­ thors in expressing gratitude for her dedicated assistance. DAVID C. GLASS Russell Sage Foundation and September 16,1967 The Rockefeller University vii Contents Preface: DAVID C. GLASs v GENETICS AND THE STUDY OF INTELLIGENCE AND PERSONALITY The Nature and Nurture of Intelligence STEVEN G. VANDENBERG 3 Beyond the Fringe-Personality and Psychopathology IRVING I. GOTIESMAN 59 The Genetics of Intelligence and Personality DAVID ROSENTHAL 6g GENETICS AND THE STUDY OF SOCIAL INTERACTION Genetics and Social Behavior W. R. THOMPSON 79 Sociocultural and Biological Inheritance in Man J. N. SPUHLER 102 Genotype and Social Behavior JOHN L. FULLER 111 Breeding Structure and Social Behavior of Mammals: A Servo-Mechanism for the Avoidance of Panmixia BENSON E. GINSBURG 117 GENETICS AND THE SOCIAL SCIENCES THEonosws DoBZHANSKY 129 CONTENTS continued POPULATION SIZE AND SOCIAL BEHAVIOR Population Control and Social Selection in Animals v. c. WYNNE-EDWARDS 143 Social Implications of Behavioral Genetics GERALD E. McCLEARN 164 Social Behavior and Population Dynamics: Evolutionary Relationships ALEXANDER KESSLER 169 GENETICS AND SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH Sociology, Biology, and Ideology MARVIN BRESSLER 178 Biology and Sociology: A Reconciliation A. H. HALSEY 210 Social Science and Genetics: A Historical Perspective MARK H. HALLER 215 References 227 Index 251 GENETICS The Nature and Nurture of Intelligence STEVEN G. VANDENBERG DISCUSSION Beyond the Fringe- Personality and Psychopathology IRVING I. GoTIESMAN 59 The Genetics of Intelligence and Personality DAVID RosENTHAL 69 I was prepared to review evidence that genes control part of the variance observed on tests of intelligence and personality. However, two reasons made me decide not to do so, but instead to broaden my presentation to include an overview of some of the many problems that must be solved before we have a reasonably coherent theory of how genes set the limits for behavior in the child and adult. Where possible, I will indicate how some of these problems have been ap­ proached, and venture a guess as to how far we have moved. The first reason for my decision not to limit my paper to a review of the evidence for genetic determination is that Professor Curt Stern reviewed that evidence in an incomparable manner at the recent Third International Congress of Human Genetics.84 The second reason is that I have attempted to review parts of the evidence, based primarily on twin studies, in three recent papers covering different ground. 97- 99 I did not want to repeat myself, and am not ready to inte­ grate all of it into one paper. sTEvEN G. vANDENBERG University of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, Kentucky. Present address: Department of Psychology, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado Here I shall address myself to the broad topic, "The nature and nurture of intelligence," using the words nature and nurture in their logical meanings. THE NATURE OF INTELLIGENCE What, then, is the nature of intelligence? In past centuries, the term referred to a generic difference between man and animals, or between animals and plants, rather than a graduated concept. The adoption of the term, early in the twentieth century, as an explanatory
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