DOCUMENT RESUME ED 028 862 88 RC 003 357 Feasibility Study of Resource-Use, Outdoor Education Center, Taylor County,Florida. Master Enterprises, Athens, Ga. Spons Agency-Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, D.C. Pub Date Dec 66 Note- 78p. EDRS Price MF -$0.50 HC-$4.00 Descriptors-Administrative Organization, Budgets, *Educational Facilities, *FeasibilityStudies, Federal Aid, *Outdoor Education, Program Descriptions, Program Evaluation, *Program Planning,Resource Allocations, Site Analysis, SoCioeconomic Background, *Supplementary Educational Centers Identifiers-*Florida Extensive planning in relation to the establishment of an outdooreducation center in the State of Florida is reported.The proposed outdoor education center. designed to enrich the public school* program ifinstructionin such fields as conservation, recreation, and resource-use, isoutlined. The report contains an account of socioeconomic conditions, a detailed descriptionof the site. !program descriptions, organization and administration information, a descriptionof facilities, an illustrated site plan. a complete setof construction and operating budgets for 3 years of operation, and a philosophyof evaluation. The appendix includes a report on the history of middle Florida, a basic bibliography of teachingmaterials, a list of schools eligible to participate in the project, and a list of organizations and. agencies which could provide assistance to the project. This publication is funded byTitle III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. (SW) Resource Use Outdoor Education Center Taylor County, Fiori Feasibility Study of Resource-Use Outdoor Education Center Taylor County, Florida Prepared by Masters Enterprises, Athens, Georgia, December, 1966 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION it WELFARE OFFICE Of EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS a STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. THIS STUDY WAS MADE POSSIBLE BY A GRANT FROM THE U. S. OFFICE OF EDUCATION, BUT THAT OFFICE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTENTS OF THE STUDY. INTRODUCTION MMelm 0..0. IMIM miMIONNOMOMONNWwwMermmmoommvsm. 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 2 SUMMARYIM.Mmmtmmomm 17MINMIMMOOINNIMMENYOMMNO---MNOmr mmmmm m---mob-- 3 SOCIO-ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS 4 SITE DESCRIPTION 8 PROGRAM worMmaameaNMMONa*N"*.. imemaimmilmmse.mai 15 Unique Contributions of Outdoor Education to the Curriculum 15 Principles and Basic Objectives 16 Content and Structuring of Program 16 Program for Schools, Community Service, and Continuing Education 16 Types of Teacher Education through the Center 18 Pre-Service Education 18 Graduate Education 19 In-Service Education 19 Interdisciplinary Nature of Resource Use 20 Program Structure fot Children's Experiences 20 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION 42 Taylor County Board 42 Coordinating Committee 42 State Department of Education 42 Federal Agencies 43 Financing 43 Accounting of Funds 43 Insurance Coverage 43 Staff 44 Scheduling of Facilities 45 FACILITIES 46 BUDGETS 50 EVALUATION: Philosophy and Rationale 52 APPENDIX 56 A Report on the History of Middle Florida 57 Bibliography ...wmorolaao. Inarmamm..... 63 List of Area Schools 68 List of Useful Agencies and Organizations 70 Introduction There has been a growing interest for a Forest Capital Center for the community of several years in the establishment of an outdoor Perry. This Forest Center is planned to include education center (or centers) in the state of an auditorium and a forestry museum to be used Florida, designed to enrich the public school by the citizens of Perry and to attract tourists program of instruction in such fields as con- to the area.Taylor County seemed an ideal versation, recreation, and resource-use. The place to locate an educational center for resource Governor's Resource-Use Education Commit- use and outdoor education. tee, established in 1948, has long recommended On December 21, Mr. Maynard introduced thecreation of such a center.Mr. Zollie the idea to a group of community leaders and Maynard of the Florida State Department of educators in Perry.The response was im- Education also foresaw the need for an outdoor mediate and most enthusiastic.Mr. Cecil education center and began to discuss possible Carlton, General Supervisor for the Taylor sites with several interested educators through- County BoardofPublicInstruction, was out the state during the spring of 1965. appointed to work with Mr. Maynard and his The Elementary-Secondary Education Act, staff in the preparation of a project proposal passed in the summer of 1965, provides under to be submitted to the U. S. Office of Education Title III for funding of centers such as the one requesting funds under Title III of the Elementary planned here. Secondary- Education Act for the planning of Section 231.09 (1)of the Florida School such a project.The planning grant proposal Law makes teachers of the state of Florida was submittedinJanuary, 1966, and on responsible for the teaching of "conservation April 10, 1966, Mr. Alan Hart, Superintendent of natural resources," which provides legal of Public Schools in Taylor County, received justification for the existence of the planned a letter of approval for the planning grantin the center. amount of $21,100. The proposal stipulated that During the fall of 1965 the possibility of the Center would serve the six counties of establishing an outdoor education center was Dixie, Jefferson, Lafayette, Madison, Suwannee, discussed, on an informal basis, with several and Taylor, and these counties were to be school districts, withthe intent of finding one covered by the study. which showed enthusiastic support for the pro- The planning beganin April under the ject. In December, Mr. Ed Howard of the Florida supervision of Dr. Janet Wellsof Florida Forestry Service recommended Taylor County State University, who agreed to serve as Director to Mr. Maynard as a possible site for an until July 1. On that date the Project Director outdoor education center.Taylor County was became Dr. H. B. Masters, Director of the working with the Outdoor Recreation Planning GeorgiaCenter forContinuing Education, Committee and the Forestry Service to develop University of Georgia. 1 Acknowledgements The Director wishes to acknowledge the assistance of those who have been most helpful during the course of this study and without whose aid this report could not have been completed.In particular, these include Mr. Zollie Maynard, State Department of Education, Tallahas see, Flor ida; Mr. Cecil Carlton, General Supervisor, Taylor County Board of Public Instruction; and Mr. James Southerland, Community Relations Manager, Buckeye Cellulose Corporation.Consultants who have contributed to this study include Mrs. H. B. Masters;Mr. Robert F. Bradford, Assistant Project Director and Project Editor, Center for Continuing Education, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia;Dr. Janet Wells, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida;Mr. Milton Applefield, U. S.Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Athens, Georgia; Dr. Ray F. Broussard, History Department, University of Georgia,Athens, Georgia; Dr. Gayther Plummer, Biological Sciences Division, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia;Dr. James Green, College of Education, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia; Dr. Julian Smith, MichiganStateUniversity,EastLansing, Michigan; Mr. James Hudson, Planners and Engineers Collaborative, Atlanta, Georgia; Mrs. Roxanna Smith, State Department of Education, Tallahassee, Florida; and Miss Vickey Butler, Project Secretary,CenterforContinuing Education,University of Georgia,Athens, Georgia.The report was reprinted with the assistance of the Regional Curriculum Project, Atlanta, Georgia. Summary The report contains the usual account of agencies is described in the section onOrganiza- socioeconomic conditions required to accompany tion andAdministration. It alsooffers most requests for Federal grants. Thereis a suggestions on such matters as insurance cove- detailed description of the site at Hampton rage and the hiring order,qualifications, and Springs which includes even a timber cruise responsibilities of personnel needed to operate and a timber type map. the project. The type of program recommendedfor the The section on Facilities describes the proposedResourceUse OutdoorEducation physical setting believed necessary to make the Center is described at length in the section on Center a reality as envisioned by those who first Program.As called for in the proposal, the proposed it. program provides for in-serviceeducation for The report also includes a detailed site teachers, for the education of school children, plan and sketches of the proposed Interpretive and for the use of the Center by outside groups Center and a typical Group Housing unit. and private individuals.Detailed examples of In keeping with the proposal to phasethe activities suggested for the Center are described implementation of the project over a periodof inthesectim on Program Descriptions. three years, a complete set of construction and Throughout these sections the emphasis has been operating budgets has been prepared. on providing facilities and programmethods that A philosophy of evaluation has been provided would allow the Center to "concentrate on new to guide subsequent efforts to gauge the degree and experimental instructional methods in the of success of various parts of the program. field of conservation" so that it "could serve
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