(JPMNT) Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, International Vol. 1, No.3, 2013. ТHE TREASURE OF MACEDONIA THE ETHNO - SOCIAL AND CULTURAL – HISTORICAL TOURISTIC MOTIVES IN THE SHAR – POLOG REGION PhD Jagoda Jankovska, Assistant Professor, jjankovska@уahoo.com.mk Abstract: Macedonia is a country rich in inanthropogenic elements that provide the natural and cultural heritage, which makes it basis for tourism development is well known all extremely interesting as a tourist destination. There over the world. Particularly rich, and is almost no place that is not marked by cultural characteristics and natural beauty. All this makes insufficientlyexplored, is Sara-Polog region. In Macedonia a unique touristic place. In the terms of tourist offer, the characteristicsand abundance of cultural diversity, Sara-Polog region attributes that set apartSara-Polog region offers an amazing mix of ethno-social, cultural and fromothers, have been studiedin a very historical motifs that are not sufficiently studied, but fewpapers. can very easily contribute to greater tourism development in Macedonia. We aremorethancertainthat there is The main aim of this Paper is to identify adistinctscientific and а socialneedforfurther and describe the cultural, historical andethno-social studying of this touristregion in order to make values of Sara-Polog Region, as a precondition for realistictouristvalorizationofitsanthropogenicele tourismdevelopment not only in the region, but in ments. By exposing the Macedonia as well. anthropologicalpeculiaritiesofthisregion, we The research was done using the precise scientific methodology, especially: analysis and want topresentan unusuallygreatpotentialof synthesis, and the genetic-evolutionary, the Sara – Pologregionformoreintensiveeconomic historical and the comparative method. development. Therefore in addition to its The research done led to the conclusion that theoreticalsignificance, this Paper acquiresthe this attractivemulti-ethnicarea is extremely rich dimension ofpractical benefit. withdifferent ethno dresses, songs, art, traditional music instruments and dances, customs, religious buildings and houses, are enriching the touristic 1. Ethno - social touristic motives in offer in Macedonia. the Shar – Polog region Key words: Traditional, Archeological, Macedonia. The ethno – social motives are magnificent group of anthropogenic Introduction motives, which are necessary for the development of the tourism. The Shar – Luxury at the past, tourism Polog region can be characterized as an hasbecomeanecessitytoday. As an integral ethno social heterogenic, because in this part of modern living, tourism is a area live different nationalities, which have complexandspecificsocio-economic and spatial made so different ethno motives in their phenomenon that penetrates into all spheres existing. As far as the representation of the ofourlife. ethno collectivities is bigger, the number of As a result oftheconditionsinwhich the ethno – social elements is emphatic, and modern man works and livestoday, the difference is evident and that kind of people’sneedforrest and recreationhas become treasure should be valorized and involve neofthemost import antneedsofmoderntimes. into the touristic offer. That necessity can be met with vacation In the Shar – Polog region live andleisuretravels at attractive areas which Macedonians, Albanians, Turks, Gipsy, represent the hearth of tourism. Serbians and other. Thanks to this kind of Тhe primary factorsfor tourism structure and it’s number of influence, the development on acertainarea are not only the rich ethno social complex is made, and the natural beauties, but an anthropogenic most magnificent place in the touristic offer motives as well. Macedonia’s richness is for the: traditional ethno dresses, 106 www.japmnt.com (JPMNT) Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, Vol. 1, No.3, 2013. traditional dance and songs, traditional society. This is very original way of music and instruments, traditional customs, interpretation of the folklore, or with other traditional art, houses and their interior and words of the traditional dances and songs, exterior. traditional instruments and dresses. The The traditional ethno dresses in organization of the festivals and the this region are specific with a huge folklore manifestation is the best way of colorize. On one side, they are beautiful, presentation the touristic valorization of the colorful and specific, and on the other side ethno – social objects and appearances. is their difference. Their difference is a The traditional dances and songs result of the different ethno collectivities are very important part of the folklore of that live in this area and the special area one nation that is made in a long period of spaces in the region. The most significant time, which are full of life and fantasy. In areas of this type are Dolni and Gorni this region, because of the existing of Polog, and Tetovo and Gostivar, as cities different ethno collectivities, there are a lot which traditional dresses have special of interesting and different dances and characteristics. songs. In Macedonia, the most specific The Macedonian ethno dresses are traditional dances are called lesnoto and colorful and they are very interesting and teskoto, which are done in groups and can magnificent for the development of the be found in every part of the country. touristic valorization. Women ethno dresses Especially interesting is teskoto but it needs are more beautiful than men. a lot of concentration to do it. All of the Unfortunately, the ethno dresses are dances are followed by interesting and well not in use anymore and you can see them made choreography, which should keep the rarely, which makes it necessary to start traditional way, without any new style or taking some measures for their existing and putting into it some modern elements. adequate presenting. Special places for the There are some songs and dances development of the tourism have the that only show the life in those times. From museums, which are good for presentation the number of songs, the most famous is of the traditional ethno dresses. For now, Prepuknala Sar Planina, which can be the only ethno graphical sector in this called an anthem of Sar Planina. region is the museum of Tetovo which has All the songs and dances that were archeological and sector of NOB. You can mentioned are followed by a traditional find here the Macedonian women and men music which is performed with a number of traditional ethno dresses, the Turkish men traditional instruments. The oldest and women traditional dresses, the women instruments from the region are called: traditional dresses from Celopek, Tenovo, zurli, goch and gajde, tambura and dalbuka, Radiovce, Miletino and Blace, and the dajre, shupelka(duduk) and kaval. Albanian traditional ethno dresses. As a The melody that comes from the touristic attraction, the best thing would be instrument kaval is very interesting and it’s to present the traditional dresses together called Egzij. It is the most eminent with the rest of the things that are made by expression of the economy in the past for the traditional genius in the houses of the Sar Planina – the sheep farming. villages and the city’s traditional The traditional customs are part of architecture which will assure authentically the way of living in the ethno – social parts ambient of a time that has pass but it’s in the Shar – Polog region and they are very always interesting for the people and their interesting. They keep the attention of the knowledge. tourists here because of their good A way of presentation of the organization, different manifestation and traditional ethno dresses and the other the folklore character. They also satisfy the segments of the folklore that is especially cultural and touristic needs of the person interesting is an attractive cultural – art which is an important touristic component. 107 www.japmnt.com (JPMNT) Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, International Vol. 1, No.3, 2013. In the Shar – Polog region, the celebrations enough for the touristic needs, but also that are made for a new born baby, or the should be kept the interior and exterior. weddings and some other manifestations, This is helped by the ethno values, the are very attractive and interesting motive clime and the fresh air. The tourism, on the that show the authentically folklore other hand would help for their elements. They are different in different revitalization. regions and ethnical collectivities. But, just like the other ethno – social 2. Cultural – historical touristic things, these manifestations are on the edge motives in the Shar – Polog region of disappearing, and that’s why there is a big need to be shown and presented, and a The cultural – historical motives are good example for that is the Galik wedding. such a permanent proof of the existing of This manifestation, actually this Shar – one nation and its cultures in different Polog wedding is about 15-20 days long. period of times. They all have different Between all these weddings, there are some meaning and value for the development of short intervals which are filled with the tourism. Although, the most important different things from the touristic motives. object is the one that is the oldest, which Except the cultural, this would have an means that as old as it gets its value grows. economical meaning also, and the most As a consequence of the important will be the forgotten folklore. geographical position,
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