Truck Parking Areas in Europe Zones de stationnement pour camions en Europe LKW-Parkplätze in Europa Эоны стоянки грузовых автомобилей в Европе International Road Transport Union, European Conference of Ministers of IRU Transport, ECMT 3, rue de Varembé 2/4, rue Louis David 2007 B.P. 44 F-75016 Paris CH-1211 Geneva 20 France 41 countries - nearly 2000 Parking Areas Switzerland Tel: +41-22-918 27 00 Tel: +33-1-45 24 97 10 Fax: +41-22-918 27 41 Fax: +33-1-45 24 97 42 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] T R U C K P A I N G E S 2 0 7 Web: www.iru.org Web: www.ecmt.org ©2007 IRU I-0041-1 (e,f,d,r) ZONES DE ÇÎÍÛ ÑÒÎßÍÊÈ TRUCK PARKING STATIONNEMENT LKW-PARKPLÄTZE ÃÐÓÇÎÂÛÕ AREAS IN EUROPE POUR CAMIONS EN IN EUROPA ÀÂÒÎÌÎÁÈËÅÉ Â EUROPE ÅÂÐÎÏÅ A European Conference Une publication de la Eine Veröffentlichung Ïóáëèêàöèÿ Åâðîïåéñêîé of Ministers of Conférence der Europäischen Êîíôåðåíöèè Ìèíèñòðîâ Transport Européenne des Verkehrsministerkonfe- Òðàíñïîðòà (ÅÊÌÒ), (ECMT) publication Ministres des renz (EVMK) in ïîäãîòîâëåííàÿ â in cooperation with Transports (CEMT) en Zusammenarbeit mit ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâå ñ the International collaboration avec der Internationalen Ìåæäóíàðîäíûì Ñîþçîì Road Transport Union l'Union Internationale Strassentransportunion Àâòîìîáèëüíîãî (IRU) des Transports Routiers (IRU) Òðàíñïîðòà (ÌÑÀÒ) (IRU) The ECMT and the IRU La CEMT et l'IRU se sont EVMK und IRU haben ÅÊÌÒ è ÌÑÀÒ ñäåëàëè have made their best to efforcé de réunir toutes sich bemüht, nützliche âñå âîçìîæíîå, äëÿ collect all valid informa- les informations pertinen- Informationen über LKW- òîãî ÷òîáû ñîáðàòü âñþ tion on Truck parking tes sur les Zones Parkplätze in Europa ïîëåçíóþ èíôîðìàöèþ areas in Europe. Due to de stationnement pour zusammenzustellen. î çîíàõ ñòîÿíêè constant changes regar- camions en Europe. Les Aufgrund ständiger ding coordinates of these coordonnées de ces Veränderungen im ãðóçîâûõ àâòîìîáèëåé parking areas, the ECMT zones étant sujettes à de Hinblick auf die Angaben â Åâðîïå.  ñâÿçè ñ òåì and the IRU decline all constantes modifications, zu diesen Parkplätzen ÷òî êîîðäèíàòû ýòèõ responsibility concerning la CEMT et l'IRU décli- lehnen EVMK und IRU çîí ñòîÿíêè ïîñòîÿííî any information con- nent toute responsabilité jegliche Verantwortung ìåíÿþòñÿ, ÅÊÌÒ è tained in this document. quant aux informations für die in dieser ÌÑÀÒ ñíèìàþò ñ ñåáÿ contenues dans le pré- Unterlage enthaltenen âñþ îòâåòñòâåííîñòü sent document. Informationen ab. çà èíôîðìàöèþ, ñîäåðæàùóþñÿ â ýòîì äîêóìåíòå. Copyright: ECMT/IRU Data collection concluded in December 2006 70123_p1_inter.qxd:30183_p1_inter.qxd 15.2.2007 13:00 Page 1 LEGEND / LÉGENDES / LEGEND / ÏÎßÑÍÅÍÈÅ ARMENIA AM Country/Town Telephone Electric connection Restaurant Operating company AUSTRIA A Pays / Ville Téléphone Prises électriques Restaurant Société exploitante BELARUS BY Land / Stadt Rufnummer Elektrische Restaurant Verantwortliches BELGIUM B Ñòðàíà/Ãîðîä Òåëåôîí Anschlüsse Ðåñòîðàí Unternehmen BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA BH Ýëeêòpè÷ecêaÿ ceòü Êoìïaíèÿ oïepaòop BULGARIA BG CROATIA HR CZECH REPUBLIC CZ DENMARK DK Parking Fax Video system Hotel/Bed Truck repair ESTONIA EST Parking Fax Système video Hotel/lits Réparation de camions FINLAND FIN Parkplatz Fax Videosystem Hotel/Betten LKW Reparaturen FRANCE F Ñòîÿíêà Ôàêñ Âèäåîñèñòÿìà Ãîñòèèèöà/ Peìoíò rpóçoâèêa FYROM MACEDONIA MK ñïàëüíûå ìåñòà GEORGIA GE GERMANY D GREAT BRITAIN-ENGLAND GB SCOTLAND GB WALES GB Address Tariff: hour/day Flood-lit Sanitaire facilities Address e-mail GREECE GR Adresse Tarif: heure/jour Illuminé Sanitaire Adresse électronique HUNGARY H Anschrift Tarif: Stunde/Tag Beleuchtet Sanitären Anlagen @ E-mail Adresse IRELAND IRL Àäðåñ Òapèô: Îñâåùåíà Ñàíóçåë Ýëeêòpoííaÿ ïo÷òa ITALY I ÷ac/äeíü KAZAKHSTAN KZK LATVIA LV LITHUANIA LT LUXEMBURG L MALTA MT Access 24h/24h guard Fuel Vehicle wash MOLDOVA MD Accès 24H/24H Gardé 24h/24h Station d’essence Lavage automatique NETHERLANDS NL KM Zufahrt 24 Std. bewacht Tankstelle Waschanlage POLAND PL Ïîäüåçä Êðóãëîñóòî÷íàÿ Çàïðàâî÷íàÿ Àâòîìàòè÷åñêàÿ PORTUGAL P îõðàíà ñòàíöèÿ ìîéêà ROMANIA RO RUSSIA RUS SLOVAKIA SK SLOVENIA SLO SPAIN E Guard Slots Truck with dangerous Responsible manager SWEDEN S goods Gardien Places Camions de marchan- Manager responsable SWITZERLAND CH Wächter Parkingstelle dises dangereuses Verantwortlich Manager TADJIKISTAN TJ Oxpaííèê ïaðêîâî÷íîå LKW mit Gefahrengut Óïpaâëÿþùèé Ãpyçoâèê c oïacíüIìí TURKEY TR ìåñòî ãpóçaìè Äèpekòop UKRAINE UA 70123_inter_07.qxd:30183_inter_03.qxd 20.2.2007 6:43 Page 2 SECURITY ADVICE EVERYDAY SECURITY PARKING SAFELY ■ Never leave keys hidden for collection by a relief driver. ■ Avoid leaving your trailer unattended in lay-bys. ■ Keep documentation about the load in a secure place. This can be used as authority for ■ Where possible, use prearranged secure parking areas for overnight stops. Do not use the title of the goods. insecure parking places as a routine practice. ■ Never leave valuables on view in your cab, whether these are loose equipment or your ■ Never leave the vehicle unattended in a secluded area or, at night, in an unlit area. Try to personal belongings. keep your vehicle in sight if you leave it unattended. ■ Look out for any security defects on your vehicle – faulty locks, bolts, straps, anti-theft devices etc. as part of your daily walk around check. Report any unserviceable security PLANNING AHEAD equipment at once. ■ If you make the same journey frequently consider whether the route/schedule can be va- SECURITY ON THE ROAD ried, if this is possible or permitted. ■ Remove ignition keys, lock the cab doors and the vehicle’s load space whenever it is left BE AWARE unattended – even when going to pay for fuel or when making a delivery. ■ Where possible avoid routine stops for cigarettes, newspapers, etc. by buying before- ■ Treat unsolicited offers of assistance from unknown persons with caution, and treat sig- hand. nals from other drivers that something is amiss with your vehicle with extreme caution. ■ Do not leave windows open when away from your vehicle. ■ Avoid talking about your load or your intended route in public or over the radio. Be care- ■ Lock all doors while sleeping in the cab. If possible back the vehicle up against a wall or ful when asking unknown people for advice on local off-road parking facilities. other secure barrier to prevent access to the rear doors, but remember the top and sides ■ Be vigilant and cautious when returning to a vehicle alone. If there are suspicious vehi- of the vehicle will remain vulnerable. cles nearby or persons in the immediate vicinity, note descriptions, registration numbers, ■ If anti-theft devices are fitted to your vehicle – use them. etc. ■ Do not carry unauthorised passengers in your vehicle. ■ After a driving break or other stop where the vehicle is left unattended, look out for signs ■ Where high value loads are carried, travel in convoy with other known and trusted of tampering with doors, straps or sheets. drivers if possible. Be on your guard for bogus officials – ask for identification. ■ In the event of a breakdown, consider the possibility of tampering or sabotage. Always take into consideration the security of the load if it is necessary to leave the vehicle. ■ In case of burglary in a vehicle, block fuel card immediately (organised crime has been PAYING FOR FUEL copying fuel cards). ■ Ensure that the volume of fuel you are signing for corresponds to that on the pump ■ Always report a crime to a police station, even if no item has gone missing. reading. ■ Keep your fuel card and PIN code separately. ■ If you use a fuel card, make sure that it remains in your sight throughout the transaction ■ Do not use the same PIN code for the entire company (advice to company managers). process. ■ Change the PIN codes on a very regular basis, especially if your company has had per- ■ If the fuel card is lost report it immediately. sonnel changes (advice to company managers). MAKING DELIVERIES WHEN ON INTERNATIONAL JOURNEYS ■ On arrival at your delivery destination, do not allow yourself to be persuaded to leave ■ Leave copies of all necessary personal documents and documents relating to the vehi- your vehicle in the charge of anyone else or to deliver to any other location unless cer- cle and load with the company. tain that such action is legitimate. ■ Keep in regular contact with base. ■ Make sure that the person receiving the goods has the authority to do so. MAKING COLLECTIONS ■ Make sure that the vehicle is correctly loaded. ■ Always check documentation against load description and quantity. ■ Report any irregularity in loading, locking, sealing or documentation. 70123_inter_07.qxd:30183_inter_03.qxd 20.2.2007 6:43 Page 3 CONSIGNES DE SÉCURITÉ SÉCURITÉ AU QUOTIDIEN STATIONNEMENT EN TOUTE SÉCURITÉ ■ Ne cachez jamais les clés pour qu'un chauffeur de relève les récupère. ■ Veillez à ne pas laisser votre remorque sans surveillance sur de petites aires de station- ■ Conservez les documents relatifs au chargement en lieu sûr. Ils peuvent être utilisés pour nement. revendiquer le titre des marchandises. ■ Dans la mesure du possible, effectuez vos arrêts de nuit sur des zones aménagées et ■ Ne laissez jamais d'objets de valeur en vue dans votre véhicule, qu'il s'agisse sûres. Ne prenez pas l'habitude de stationner dans des lieux dangereux. d'équipement amovible ou d'effets personnels. ■ Ne laissez jamais le véhicule sans surveillance dans une zone isolée ni, la nuit, dans un ■ Vérifiez tout défaut de sécurité sur votre véhicule – des problèmes de serrure, de secteur mal éclairé. Mettez votre véhicule bien en vue si vous devez le laisser sans sur- boulons, de courroies, de dispositifs antivol etc. dans le cadre de votre tournée quotidi- veillance. enne d'inspection. Tout problème au niveau de l'un quelconque des éléments de sécu- rité doit être signalé immédiatement. PLANIFIEZ SÉCURITÉ SUR LA ROUTE ■ Si vous faites le même trajet régulièrement, étudiez dans quelle mesure l'itinéraire/les horaires peuvent en être modifiés, et si ces changements sont envisageables ou ■ Enlevez les clés de contact et fermez à clé les portes du camion et la remorque chaque autorisés.
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