!!_Cover_JK_eng.qxd 05.09.2005 17:14 Page 3 WWF-RUSSIA 2004 !!_Cover_JK_eng.qxd 05.09.2005 17:14 Page 4 January May October On the initiative of WWF and other envi- WWF carried out expedition to the WWF's battle for the ratification of the ronmental organizations, the Commander Islands aimed at research Kyoto Protocol ended with success: the "Memorandum on joint actions to pre- and protection of marine biodiversity of the State Duma of the Russian Federation rat- serve ecosystems and to facilitate sus- Bering Sea. ified the global agreement on joint activi- tainable development in the regions of ties to prevent climate change. the Amur River Basin" received a "start in life". The Governor of Khabarovsk June Region, Viktor Ishaev, was the first WWF began the "Adopt a Bison" Project. November among regional heads to sign the mem- The project presents interested parties WWF-Russia's project to preserve the bio- orandum. with the opportunity to serve as a guardian logical diversity of the Barents Sea for a bison by financing its annual mainte- Ecoregion began. A branch office was nance and upkeep in a bison nursery. In opened in Murmansk. February 2004, all young bison born in the nursery The "Tiger" Special Inspectorate, which were "adopted" by human parents. is the only governmental sub-division December operating with support from WWF and With participation by WWF, a count of the other environmental organizations to pre- July Siberian tiger began in the Russian Far serve rare and endangered plant and ani- The Russian Programme office of WWF East. It showed how many tigers inhabit mal species, celebrated its ten-year celebrated ten years since its opening. It the Primorye Region and what future anniversary. also became a national organization. activities will be necessary to protect this beast of prey. March August Written, compiled, and edited by Julia Kalinicheva WWF together with other non-govern- WWF and the International Fund for Animal Editors: Katya Pal, Heather Clark mental organizations formulated and Welfare (IFAW) carried out independent Translated by: Melissa Moosa published "Environmental Standards for monitoring of the noise impact of oil and Design and Production: Victor Pal, Dmitry Kashichkin Operations of Oil and Gas Companies gas extraction on Sakhalin's grey whales. Printed by: Underwood Publishing House Acting in Russia". Research confirmed the need to quickly Circulation: 400 change the oil and gas projects. July 2005, WWF-Russia, Moscow, Russia Any reproduction in full or in part of this publica- April tion must mention WWF. September Use of photographs from this publication is pro- WWF presented the governments of the hibited without written permission of WWF Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk Regions, The area of pine forests in the Altai Russia. Russia's largest forest regions, a report on Region, which have been restored with © text 2005 WWF-Russia. All rights reserved. the turnover of timber of questionable ori- financial support from participants in gin and proposed possible means for This booklet was printed on paper produced at EN ISO 9001 and WWF's "Plant your forest for life" EN ISO 14001 certified factories using timber harvested from for- resolving the problem of illegal logging. Programme, exceeded 400 hectares. est plantations and from the wastes of timber processing enter- prises as well as using non-chlorine bleaching technologies. © WWF-Russia / Julia Kalinicheva Events in 2004 !!_Maket_JK.qxd 05.09.2005 17:12 Page 1 Dear Friends! We achieved much in the sphere of However, in 2004 as before, not a single In 2004 we made sig- nature conservation legislation. First was strict nature reserve (zapovednik) or nificant achieve- the decision to table the review of the national park was established on the ments, the result of new Forest Code. In case it had been federal level. The threat to the extremely much work in recent approved, recreation in the forests, such rich nature of the Sakhalin Island coast years. For example, as gathering mushrooms and berries or from oil development remains. At the end the Shell Oil hiking and camping, may no longer have of the year, a new danger appeared: the Company, the opera- been possible for average citizens. Russian state company Transneft put tor of the "Sakhalin-2" Furthermore, a much-debated law on the forward a plan to construct a pipeline © WWF-Russia Project, declared its monetization of benefits, which was from Siberia to the coast of the Pacific readiness to examine a change in the adopted in August 2004, also contained Ocean. For reasons that remain unclear, route of an underwater pipeline on the dangerous changes in environmental the company proposed routing the Sakhalin Island shelf, which will offer the laws. Together with other environmen- pipeline not to one of the existing ports opportunity to preserve gray whales. talists, we proved to be more successful (such as DeKastri in Khabarovsk This is the result of an almost five-year- than opponents to monetization, and Region, Nakhodka in Primorsky Region, long dialog, during the course of which these changes were overturned by New and others), but to an untouched protect- the company persistently refused to Year's. ed zone in southern Primorye, where the make any changes to the project. The birth of seven calves to the herd of last 30 Far Eastern leopards live and As a result of the administrative reforms free-range bison established on the bor- which is located directly across from carried out by President Vladimir Putin, a der of the Orlov and Bryansk Regions Russia's only marine zapovednik. state service for control in the sphere of was a great joy for us. This project is now the environment was re-established. financed only by funds we gathered in The victories that we have achieved are WWF, together with other non-govern- Russia, including through the new the victories of our members – the indi- mental organizations, had been working "Adopt a Bison" Programme. viduals and companies that supported toward this for four years. In 2000, two For our staff, the year's most important us with their contributions. We are and a half million Russians signed their event was our transition from a WWF achieving much, but our society is still names to a petition advocating this deci- programme office to a Russian public faced with more nature conservation sion. Of course, arranging the service's organization. This is an acknowledge- challenges. This is why your support is work will take some time, but the impor- ment of our accomplishments and our so important to us. After all, it is only tant thing is that the government under- credibility, and it is also a great responsi- together that we will be able to make our stood that combining control over nature bility. Now WWF-Russia is managed by lives better. Join us! protection and the use of natural a Trustee's Board, which works on a vol- resources is intolerable and that high untary basis and is comprised of Sincerely yours, environmental standards will help facili- Russian scientists, journalists, and busi- Igor Chestin tate the country's development. nessmen. Director WWF-Russia © WWF-Russia / Evgeny Savenko !!_Maket_JK.qxd 05.09.2005 17:12 Page 2 How does WWF work? WWF, the global conservation organization, is one of the WWF experts have identified the Earth's largest international non-governmental organizations. Its histo- priority ecological regions, the so-called ry dates back more than 40 years, and today millions of people Global 200, which contain the richest from the far corners of the planet recognize WWF's famous diversity of living species. If we can pre- serve nature in these ecoregions, we will logo, the panda. be able to save more than 95% of the planet's existing biodiversity. WWF con- centrates its efforts and funding in these regions. Tropical and taiga forests, wet- lands, deserts, mountains, and coral reefs can encompass vast areas, and their protection requires united efforts by people from many countries. WWF's projects are carried out in six basic directions: Forests Conservation Programme, Global Marine Programme, Climate Change Programme, Freshwater ecosystem conservation, Global Species Programme, and WWF Toxics Programme. In addition, in © WWF-Canon / Gustavo YBARRA © WWF-Canon / Gustavo Russia WWF pays close attention to the WWF is convinced that the growing © WWF-Canon / Isaac VEGA work of the oil and gas industry and the degradation of our natural environment creation and support of strict nature can be stopped only through the joint reserves (zapovedniks), national parks, efforts of all people. For WWF spe- and other protected nature areas. cialists, nature conservation is more than just a job, it's a calling. We have faith in success and step forward on WWF behalf of all those who support us: Date Established............................................................September 11, 1961 nearly five million individuals and hun- Annual number of projects ..............about 2,000 in more than 100 countries dreds of companies that trust our pro- Annual budget .......................................................close to U.S. $470 million fessionalism and are helping us to pro- Number of national WWF organizations in different countries...................30 tect nature in more than 100 countries Number of members ..................................................approximately 5 million worldwide. © WWF-Canon / Juan PRATGINESTOS WHAT IS WWF? WHAT 2 !!_Maket_JK.qxd 05.09.2005 17:13 Page 3 WWF in Russia WHAT IS WWF? In 2004 WWF celebrated 10 years of working in Russia and the establishment of a Board of Nikita Glazovsky Chairman of the Board Russian national organization. In the course of its work in Russia, WWF has imple- WWF-Russia of WWF-Russia, Member-correspon- mented more than 150 projects in 47 regions of our country. Standing behind these The Board of WWF- dent of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Director of the numbers is the strong commitment of many people who are endlessly devoted to Russia is comprised of Institute of Geography, within the their work.
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