'?urpeelsrur esrm:eq1oro en8e,req ol reedduleql suorlcellocplo ruo{ setlllecoleuos Surprp8arsrppue suort.ollo. luoca.Ituo4 elep eq1Sunurodrocur 'pepr,rord osp erc sduruuoqnqrJlsrp A\eN snl€ls uorlul.resuoc 'l€trqPq 'uorsr,\eJ pue eruq Suue,\\ou s€ qcns eql ur pare,\oclou seeJ€ol pu€ s1[ur1cueue8 pe:elp eq1 o1 3uqe1u elap,r,reuo1 ,{1uuu pelculser sr €xe1paqrrcsap ,4ysnor,rerd eq1 :oy eJaquelr8 uorlerutoJur eq1 reded srql ur pel€r1snllrpue peqrJcsepsr qcrq,r'sercedso aisp)tlaN L\eu euo rol ldecxe serceds eql IIB Jo suorleJlsnlppue suoqducseppelrcgep sepnord oqu uorsrl3l cnuouoxul s,Jrunhl (g16l) Jrunr{ ur Ir€lap ur petueseJdsr equl eqt ;o srequteruyp go ,(Jotsrqarll pu€lsueen| ol tseeerlur1snv 'eueptsdos,{q4 urelseTyyuro4 Surpuetxelspl eql pulr €rtur1snvuJelse,r-qlnos ol cruapuo o^\t tsJrJeqt eqrrl o1 Sur8uoleq €Jeue8 pet€lsJ flesolc ere DnaJSDo$aNpuB s{.q)otsouqJq7 'slsdos,tqd 'slsdosKl.ldot ollalso)MaN uJot! satcedsea;q1 Suure;sue4 fq setpuroue eseql sessupperaded srql Jaqlou€euo ol rJe'4lsarceds .or1a1socuap, snoleul-S eql Jo euo lseelte ol pet"lel ,{1eso1ceroru aq o1peJ€edd€ r{loq pue srsdos(r74ur pepnlcurueeq puq 'sta,rog snoreru-y,{puatsrsuoc 'serceds qll.4dqloq o,rl f,1ug o4atsocua6lJo (edfl oqt Surpnlcur)sJeqluelx leqto rxojl sjelcuruqJ 'sJe/$ou leJe^esur peJeJJrpta,{ snoreul-g,{lpnsn lraq}tdecxesJalc€.rDqc IIE ur ,slsdo,sqdqaleru ot punoJ plpJSD)$aNtrt 'aptsoJa\aN eJe/ pepnlcur,{lpuourpeJlsercads,reJ V pur s(l.lJolsouq)D1u pepr.Iaur se4tlua cgrcadsur;ureqt osp puu srsdostq4 snue8eql ,1ouoUetlullep eqt qtmr sureyqordpepe,rer eeecuqlueolq3,(pue; aql ur .{luoud uoq"^:esuocyo sguuyduerp4sny u:e1se.,1;o,{a,\lns luarat V uollrnpoJlul 'pequcsepsr e,(g rzatnzDoasotDqatsDJMaN serJsds ,lrou 'ue^r8 'snt?ls 'uorlnqutsrp 'ereue8 eqt pue oslBsr uorp^resuoc pue euq Surra,troglstrqeq Surpnlcur eerqt oseqtJo qceeJo sraqlueu u€rTpISnVuJelsel\ eql uo uorlBruJoJul stsdosKqdpue DnaJSDJAaN 'strlcDJsouq)al ol SurSuoleqserceds eql pue eueprsdos,{q4eqyl Jo €Jeue8eql rog popr,rord aru ',s?sda.r,ty'd, s^at e^IJ ol snuo8Je e[ eql ur sercedsJo ]equrnu plol eql Aufuuq ot DlptsDrKaN r.uo4 perIeJSu€IerEsercedseerq;'(966DLO\-6L:(I)IIusfnN EIIErtsnVurelseld ur (e€eceqlueolqC) 'strlJotsouqcoj .-I.g ,o^U stsdostqd puB DlpisDc^raN ereue8 eql Jo ,rer^eJ Jrrrrouoxet V lJeJlsqv €869frle.lsnv ur4saA'a.qualfto IeC,{aFueg'tOI 3!g parlco-l lueuregpuey{pue,I pue uorlEdesuo:lJo luau4redeq trnrrpqaH uerlBtsnv ualse/A e^u 'I g ellBrlsny uralse^l u! (oBo)BqlueolqJ) s?sdostrqd 'sttlcolsouqcaT pue Dlla$m aN EJeueSaql Jo Aa.rAeJJlruouoxsl v (966r)a0l-6a:(l) lr xrsl{nN 80 NuytsiaVol.I l. No. I (1996) Materials and methods Apart from a few specimensborrowed from DNA and type specimensseen at MEL, all matedal examined in this study is housed at PERTH. A few recently collected specimensare cited to supplementthe specimenscited previously by Munir (1978); all of them are representedat PERTH and many of them have duplicatesat other herbaria. 'spike' For simplicity, the term is usedthroughout for the spike like inflorescencesfound in the three genera,but is not strictly correctas the cymesand flowers aresubsessile or shortly stalkedrather than sessile. The botanicalprovinces cited for WesternAustralia follow Beard (1980). Each symbol used on the geographicaldistributions indicates the presenceof the speciesin an area measuring 0.25 degreelatitude by 0.25 degreelongitude. Conservationcodes are thoseadopted by the Western Australian Department of Conservationand Land Managementfor its GazettedRare and Priority Flora List; they are defined at the end of this Nuytsia issue. Taxonomic treatment Table 1 comparesthe geographicaldistributions and morphological charactedsticsof the five generacurently recognizedin tribe Physopsideae.It should be noted that genedc and infrageneric boundariesin the Dicrastylis Mallophora group need further investigation,but that is beyond the scope of this paper. Key to genera of tribe Physopsideae 1. Style with dendritic hairs on basal part, the hairs 0.3-0.7 mm long; upper part of style divided into 2 branchesor distinctly 2Jobed (in Mallophora rugosfolia Munir, the lobes are sometimesonly c. 0.2 mm long). Calyx tube much to slightly shorter than, or rarely equalling, the calyx lobes 2. Flowers alf or mosdy 5-merousor (in Dicrastltlis archeri Munir and D. capitelLataMunir) with the calyx mostly 5lobed but corolla lobes and stamensmostly 4. Style hairy on more than half of the undivided portion and sometimeson the branchesas well; branchesusually about as long as undivided portion but sometimesalmost reachingbase of style or as little as 1/4 lengthof sty1e.................. Dicrastylis 2. Flowers all or mostly 4-merous. Style hairy only on the basal half of the undivided portion; branchesor lobes short, less than 1/3 the length of thestyle............. .....Mallophora 1. Style glabrous throughout or with simple or 2-branchedhairs on basal half, the hairs up to 0.3 mm longi apex notchedor 2 lobed. Calyx tube greatly to slightly exceeding,or rarely equalling, the calyx lobes 3. Upper leaf surfaceslightly to distinctly rugose,becoming glabrous. Corolla yellow or white; lobes 4 or 5, broadly obtuse,either with prominent reticulate yeinsor thickenedand with no veinsvisib1e........... Physopsis 'I eLqPlpue ,{J{ Jqt ur pJlEJrpursE 'aqr4 eq1ur ereua8reqlo uJo4 siqJrlsouqrp1 qsrn8urtsrpsratce:uqc luuorlpps lure,reg eeprsdos,{q4 aqr.r1ur enbrun eJD slalrull?qc o,rl eseql peapur :IJE^o oJuBu pelleJ-Z str puu seqol €lloroc 'elrl€leJ tuesquot peonpsJ,{lerrsr Lq'otTatspcuaN lsesolcs1r urorl peqsrn8uqsrps s{qJotsouq)oI (1 a:n3rg) acur^ord lucruttog ueouursrg3qt otur FpqBIIsSurpualxa pue euozrelul uJelse,r-r0nospu€ ecur,\oJdlecrrclog lse,r-qlnos eql ul'eluelDl qlr,l^pelercosse ueuo 'slros 'BrlBJlsrlv ,4puesuo ,{yr.rrurrrdSuurnaJo uJalse,r-qlnosur cruJapueserceds xrs 3.osnua8 y .x,{[uc 'pepees-Z ',(rp luelsrsredeq1 ur pesolcue ,{leJurJo -l luecsltlopur rlnrg peqclou xede :esBqauraJtxe 'JIeq eql13 srrtrl cruJpuapqlr.r osP serunelxos IesEquo srrcqpaqcuurq-7 xldeap ro eldurrslE1npuu13 -uou 'pegesxa 'flunlrru qtlr Jo snoJq€13 ,{peer8ai,Ost llec qcveur saln,roT qlr,,n lu pelyac-TSunuoceq 'peUesxe-8uol'aqu fuoto eseqpepuudxe uu r0r,r JepuelstueluElrJ :snoJqEIS eql Io uoq?nuquoc 'sqnl e uroJ ot Sulreeddepue (tuese:d ueq,$) seqol ulloroc eql qlr.,nSuuuuretp IEJoUJo trtuuns aql 1Bpauesul suawojs elqtst^,{Fea1tsura,r IEretBI ,\leJ e ,{1pnsnpue luaurruordure^pru eqt qlr^\ 'peJntxet-uqt 'snorqelS'ot€cun4 tsorul€ ot etnc€ 'reln8ueul ,{l,rolpqs ro e1ea.o-pesserdep'sueruetrs 'pnba 'pecnper puEeqnlelloJo3 u€q1:elroqs qcnur Sueserdueq,n ,{re^.ro lu€sq" s€qol:eprstno snoJqelS 'e1d:nd deep o'! e^neut ollolo1 eqnl u€qt re oqs soqol :eprsursnoJq€18 'eptslno Xrreq-cqrrpuap 'seqol 'snoJeur ,{lesuepr{lr, sueruutspup (tuesaldJr) saqol elloroc xftuc Jo slequrnulenbe qtr,r -(ZI)01-g(t) s.raaroJgs:rcd elrssncep-elrsoddour 'pere,,nog-g,{lpnsn seur,{c:(,{tuntEur t€ seru^3Jo srrcd luacefpe use^\teq sopouJaturpoqs suq ,{1ensn ytryt 'ottloqoua sKqcDlsouqJajur ldecxe) esuep SururprueJ'pnqur esuep se)rds :slelqauBrq,{;ua1 Suqeurrurel se{ds e1d41muro,{ru111os ur 'peanpeJ pe8uerreserufc elrsseslsorulE Jo aJuaJsatorful e€llnq aql ue€A\leqluelsrsJad lnq sl[rJruns eDfinqeql uro{ peqsseurqeuos sJrpq eq]'eEIInq eqt eprque+o qJrq,r'sIEq JIr.rpuJplElnpuElS uou 'elallnq qtl$ pere^oc ,{1deepo1 ,{I,,no1pqs acuJrns leddn :sJrpqcrtrJpuep JElnpu€I8-uou 3:o urnlueurnpur lualstsredasuep e qllt ec€JrnsJs,rol :oJrlue'lua.uncap seurrler.uos 'elrsses 'elessncep elrsoddo sa,ruaT 'sJIEqcltlJpuep relnpuu13-uou;oumluer.rJnpur esusp ,{lo^ u qlr^\ 'pelSuu-t puu pa8prr-7 3ur:vedde (luerncep sa^BelJr) Jo e)eretswa$ Saro; Sutpuerdsrc )xeJe'sqnlqs pezrstunrpelll lo IIETUS 'I.ooH DaulSulalsklcDlsouqcwl :adt1 GIV'VIl u :ItgI) ro{ooH 'IooH s,{qJBlsouqJB'I s,{qrelsouqrel 11ecred 'AtlJnt€lu. " seln^o z qlr,r le pellec-z AJp^o l! Jo uoqpnuDuocB tuJoJ ol Suueeddepu€ aqnt IloU Jo lruruns te Sursuesueurets (ZI)0I-9(i) qtl^\'seqol p€orq uoqs psJnpeJ^Je^ qtr,r ro seqol SuDIculEIIoJoJ t ',{trJntEur EIIa|SBJ^{aN IIec Jedaln^o I qlr,r l€ uogjoqe fqje,re; Suruoraq slle, qlr,ldro pellec-t.{r€^O uorsrulordpcrdr uu olul pe,roJJeuJo lnoq8norql /!\orrpuJeqlre seqol :sueuretseql qtl,r SurtEuJellEseqol g-g(t) qtr,{\EIIoroJ t eprs qcpeuo elqrsr^ ,{puep suro^ pra1ulgo eldnoc u os1e,{lpnsn puu snor^qo ure^pr.rJeql qlr,& 'perntxel-urql 'uotsnrlord pcrde ,p?cnpal ,rorruu B tpr,r ro lnoq8no:ql ^rorrJBuJeqlr€ ueql pedolo^?pFIInJ Jr fre^ Io 8-S(t) reqtre seqol:elq,r Io enlq'aldrnd u11oro3 eEIInqaqt uee,tr.leq peurelal srrEqqtl,$ lnq e€ltnq erlt Jo slrurumseqt uo snorqBlS3uruocaq ro srrrq JrlrJpuepur pa:e,nocflesuep 'et€llnq {ldesp ot ,{1,tro1pqsecelrns pe1 :eddn g s1!do s ttt d puti o tpl sn MDN's {rpDt souI 2L1' etd 1 I 82 Nuyrsiavol. I I, No. I (1996) Table 1 Comparison of the geographicaldistribution and morphologicalcharacteristics of the five genera of tribe Physopsideae. Mallophora Dicrastylis Physopsis Newcastelia ltchnostachys Distribution main area south-west south-west south-west arid zone south-west & arid zone Leaves upper surface bullate rugoseto smoothto bullate bullate bullate rugose glandular absent usually usually absent absent dendritichairs absent present Flowers no. ofparts 4(5) 4,s(6) t\ (4)5-8 (4)s-10(12) Calyx tube length < lobes S lobes > lobes > lobes > lobes Corolla colour white white or yellow or puryle,blue purple coloured white or white lobes obvious obvious obvious obvious absentor inconspicuous lobesapex obtuse obtuseor broadly attenuate to acute to subacute obtuse caudate truncate lobesmidvein+ not rarely not prominent prominent prominent prominent Style exsertion exserted exserted included included or exserted exserted indumentum denddtic dendritic absentor absent absent,simple simple or 2-branched apex distinctly branched distinctly notched or notched lobedor lobed slightly branched lobed Mature ovary ovules/cell I * Themidvein is termed 'prominent' when it ismore obvious orextending much further than the lateral veins and 'not prominent' whenthere is a Drominentreticulato Dattem ofboth tvDesofveins or whenthe veins are not visible. 0I6I eroJequro{ 6tcpq3rq^\}o Ip'spro.ar lnJ}qnop olucpul ol pesnerE sloqu^s uedo '7 '1 L'ltolrsDqra^ n^ DltoJi^Dqnr pue f owlnrtuod ru^DllotrDqla^ 7 - q:Dat!3tura{ J'.
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