Mineral Index achtenskite 138 caswellsilverite 34 actinolite 205, 213 cathierite 313 albite 79, 86, 256, 407, 432 celadonite-nontronite 130 alexandri te 519 cerussi te 409 amazonite 193 chalcophanite 207 ambligonite-montebrasite 346 chalcopyrite 403, 404 amethyst 467 chlorites 30, 98, 115, 124, 125, 129 amphiboles 13, 14, 30, 79, 204, 211, 346 chrysoberyl 160,428 analcime 131 cinnabar 512, 518 anatase 118 clay minerals 93, 139, 213, 505 andalusite 10, 428 c1inohumite 16 anhydrite 195 c1inojimthomsonite 211~212 anorthite 133, 135, 206, 256, 378~379, 432 clinoptilolite 9 antophyllite 204, 212, 213 coesite 307, 424, 480 apatite 33, 141, 196,221,233,512 coronadite 102, 206 aragonite 409 corrensite 125, 131 arsenopyrite 403, 512 corundum 118, 353, 364, 433, 512, 517, asbolane-buserite 139 526,527 astrophyllite 116, 117 cristobalite 136, 206, 300, 302, 307, 480 cronstedtite 333 baddeleyite 261 cryolite 325 barite 187, 195 cryptomelane 102, 207 bayerite 121 cylindrite 125, 216 beriinite 385,512,515,516 berthierite 129 danburite 324 bertrandite 428 davidite 9 beryl 9, 221, 227, 228, 232, 428, 515 diamond 10, 116, 174, 221, 232, 364~365, birnessite 207 432, 434, 482, 500, 512, 521~526 boehmite 322 diaspore 102, 322 borates 29, 57, 110, 159, 325 digenite 93 brezianite 34 diopside 8, 33, 82, 86, 89, 432 bromellite 428 brucite 96, 322 euclase 428 eucriptite 400~401 calcite 187, 195,235,409,425,432,512 calomel 518 fayalite 136, 354, 397 cancrinite 195 feldspars 8, 30, 79, 185, 189, 192~ 194, 206, cannizzarite 100, 216 261, 367, 399, 496, 500, 505 carbon polymorphs 117 ferrosilite 136, 137 carbonates 29, 30, 124, 139, 195, 231, 325, fluorite 72, 160, 196, 209, 210, 233, 364, 505 432, 512, 517~519 carisbergite 34 frankeite 100, 216 carnegieite 399 cassiterite 102, 425 gadolinite 143 542 Mineral Index galena 403,404,488, 512 mackinawite 99 garnets 14, 89, 355, 427, 512, 516 maghemite 202,438,441,450,467, 501 gibbsite 110, 121 magnesiowiistite 170, 203, 393 glauconite 131,407 magnesite 409 goethite 102, 203, 507 magnetite 136, 202, 203, 261, 333, 397, graphite 10, 124, 432 437, 450, 457, 461, 467, 501 greenalite 139 manasseite 96 greigite 136 mandarinoite 343-344 groutite 102 manjiroite 102, 207 marcasite 313 halides 78, 195,409 metahalloysite 139 heideite 34 micas 30, 79, 107, 112, 113, 121, 212, 346, hematite 75, 136, 202, 438, 442-444, 450, 496, 505 457, 467, 501, 512 microlite 144-145 hilgardite 110 minessotaite 139 histidine 97 molybdenite 8, 13, 111, 121,312,403,404, hollandite 93, 102-105, 206, 207, 266, 399 512 hornblende 204, 407 montmorillonite 407 humite 115, 214 montroseite 102 hydrotalcite 96, 97 mordenite 9 hydroxides 29, 95, 124, 322 mullite 93, 208, 209 hysingerite 139 muscovite 205, 432 illite 131,206 natrolite 66-68 illite-smectite 125, 128, 131, 139 nepheline 13, 93, 256, 496, 500 ilmenite 16, 355, 427, 438, 450, 467, 512 neptunite 143 ilvaite 136, 137, 333 niningerite 34 inkaite 100 norbergite 161 nordstrandite 110 jarosite 340 nsutite 104, 139 jimthomsonite 211-212 oldhamite 34 kamacite-taenite 33 olivines 13, 30, 32, 89, 115, 143, 161, 170, kaolinite 107, 121, 124, 303, 407 171, 173,214,354,366,385,392,407 kaolinite-smectite 125, 130 olivine-spinel 89, 354, 425-427 karelianite 75 opal 407 keatite 480 orthoclase 256,407,432 kentrolite 151 osbornite 34 kimrite 93 otavite 409 koeninite 98, 99 kosmochlor 34 palygorskite 101, 115, 116 krennerite 381 paratellurite 102, 512, 518 kupletskite 9 pentIandite 465 kyanite 428 periclase 353, 423, 512 perovskite 71, 83, 122, 161, 170, 209, 215, laihunite 333 266,355,393,399,427,512 langbanite 151,401 phenacite 195 laueite 150 phosphates 29, 30 laumontite 131 phyllomanganates 207 lawrensite 34 phyllosilicates 112, 113, 132 lazurite 195 picroilmenite 455 lechatelierite 480 pinnolite 324 leucite 136 plagioclase 32, 33, 93 leucophoenicite 115 plattnerite 102 lilliani te 14 potosite 100 limonite 138 priderite 102, 207 lizardite 303, 305 protoenstatite 118 lonsdaleite 116 proustite 93, 512, 518, 520 Mineral Index 543 pseudowollastonite 118 spodumene 221, 229, 230, 232, 503, 512 pumpellyite 118 stanosulite 121, 512, 515 pyrargirite 520 steenstrupine 2 pyrite 13,313-315,367,403-405,512 stilpnomelane 116 pyroaurite 96 stishovite 73, 102, 424 pyrochlore 121, 399 stringhamite 342, 343 pyrolusite 102, 105 sulfates 29, 30, 159, 195, 324, 505 pyrope 432 sulfides 29, 78, 95, 136, 156,406 pyrophyllite 112, 205, 303, 433 sulfosalts 14, 29, 159, 215, 216 pyrosmalite 116, 117 sulvanite 516 pyroxenes 14, 30, 32, 79, 83, 89, 118, 119, s ursassi te 118 158, 159, 170, 204, 211, 261, 355, 367, sylvanite 380 368, 385, 399 synchisite-bastnaesite 382 pyroxmangite 86 pyrrhotite 13, 93, 173, 201, 202, 383, 444, talc 112, 205, 303 447, 457, 465, 467, 512 tantalite-columbite 501 tellurides 29, 78 quartz 79,93, 133, 135, 189-192,221, tetrahedrite 316-318 228-230, 232, 233, 261, 297, 302, 307, titanite 135, 143, 382 364,367,375,381-388,407,424,428, titanomaghemite 203,441 432,433,480,496,505,512,515,517, titanomagnetite 438,449, 457, 461 520, 526, 527 tobelite 340 tochilinite 98, 99, 105, 125, 139 topaz 221, 226, 227, 232 ramsdellite 102, 103 tosudite 125 rectorite 125 tourmaline 195, 515 rhodochrosite 409 tridimite 13,93, 206, 262, 480 rhomboclase 340 troilite 33 romanechite 102, 103, 104 tysonite 399 ruby 519, 527 rutile 86, 102, 103, 118, 174, 214, 215, 261, ulvospinel 438, 450, 461, 465, 467 424, 425, 512 uraninite 209-210 samarskite 9 vaesite 313 sanidine 234, 369 valleriite 98, 99, 139 sapphire 517, 527 vermiculite 207 sapphirine 119, 121,434 vernadite 138 scapolite 195 scheelite 195,500,502,503,512,520 warwickite 151 shortite 496, 520 wermlandite 97, 98 selenides 29, 78 willemite 520 sellaite 517 witherite 407, 409 sepiolite 101 wohlerite 151 serpentine 30, 97, 107, 115 wollastonite 118 silica polymorphs 206 wonesite 205 silicates 29,30, 71, 78, 95, 124, 157,307, wiistite 203, 204, 206, 512 308,406 wurtzite 111, 379 silicon carbide 106, 119, 120 sillenite 512 zeolites 9, 71, 101, 121, 207, 208, 512, sinoite 34 528-538 sjogrenite 96 zirkelite 121 smectites 124, 139, 206, 207 zircon 33, 141-143, 194 sodalite 195,407,512,520 zirconolite 121, 141, 266 sphalerite 14, 15, 111, 380, 512 zoisite 118, 119 spinel 13,32,202,353,397,512,517 zussmanite 116 Subject Index actinides in silicate glasses oxyanions 322-324 Np-237 M6ssbauer spectroscopy 267 semi-empirical methods 287-288 neptunyl groups 268 silicates 297 Pu4 + 268 sulfides 310 tetrahedrite structure 316-318 band structure classification crystobalite 300 combinatorial 153 pyrite series 315 concept of structural units 161 silicates 302-304 counting theory 164-166 single-layer Iizardite 305 hierarchy 148-153 biominerals 437 multivariate methods 18 biopyriboles 14, 115, 139, 211-213 natural and artificial 153 bond lengths classification of inorganic structures computer program 59 160-163 electrostatic valence rule 58 structure types 160 in borates 57 structure units 161 in silicates 59 classification of minerals relation to bond strength 58 chemical compounds 156 bond strength 57, 58 crystal-chemical 2, 42, 148, 149, 154 by-product elements 12 oxides 156 in complex ores 12 polymerization of coordination multicomponent minerals 12 polyhedra 164 principal criteria 154-155 charge transfer pyroxenes 158 Fe3 +-Fe2 + 332-334,337 silicon-oxygen radicals 157 chemical bond calculations structural 160,162-163 in molecules 290 cluster analysis 19, 20-22, 24, 25 in solids 293 classification of minerals 153 chemical bonding dendrograms 20 band structure in silicates 300, 302 fuzzy set theory 25 dichalcogenides 312-314 comparative crystal chemistry 76 electron density 301-302 analogy of variation of volume 84 halides 325-326 isostructural surfaces for (Mg,Fe)O 84 Hartree-Fock formalism 272-287 similarity of deformations 85, 86 hydrogen bonding 340 composition of the Earth's crust 6 hydroxide minerals 322 computer programs marcasite-pyrite structures 313-315 bond lengths in silicates 59 methods for molecules 290 calculation of structural formulae 17 methods for solids 293-294 image simulation for point defects 174 modelling structure and properties modelling glass structure 254 307-308 ORTEP, STRUPLO, XTAL, ATOMS molecular orbital theory 298-300, 306 67-69 molybdenite and tungstenite 312 semi-automatic production of structural oxide minerals 320-321 drawings 67 546 Subject Index computer programs (Contd.) dielectric constants 406 SIMPLEX, PLUTO, ELEN, LEMINPI galena, molybdenite 403-404 70-72 Hall effect 402 simulation of crystal structures 69-71, microwave dielectric constants 406, 409 356 pyrite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite 403 WMIN, METAPOCS, PARAPOCS thermo-EMF 403 70-72 electron density XRD data processing 41 chemical bonding in silicates 301-302 counting theory 153, 164-166 deformation of electron density 72 crystal structure analysis fluorite 72 general results 38, 42-48 high-pressure M2Si04 74-75 purposes 147-148 mapping by Fourier series 72 technical developments 38-42 quantum chemical calculation 72 crystal structure representation stishovite 72 computer programs 67 electron diffraction coordination polyhedra 64 oblique-texture 114 natrolite structure 68 selected area 114 semi-automatic production 67 electron-hole centers 43, 180-196 sphere models 64 amazonite 193 topology and geometry 64, 66 carbonates 195 visualizing 64 EPR spectra 183-188 feldspars 192-194 data banks 41, 152 fluorite 196 powder XRD 41 molecular orbitals 186 reflectance spectra 491 quartz 189-192 diadochy and solid solutions 44 radicals in crystals 182 -183 dislocations 43, 22i, 227-228, 372 systematics
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