ARTE Y CULTIJRA: ESPEJO DE lA INQUlETIJD ART AND CULTIJRE: TIiE MIRROR OF RESILESSNESS ALANWFSf We'" re in Business designing your ALANWFSf communication needs Somos malos traductores. We are lousy translators. Nos levantamos con Silvio Rodriguez, almorzamos con We wake up with Silvio Rodriguez, lunch with Pink Pink Floyd yen la noche bailamos con Celia Cruz 0 440. Floyd and at night we go off dancing to Celia Cruz or 440. Disfrutamos de las torpezas agudas de Columbo y We delight in the clumsy perspicacity of Columbo and estamos adictos a Walter Mercado. Tomamos clam we're addicted to Walter Mercado. We drink clam chowderyBudweiser, pero seguido porchicharrones de chowder and Budweiser, followed by chicbarrones de polIo y flan de coco. Caemos en ciudades donde hay pollo and coconut flan. We stumble on cities where nieve pero sofiamos con un pedacito de playa y sol. EI there's snow but we dream with a sliver of beach and espanol se nos escapa y el ingles es mas diffcil de sun light. Our Spanish is starting to eludes us 'and masticar que un cubo de goma. Uevamos un pais en las English is harder to chew than a rub ber Rubik ' s cube. In venas y en nuestras peregrinaciones vamos constru­ our veins we bring with us one 'country and in our yendo un pais imaginario que tal vez nuestros hijos wanderings we build an imaginary one that maybe our habitaran. children will inhabit. o quizas somos los traductores mas habiles del mundo Or maybe we are the best translators in the world porque 10 hacemos todo el tiempo, con la cara al abismo, because we do it all the time, braced right over the edge, con 0 sin papeles. Dicen que algo siempre se pierde en documented or undocumented. They say something's la traduccion yes cierto pero tambien algo se gana: una always lost in the translation and it's true but there's amplitud expresiva, una pluralidad de vision, un nivel something gained as well: a wider expressiveness, a de comprension que siempre sera antidoto a la estre­ plurality of vision, a level of comprehension which will chez y la ignorancia. always be an antidote to narrowness and ignorance. No se trata de asimilacion versus defensa de unos It's not a question of assimilation versus the defense of valores y una herencia intachable y pura. Es mas bien un a heritage and values that are unquestionable and pure. transito entre cu1turas, lenguas, economfas y ese transito It's more a coming and going between cultures, lan­ es un movimiento que, poco a poco, va roendo los pol os, guages, economies and this movement across slowly los debilita y luego los transfonna. Lo que queda, gnaws away at the polarities, it weakens and then trans­ entonces, es una apetencia que rebota entre la tradicion forms them. What is left, is a longing, a craving that y la innovacion. La tradici6n no es una bola de hierro, rebounds between tradition and innovation. Tradition is su raiz significa que es algo que pasa de generacion en not an impenneable ball of steel, its root means that generacion y eso en SI implica que se trabaja, se pone a something is passed on from generation to generation funcionar en el presente. Y 10 nuevo, 10 innovador no and that in itself implies that it's worked upon, it's quiere decir olvido 0 rechazo al pasado 0 a la tradici6n being put to work on the present. And the new, the sino su interpretaci6n e incorporacion a nuevas reali­ innovative, doesn't rejecting or forgetting the past but dades e ideas. Y todo esto hay que hacerlo con arte. instead its reinterpretation or incorporation into new ideas or realities. And all this has to be done artfully. Arte: virtud, destreza, agudeza para e1aborar algo material ylo inmaterial. Dar forma, trabajar afanosamente para Art: virtue, skill, cleverness in elaborating something hacer visible 10 que esta enterrado, crear 10 inesperado material and/or immaterial. To shape, work diligently y 10 insolito. Ya 10 tenemos en un antiguo dicho: "Quien on making visible that which is buried, to create the tiene arte, va para toda parte." La inquietud del arte es unexpected and offbeat. We have it summed up in an old nomada, va a y para todas partes, como pregunta, como saying: "Quien tiene arte va para toda parte" (He who has puente, como conocimiento, como signo de luz y cel­ art need not despair, he shall grow and prosper every­ International Prom.otions Enterprise ebracion. where). Art's restlessness is nomadic, it goes every­ From Latin America to the USA where, as questioning, as bridge, as knowledge, as sign Yen ese rastreo siembra melodias, imagenes, historias, of light and celebration. sombras, movimientos. Pero esas semillas necesitan trabajo, formaci on, diaIogo, un terreno fertil. Cultivar Central Building,316 Essex St., Suite 415 An d in its stalkings it plants melodies I images, histories, significa habitar, construir una comunidad, buscar Lawrence, Massachusetts 01840 shadows, movements. But these seeds need work, forma­ definiciones e ideas en com1ln y ponerlas a funcionar en Ph. (508) 687-1787 tion, dialogue, fertile ground. To cultivate means to in- tat r la dura practica, donde inevitablemente evoluciona, 0 se habit, construct a community, search for common ideas 1ro. de aaarzo Marcb 1, 1990 descarta 0 se modifica. La cultura entonces, es apetura, and definitions and put them to work in daily practice, es engullir musicas, lenguas, imagenes nuevas y poner­ where inevitably they will evolve, be discarded or modified ".... de 400 aft.. : todavia "I stln FeellUdaapped". las a cocinar en nuestro sancoc:ho que se ensancha Culture is an opening up, a devouring of all kinds of Die sleato sacraestrado". continuamente. music, languages and images and putting them to stew in our ever widening sancocho. Duets with Jorge Arce and Valerie ~tephens La imagen del angel con maracas que describe Carpen­ Duos con Jor&e Arce y Valerie ~lephens tier sintetiza el mestizaje de nuestra cultura. Habria que The image of the angel with maracas that Carpentier afiadir que hoy dfa tendria una camarita de video described synthesizes our cultural mestizaje. We'd have Jorge Arce es cantante,bailarfn, educador, poeta, Jorge Arce is singer, dancer, educator, poet, musi­ Camcorder y bail ana feliz (en tennis) con sus pies to add that nowadays he'd have a little Camcorder and mUsico y actor nacido en Ponce, Puerto Rico. Es cian and actor from Puerto Rico. A graduate from the hablandole a los orishas. would be dancing (in sneakers), his feet speaking to the graduado del Conservatorio de Musica de Boston. Boston Conservatory of Music, he has been a mayor orishas. Dirigi6 el grupo "Huellas" yactualmente encabeza el figure in the Latino music scene in Massachusetts. Vayamos, pues, con nuestros angelitos maraqueros, con grupo "Humano". Ha grabado con muchos artistas, He was the leader of the group "Huellas" and cur­ arte y cultura, a todas partes. Onward then, along with our little maraca-laden angels, entre ellos "Atabal IV". Su trabajo teatral incluye su rently heads "Humano". He has recorded with many with art and culture, to beat back despair everywhere. participaci6n en el Festival Internacional de Teatro artists, among them "Atabal IV". His theater exp~ri­ de Francia, y el Festival Internacional de Teatro en ence includes performing at the World Theater Venezuela. Como bailarin ha formado parte del Festival in France and the International Theater Ballet de San Juan, La CompaiHa Maria Verona y Festival in Venezuela. As a dancer he has performed . Pisot6n. with the Ballet of San Juan, The Maria Verona I I Company and Pisot6n. ! Valerie Stephens es actriz y narradora que se ha des­ Valerie Stephens is an actress/storyteller who has Teatro Plus Cafe Teatro Plus : tacado con muchas compafifas de teatro. Hizo el rol Cafe de Harriet Tubman en la obra Santuario: e1 espfritu performed with various theater companies. She An Arte y Cultura Production~ a division of es una producci6n de Arte y Cultura~ una de Harriet Tubman con el grupo teatral Under­ played Harriet Tubman in the play Santuary: The division de I.BA en el Centro Cultural Jorge I.B.A at the Jorge Hernandez Cultural Cen­ ground Railway Theater. Actualmente esta en gira Spirit of Harriet Tubman with the Underground Hernandez~ 85 West Newton St.~ Boston~ MA ter~ 85 West Newton St.~ Boston~ MA 02118 haciendo una obra sobre el "Harlem Renaissance". Railway Theater Group with a play on the Harlem 02118 , Ha dec1amado poesfa junto con musica de jazz con Renaissance. She also performs poetry in jazz set­ personas tales como Herbie Hancock, Semenya ring, having done do with Semenya McCord, Herbie McCord y Stan Strickland. Hancock and Stan Strickland. Director: Alan West Director: Alan West Directora de Programas: Wilma Colon Program Director: Wilma Col6n Director de Educaci6n: Claudio Ragazzi Education Director: Claudio Ragazzi Canal 6/Visiones: Efrain Collado~ Director Canal6/Visiones: Efrain Collado, Director Rolando Rivera Rolando Rivera El financiamiento principal para estos pro­ Major funding for these programs has been gramas ha sido provisto por el Consejo de provided by the Massachusetts Council on Artes y Humanidades~ una agencia estatal~ la theArts and Humanities' Heritage Program~ National Endowment for the Arts~ una agen­ the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) cia federal~ y la Loteria para las artes de Jazz Program and the Boston Arts Lottery. Boston, una agencia de La ciudad. La estacion Additional support has been given by WBZ- WBZ-1V y su programa "Centro" han con­ 1V's program "Centro". tribuido a publicitar La serie.
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