View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE Siniša Bilić-Dujmušić Farska bitka The Battle of Pharos Siniša Bilić-Dujmušić Siniša Bilić-Dujmušić Hrvatsko katoličko sveučilište Catholic University of Croatia Ilica 242 Ilica 242 HR, 10000 Zagreb CROATIA, 10000 Zagreb [email protected] [email protected] UDK: 355.48(497.583Stari Grad) “-219” UDC: 355.48(497.583Stari Grad) “-219” (398Faros) (398Faros) Izvorni znanstveni članak Original scientific paper Primljeno: 30. 5. 2017. Received: 30 May 2017 Prihvaćeno: 14. 6. 2017. Accepted: 14 June 2017 Autor rekonstruira bitku koju je 219. g. pr. Kr. rim- The author reconstructs the battle waged in 219 BC ski konzul Lucije Emilije Paulo vodio protiv Deme- by Roman Consul Lucius Aemilius Paullus against trija Farskog nedaleko od grada Fara. Analizom Poli- Demetrius of Pharos near the settlement of Pharos. bijevih podataka i osvrtom na dosadašnju znanstvenu Based on an analysis of the data from Polybius and literaturu nastoji definirati slijed vojne operacije i a review of the previous scholarly literature, he at- smjestiti je na konkretan teren. Bojno polje smješta tempts to define the sequence of military operations na poluotok Kabal, a odlučnom uzvisinom smatra 50- and place them in specific locations. The battlefield 70 m visok greben koji se proteže približno sredinom was located on the Kabal Peninsula, and the 50-70 m ovog poluotoka, te rekonstruira bitku na tom položa- high ridge that extends roughly down the middle of ju. the peninsula is deemed the decisive high ground; the Razmatra posljedice koje je za Rim imao ovaj su- battle at that position is reconstructed. kob, a implicira ih Polibije, kao i posljedice za druge The repercussions this conflict had for Rome, as uključene strane. implied by Polybius, are considered, as are the conse- U mjeri u kojoj je to trenutno moguće, a na ne- quences for the other involved parties. kim mjestima i više od toga, ovaj rad će nastojati re- To the extent that it is currently feasible, and at konstruirati bitku koja se godine 219. pr. Kr. odigrala some points even beyond this, the work shall constitute 327 VAHD 110-1, 2017, 327-376 nedaleko od današnjega Staroga Grada na otoku Hva- an attempt to reconstruct the battle which was waged ru. Ta je bitka okončala doba najvećeg političkog not far from today’s town of Stari Grad on the island prosperiteta toga grada i njegov položaj glavnoga gra- of Hvar in 219 BC. This battle ended the era of the da države puno veće od grčkog polisa, čiji se utjecaj town’s greatest political prosperity and its status as prostirao preko Pelješca i Boke kotorske sve do dubo- the capital of a state much larger than a Greek po- ko u albanske planine.1 lis, with a sphere of influence extending across the Pelješac Peninsula and Boka Kotarska and deep into Ključne riječi: Far, Farska bitka, Emilije Paulo, the mountains of today’s Albania.1 Demetrije Farski, Ilirski ratovi Key Words: Pharos, Battle of Pharos, Aemilius Paullus, Demetrius of Pharos, Illyrian wars * Dedicated to Branko Kirigin. Magistro et amico libens, * Branku Kiriginu. Magistro et amico libens, merito merito 1 Jednako kao što je kasnije haranje Omišana u toj mjeri 1 Just as the later raids of Omiš pirates devastated Stari razorilo Stari Grad da je otočno središte premješteno u Grad so much that the island’s main settlement was Hvar: Skok 1950, str. 182. moved to the town of Hvar: Skok 1950, p. 182. 328 Siniša Bilić-Dujmušić, Farska bitka The Battle of Pharos Izvori Sources O problemima koje nam predstavljaju izvori o boju I have already written previously about the prob- pod Farom godine 219. pr. Kr. već smo ranije pisali.2 lems presented by the sources on the Battle at Pharos Zato ću na ovome mjestu samo sumirati problematiku in 219 BC.2So here I shall only summarize the prob- i naglasiti neke točke koje nisu bile zanimljive za te- lems and stress certain points that were not pertinent matiku ranijeg rada. to the topic of that earlier work. Drugi ilirski rat bio je prilično značajan događaj The Second Illyrian War was a rather significant u okvirima rimske povijesti 3. st. pr. Kr. i na ovaj ili event within the framework of Roman history in the onaj način spominje ga velik broj antičkih autora. No 3rd century BC, and it was mentioned in one way or njihove su bilješke o tome vrlo kratke, sabijene i ne another by numerous Classical writers. But their nota- donose puno detalja. Naime, ovaj rimski pohod u Ja- tions on it are very brief, terse and lacking in detail. dranu odigrao se simultano s izbijanjem sukoba protiv That is because this Roman push into the Adriatic pro- Hanibala na drugom kraju Sredozemlja, pa je manje ceeded at the same time as the outbreak of the conflict dramatičan obračun s Demetrijem Farskim nužno pao with Hannibal on the other side of the Mediterranean, u sjenu daleko veće i značajnije priče. Nažalost, naj- so the less dramatic confrontation with Demetrius of izdašniji izvor za koji znamo da je postojao, 20. knji- Pharos was necessarily overshadowed by a far greater ga Livijeva mega-djela Ab urbe condita, nije do nas and more important story. Unfortunately, the most ex- preživjela. Kratka bilješka koju donose sačuvane Pe- tensive source known to have existed, the twentieth riochae potpuno je neinformativna: Iliri su se ponovo book of Livy’s monumental work Ab urbe condita,has pobunili, ali su svladani. Njihova predaja bila je pri- not survived to this day. The short note contained in hvaćena.3 Za povijest naših krajeva uvijek neizbježni the preserved Periochae is entirely uninformative: Apijan donosi priču koju je malo teže uskladiti s kro- “The Illyrians revolted again, but were subdued. nologijom drugih izvora. Po njemu je Demetrije isko- Their surrender was accepted.”3 Appian, always un- ristio rimsku zauzetost ratom protiv Gala u Padskoj avoidable for the history of the lands that would later nizini i u savezu s Histrima počeo gusariti. Nakon što become Croatia, recounted a story that is difficult to ga je rimska flota svladala, pobjegao je u Makedoniju, align with the chronology of other sources. According ali se ubrzo vratio gusarenju u Jadranu pa su ga Ri- to him, Demetrius exploited the Roman preoccupa- mljani ubili i razorili njegov rodni grad Far koji je s tion with its war against the Gauls in the Po valley to njim bio povezan u zločinu.4 Po Apijanu, dakle, farska begin engaging in piracy together with the Histrians. bitka ne bi uopće spadala među događaje Drugog ilir- After the Roman fleet overcame him, he fled to Mace- skog rata, već se dogodila u nekom nespecificiranom donia, but soon returned to piracy on the Adriatic, so vremenu Demetrijeva povratka.5 that the Romans killed him and razed his native town Dion Kasije donosi nešto širu priču, ali ona stvara of Pharos, which was complicit in his crimes.4 So ac- više problema nego što ih rješava. Demetrije je, po cording to Appian, the Battle of Pharos was not even Dionu, zloupotrebljavao prijateljstvo s Rimljanima da among the events of the Second Illyrian War, rather bi napadao susjedna plemena, a kada su ga zbog toga it happened during the unspecified time when Dem- konzuli Emilije Paulo i Marko Livije pozvali preda se, etrius had returned.5 nije se odazvao, već je nastavio s napadima. Nato su Cassius Dio provided a somewhat broader story, konzuli pokrenuli vojsku na njega i napali ga na oto- but it creates more problems than it solves. Dem- ku Visu, jer su saznali da se ondje usidrio sa svojom etrius, according to Dio, misused his friendship with flotom. Poslali su mali dio rimskih brodova na drugu the Romans in order to attack neighbouring tribes, stranu otoka, a nakon što su se Iliri otisnuli kako bi and when the consuls Aemilius Paullus and Marcus napali taj laki plijen, rimska flota je neometano uplo- Livius called on him to surrender, he did not respond, vila na položaj ilirskog sidrišta i ondje postavila logor. but rather continued his raids. The consuls then sent Domorodci, bijesni što su prevareni, napali su rimski their armies against him and they attacked him on the logor, ali su odbijeni. Nakon tog poraza Demetrije island of Vis, because they learned that he had berthed 2 Bilić-Dujmušić, Milivojević 2014, str. 34-42. 2 Bilić-Dujmušić, Milivojević 2014, pp. 34-42. 3 Liv. Per., 20.13. 3 Liv. Per., 20.13. 4 App. Illyr., 8. 4 App. Illyr., 8. 5 Za detaljnu analizu Apijanove ilirske knjige vidi Do- 5 For a detailed analysis of Appian’s Illyrian book, see biáš 1930, te najnovije Šašel Kos 2005, posebno str. Dobiáš 1930, and the latest by Šašel Kos 2005, esp. pp. 267-279. 267-279. 329 VAHD 110-1, 2017, 327-376 bježi za Far, a rimska flota ga slijedi i zauzima grad, there with his fleet. They sent a small contingent of ali tek nakon što je Demetrije uspio pobjeći makedon- Roman vessels to the other side of the island, and af- skom kralju Filipu. Ovaj odbija Demetrija izručiti Ri- ter the Illyrians set off to attack this easy prey, the mljanima, no kad se Demetrije poslije vratio u Iliriju, Roman fleet sailed into the Illyrian anchorage unim- Rimljani ga uspiju zarobiti te ga pogubiše.6 peded and set up camp there. The natives, infuriated Ovu je priču teško pomiriti s onom Polibijevom at the deception, assaulted the Roman camp, but were (vidi dalje): ako čak i dopustimo mogućnost da je De- repelled. After this defeat, Demetrius fled to Pharos, metrije zagospodario Visom pa rimski napad pričekao but the Roman fleet followed him and occupied the usidren u nekoj viškoj uvali i da se neka bitka ondje town, albeit only after Demetrius had managed to es- odigrala, teško je prihvatiti da bi rimski konzul De- cape to the court of Macedonian King Phillip.
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