Salado Villageillage Voiceoice VOL. XLII, NUMBER 4 VTHURSDAY, MAY 9, 2019 254/947-5321 V SALADOviLLAGEVOICE.COM 50¢ Amy McLane Jeff Kelley McLane, Kelley given nod on SISD, Preston-Dankert, Cole, Bell on BoA Jeff Kelley was re-elected to the Salado ISD Board of Trustees on May 4. He will be joined by Amy McLane in an election that had a very low overall voter turnout. For the third time in a decade, Salado Creek flowed over the Main Street bridge after Salado received about six inches Amy McLane led the of rain overnight of May 2-3. The bridge was shut down for most of the morning on May 3 until debris could be cleaned field of three candidates for up from it. (PHOTO BY MARILYN FLEISCHER) the Salado ISD Board of Trustees, receiving a total of 497 votes. She received 275 votes in early voting and 222 votes on election day. Amber Preston-Dankert Flood of 2019 Jeff Kelley was re-elected with 420 votes. He received 248 votes in early balloting Salado Creek flows over Main St. and 172 votes on May 4. Brand Webb received a total of 296 votes: 151 votes Bridge, more rains expected this week in early voting and 146 votes For the third time in less on election day. than a decade, Salado Creek The trustees will be got over the Main Street sworn in at 6 p.m. May 13 bridge as the area received during the regular school about six inches of rain over- board meeting. night of May 2-3. Prior to the meeting, a Residents in the south- reception will be held to John Cole western portion of the Sala- honor Darrell Street, who do Creek watershed reported has served on the Salado that the creek also got over ISD Board of Trustees for the high bridge at FM 2843 15 years and announced he (Florence Rd.). would not seek re-election The Salado Creek gauge this year. The reception will of the US Geological Ser- be 5:15-6 p.m. May 13 at the vices reported that Salado Salado Civic Center to honor Creek (downstream from Street. Main Street Bridge) showed Amber Preston-Dankert a maximum of 18,000 cubic led the four-person race for feet per second discharge (PHOTO BY ROYCE WIGGIN) three two-year terms on the and had a maximum height The low water crossing in Mill Creek was closed until May 7 after heavy rains last week. Village of Salado Board of of more than 12 feet. The The golf course reopened this week after crews cleaned up debris. SEE ELECtiON, PAGE 5A Rodney W. Bell SEE FLOODinG, PAGE 5A Work begins on $5.2M Main St. job BY TIM FLEISCHER will also be upgraded and EDitOR-in-CHIEF replaced. Additionally, the project Work began May 6 on will also include sidewalks, Main Street by placing de- bike paths and street light- bris barriers for the first ing and pavement upgrades phases of the year-long proj- at various locations within ect. the project area of 0.98 mile Capital Excavation, the on Main Street from Salado contractor for the $5.2 mil- Plaza Dr. to College Hill Dr. lion project that will replace north end. the Main Street bridge over TxDOT officials met Campbell Branch (near the with Saladoans at a Town intersection of Rock Creek Hall meeting on May 1 that Dr.) with a wider, longer, was announced 26 hours be- concrete bridge that meets fore the event. current roadway safety and “I have had personal ex- design specifications. The perience with the contractor approaches to the structure SEE MAin STREET, PAGE 6A Is Emergency Services District headed to ballot? BY TIM FLEISCHER more than 1,000 calls.” would reduce response time The Texas Constitution Part of that petition must 48.e. of the Legislative EDitOR-in-CHIEF The help needed for the in the 100 square mile area allows for the creation of contain a legal description Code, Emergency Services fire department may require that the SVFD serves. These Emergency Services District of the boundaries of the pro- Districts may levy a tax rate The Salado Volunteer some full-time positions to firefighters would be sup- under Chapter 775 of the posed Emergency Services of no more than 10 cents per Fire Department needs more be manned at the fire station. ported and supplemented by Health and Safety Code. District. The Subchapter B $100 of property value in help. Currently, the fire depart- the volunteers who remain Subchapter B states: “Be- further states that “(a-1) A their district. Salado Fire Chief Shane ment is manned by all vol- on the call. fore a district located wholly statement that the boundaries The Salado VFD service Berrier mentioned this to unteers who leave home or This will require the for- in one county may be cre- of the district are coexten- area is 115 square miles and Salado aldermen during his work at any hour of the day mation and support of an ated, the county judge of that sive with the boundaries of is larger than the Salado ISD monthly report on May 2. or night whenever the call Emergency Services District, county must receive a peti- another political subdivision, boundaries. “Last year we responded has been issued through the which could be approved by tion signed by at least 100 as those boundaries exist on The total taxable values to more than 900 calls,” Ber- county 911 system. voters if put on a ballot for qualified voters who own a particular date, is a suffi- for Salado ISD in 2018 were rier said, adding that this Having professional fire- one of the general election taxable real property in the cient legal description.” $877,377,668. The prelimi- year “we will respond to fighters man the fire station dates in November or May. proposed district.” According to Section SEE ESD, PAGE 6A Page 2A, SALADO Village Voice, May 9, 2019 FORUM An Open Exchange of Ideas Thanks Darrell for 15 years of service to Salado students This past Saturday, Jeff Kelley was re-elected for his fifth term as a school Superintendent’s board member. Amy Mc- Unemployment lowest in past Lane was elected to her Corner first term as a school board half-century; US may be near member. They will both by Dr. Michael Novotny take the oath of office at our school board meeting on end-game of expansion Monday, May 13, at 6 p.m. In 2014, Darrell and his Amy McLane will be wife, Maudie, were recipi- The Markets ents of the Bayleigh Eliza- The S&P 500 Stock In- replacing Darrell Street, Market & Economic who did not run for re-elec- beth Ringo Outstanding Ea- dex (SPX) eked out a mere gle Fan Award. They have 0.20% gain for the week tion. Darrell has been a Update been faithful members of the ending May 3 at 2945.64 school board member for 15 Salado First Baptist Church despite some very positive years, which is believed to By Jeffrey W. McClure for over 20 years. Darrell economic news on the em- have been the longest term has also been a member of ployment situation. That served by any school board the Salado Masonic Lodge lack of enthusiastic reaction accelerate and that growth against online prices in- member in the history of for over 40 years. may be a result of the Index of spendable money has led stantly. That lack of pricing our school district. Darrell was also elected being up a whopping 17.5% to inflation as people have ability has led stores to hold We are going to have a Darrell Street so far this year with trad- more money to spend on a wages down and forced reception this coming Mon- to serve three three-year ers being a little frightened limited number of products suppliers to do the same. day, May 13, at 5:15 p.m. terms as a city council mem- of that number. From last and services. Consumer Compounding the issue, the at the Salado Civic Center, dents during that time: Rob- ber in Boerne. Thus, Dar- year at this time, the SPX spending, which composes rising dollar has effective- located at 601 North Main in Battershell, Bob Denton, rell was elected eight times has risen a very respectable about 2/3 of the economy, ly cut prices on imported Street, to recognize Darrell Billy Wiggins and myself. (five in Salado and three in 10.6%. The word on the rose 1.2% in the first quar- consumer items and many Street for his service to our Darrell also served as the Boerne) and he never lost an street continues to be that ter, which equates to about parts on U.S. manufactured school district and our com- school board president from election. the continued good news on a 4.9% annualized rate. An goods. Supporting that ar- munity. All students, par- 2009 until 2011. Darrell Street is an out- the U.S. – China trade talks interesting blip occurred in gument is the fact that local ents, employees, and com- Our school district’s standing member of our is driving the gains, but they April that may be an anom- services prices for things munity members are invited enrollment has increased school board and our com- are tempered until the final aly or a marker of things to like plumbing and home re- to attend. from 960 students to 1,944 munity. Join us this Monday, deal is done and announced.
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