CTilW tiiii iTinn V f RIDAT, JANtTABT tS. liM# jSatirtofltifr See That the **Mile of Dimes** Gets Good Start Today employees of the Pioneer Para­ cal Red CroM Is working with the ' chute Company have signed w Hartford Service to try to get the Manchester Blood Donors give blood, and Manchester CTap- new mobile unit hers to take care Pitkin Hurt of these workers right at the fac­ The Weather ter of the Red Cross is certainly HALE'S SELF SERVE ATcragfl Doily Circalation Date Book grateful tor this fine expression of tory. They will not be able to take For tha Meath e< OeeamhOT. 16U Fniwcaat of D. 8. Weather Bnieaa Still Needed patriotism, as the government hM care of any others on that day. The Original In New England! In Accident therefore it is hoped people who <fte Mm n U f eannlttM t t th« ToU ght Just asked for 2,000,000 more pints - ehib wfll Bi«*t to- o f blood for the armed forces. can go to Hartford will make ap­ 7 ,8 5 8 end tonight; Zoning Board of Appeals, Muni­ pointments for January 27. CMl a t aUfiA o^doek at the bom« Manchester Day in Hart­ Due to the fact that many of the Moftbar a t the Aadlt Road Foreman's Arm cipal building at 8. i Red Cross headquartera *pboae Now, As Never Before, It Pays ^naflk* IW Waat Oan* Tomorrow workers at the Pioneer would be ford Next Wednesday!^ unable to get to Hartford, the lo­ 6637. Don’t delay! Barma at OhrnahrtlDfta And Hand Is Caught Opening Mile of Dimes cam- Manchester-^A City of VUlage Charm p a l^ . Want Volunteers. To Shop The Self Serve Way! i v ABHWD7 F. DaCtantla who « » - In Loading Machine. Monday, January 25 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE TH R EE CENTS aitodtattw V. ■. Anny «* f*®® Special Town meeting at High Manchester Day at the Hartford No Telephone Orders — No Delivery. (Olaeelfled AdvertMag ea Page U ) MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, JANUARY 28,1948 • 1 M& yia ia lao tart at Pattar* WUllam C. Pitkin of 54 Pitkin school auditorium at 8. rOL. LX n , NO. 97 yalrflalil Ohio, haa been Blood Donor Center will be next street foreman of the town high­ Tuesday. Jaanary 28 Wednesday, January 27. Those Store Closed AH Day Mondays ^laantai ta tka rank «* >»•>■ ■•■> Joint meeting Manchester’s Ser­ a^ » - Ha waa wall kaown aa a way department, sustained a bad­ who have signed up are: Mrs. Let- During the Fuel Emergency. vice Clubs. Speaker, Rev. Dr. ty Armstrong, 11 Fairfield street; Final Clearance! ■Hat cuttar and now aeaa to it ly cut and bruised right arm sW U. S. ‘Rangers’ Tear Through ‘Nazi Village’ James Gordon Gilkey. Marion Erdin, 110 Walnut street; tta t 800 aoidtora hava their J i ^ band this morning while at work Wednesday. January 27 Miss Janet Elliott, 177 Summit Organized Enemy an tune. Ha la the aon o f Mr. British Take Tripoli in the town sand pit on Wells Manchester Day at Hartford street: Miss Helen Simpson, 60 and lira. Frank DeClantla o< 202 street Blood Bank. Pine street: Miss Ruth Mahoney, SATUkDAY SPECIALS Porter atraat. ____ Arm Caught In Belt Work on Red Cross Surgical 41 Center street; John M. Derby, Pitkin's arm was caught in the dressings at the American Legion FUR TRIMMED The Army and Navy club a»r^- 12 Vernon street: Walter Skow- Resistance Ended belt o f the sand loader while he hall between the hours of 10 a. m. sky. 42 Florence street: Gertrude tary win hold lU ra«ular maatina was applying a composition to the and 4:30 p. m. Beaulieu, 28 West Center street; As Axis Rear Guard Monday evening, January 25. at drive belt and his hand and arm Tuesday, FebruarJ t o’clock at the clubhouse, Bernice Beaulieu. 28 West Center Hale's Quality Bread were cut and ^rulsed. Annual meeting of Manchester street; Henrietta Beaulteu; 28 r a t i o n , o f the membera Is dl- In Papuan Region Red Cross Chapter. Trade School West Center street; Bcmlce Ly- Mcted to the change of iweting N o Bones Broken auditorium at 7:30. dall, 31 Strong street; Mrs. Eliza­ Is Now Unsliced. It Will Keep Longer. AI- night from the last Thuivday of He was rushed to Memorisl Monday, Marrh 1 beth Stone. 107 Holl street: Mrs. DRESS hospital whers emergency treat­ ^ month to the last Monday of "Rublnoff and His Violin.” at ways Fresh — Always the Same! Loaf Overwhelmed Today ment was given. Examination dis­ Vera Weller, 87 Church street; Last Two Remaining the month. High School hall. Auspices Man­ closed that there were no bonee William Sacherek. 12 Cottage Hog Sales chester Klwanis Club. Pockets Wiped Out by Otoup No. IMS, Polish National broken but the arm and hand street: Miss Betty Tappan. 128 Campfield road: Miss Mary Mulca- Hale’s Large Size AlU uce. will hold a special meet­ were painfully cut and bruised. Victorious American Take Possession o f ing Saturday. January 23 at T;30 His physician said that he would hay. Deming street; Mrs. Rachel Fall Below Symonds, Victory House, Arch Tripoli’s Fall Ban Placed p. m. at T7 North street. All remain in the hoepital for several To Ask Changes Coffee Cakes Each 17e And Australian Units; Burning City at 5 a. m. members are urged to attend. days. street. There are plenty of appoint­ Group Northwesf of Hopes Set As Enemy Moves to In Zoning Rules ments still open and it la hoped Hale’s Large Ends Dream Upon Small Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Allen Sananada Falls Last. mwwn n V West After Fierce Bat- a t East Middle Turnpike an­ more people will register to give But 20 Days Yet b lo ^ in Hartford on that day. nounced today two events In their Reg. $65 Coats Problem of Supplying Milk Sales tling; Fall Seen.Com- tem lly: a eon. Richard Burton, The Zoning Board of Appeals Patriotic Oeeture Jelly Doughnuts or Somewhere in New Guinea, O f Empire Tw o hundred and twenty-seven bom January 20 at the Windham For Old Age Tax win give hearings tonight on two NOW ........... $ 5 5 - 0 0 Jan. 23.— (fl*) — Organized Military and Lend ---- I pleting Destruction Ooftmunlty. hospital, to Mr. and applications for changes in the Doz. Japanese resistance in Papua O f Italian Empire Mrs. Lawrence Allen of South zoning rules. One application Crullers Leone Needs Upset by Latest Order Eliminates ended at 2:05 p. m., local Last Symbol of Desert Ooventry. Mrs. Allen wss the Town Tax Collector today advis­ comes from Cottage Homes, Inc., In African Areas. Ceresota time, yesterday when the last Scant Marketings. Home Delivery and former Miss Barbara Carpenter ed local Old Age Assistance tax asking tor permission 6> build the Diice Tried to Build o f that place. The baby is the verandas on houses in -Woodridge OLD Reg. $59.95 Coats two remaining pockets of an Store Sales in Pint and eiigibles that due to the closing of 24'/i*Lb. Bag Into Great Italian London, Jan, 23,'^fl’)— , Sist grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. tract nearer the street line than $1.19 enemy which once num ber^ 'Washington, Jan. 23.— (iP) the Municipal Building on Satur­ NOW ............... $49-95 Flour The conquering British Allen. Their younger son. Wal­ the rules allow In a residential A RECORDS Half Pint BoUles. 15,000 were wiped out by vic­ Food production officials disclosed Domain Is Captured. ter. who Uvea In Meriden, married days in conformity with fuel con­ zone. There are 117 building lots .Must be tamed In tor sel­ ighth Army wrested Tripoli torious American and Aus- today that the problem of supply­ M iu Althea Wessman of that city. servation plana, there now re­ In this tract. vage If you want to keep Heinz Washington. Jan. 23—(/Pi— A d ­ I'rom the Axis today and the The ceremony was performed In mains but 20 days for the pay­ The other application comes plaJing the new ones. traUain forces. The last fall was ing military and lend-lease re­ By The Associated Press ditional revisions in the establish­ onquest of Premier Musso- Westminster Church, Canterbury, ment of OAA taxes. Immediate from Oak Hill, Inc., and permis­ 2 i/}0 each paid tor old rec­ Reg. $45 Coats a group of Japs on the coast quirements of porK Is complicated The fall of Tripoli marks the DaoeBiber 28. payment now of OAA taxes will sion Is asked to convert buildings ords Irrespective of quantity. Baby Food 3 Cans 25c Borthweet o f Szutananda. A t­ by "disappointing” marketings of shattering of another lUlian ed methods of marketing and dis­ ini’s African empire, which eliminate a penalty later for non­ located in the rear of 95 Forest NOW .......... $35-00 tacked in the early morning by hogs during the past three tributing food appeared imminent rime Minister Churchill dream for the restoration of a vast Pvt. George R. Delany, son o f Australians, the enemy resisted payment, Mr. Nelson stated. street, formerly the R. O. Cheney months. today as the government pressed a pledged in 1941 would be Mrs. Mary Delany of 22 Haw- bam, into-one two room and one KEMP'S Sngmr Heart bitterly but withdrew a short dis­ Farmer sales of hogs for Roman empire. A il offices in the Municipal For Tripoli—the ancient OEA of search for new economies in con­ tbome street, haa been transferred building.
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