www.ukrweekly.com APOSTOLIC DELEGATE INSTALLS METROPOLITAN SENYSHYN UCCA Inaugurates Pre-Convention UNA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE IN PHILADELPHIA Program of Action .DS CONFERENCE TWO UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC BISHOPS ABE CONSECRATED NEW YORK, N.Y. (UCCA,. 6) An intensive study of At the monthly meeting of the U.S. State Department policy PHILADELPHIA. Pa.. Oc­ian Catholic Eparchy of Stam­ Executive Board of the U- toward the Soviet Union and tober 26 (Special). — Biehop ford, and Bishop Isidore Bo- kniwnan Congress Committee the captive non-Russian na­ Ambrose Senyshyn, OSBM. retsky. of Toronto's Ukrainian of America which took place tions in the U.S.S.R. with a Exarch of Stamford, was in­Catholic Eparchy. Archbishop on October 6, 1961. in Newvie w toward determining what stalled today aa Archbishop John J. Krol represented the York City. Dr. Lev E. Dobrian- factors are responsible for Metropolitan for the Ukrainian Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Sky. Chairman of the UCCA. shaping this policy; Catholic Archeparch (Arch­ Philadelphia at the ceremonies. presented a 12-Point Program 7) Campaign for a full-scale diocese) of Philadelphia, and of activities for the coming investigation of Russian colo­ two Ukrainian Catholic bishops. Solicitude of the Holy Father year of 1962 for discussion and nialism at the forum of the Bishop Jaroalav Gabro and For Ukrainians approval by the UCCA Execu­ United Nations through spe­ Bishop Augustine Eugene Hor- tive Board. After a thorough cial efforts, interviews with T nyak, were consecrated for two After the termination of the and all-embracing discussion. l .X. delegations, and contact Ukrainian dioceses—the one.re- church ceremonies, a special the Program was adopted and; with influential American pub- cently formed in .Chicago, and banquet was held at the Shera­ approved. It was also unantm-, He figures; the one in England and Wales, ton Hotel, which several hun­ ously decided that all UCCA! 8) Further campaign for the respectively. dred honored guests attended, Branches and Member Organi-1 ratification by the U.S. Senate Members of the Executive Committee at a Conference held on The triple ceremony was per­ among them many Bishops, the .xntions be notified of the Pro-! of the Genocide Convention, so Friday, October 27, at the UNA offices in Jersey City. The above formed by the Most Rev. clergy and representatives of gram and begin implementing! that the crimes of the Soviet picture was taken with a newly-purchased "POLEROID 900й Egidio Vagnoizi. Apostolic Del­ central Ukrainian American or­ it as soon ав possible. government, such as were per-1 camera. With this rapid camera SVOBODA is capable of pub- egate to the United States, rep­ ganizations. The 12-Point Program of the petrated in connection with the lishing its own pictures 15 minutes after they are taken. Seated resenting Pope John ХХІП, The principal speaker at the activities of the UCCA en- destruction of the Ukrainian] from left to right are: Supreme Secretary of the UNA, Dr. who made the three appoint­ banquet was the Most Rev. compassee the following: Orthodox Church, the Ukrain­ -Jaroslau Padoch, Supreme Vice-President Stephen Kuropas, Su­ ments on August 14, 1961. The "Edigio Vagnozzi who congratu­ 1) An intensive fund drive ian Catholic Church and the U- preme Treasurer Roman Slobodian and Supreme President services of installation and lated the newly-inetalled Arch­ for the purpose of collecting krainian Insurgent Army і Joseph Lesawyer. consecration, amidst Eastern bishop Metropolitan Senyshyn $100.000 in the fiscal year of (UPA) be brought up for in­ Rite splendor and pageantry, and the newly-consecrated 1961-1962; ternational judgment and con­ JERSEY CITY. N.J. — On was not able to attend the took place at the Ukrainian Bishop Gabro and Bishop Hor- 2) Consolidation and solidi- demnation ; Friday, Oct. 27, the Supreme meeting. Catholic Cathedral of the Im­ nyak. He said that His Holiness cation of the UCCA by 9) Further campaign for Executive Committee of the The main order of business maculate Conception, on North Pope John XXIII has lone; been strengthening its apparatus Shevchenko memorial funds at the meeting was the mat­ Franklin Street. associated with the Eastern and effective lines of communi­ and the final selection of the Ukrainian National Asa'n held ter of new investments, espe­ Archbishop Metropolitan Am­ Rite churches, especially dur­ cations between its Executive site for the monument in a regular meeting in the main cially mortgage loans in the brose Senyshyn, formerly Bish­ ing his appointments as Papal Board and its Branches Washington. D.C.; UNA office presided over by Jo-, United States and Canada, the op of the Ukrainian Catholic Nuncio in Bulgaria and Turkey. and its Member Organizations 10) Expansion and strength­ seph Lesawyer. Supreme Presi- business of the pre-convention Eparchy of Stamford, was in­ He further stressed that Pope throughout the country; ening of UCCA publications. dent of the UNA. organizational campaign and stalled as head of the Ukrain­ John XXIII is keenly interested 3) Continued campaign for The Ukrainian Quarterly and Other officers of the UNAals o publishing and administra­ ian Catholic Archeparchy, suc­ in the unity of all Christian the issuance of a "Shevchenko The Ukrainian Bulletin, taking part in the conference tion problems. ceeding the .late Metropolitan churches, and he knows of the Champion of Liberty"- stamp The main subject of the con­ through -massive' support to be Were the Supreme Vice-Presi­ ConstatitiUe Bohachevsky, who persecution and martyrdom of by , the U.S. Government. In provided' by UCCA Branches, ference was the organizational 1 dent Stephen Kuropas. Su­ died in January, І961. the Ukrainian Catholic Church t£ie campaign all UCCA Member Organizations' and its campaign, which in the last few behind the Iron Curtain. He Branches and Member Organi­ entire membership; preme Secretary Dr. Jaroslaw months has brought the mem- repeated his Papal benediction New Ukrainian. Catholic HIS EXCELLENCY AMBROSE SENYSHYN, QSBJtt, zations,; as well as individual 11) Successful'^termination Padoch, Supreme Treasurer • beiship total to 80,000. Special Eparchy In" Chicago to all those present and con­ Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Catholic Church members and contributors to of а special project, namely, Roman Slobodian and also the awards, which will be presented cluded: in the United States, t^e, Ukrainian National Fund, the publication of an unbiased Editor-in-Chief of Svoboda, A. to all those making better Bishop Jaroslav Gabro, for­ "Let God bless yon, your are expected to play a far more History of the Russian Em­ Dragan. Mrs. Anna Herman, і achievements in recruiting new merly apastotfe' Perth A,mboy, Bishops, and all your Ukrain­ actjve role than heretofore; pire in the English language the Supreme Vice-Presidentess, | members, were also discussed- N.J., Is'the secbnd American ian people so that they can tfttttj h- sustained campaign by by a prominent-American'uni­ 1 &ST ORAL lit» ІШ шМ&К$я>іі(&?* *п*М*щ- versity press or » VtfibWn pub- METROPOLITAN per,,. Organizations for the im-liahfng house: •• ty. Re (Cyther prelates .who. :?pqke at g 1 glementatiop of H. Res. 211 12) Intensive-' ' preparations krainian itholic Eparchy of the banquet were Metropolitan At the occasion of the installation of His ЕхссЩпсі/'. JOHN THEODOROVICH ,(Flood Resolution calling for for the 1962 Convention of the Chicago, to 9rphrace iail states Senyshyn, Bishops Gabro- and The Most Reverend BiShpp Ambrose Senyshyn, OSBM ( the establishment of a SpeciaJ UCCA. which is scheduled to be CELEBRATES 40TH ANNIVERSARY west of Ohio,'previously'in the Hdfnyak and Archbishop John As Metropolitan of the Archxpccscof Philadelphia J: Krol of Philadelphia. Bishop Committee on the Captive Na­ held on November 12; 13 and Philadelphia <Aecheparchy. For IJkrainian Catholics in the United States of America On Sunday, November 5, the In the capacity of Chaplain of Joseph Schmondiuk was muster tions in the House of Represen­ 14, 1962, in'NeW York City. Bishop Augustine' Horn yak, Cathedral Parish of Saint several divisions at different of ceremonies and he addressed * THE MOST REVEREND AMBROSE SENYSHYN, OSBM tatives) I All these points will be born to<Yugoslavia of Ukrain­ Vladimir's in Philadelphia will times during the period from the guests in both English and 5.) Early planning of the elaborated Upon separately by ian parenta, was* formerly su­ By ОіиІ'а Oracr ajffj the Blrnsivp of the Apr»*toUr Set, htonor the spiritual leader of 1917 to 1919. Ukrainian. Captive Nations Week celebra­ the Executive Board of the perior of St. Josaphat's Monas­ Archbishop of Philadelphia mut MetrojtolittiH the Ukrainian Orthodox] When the Bolshevik Army Among some 31 Archbishops tions in. 1962 with a view' UCCA and presented to all tery in Glen Cove, L.I. He will for Ukrainian Catholics- of thn t/nifuf Stntea " ChurCh. His Eminence Metro-1 driven back by the Ukrain and Bishops of both the Roman toward having the vast par­ UCCA Branches and Member was be Auxiliary to. James Cardinal of America politan John, on his 40 years of j f j ti Ukrain- Catholic and Byzantine Rites ticipation of American organi­ Organizations for implementa­ an8i a rec anc na vc Godfrey of England and will archpastoral service to the j Church was revived on the were Metropolitan Maxime Her- zations, public officials, press tion. ian serve over 20.000 Ukrainian To the Very Reverend and Reverend Clergy Mother Church of Ukraine. Hiaj Ukrainian lands. His Eminence maniuk of Winnipeg, head of and TV support; Catholics who live in England The Religious and the Faithful of the United States of America. Eminence will celebrate Ponti-. i ted Bishop of the U- the Ukrainian Catholic Church was 0 ec and Wales. Peace in the Lord and Episcopal Blessing! Anna Chopek Appointed Assistant fical Divine Liturgy in the in Canada, and Bishops Elko krainian Autocephalous Or­ Serving as co-consecrators "CHRIST IS OUR STRENGTH" were Biehop Joseph Schmon- and Kocisko of the Pittsburgh morning.
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