Small Chronological Compendium of Indian and Tibetan Buddhist Masters

Small Chronological Compendium of Indian and Tibetan Buddhist Masters

CHRONOLOGY Small Chronological compendium of Indian and Tibetan Buddhist Masters Compiled by Konchog Tendzin (M. Ricard) Shechen Monastery, Nepal This document contains the dates of some 1300 spiritual masters and scholars of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, together with a small number of dates of masters from India and other cultures. I gathered these data through reading texts over the years for my own use. This compilation is by no means a systematic work of research, but since it might be useful to others, I am glad to make it available to anyone who might be interested. Any addition or corrections are welcomed! Ce document contient les dates d’un peu plus de 1300 maîtres spirituels et grands érudits du bouddhisme tibétain avec un petit nombre de dates de maître de l’Inde et de penseurs d’autres pays. J’ai rassemblé ces données historiques au fil de mes lectures sans autre but que de constituer un compendium chronologique facilement consultable. Bien qu’il ne s’agisse nullement d’une recherche systématique, cette compilation peut s’avérer utile à d’autres et je suis donc heureux de la mettre à disposition de ceux qui cela peut intéresser. Toutes les corrections et additions sont bienvenues! SOURCES BA Blue Annals BU Butön bu ston RA Red Annals KG mkhas pa'i dga' ston DU Dudjom Rinpoche KS Khetsun Sangpo, Biographical Dictionary of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism, 12 vol. GS Gene Smith TA Tarthang Tulku TS Tshig mdzod chen mo Tenzin Palbar (bstan 'dzin dpal 'bar): nga'i pha yul gyi ya nga ba'i lo rgyus (The Tragedy of My Homeland). Dharamsala. Narthang Publications, 1994. And many others… India and others: ----- Lord Buddha: 961-881 BC According to Butön (bu ston) 624-544 According to Theravadin tradition 569-489 Assuming that King Ashoka reigned 100 years after the Buddha's Parinirvana 451-371 Assuming that King Ashoka reigned 218 years after the Buddha's parinirvana 483-403 Calculation based on the "dotted record" of Vinaya texts. 463-383 Japanese scholars' calculations based on CHRONOLOGY Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chinese texts Confucius: 551-479 BC Rajagriha Council: 483 BC Mauryan Empire: 320-187 BC, Buddhism flourishes throughout India, and up to Afghanistan. Reign of King Ashoka: 268-232 or 272-236 BC Second Council at Vaisali: 100 years after L. Buddha's parinirvana Nagasena: 200 ? King Pusyamitra, of the Sunga dynasty, persecutes Buddhists: 187-? BC Reign of Greek Buddhist King Menander (Milinda): 163-115 BC King Kanishka's Council of the Sarvastivadins: 147 or 78 BC Pali Tripitaka first written down: 80 BC Buddhism enters China: 100s AD Nagarjuna: some sources say he was born in 482 B.C, other in 212 B.C. According to mahayana scriptures he was born 1200 years after the Buddha's parinirvana. Travels of Fa-Hsien: 399-414 King Nyatri Tsenpo ascends the throne as first King of Tibet: 374 Lhathori Nyentsen: 374-494 In 433, brings the first Buddhist scriptures to TibetBuddhism enters Japan: 550 Boddhidharma: 526 Bhavavika (legs ldan 'byed): 400s Asanga (thogs med), Buddhapalita, Vasubandhu (dbyig gnyen) Dignaga (phyogs glang), Aryadeva ('phag pa lha): 500s. Silabhadra: 6th/700s Dharmakirti: ca.600-ca.660 Chandrakirti, Vasumitra, Haribhadra, Chandragomin, Dandin: 700s ? Thomi Sambhota goes to India: 632 Hsuang-tsang's pilgrimage to India: 629-645 I-Tsing's pilgrimage to India: 671-695 Shantideva (shi ba lha): 685-763 Garab Dorje: 55 ? Songtsen Gampo (srong btsan sgam po): 609/613-650 (Richardson and Gendun Chöphel, see White Annals p.13, /Vitali, GS 617-649 /Tarthang 569-650. Songtsen founds the Rasa Trulnang Tsuklhagkhang: 641 Queen Kongjo leaves for Tibet, in 641 and meets the King in 647. Ramoche founded: 641 Gar ('gar), Songtsen's minister: ?-667 Dusong Manpo ('dus srong mang po rje): reigns 676-704 Purnavardhana (gang ba spel ba): 700s Yasomitra (rgyal po'i sras grags pa shes gnyen): 700s? King Me Agtsom (mes 'ag tshoms): reigns 704-755 Shantarakshita: 705-762 Kamalashila: fl. 713-763 Haribhadra: 900s Vanaratna, Pandita Nag Ki Rinchen (nags kyi rin chen pandita), 15th cent 2 CHRONOLOGY Ngagyur Nyingma: --------------- Trisong Detsen (khri srong lde btsan): 742-797? /718 (Butön) or 730 (in Bee kar) rules from 755 (Ehrhard) 730 (NH) Beginning of construction of Samye: 762 Se (sad) mi, mi bdun ordained: 767/ or 827 (NS) According to Khetsun Sangpo's history: Khenpo Shantarakshita consecrates the ground: 797 Khenpo lays the foundations: 798 Guru Rinpoche leaves India: 802 Guru Rinpoche reaches Samye: 809 Guru Rinpoche reconsecrates the ground at Samye: 810 Guru Rinpoche lays again the foundation stone: 811 Completion of Samye: 814 NS V.1, p.950 The seven "trial monks ordained as novices: 827 Guru Padmasambhava depart to Ngayap Ling (Chamara): 864 (NS) or 876 (Patrul, Mipham). According to NS, Vol.2 p.95: King Trisong: 730- Samye founded: 750 Guru Padmasambhava leaves Tibet: 804 King Tri Ralpachen (ral pa can): 806-836, or 866-901 (reign) /or 815-838 assassinated in 896? or 901 Persecution by Langdarma (glang dar ma): 841-846 Assassination of Langdarma (glang dar ma): 846 or 906 Namde Ösung (gnam lde 'od srungs), son of Langdarma: 907-945 or 967 according to Butön Pal Kortan (dpal 'khor btsan), son of Namde Ösung: 925- reign from 945 (967 according to Butön), assissinated in 955 ro 985 Yuthok Yonten Gonpo (g.yu thog yon tan mgon po): 729/768/785- Samye debate: 792 Mune Tsenpo (mu ne btsan po): reigns 797-800 Lopon Nyima Senge (slob dpon nyi ma seng ge): 800s Senalek (sad na legs): reigns 804-814 Jinamitra: 800s Guru Rinpoche comes to Tibet and begins the construction of Samye: 810 (NS) Ba Ratna (sba ratna), disciple of Shantarakshita: 900s Nyang Ben Tingdzin Zangpo (nyang ban ting 'dzin bzang po): 900s Nubchen Sangye Yeshe (gnubs chen sangs rgyas ye shes) : 841-? Langdarma (glang dar ma): 838-842? (reign) Lachen Gongpa Rabsel (bla chen dgongs pa rab gsal) : 892-975 or 832-915? King Tride Tsenpo: 847-877 The kingdom of Tibet desintegrates owing to internal rebellions: 929 King Gesar: 993-1080, 1038-1124 Changchup Drekol (byang chub 'bre bkol): 968-1076 3 CHRONOLOGY Panchen Smriti Shri Jnana, the last translator of the Early Translation Tradition (snga 'gyur rnying ma) :late 900s-early 1000s According to Dudjom Rinpoche, the second period of the spreading of the teachings begins: 953 Shang Nanam Dorje Wangchuk (zhang sna nam rdo rje dbang phyug): 976- Nup Yeshe Gyatso (gnubs ye shes rgya mtsho): 1000s Gyatön Lodrö Changchup (rgya ston blo gros byang chub): late 1000s Marpa Yonten Changchup (mar pa yon tan byang chub): late 1000s Nanam Tsultrim Changchup (sna nam tshul khrims byang chub): late 1000s Pang Mipham Gonpo (spang mi pham mgon po): 1000-1100s Lhatsun Changchup Ö (lha'i btsun pa byang chub 'od): 1100s Tertön Kyungpo Pel (gter ston khyung po dpal): 1100s Dangma Lhungyal (ldang ma lhun grub rgyal mtshan): 1000-1100s Chetsun Senge Wangchuk (lce btsun seng ge dbang phyug), disciple of Dangma Lhungyal: 1000-1100s Lives 125 years. Lharje Deshek Zurpoche Sakya Jungne (lha rje bde gshegs zur po che sakya 'byung gnas): 945-1012 Lachen Gongpa Rabsel and the ten men from U and Tsang began the later propagation of the teachings in Central Tibet from Kham: 958 Tertön Sangye Lama (gter ston sangs rgyas bla ma): 1000-1080 Tertön Drapa Ngonshey (gter ston grwa pa mngon shes): 1012-1090 Rongzom Pandita, Chökyi Zangpo (rong zom chos kyi bzang po): 1012-1088 Zurchun Sherap Trakpa (zur chung shes rab 'grags pa): 1014-1072 Tatön Jowo Yeshe (rta ston jo bo ye shes: 1124-? Gya Lotsawa (rgya lo tsa ba): ?-1041? Tsondru Bar (brtson 'grus 'bar): 1031-1106 Gyalse Drala Tsegyal, heir of King Gesar of Ling: 1050? Dzeng Dharmabodhi ('dzeng dharma bodhi): 1050-1136 Dum Gya Shangthrom (dum rgya zhang khrom): 1100s Tertön Lhatsun Ngönpo (gter ston lha btsun sngon po): 1100-1200s Magom Chökyi Sherap (rma sgom chos kyi shes rab): 1055-? Lharje Chenpo Drophukpa, Zur Shakya Senge (lha rje chen po 'gro phug pa shakya seng ge): 1074-1135 Gartön Zungne (mgar ston zung nge): 1074-1135 Chetön Gyanak (lce ston rgya nag), also knows as Chegom Nagpo (lce sgom nag po): 1094-1148 Gyalwa Shangtön Tashi Dorje (rgyal ba zhang ston bkra shis rdo rje), meets Chetsun Senge Wangchuk around 1123: 1097-1167 Tertön Bakhal Mukpo (gter ston ba mkhal smug po): 1200s Be Tönpa Yeshe Dorje ('bas ston pa ye shes rdo rje): 1200s. Ka Dampa Deshek, Sherap Senge (Ka dam pa bde gshegs shes rab seng ge), founder of Kathok: 1122-1192 Jobum (jo 'bum), father of Joshö (jo bshod): 1123/4-1174 Upa Shikpo (dbus pa zhig po): 1125-1195 Mal Kawachen (mal ka ba can): 1126-1211 Tsang Tön Dorje Gyaltsen, Kathok Gyaltsap I (gtsang ston rdo rj e rgyal mtshan): 1126-1216 Ngadak Nyang Ral Nyima Öser (sngags bdag nyang ral nyi ma 'od zer): 1136-1204 4 CHRONOLOGY Shikpo Dutsi (zhig po bdud rtsi): 1149-1199 Chak Lotsawa Drachom (chag lo tsa ba dgra bcom): 1153-1216 Khepa Nyima Bum (mkhas pa nyi ma 'bum), son of Gyalwa Shangtön: 1158-1213 Drikung Khenpo Dorje Tsultrim ('bri gung mkhan po rdo rje tshul khrims): -1221 Tatön Joye (rta ston jo ye), disciple of Shikpo Dutsi: 1163-1236 Rog Sherap Öd (rog shes rab 'od), son of Rog Tashi Trak (rog bkra shis grags): 1166- 1244 or 1233 Namkha Pal (nam mkha' dpal): 1170-1226 Rog Shikpo Rinchen Sherap (rog zhig po rin chen shes rab): 1171-1245 Jampa Bum, Kathok Gyaltsap II (byams pa 'bum): 1179-1252 Yonten Zung (yon tan gzungs): 1186-? Tertön Chokden Dorje (gter ston mchog ldan rdo rje): 1194-? Guru Jober (gu ru jo 'ber), nephew of Nyima Bum: 1196-1255 or 1231? Chak Lotsawa Chöje Pel (chag lo tsa ba chos rje dpal): 1197-1264 Loden (blo ldan), son of Namkha Pal: 1205-?

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